Top 20 Hardest PlayStation Trophies

  • last year
Props to any players who managed to snag this tough PlayStation trophies. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we’re taking a look at PlayStation Trophies that might give you a hard time.
00:00 Welcome to WatchMojo and today we're taking a look at PlayStation trophies that might
00:12 give you a hard time.
00:23 Number 20.
00:37 You really want to annoy trophy hunters, you make RNG elements tied to trophies.
00:41 This is why so many folks skipped out on the Platinum for Black Flag, as the Sharing is
00:45 Caring trophy tasks you with sharing every discovery in the game with your friends at
00:49 least once.
00:51 And yes, that does mean everything.
00:58 Every convoy, every white whale, and every randomly generated social chest counts towards
01:03 this trophy.
01:04 Known trophy guide writers have taken years to nail down every single possible spawn point
01:09 for these collectibles, so if you really need to pop this trophy, it's best to look up a
01:13 guide beforehand so you can keep tabs on where you've been.
01:23 Number 19.
01:24 A Shot in the Dark - Sniper Elite 3
01:32 For the trophy called A Shot in the Dark, Sniper Elite 3 gets a little too meticulous
01:37 for some players to tolerate.
01:38 The description simply reads "Complete all the long shots."
01:41 However, the game never signifies the location of said long shots.
01:46 That said, unless you have some godlike senses, you are practically required to look up a
01:50 guide just to figure out where these locations are.
01:53 Not only that, but these long shots are required for a 100% completion rating, which is how
01:57 you pop the dedicated soldier trophy.
02:00 So you'll need to conquer all 8 locations regardless.
02:09 Number 18.
02:10 Only Grounded Mode Plus - The Last of Us Remastered
02:22 Grounded Mode has garnered itself a bit of an infamous reputation on account of how much
02:26 hindrance is imposed on the player.
02:28 It isn't just that enemies are super aggressive and nothing else.
02:38 Your HUD is taken away, resources are incredibly scarce, and Joel's listen mode is deactivated
02:43 making it much harder to sneak around enemies.
02:46 Though some will praise and brag about this difficulty being the "real" way to play,
02:50 there isn't much fun if you're ramming your head into a wall, is there?
03:01 Number 17.
03:02 Can You Feel The Sunshine?
03:04 - Team Sonic Racing
03:11 Team Sonic Racing's biggest problem is how it requires players to race in a very specific
03:16 way and fails to adjust for solo players when trying to beat certain campaign challenges.
03:21 The "Can You Feel The Sunshine?"
03:22 trophy requires you to obtain every star in the aforementioned campaign, Team Adventure
03:26 Mode.
03:30 Again, not every mission is properly adjusted to your needs if you're tackling all of these
03:38 missions solo.
03:39 So you're basically required to play with a friend and hope they are good at racing
03:43 games.
03:51 Number 16.
03:52 Outgunned - Killzone Shadowfall
04:04 Situational trophies are never fun, hence why we're putting Killzone Shadowfall on
04:08 this list.
04:09 The Outgunned trophy demands that you take down six Helghasts with headshots within one
04:13 use of Adrenaline Rush.
04:16 Problem is that there is rarely ever a fight where more than six Helghasts are in the same
04:20 area.
04:29 There are only two opportunities for you to pop this.
04:31 Once in Chapter 5's "Make Him Pay" section and in Chapter 9.
04:35 Even then, you better have honed in your FPS skills to pop this trophy in record time.
04:47 Number 15.
04:48 Twisted Gold - Twisted Metal
04:59 Even under the normal difficulty, 2012's Twisted Metal can be very challenging.
05:03 So imagine playing this on Twisted difficulty.
05:06 Yeah, it is absolutely grueling.
05:09 But if you want to go for the Twisted Gold trophy, you will need to beat the campaign
05:13 under Twisted difficulty and earn the gold medal on every mission.
05:24 Considering some levels don't give you a garage to swap out vehicles, this is quite
05:28 the tall order for trophy hunters.
05:30 But with the Platinum being unobtainable due to servers having long since shut down, why
05:34 would you want to anyway?
05:45 Number 14.
05:46 Night of a Thousand Stars - Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2 Grand Prix
06:00 Now this might sound ridiculous.
06:03 It's a kid's game, there's nothing hard here, get good, scrub.
06:06 Those would be the words from players who didn't give Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2 more
06:09 than 10 minutes, let alone a full playthrough of every cup.
06:13 See, the Night of a Thousand Stars trophy requires you get gold stars on every cup under
06:18 every difficulty.
06:23 That's including the hidden Insane difficulty which is just a total assault.
