"Mai Sharmila Sahiba ki baat se ittefaq karta hoo...," Barrister Saif on election date announcement

  • last year
"Mai Sharmila Sahiba ki baat se ittefaq karta hoo...," Barrister Saif on election date announcement
00:00 People's Party was under a lot of pressure and was under a lot of pressure to postpone
00:07 the elections.
00:08 Faisal Kareem Kundi was saying that the Senate elections should be postponed as well.
00:15 Now the date has come.
00:17 Are you satisfied with this?
00:20 Thank you, Mr. Sati.
00:22 Earlier it was said that the last week of January, but today the 11th of February was proposed in the court.
00:33 Yes, the last week of January was proposed by the Election Commission.
00:38 That we will give a date in the last week of January.
00:41 But today the 11th of February was proposed in the court.
00:45 So on what basis did they give the date earlier and on what basis are they giving it now?
00:50 There is still a proposal.
00:52 There will be a meeting with the President and a final date will be announced by us by tomorrow.
00:58 The problem is that this date was announced as a result of a court hearing.
01:05 What we expected from the Election Commission of Pakistan was that they give us a final date.
01:11 Which we were asking for repeatedly, every day.
01:14 And we were asking for it in a very strict manner.
01:17 There has not been any official announcement of this date yet.
01:21 Nor has there been any announcement on the website of the Election Commission.
01:25 So this is still information as a result of a court hearing that you have received, I have received, my community has received.
01:33 Now let's see what date comes.
01:35 Until the date does not come, a final date, there is no official announcement of it.
01:41 The election schedule is not issued.
01:44 My community and I will not be satisfied.
01:47 Alright. Hashim sir, your thoughts.
01:51 The Pakistan party was obviously trying to get some time.
01:55 Then it is obvious that they have to organize their manifesto, to give it to the public, to promote it.
02:01 You know, to get some traction.
02:03 On this decision, the elections are being said to be final.
02:07 So what are your preparations and your feelings, thoughts, and impressions?
02:13 Yes, Bismillah, Rukmani Rahim.
02:15 Absolutely, we are definitely on the right track.
02:18 Pakistan has never said that you should delay the elections.
02:21 Whether any community is in the government or not,
02:24 the 25 crore people of this country, I think their democracy is not complete
02:30 until these assemblies are not in existence, are not working.
02:34 Whether we are in it or not, it does not matter.
02:37 In this, whatever community there is, these assemblies should definitely be there.
02:40 Democracy should be in this country.
02:42 I have to say a little regretfully that when I was a member of the Punjab Assembly,
02:48 on behalf of Tehreek-e-Insaf, when the elections were delayed,
02:52 all the PDM communities were included in it.
02:56 And their point of view was that the elections should be held together.
02:59 Whereas my position has always been that if today,
03:02 the elections are held on 11th January, 11th February,
03:06 and not a single assembly runs for six months,
03:09 and for any reason, it is terminated, legally and legally,
03:15 then will the next four and a half years, the assembly wait
03:19 for the general elections to come and then it will be our turn?
03:22 So, in the same way, this was wrong.
03:24 The elections of Punjab and KPK should have been held.
03:27 And at that time, all the communities who supported the election commission,
03:32 today they are demanding the same.
03:36 So, if we do not put the law and the constitution in advance at all times,
03:39 then this cannot work.
03:41 Hmm. This is true.
03:45 Mr. Jahangir, this is true because we were all sitting here and talking about this.
03:50 And often the discussion was on the fact that this is the last week,
03:54 that in the last week of January.
03:56 So, the question arose that let's give a date,
03:58 the elections will not take place for the whole week.
04:00 Now, it is 11th February and there is no clarity in it yet.
04:04 Because the president can use his discretion on it.
04:07 So, to talk about giving it in the last week,
04:10 on the part of the election commission,
04:12 then to extend it further and take it two weeks ahead,
04:15 what reason do you see?
04:17 What they have said in the Supreme Court today,
04:19 that the time is complete on 28th January,
04:22 and it takes three to four days to make our lists, etc.
04:26 So, it is Sunday on 4th February,
04:29 so we say that maximum participation should be there.
04:32 So, that is why we propose on 4th or 11th,
04:35 and we want that on 11th, more people can participate.
04:40 But now, look, one thing is clear,
04:42 there should not be ambiguity in it, that the date will come,
04:44 it will come in the morning or it will be finalized tonight,
04:46 on 4th or 11th.
