Taipei Ling-An Society Commended for Preserving Beiguan Music

  • last year
A 153-year-old music group has been named an intangible cultural asset for its work helping to pass on the techniques of traditional Beiguan music.
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 Members of the Taipei Ling An Association
00:07 are performing Beiguan.
00:08 It's a traditional style of music
00:10 using drums and gongs with reed and string instruments
00:14 that first became popular in Taiwan in the 17th century.
00:18 But today, it's rare to hear.
00:21 This group, however, has been around for 153 years
00:24 and it's teaching a new generation of musicians
00:27 the special art form.
00:28 (speaking in foreign language)
00:32 The group is now being recognized for its work.
00:50 This plaque, which says "Art Through the People,"
00:53 is being conferred by Taipei's Cultural Affairs Bureau.
00:56 They've named the ensemble an intangible cultural asset.
01:00 (speaking in foreign language)
01:04 The group hasn't always had the numbers
01:15 and musicians they needed in the past
01:17 and they struggled to keep teaching the music.
01:20 But through their persistence,
01:21 the group now has more than 100 members
01:24 and with their new recognition,
01:26 they hope the traditional sounds of Beiguan
01:28 will continue to be heard for generations to come.
01:32 Dolphin Chen and Laurel Stewart for Taiwan Plus.
01:35 (upbeat music)
