FTS 12:30 06-11: Israeli troops kidnap Palestinians activist Ahed Tamimi

  • last year
FTS 12.30
*Campaign for referendum on Esequibo begins in Venezuela
*China and Cuba strengthen friendly ties
00:00 In Palestine, Israeli occupation forces scapegoated Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi, along with
00:15 her father, in the occupied West Bank.
00:21 The Venezuelan authorities launched the electoral campaign for the conservative referendum in
00:25 defense of the country's sovereignty over the Guyana-Ezequiel territory.
00:34 And in China, Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
00:46 Hello welcome to From the South, I'm Luis Alberto Matos from Edresu Studios in Havana,
00:50 Cuba.
00:51 Let's begin with the news.
01:04 Israeli occupation forces kidnapped Palestinian activist Ahed Tamimi early Monday morning.
01:09 The Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip has intensified disproportionately in the last few hours, reaching
01:14 the point of kidnapping activists.
01:16 According to Ahed Tamimi's defender, Dana Takrugi, Israeli troops stormed her home in
01:22 Nabi Saleh, a village in the occupied West Bank, and after vandalizing the residence,
01:26 took the young woman and her father away.
01:29 Ahed Tamimi became a worldwide icon of Palestinian resistance when she was arrested for confronting
01:34 Israeli troops who seized her home when she was just a child.
01:44 In Palestine, Israeli warplanes killed about 45 people in the last few hours as part of
01:48 Tel Aviv's 31-day siege of the Gaza Strip.
01:51 According to local media, Israeli warplanes attacked two houses in Deir al-Bala and al-Zawahedi
01:56 in central Gaza on Monday.
01:59 Most of the victims are reported to be children.
02:01 These bombings came as the search for survivors trapped under rubble caused by previous bombardments
02:06 by Israeli forces was ongoing.
02:09 According to data from the Ministry of Health, about 10,000 Palestinians have been killed
02:13 so far since the beginning of the Israeli aggressions on October 7.
02:24 In Palestine, Israeli forces have killed at least 200 people in the last 24 hours in the
02:28 relentless bombardments of Gaza.
02:30 After 31 days of siege, the occupying army claimed to have divided Gaza in two as it
02:35 continues its ground operations.
02:37 According to the Tel Aviv army, its forces attacked 450 Hamas targets and reached the
02:42 coastline, indicating that they divided the Strip between the north and the south.
02:47 The occupying army authorities affirmed that the Zionist forces maintain a greater control
02:51 over the northern part.
02:53 Meanwhile, Palestinian health authorities denounced that Israel attacked during Sunday
02:57 night the only psychiatric hospital in the Gaza Strip, an ophthalmologic hospital and
03:04 a children's medical center.
03:06 The Gaza Health Ministry reported that the Israeli shelling has killed to date 9,770
03:11 people, including over 4,000 children and 2,550 women.
03:21 On Monday, the United Nations Agency for Palestine and Refugees registered 88 of its workers
03:25 killed in the ongoing Israeli bombardments of Gaza, a figure never seen in the 75-year
03:30 history of the organization.
03:32 Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffith, WHO Director General Tedros
03:36 Adhamon Ghebreyasus and Executive Director of the United Nations Children's Fund Katherine
03:42 Russell expressed profound rejection and pain for social loss in a month of Zionist onslaught
03:48 against the Strip.
03:50 They reiterated the urgency of ordering an immediate ceasefire, freeing the hostages
03:54 and guaranteeing the lives of civilians and humanitarian workers.
04:04 In Palestine, doctors without denounce the seriousness of the injuries caused by the
04:09 white phosphorus bombs dropped in Gaza.
04:12 Kazan Abuseta, a surgeon who worked for the NGO Doctors Without Borders, said that the
04:16 burns of the victims who were in the midst of blast radios are the product of white phosphorus.
04:21 He explained that they are not thermal burns, but chemical burns, which have a different
04:26 and more serious injury pattern.
04:28 Abuseta also referred to the situation of the hospitals in Gaza, reporting that 16 have
04:33 been hit in the last few days, representing 40% of all those located in the Strip.
04:47 And the Israeli occupation army proceeded to cut off all communications in the Gaza
04:52 Strip.
