राम कथा हो रही है तो राम राज्य की स्थापना भी होनी चाहिए

  • last year
राजधानी के खजूरीकला रोड स्थित जम्बूरी मैदान पर 25 नवम्बर से संगीतमय श्रीराम कथा की जाएगी। इसके लिए रविवार सुबह 11 बजे से महाकाली, महालक्ष्मी व महासरस्वती के साथ ही साधु-संतों की मौजूदगी में भूमिपूजन और ध्वजारोहण किया गया।
00:00 How should a human being live?
00:03 The character of God, the character of Ram should be in his own character.
00:10 "Satkaal uthikey ragunatha, mat pita gurunavayi mata"
00:14 But today, the situation is such that if a son goes to say something, he is asked to go away.
00:20 Why does this happen? What is the reason?
00:23 60 years ago, we are also talking about the time.
00:27 At that time, children were brought up on the principle of instruction.
00:32 Parents used to give instructions and children used to do the work without saying anything.
00:44 This is called instruction based theory.
00:47 Children were brought up on the principle of instruction.
00:50 20 years later, 40 years later, children are brought up on the principle of instruction.
01:00 If parents say something, children follow it.
01:04 Should they do it or not?
01:06 What should they do?
01:07 Okay, if you say so, they do it.
01:10 They don't want to do it, but they do it with a heavy heart.
