Storm Ciarán brings record rainfall to Italy as European death toll rises to 14

  • last year
In France, hundreds of thousands of people are still without electricity in their homes as the storm rages on.


00:00 Almost half of Europe is still reeling from storm Curin,
00:05 which killed at least 12 people, caused millions of euros worth of damage,
00:09 and left half a million homes in France without electricity.
00:14 The storm caused hurricane force winds to fan a forest fire in Spain,
00:17 and broke records in the United Kingdom.
00:20 Half a dozen countries were on alert for two days, and hundreds of flights were grounded.
00:26 Tuscany in central Italy was the most affected by the storm, which killed at least seven people.
00:31 One person is still missing after heavy rains hit the region.
00:37 Around 300 had to be evacuated, and in some areas, a month's worth of rain fell in just three hours.
00:45 Emergency services are still helping people in the region,
00:48 as thousands are still without electricity,
00:51 and moving around is difficult, with 13 national roads flooded.
00:56 (whooshing)
