Alabama players comment after beating Morehead State

  • last year
Alabama players comment after beating Morehead State
00:00 Alright Bob, we're joined by Aaron Estrada, Grant Nelson, and Mark Sears.
00:08 If you have a question, just raise your hand and we'll eventually get a mic over to you.
00:13 Let's go ahead and start with Tony here on the left.
00:16 See where I am.
00:17 For Grant and Aaron, just what kind of, I guess, role model or introduction did Mark Sears
00:25 kind of give you to this team and how has he been a leader for you guys?
00:28 Aaron, do you want to start?
00:30 I would say he just kind of, you know, showed us the ropes and like as soon as we got here,
00:36 he kind of just showed us how to do things around here and yeah, that's all I got to say.
00:41 Grant, you got a follow up?
00:43 Yeah, I'd say, I mean, just coming in, he was very welcoming, even on my visit.
00:47 He kind of just explained everything, was the leader of this team, being one of the three returners.
00:53 And I mean, I feel like he's done a great job with his leadership.
00:56 And I mean, I think it's passed down between me and Aaron and we'll continue to pass that down
01:01 to the freshmen and other transfers.
01:03 We have a last question, Ryan.
01:05 This one's for Grant.
01:07 Grant, people know about you, but this is the SEC's first game in the SEC.
01:11 Brandon Miller was in the building.
01:13 You're playing in front of the crowd.
01:14 It looked like you got involved.
01:15 What was it like to kind of have a coming out party for your first SEC game?
01:19 Yeah, I mean, it's crazy.
01:21 I know these guys know what it's like playing at a mid-major.
01:24 It's nothing like this.
01:25 So, I mean, fan base is crazy.
01:27 I mean, hoping we could fill the stands a little more besides the student section.
01:32 But, I mean, it was great.
01:33 A lot of fun.
01:34 Another question for Grant and Aaron.
01:39 As far as adjusting to Nate's system and just how they do things here,
01:43 what was that acclimation period like and how long did it take you guys to kind of get comfortable?
01:50 For me, the adjustment, it wasn't nothing too crazy just because while making the decision,
01:57 I kind of knew how I wanted to play.
01:59 And last year, as a spectator, I kind of watched Alabama a lot anyway.
02:05 So, I was kind of familiar with how loose Coach Osweiler lets his guards play
02:09 and how much space and opportunity he gives his guards to make plays.
02:13 So, for me, the adjustment was pretty easy.
02:17 Yeah, I mean, I'd say kind of the same thing where it's just like we've been playing basketball our whole lives.
02:23 I mean, there's no freer basketball than Alabama basketball, I feel.
02:28 So, I mean, it's been easy.
02:30 The coaches have done a great job.
02:32 It's like giving us terminology, you know, just teaching us the little things like how you got to get the ball up the court,
02:38 try to maximize each possession, get as many possessions.
02:42 I mean, I just feel like it's been easy.
02:47 All the way back, Katie.
02:51 For Mark, was it a little different being out there tonight with what felt like a completely new team?
02:55 And then how much does it help having Oates bring in some older transfers to kind of help you
02:59 from a leadership standpoint but also on the court?
03:03 It definitely felt different from last year, you know, especially with a new team.
03:07 But, you know, Coach Os did a great job bringing in great guys.
03:11 We've got a great group and they're very fun to play with and we're very excited to be around.
03:19 Any other questions for the student-athletes?
03:22 Let's go ahead and finish off with Tony.
03:24 Mark, do you feel like the leader of this team?
03:26 And also on a side note, just how are you feeling in general after kind of coming over your knocks in the preseason?
03:33 Oh, yeah, you know, I feel like I'm one of the boldest leaders on the team, you know, being a part of what we did last year.
03:39 And I'm going to carry that down to going on in this year, you know, preseason.
03:45 I really wanted to be out there with the guys and continue to build team chemistry.
03:50 But it definitely felt great to be out there with the guys this time.
03:53 All right. Thank you, guys. Appreciate it. Thank you.