04:53 Communications were cut off and several areas of the city of Khan Younis were bombed.
04:56 As a result, several people were killed and others were injured.
05:00 Our correspondent Huda Hegazi with more details.
05:04 Yesterday, at approximately 6 p.m. local time in Gaza, the Israeli occupation army proceeded
05:13 to cut off all communications in the Gaza Strip.
05:16 We found ourselves without internet, without telephone lines, without coverage, without
05:20 anything.
05:21 We spent about 15 hours without being able to communicate with anyone, without anyone
05:27 being able to communicate with us.
05:30 We as our reporters could not do our work since we could not communicate with our media
05:35 and we could not know what Israel was bombing in the various governments of the Gaza Strip.
05:41 However, we found out after this unexpected and surprising telecommunication cut that
05:48 Israeli warplanes proceeded to bomb different areas of the Gaza Strip.
05:55 The main objective was to bomb the area around the hospitals, especially the Al-Shifa Hospital,
06:01 the Indonesian Hospital, the Al-Quds Hospital and the Al-Qaeda Hospital in the governance
06:06 of their Al-Bala.
06:07 These attacks resulted in casualties and serious injuries.
06:14 In this court, it was an attempt for Israel to do and commit crimes against the population
06:18 here in the Gaza Strip, without anyone knowing what they were committing.
06:23 And not only the hospitals were heavily bombed, but also different areas, especially in the
06:28 north and in the center of the city of Gaza.
06:35 Different streets such as the Al-Setum, the Tel Al-Al Hawa and the Al-Shihai area were
06:42 heavily bombed and unfortunately several Gaza cities lost their lives and many others were
06:48 wounded.
06:49 Telecommunications returned today at 9 a.m. local time in Gaza and we discovered the great
06:58 disaster that the army of the Israeli occupation has committed in this cut of communications.
07:04 This is not the first time that the Zionist occupation army proceeds to cut the communications
07:10 here in the Gaza Strip.
07:14 As before, the communications have been cut and each time they were cut, Israel proceeded
07:19 to commit atrocious crimes against the population in the Gaza Strip.
07:23 And this is because Israel wants to commit more violations without the world knowing
07:28 about the atrocities it commits against the Gaza Strip.
07:38 It's been 31 days since the beginning of the all-out Israeli siege against the Gaza Strip
07:42 began.
07:44 According to official figures, so far over 9,900 Palestinians have been killed while
07:48 more than 26,000 have been wounded.
07:51 In view of the growing number of dead and wounded, as well as the shortage of medical
07:56 supplies and fuel, Palestinian health authorities warned about the risk of a humanitarian disaster
08:02 in Gaza.
08:03 In addition, officials said that some 16 hospitals and 32 primary care centers are no longer
08:10 operational due to the Israeli attacks.
08:13 The United Nations Agency for Palestine's Refugees in the Near East warned that some
08:18 92 of the organization's 149 shelters in that country are in overcrowded conditions,
08:23 as they have exceeded their capacity to accommodate more people.
08:27 According to the United Nations Agency, the situation has become a risk for public health
08:32 due to the lack of water and medical supplies in Gaza.
08:36 Israelis denounce the use of white phosphorus in new attacks perpetrated by Israeli forces
08:40 against the Gaza Strip.
08:42 According to reports, Israeli warplanes are heavily targeting the Shalshari refugee camp
08:48 with airstrikes and chemical weapons, as well as other locations in the north and south
08:53 of the Palestinian enclave.
08:57 On Sunday, the President of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, held a meeting in Ramallah with the
09:02 United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken, while Palestinian citizens demonstrated in
09:07 rejection of the arrival of Blinken, whom they accused of being an accomplice of Israel
09:13 in the attacks on Gaza.
09:14 Meanwhile, the Israeli Minister of Patrimony, Amihael Eliyahu, called for dropping an atomic
09:20 bomb on Gaza, a statement that was rejected by Saudi Arabia, Syria and member countries
09:26 of the Arab League.
09:28 Around the world, expressions of solidarity with the Palestinian people continue.
