Philly's Strong Defense Could Lead to Low Scoring Game | Week 9

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - This is another one where I know we've had
00:04 so many unders this year and we're like,
00:06 68% of the games have been under.
00:09 I think we'll get some points.
00:11 I think that both teams are gonna score a little bit
00:13 in this game in Philly.
00:14 - Yeah, I don't know.
00:17 I think they're both so good defensively
00:21 that I think it's gonna be the other way.
00:23 But I think the bet for me is still Philly.
00:27 At this point on Friday, I'm still Philly.
00:30 You know, you wanna take a shot with Dallas,
00:32 maybe as a better with that three,
00:34 but I don't think it's smart.
00:36 I still think Philly at home is dangerous.
00:39 - Yeah, if they dangled a half at me, maybe I would take it,
00:42 but I don't think they're gonna do that for us
00:44 by the time Sunday at 425 rolls around.
00:47 So it's gonna probably be a flat three or nothing
00:49 for that one.
00:50 I'm with you on the Eagles.
00:51 (upbeat music)
00:53 [MUSIC]
