WHO calls for 'urgent access' for humanitarian aid to enter Gaza Strip

  • last year

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00:00 The World Health Organization has welcomed those first evacuations
00:04 of wounded patients out of the Gaza Strip,
00:06 but stressed that thousands of others, injured civilians
00:09 and people with chronic illnesses, need that treatment.
00:12 WHO, in fact, says more than 1,000 patients
00:15 need kidney dialysis to stay alive,
00:17 more than 2,000 are on cancer therapy,
00:19 45,000 have cardiovascular diseases
00:22 and more than 60,000 have diabetes.
00:25 The WHO is saying it is doing all it can
00:27 to deliver medical supplies to those who need it.
00:30 We immediately established a warehouse
00:33 and the team is working against all odds and risks
00:36 to their security to deliver life-saving medical supplies
00:39 to the hospital.
00:40 The WHO supplies that came into Faya Rafa
00:44 have been immediately distributed to seven hospitals
00:47 all over Gaza.
00:49 Fortunately, these essentially needed supplies
00:53 are merely a drop in the ocean of needs.