09:33 In Europe, citizens of the United Kingdom took to the streets to reiterate their support
09:38 of the Palestinian cause, while in Spain, demonstrators rejected the crimes committed
09:43 by the Israeli occupation in that territory.
09:46 Also in Greece, many people rejected the support of the national government to the violent
09:51 actions of Israel against the Palestinians, while in Asia, social movements in Turkey
09:56 demonstrated in front of the Incirlik Air Base, in the south of the country, where a
10:01 U.S. military mission is located, to oppose Washington's support to Israel, while in
10:07 Indonesia, citizens also took to the streets to demonstrate for the freedom of Palestine.
10:12 Meanwhile, in Oceania, citizens in Australia joined the voices in support of the people
10:17 of Palestine and in rejection of the Israeli attacks against the Gaza Strip.
10:22 Meanwhile, in America, thousands of Canadians raised their voices to condemn the international
10:27 community's inaction in the face of the genocide perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian
10:33 people.
10:34 Let's take a short break, but remember you can join us on TikTok @terrestrienglish, where
10:38 you will find news in different formats, news updates and much more.
10:42 Other stories, coming up, stay with us.
10:45 Welcome back from the south.
11:04 As of this Monday, the Venezuelan people mobilized and started a permanent debate within the
11:08 framework of the electoral campaign that begins for the consultative referendum in defense
11:12 of the Guyana-Izequiel territory.
11:14 The campaign, which was called by the National Electoral Council, is scheduled to end on
11:19 December 1st, in preparation for the voting of the referendum on Sunday, December 3rd.
11:25 President Nicolás Maduro explained that it will serve to raise the awareness, organization
11:29 and participation of the Venezuelan people.
11:31 The head of state instructed the leaders of the campaign command to distribute flyers,
11:35 to travel around the country and to call the people to the great cause of the homeland,
11:40 which involves the defense of the historical rights of Venezuela over the Aztec people.
11:51 On Monday, Cuban Prime Minister Manuel Marrero met with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
11:55 The premier has been touring the Asian nations since November 2nd, his first since he was
12:00 appointed prime minister.
12:01 In Shanghai, where he made his first stop, he held a meeting with his counterpart Li
12:05 Qian, where he highlighted the solid ties of friendship between the two countries.
12:10 He called for increased cooperation in different fields, emphasizing new energies and biomedicine.
12:15 The Cuban leader also held a meeting with the head of the National People's Assembly,
12:19 Saul Leji, stressing the importance of the relations between the legislative body.
12:30 The government of Panama announced on Sunday that classes would start this week.
12:34 However, the teachers' unions ratified that they will continue on strike.
12:38 The crisis in the education sector began last October 23rd, when teachers announced gradual
12:43 strikes due to the approval in the National Assembly of a concession law between the state
12:48 and a Canadian mining company that grants foreigners full rights over the largest mine
12:52 in Central America.
12:54 For security reasons, the Ministry of Education suspended lessons and on Sunday has made a
12:59 call for a return to the classroom, which teachers do not intend to comply with, as
13:04 they claim that the situation has even worsened.
13:27 In Honduras, authorities maintained a yellow alert throughout the national territory due
13:31 to the heavy rains that have been affecting the country for a week.
13:34 According to the Secretary of Rigs Management and Contingencies, the yellow alert is in
13:38 effect in at least five departments, while eight others are under green alert or surveillance.
13:43 These are due to the saturation of soils due to heavy rains caused by a cold front and
13:47 a low-pressure system, which cause rivers to swell and floodings.
13:52 According to a relief agency, civil protection is working to attend to all those affected
13:56 by the rains that have left at least four dead.
14:06 Authorities in the Indian capital New Delhi announced Monday that they will restrict private
14:10 vehicle traffic to give a respite to the city shocked by a mixture of pollution and smoke.
14:15 Over 30 million people are currently affected by the ongoing situation.
14:19 Pollution measuring companies certify that New Delhi is once again the most polluted
14:23 city in the world.
14:25 In this sense, the local government declared on Sunday that schools will remain closed
14:29 for another week.
14:30 Every autumn, the Indian capital experiences almost unbreathable air when smoke from nearby
14:35 rural areas arrives.