06:32 You can be at the top of your game and the AI will just rubber band to victory and defy
06:36 whatever stats are tied to their builds.
06:39 Only 0.3% of players have nabbed the trophy and many have quit the journey out of frustration.
06:52 Number 13.
06:53 The Floor is Lava - Overwatch
07:02 Of course, all of the Overwatch trophies are hard to get because you can't play it anymore.
07:07 Ha, in all seriousness, most of Overwatch's trophies were hard because they usually required
07:12 using ultimates and/or passive abilities at their highest potential.
07:16 To get them all, that meant getting good with the entire roster.
07:25 For Lucio, you had to eliminate three opponents while riding along the walls without dying.
07:30 If you killed an enemy while Lucio's skates were not attached to a wall, it wouldn't
07:34 count.
07:35 Look, if you know Life Titan Fall 2, maybe this wasn't a big deal for you.
07:39 For the rest of us, it was impossible.
07:49 Number 12.
07:50 The Key to Escape - Dead by Daylight
08:01 The problem with some of Dead by Daylight's trophies is that they are almost entirely
08:05 situational.
08:06 Case in point, the Key to Escape trophy.
08:08 The description makes it sound simple.
08:10 Use a key to escape through the hatch in a public match.
08:13 What's so complicated about that?
08:15 Well, for starters, in order for the hatch to spawn in the first place, you need to be
08:19 the last survivor standing.
08:27 The hatch automatically spawns open, so escaping through it immediately won't pop the trophy.
08:32 You need to let the killer close it themselves and pray they don't find you before you go
08:36 opening it again.
08:37 And if the killer equipped Franklin's Demise and hit you before the hatch spawned, well,
08:42 good luck recovering your key.
08:49 Number 11.
08:50 I'll Take the Physical Challenge - God of War HD
09:01 The Greek-era God of War games featured combat challenges that have long been a source of
09:05 rage for fans.
09:06 But the challenge of the gods from the HD re-release of the original God of War is the
09:10 most tormenting.
09:11 It isn't even the fluctuating difficulty that's the problem, it's the tenth and final challenge.
09:16 You have to elevate a tiny platform by killing off Cerberus dogs, while two invincible Satyrs
09:21 relentlessly attack you.
09:30 It's fairly easy for the Satyrs to knock you off the platform or disrupt your combos.
09:35 It is almost entirely dependent on finding an attack to spam that works for you.
09:39 Only a little more than 4% of players have conquered Challenge of the Gods on PS3 anyways.
09:51 Number 10.
09:52 Thanatophobia - Rogue Legacy
09:56 While limiting deaths can certainly be a cool challenge, this is just cruel difficulty cranking.
10:01 Named after the fear of death itself, this trophy in the already demanding side-scroller
10:05 has definitely burned a few fans over the years.
10:08 Requiring you to beat the game with 15 deaths or less, the challenge would already seem
10:12 high for most gamers.
10:14 But what makes this trophy particularly evil is the fact that dying is the only way to
10:18 upgrade your character, making the game even harder to beat and forcing potentially strategic
10:22 deaths just to beat a game that normally averages around 100 deaths per normal run-through.
10:32 Number 9.
10:33 The White Rider - Middle-Earth - Shadow of Mordor
10:39 So many grueling trophies demand the utmost skill from players, but the ones that demand
10:43 luck are more than just a little cheeky.
10:46 The challenge for this Tolkien-inspired trophy is to liberate 30 slaves in under 180 seconds,
10:51 all while riding a Karagor who will not be happy about it.
10:54 While the actual skill required to defeat the enemies holding the slaves is fairly minimal,
10:58 especially with the Karagor's attacks, the time constraint definitely ramps things up.
11:04 But the catch here is that slaves are few and far between, making the trophy a matter
11:10 of scouting and time management rather than player skill.
11:17 Number 8.
11:18 Hunter's Essence - Bloodborne
11:26 Collectibles have definitely become a nuisance in games lately, but leave it to FromSoftware
11:30 to make that punishing too.
11:32 Finally giving a little bit of utility to tedious collection fests, you can be forgiven
11:36 for thinking getting every weapon in the game would have been at the very least a straightforward
11:40 affair.
11:45 Given the copious amounts of money, time, and even luck with dungeon layouts to score
11:49 some of the easily missable weapons later in the game, the potential benefits to getting
11:53 these items seems negligible, especially on top of the already devastating gameplay.
12:04 Number 7.
12:05 Requiem for a Killer - Batman Arkham Knight
12:12 When one challenge isn't hard enough, just stack them on top of each other.
