The Mini Rubicon is a challenge for every rig and the Tank Trap is famous for breaking trucks.
00:00 Configured after the famed Rubicon Trail in Northern California, the Mini Rubicon is an
00:07 elevated series of giant granite boulders, over which the trucks must reduce their speed
00:13 to a crawl while being timed to cross it.
00:16 Fast run wins, you break, you lose.
00:24 If they make it this far, the only thing on their mind is the tank track.
00:28 It's the cliffhanger that makes grown men weep.
00:32 A quarter mile uphill canyon, covered with poison oak and trees, sheer cliffs, and seven
00:38 giant mud holes, all carefully designed to stop them in their tracks.
00:43 Teams have only 30 minutes to travel the entire quarter mile of the track or get yanked out
00:49 by our tow rigs.
00:50 Winching is a necessity, and the last hill out of the canyon is too steep to drive.
00:57 For all the teams, Top Truck Challenge will be a true test of endurance.
01:02 Some will want to quit after day one.
01:04 Others will fall trying by week's end.
01:07 But one will conquer, and to the winner goes the bragging rights of the legendary championship
01:13 trophy and a truckload of aftermarket products from today's most respected companies.
01:19 When we return, we'll kick off Top Truck Challenge with highlights from the trail fix.
01:25 We'll be right back with more WTTV.