Raiders' Future: Seeking the Perfect Coach and Trusting a Rebuild

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - John Gruden comes in to be the head coach.
00:04 He's allowed to bring in his own general manager,
00:06 a complete dumpster fire here.
00:08 Then now David's like, okay,
00:09 let me reach into an organization
00:10 that has some success over the past 25 years
00:12 and get Josh McDaniels.
00:14 Standard contract in the NFL is typically five years.
00:16 Oh, I'm gonna show you a commitment to excellence.
00:18 I'm gonna give you six years.
00:19 He doesn't even make it through year two.
00:21 Where do you think that they're actually going
00:22 with the coach?
00:23 'Cause also keep in mind that you know as well as I do, Joe,
00:25 they've been notoriously cheap in hiring head coaches
00:28 for the past 50 years
00:30 and not paying them technically what they are worth.
00:32 Where do we go in the future here
00:33 for the Raiders with a coach?
00:35 - Oh, that's a great question, Donny,
00:37 because the reality is the Raiders don't strike me
00:40 as a team and the Davis family doesn't strike me
00:43 as a team who's going to go with a no name.
00:46 Some obscure guy out of nowhere, right?
00:50 They tried that with Dennis Allen and some others
00:52 and that didn't work out all that well.
00:54 So at this point in the game for the Raiders to hit restart,
00:58 they've got to get the general manager
01:00 that wants to work for Davis.
01:01 They got to get somebody who knows what they're doing.
01:04 And then you've got to put a face as a coach on that team
01:07 that players are going to respect
01:09 because right now you also have a problem
01:11 where players don't trust Davis and the Raiders
01:14 to make decent decisions.
01:17 They just don't.
01:18 I mean, you got Devante Adams to come over
01:21 because his buddy Derek Carr was going to be there.
01:24 And then all of a sudden you basically push Derek Carr
01:27 out the door for Jimmy Garoppolo and Devante Adams is like,
01:30 "What are we doing here?
01:31 He can't even hit me on a 10 yard post."
01:35 So we're losing faith in the organization from the top.
01:39 And who's left?
01:41 Like who in the world,
01:43 what's the biggest name available right now here guys
01:47 that would want to take this job that would, who is it?
01:51 'Cause I can't think of anybody that would A,
01:54 leave their current post to go be part of this dumpster fire.
01:58 I just don't know who it is.
02:00 Who?
02:01 - I know.
02:02 I know.
02:03 - Oh, don't say it.
02:04 Don't say it.
02:05 Don't say it Michigan.
02:06 Don't you say Michigan.
02:08 - That's Joe.
02:09 - And he might get the river laid down
02:10 by the big 10 of the NCAA.
02:12 Jim Horton, you are the head coach of the Raiders.
02:16 - Oh boy.
02:17 - I love it.
02:18 I absolutely love it.
02:20 And it would make a lot of sense.
02:24 It would make a ton of sense.
02:25 - Right.
02:26 (upbeat music)
