Chile's Pan American Games enter their 15th day of competition

  • last year
From Chile, journalist Eduardo Regonesi updates us on today's competitions. teleSUR
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - In Chile, the Pan American Games Santiago 2023 continue.
00:15 Eduardo Reconesi, our collaborator from Santiago,
00:18 brings us the latest details.
00:20 - Hello, good morning.
00:22 We're here at the Olympic Training Center in Santiago
00:24 on a very cold morning.
00:26 It's a holiday here in Santiago, Chile,
00:28 so we expect a lot of crowd to come here
00:31 and watch the different matches.
00:32 Right now, wrestling going on right behind me.
00:35 There's a lot of combat fights are gonna happen today.
00:38 And of course, we're gonna be covering them.
00:40 But let's do a quick review of what happened last night.
00:43 United States and Canada led the 5K run
00:46 with gold and silver medals.
00:49 Chile got gold in decathlon,
00:51 the seventh medal for the Chilean team.
00:53 It was unexpected.
00:55 It was very exciting atmosphere yesterday
00:57 at the National Stadium where Chile got the gold.
01:01 Yunislav Garcia from Cuba won the 100 meter dash
01:05 on the men's, on the women's side,
01:06 while Jose Gonzalez from Dominican Republic
01:09 got the gold on the 100 meter dash as well on the men's side.
01:13 Let's talk about football.
01:15 Mexico defeated Argentina two to zero to go to the gold,
01:18 to go for gold, to go to the final.
01:22 And Chile defeated the United States.
01:24 That was an unexpected result.
01:26 The United States, of course, one of the favorites
01:28 in female football.
01:30 And Chile's gonna be playing Mexico on the final
01:32 going for gold as well, I told you.
01:35 Something very peculiar happening now with the team Chile.
01:39 Right now, it was a FIFA date.
01:42 FIFA dates is where the clubs have to release the players
01:46 to go play for the countries.
01:47 That's what's been happening, but this ended.
01:49 So some of the players are being called back by their clubs.
01:52 And that's the case of the Chilean captain, Tiane Endler.
01:55 She's the captain of team Chile,
01:57 and she said yesterday that was her last game.
01:59 She has to go back to Olympique Lyon in France.
02:02 That's a huge loss for Chile.
02:04 Tiene Endler is the captain, and is also a four-time winner
02:07 of the best goalkeeper player in France,
02:10 among many other medals and awards that she has received.
02:14 So Chile is losing her captain,
02:15 but the bad news don't end there.
02:17 A couple days prior, the second goalkeeper, Antonia Canales,
02:21 she was called back from her club in Spain
02:24 because the main goalkeeper got injured.
02:26 So right now, Chile is facing a final,
02:28 a final where they're playing for gold with no goalkeeper.
02:31 So probably a field player is gonna have to take the spot
02:34 and play on the goalkeeper position.
02:37 That's probably unprecedented to go to a final
02:40 without a goalkeeper.
02:42 Right now, the Chilean authorities are trying
02:44 to convince the clubs, trying to negotiate,
02:46 to see if one of them two can remain here
02:49 at least until the final.
02:51 So we'll see how that develops.
02:54 In other actions, volleyball, Argentina and Chile
02:56 won their games today, and today we're gonna have
02:59 the finishing, the group stage.
03:01 So Thursday is gonna be the quarterfinals in volleyball.
03:05 And also, finishing up, field hockey, men,
03:09 Argentina against the United States,
03:11 and Chile against Canada in men's field hockey.
03:15 As we said, today we're gonna stay here.
03:17 There's a lot of wrestling match going on,
03:19 and of course, we're gonna have all the results for you
03:22 on later editions.
03:24 From Santiago, Chile, Bastian Merino and Eduardo Ragonesi,
03:27 back to you guys.
03:28 Like this we have.