12:16 The latest installment in the Arkham Knight series kept the intense but solid combat going
12:20 while demanding even more from players because of it.
12:23 To earn this monster of a trophy, players have to beat Killer Croc, but only after they've
12:28 earned a 300x multiplier or 1 million points from fighting the room of goons before him.
12:37 While either challenge is rough on its own, the stress of landing both is a painful feat,
12:41 especially when your multiplier can be taken away from you at any moment by a stray goon
12:45 who gets lucky.
12:51 Number 6.
12:52 Trial Athlete - Ultra Street Fighter IV
12:59 Even though most players decide to main one character in fighting games, this trophy will
13:03 have you mastering all of them.
13:05 Forcing players to explore the entire roster, this trophy requires you to beat all 24 challenges
13:09 for each of the 35 characters, making it both a slog and true struggle to earn the trophy.
13:19 Between the mounting difficulty and having to adjust to each other character after mastering
13:23 one, this was a test of mental fortitude as much as skill.
13:27 Importing this trophy over from the game's previous iteration, they made players suffer
13:31 once more in their quest for platinum.
13:36 Number 5.
13:38 Master - Star Wars Battlefront
13:44 Not focusing on your development on single player is one thing, but forcing players into
13:48 your shoehorned "award mode" is a whole other story.
13:52 Entering a new level of frustration, this trophy requires you to earn all stars on each
13:56 single player mission on the Master difficulty.
13:59 While this would be a pretty standard grind in most games, the difficulty ramps up so
14:02 dramatically that it's hard to keep pace here, making the process turn from manageable
14:07 to unfair almost instantly.
14:13 Along with the less than solid controls and level design, it requires so much time and
14:17 effort that it has a .1% achieved rate among the community.
14:27 Number 4.
14:28 Ultimate Battler - Injustice Gods Among Us
14:34 Many games really seem to enjoy testing their fans with the challenge modes.
14:37 Giving a twist on Street Fighter's trophy, this game forced players to beat every challenge
14:41 of the battle mode with one extra hard mission to make the game worthy of its title.
14:53 With enough hard challenges along the way to make this trophy a difficult enough trudge
14:57 as is, the hardest challenge took things in an interesting direction by forcing players
15:01 to fight the entire roster.
15:03 The conceit, however, was running this gauntlet on a single health bar, turning an interesting
15:07 concept into a maddening reality.
15:13 Number 3.
15:14 Is There Anything You Can't Do?
15:16 Trials Fusion
15:23 You know you're in for some trouble when they call the game "Trials".
15:26 A hard enough game in its own right, the puzzle racer gave a demanding but often fun and well-built
15:31 grind to beat the whole game, but the layers they included to fully complete the game were
15:36 downright sadistic.
15:38 Completing an increasingly unnerving list of tasks, the trophy finds players completing
15:42 all challenges and puzzles for each level requiring steady thumbs and keen eyes along
15:46 the way.
15:55 This gets tough, however, with the no-fail challenges and even an invisible bike mode
16:00 giving even the best players a run for their money.
16:07 Number 2.
16:08 I Can See For Miles Per Hour
16:11 Surgeon Simulator
16:16 Not too many trophies are this much harder with a controller.
16:19 Making players embrace the sloppy controls wholeheartedly, this trophy forces players
16:23 to both work against and with the intentionally clunky design of the game to perform an eye
16:28 transplant in under 2 minutes and 10 seconds, all while in a speeding and bumpy ambulance.
16:39 All the worse thanks to the inaccuracy while using a controller, this trophy's small
16:43 focal points made the joystick twitching a painful exercise made even worse by the unorthodox
16:48 methods you need to conceive just to constantly stay ahead of the stress-inducing time limit.
17:14 Number 1.
17:15 Iron Titan
17:16 Titan Souls
17:23 Even if you want to take your rough game to the next level, it still needs to be fair,
17:27 right?
17:28 For a game that's often been called a 2D Dark Souls, you'd think the developers would
17:31 have considered the story mode enough challenge in and of itself.
17:34 But unfortunately, thanks to the world of trophies, players are treated to this gem
17:38 that not only has you dealing with the infamous one-hit death, but puts you back at the beginning
17:43 of the game instead of a checkpoint.
17:49 If that wasn't enough punishment, they also gave each of the bosses extra moves so you
17:53 have even more patterns to memorize.
17:58 Fun!
18:03 Which of these trophies did you find the hardest?
18:05 Was there one we missed?
18:06 Let us know down in the comments and subscribe for more gaming lists every day!
18:10 And as always, thanks for watching!
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