14:37 Experts have indicated that high levels of pollution in India are responsible for hundreds
14:41 of thousands of premature deaths each year.
14:48 We have a second short break coming up, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube
14:52 channel at TeleSort English, where you'll be able to re-watch our interviews, sub-stories,
14:56 special broadcastings and more, hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell
15:00 to stay up to date on the world's most recent events.
15:03 A final short break, don't go away.
15:05 Welcome back from the south.
15:25 In Italy, a fishing boat arrived off the coast of the island of Lampedusa carrying more than
15:29 500 migrants.
15:30 The boat, located by the coast guard, was carrying a total of 531 migrants, mostly from
15:35 Syria, Egypt, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
15:37 They declared that they had to pay between $4,000 and $7,000 to make the trip, which
15:42 set sail from Suara in Libya.
15:44 With this, there are now four fishing boats with migrants arriving in Italy in the last
15:48 two weeks.
15:49 Approximately 2,000 migrants have died between January and September 2023, crossing the Mediterranean
15:55 Sea, according to the International Organization for Migration.
15:59 In Germany, authorities closed the airport in the northern city of Hamburg to passengers
16:10 and flights were cancelled start of the night.
16:12 The move came after a vehicle broke through security and entered the premises.
16:16 Federal police said an armed man fired twice into the air with a weapon.
16:20 Police also said that the man's wife had previously contacted them about a possible child abduction.
16:26 Authorities later added that the 35-year-old man had a 40-year-old child inside the car
16:31 and that they assumed he was the father and had taken the child by force from the motor
16:35 in a possible cause of the battle.
16:37 There was no indication other people could be harmed since all passengers had evacuated
16:41 the airport.
16:48 The Southern African Development Community announced a strategic deployment of peacekeeping
16:52 missions to the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
16:55 The president of the regional bloc, Joao Laurentio, explained that the organization would lead
16:59 the mobilization of resources to facilitate peace and security in the region.
17:03 This decision is due to the social instability suffered by the Congolese people as a result
17:07 of the actions of irregular groups that threaten the population.
17:29 On Sunday, the Pan American Games Santiago 2023 ended with BMX freestyle as the featured
17:34 sport at the Urban Park Center of the National Stadium.
17:38 Our correspondent Juan de Ragonesi was covering all the details of the last day of competition.
17:42 With the sun shining on top, this Sunday was the last day of action at the Pan American
17:47 Games Santiago 2023.
17:50 BMX freestyle was the event in charge of closing the games since early in the morning until
17:56 way past noon.
17:59 This discipline was introduced in Lima 2019 and has a lot of fans that gather to watch
18:04 Sunday games, where each country was eager to secure another medal for their team.
18:09 One of them was Ana Gabriela Zacarias, who despite being one of the eldest competitors
18:13 and was facing rivals that are half her age, valued the camaraderie that this sport provokes.
18:20 Our sport before the Olympics and others was always like a community, a very interesting
18:25 brotherhood.
18:26 We are always supporting each other.
18:28 In fact, during the practices with the girls, we were supporting each other.
18:32 You can get the triumph, come on, you can do it.
18:35 At the end, Hannah Roberts from the US won the gold on the women's side, while Jose
18:39 Augusto Torres from Argentina got first place on the men's side.
18:43 And just like that, the action at the National Stadium was done, giving way to the closing
18:47 event at the Bicentenario Stadium in La Florida, where several artists sang in front of athletes
18:52 and authorities.
18:54 There were 19 days of intense activities, where the US dominated the table, while Chile
18:59 and Colombia had very good performances, and left the host country satisfied with a job
19:04 well done.
19:09 For Deportes Telesur, Bastián Merino and Eduardo Rogonesi.
19:19 We have come to the end of this news brief.
19:20 Before saying goodbye, we want to thank our Caribbean audience, especially the audience
19:23 of Tunisia and Tobago.
19:24 We are pleased to share our newscast and contribute to provide an alternative news source of the
19:29 latest world events.
19:30 You can find these and many other stories on our website at telesurenglish.net.
19:33 You can also join us on our social medias on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok.
19:39 For Telesur English, I'm Luis Alberto Matos.
19:41 Thank you for watching.
19:42 [music]