04:47 The date will come, it is about to happen.
04:49 Now, it does not matter if it is one week or two days.
04:51 If it is delayed further,
04:53 one thing is that if it is within nine days,
04:55 then it is not even an hour late for the election.
04:57 When you have exceeded nine days,
04:59 and if you want to go further,
05:02 then you should do it within 54 days.
05:05 So, now, if the President,
05:07 I think the President should also mark the date,
05:10 that it is 4th February or 11th,
05:13 it does not matter if it is one week.
05:15 Now, the authority of the President,
05:17 the Supreme Court,
05:18 look, the Election Commission Code has said that you should go and meet.
05:21 Earlier, they did not agree that it was their authority.
05:24 Now, the Constitutional power of the President has to be recognized.
05:27 If it is the Supreme Court, then the President should,
05:29 I think, and I have told you earlier,
05:31 it is written in the order, a point date.
05:33 It is written in the Constitution that the President will appoint a date.
05:36 So, the date should be given to the President.
05:38 Exactly.
05:39 And obviously, they have also written in the letter that this is our proposal.
05:41 We are proposing this date.
05:43 So, obviously, in this...
05:44 The Election Commission is proposing it.
05:46 The Election Commission,
05:47 like it was taking a stance earlier that the Election Commission has to give the date,
05:50 that stance has ended.
05:51 Now, they have gone to the President for consultation.
05:54 Obviously, look, the President cannot make the arrangement.
05:56 Now, they have to make the RO point,
05:58 the logistics issue arises,
06:00 that the goods have to be delivered,
06:01 the training has to be given to the President and the returning officer.
06:04 All these things are the responsibility of the Election Commission.
06:06 They will do it.
06:07 And then, look, they do not just have to hold the elections.
06:09 According to the Constitution,
06:11 the elections should be fair, transparent, and as per law.
06:14 Now, if the elections happen,
06:15 and if the parties do not trust it,
06:17 then other problems will be created.
06:19 So, the elections are the responsibility of the Election Commission.
06:22 Now, we hope that the Election Commission will fulfill its responsibility.
06:25 And it will make this election 100% transparent.
06:30 And if all the parties trust this election,
06:33 then the country's democracy will be able to move forward.
06:37 Hmm.
06:38 Okay, Mr. Barrister,
06:40 this discussion about the lockdowns and the whole process,
06:45 that it should be done in 24 days and so on,
06:47 can there be any progress in this?
06:49 Or is it fixed that it should not be done in less than 24 days?
06:51 Or is it not possible?
06:52 Or is it not possible?
06:53 Or if it is possible, can these things be adjustable?
06:56 Look, as far as the law is concerned,
07:00 the law gives a time of 54 days after the schedule is announced.
07:04 Because different processes have to be done in this.
07:07 Different initiatives have to be done.
07:08 So, I think that is a fixed date.
07:11 It is a time period.
07:12 If it has to be changed,
07:14 then it will certainly have to be changed in the law.
07:16 At the moment, it is difficult.
07:18 And that is why the people who were demanding
07:20 that the Election Commission announce the date as soon as possible,
07:22 the reason for that was that
07:24 instead of getting caught up in the lockdowns,
07:26 you should announce the date.
07:28 Because if 54 days have passed,
07:30 then in 90 days, the election will be difficult.
07:32 But now the Election Commission has taken a decision
07:37 on the Council of Common Interest,
07:39 and has made it the basis,
07:40 and has extended the time by 2-3 months.
07:42 There can be a separate debate on that.
07:44 I think that case is also pending in the Supreme Court
07:47 by the Supreme Court Bar Association.
07:49 And when the observation will come on that,
07:51 then we will know that the CCI meeting
07:53 and the decisions that were taken in it,
07:55 was it necessary?
07:56 Because the Election Commission has said it itself
07:58 that we are not making any big changes in the lockdowns.
08:01 The lockdowns will remain the same,
08:02 the seats will also remain almost the same.
08:03 So, now I don't understand this.
08:05 But anyway, this is a question.
08:07 Anyway, whatever happened,
08:08 I think that there is still some peace in these circumstances.
08:10 I agree with what Sharbila Sahiba said
08:13 that we should not be too happy yet.
08:15 But there is a hope that the date has come,
08:18 Supreme Court.
