• 2 years ago
A range of activity took place on Wednesday, November 8, 2023, including the execution of warrants in relation to suspected drugs offences, proactive patrols and partnership work to tackle organised criminal activity in Easington Lane


00:00 Deputy Chief Constable Jane Mayer is here as part of Operation Impact.
00:04 What are we doing today? What's Operation Impact about?
00:07 Operation Impact is about relentlessly targeting the concerns that our communities raise with
00:12 us. We are focused on combating antisocial behaviour, drug dealing, motor vehicle crime,
00:17 organised crime that's affecting our communities and causing real harm to the fabric of our
00:22 society. It's essential that we listen to our public and the communities that we serve
00:29 and respond to the issues that are affecting them most.
00:33 We heard from the briefing this morning that it's not just a police operation, there's
00:35 a lot of other agencies involved. That's absolutely right. We have got volunteers
00:39 involved, police staff and police officers, but it's essential that we work with our
00:43 partners. We've got the fire service, we've got trading standards, environmental health,
00:47 there's a number of agencies that are supporting us today and we're very grateful for their
00:51 support. So it's about a lot more than just tackling
00:53 crime? Absolutely. It's about being out in our communities
00:57 and understanding what they need from us and making sure we're combating, whether that
01:01 be people who are selling illegal tobacco or alcohol in shops, whether it be those who
01:07 are providing knives to our young people. But it's also about making sure that we are
01:11 targeting crime and antisocial behaviour in a way that actually reduces it in the long
01:15 term, not just on a one-off hit. And I know a lot of people will feel that
01:19 they see crime happening around them all the time, sometimes it seems there's not a lot
01:23 you can do about it. What's your message to the public?
01:26 There is absolutely something we can do about it. It should not be tolerated. We need to
01:30 hear from the public. If there is anything that concerns them, they need to be getting
01:34 in contact with their neighbourhood policing teams, getting in contact with us through
01:37 social media and tell us what's concerning them and we will make sure that we respond.
