Belize says blockade of Cuba worse than denial of medicine during pandemic

  • last year
Speech by the representative of Belize at the UN General Debate on the lifting of the blockade of Cuba. teleSUR
00:00 representative of Belize to take the floor.
00:17 Mr. President, Belize aligns itself with the statements made earlier by St. Lucia on behalf
00:23 of the Caribbean community, El Salvador on behalf of SICA, and St. Vincent and the Guyanese
00:29 on behalf of the community of Latin American and Caribbean states, as well as the statements
00:34 made by Uganda on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, and Azerbaijan on behalf of the
00:39 Non-Allied Movement.
00:41 And we welcome the presence of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, His Excellency
00:47 Bruno Rodriguez.
00:50 Belize registers again its unequivocal condemnation of the economic, commercial, and financial
00:56 embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba.
01:01 For over three decades, the General Assembly has consistently and with near unanimity called
01:07 for the end of the legal, immoral, and unjustified financial, commercial, and trade embargo imposed
01:14 on Cuba.
01:15 And yet the embargo continues to not only be imposed but intensified by the United States
01:21 against Cuba in audacious defiance of the Charter of the United Nations, international
01:26 law, and the resounding call of this General Assembly through 30 successive resolutions.
01:33 Mr. President, all members of the United Nations have a duty to respect and adhere to the purposes
01:39 and principles of the UN Charter, including respect for sovereignty, noninterference,
01:45 the peaceful settlement of disputes, and the maintenance of friendly relations among states.
01:51 There are no exceptions for violations of international law, and there is no member
01:56 state above the law.
01:58 The unilateral economic, commercial, and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America
02:04 is a clear violation of the Charter and international law.
02:09 Extraterritorial applications of third states' laws is contrary to the letter and spirit
02:14 of the provisions of the Charter and undermines the principles of multilateralism to which
02:19 we are all committed.
02:22 We furthermore reject the designation of the United States of Cuba on its list of state
02:28 sponsors of terrorism, a measure which only serves to exacerbate further and compound
02:34 the inhumane consequences of the embargo.
02:37 Mr. President, the Secretary General's report A. 7884 documents in harrowing details the
02:46 impact and cost of the embargo on Cuba.
02:49 In one year, the embargo caused estimated losses of over $4.8 billion to the Cuban economy.
02:57 The embargo has had the deliberate effect of hindering Cuba's recovery from COVID-19,
03:03 frustrating its sustainable development, and isolating it from the international trade
03:07 and financial system.
03:09 Even more unconscionable were the attempts to deny Cuba access to medical supplies during
03:14 the pandemic itself.
03:16 Notwithstanding the toll that the embargo has caused Cuba, the Cuban spirit of resilience,
03:21 ingenuity, generosity, and brotherhood has characterized its engagement with Belize and
03:26 developing countries globally.
03:29 Cuba continues to be a force for goodwill and development in our region.
03:34 Cuban doctors are an integral part of Belize's health care system.
03:38 Many Belizean students receive scholarships for professional training in Cuba in areas
03:42 as diverse as medicine, physical education, computer science, mathematics, and veterinary
03:48 medicine.
03:50 And Cuba continues to provide technical assistance in critical areas, including climate change,
03:56 response, and agriculture.
03:58 Belize stands in solidarity with Cuba and will vote in support of Resolution L.5.
04:05 We reiterate our call for the United States to immediately and unconditionally lift the
04:09 embargo it has illegally imposed on Cuba.
04:12 I thank you.
