• 2 years ago
Arrêter de fumer, c'est une épreuve pour la plupart des fumeurs. Et quand on arrête de fumer, on prend souvent du poids, de l'ordre de 4 à 5 kilos. Dans la vidéo vous découvrirez pourquoi cette prise de poids est souvent inévitable si on ne change pas de rythme de vie à l'arrêt du tabac (reprise ou augmentation de l'activité physique...). A l'arrêt du tabac, on a tendance à compenser, notamment par la nourriture, il faut donc prévoir des grignotages, et surtout être indulgent avec soi-même car il faut éviter la double frustration. Arrêter de fumer, arrêter le tabac c'est quelque part s'exposer à la frustration, au manque lié à l'absence de tabac et de nicotine. La frustration liée au manque de nicotine plus la frustration alimentaire lorsque l'on suit un régime, c'est un peu la double peine. Voici mes conseils pour éviter de prendre du poids à l'arrêt du tabac ou au pire; les perdre rapidement après avoir régler cet arrêt de la cigarette. Pensez à la relaxation, à l'hypnose pour arrêter de fumer... il existe plein de solutions !
Et n'oubliez pas, en Novembre, c'est le mois sans tabac !


00:00 Doctor, I came to see you because I decided to stop smoking and I don't want to get fat.
00:05 Extremely frequent question.
00:07 We're going to talk about it today. Welcome to the Jean-Michel Cohen channel.
00:10 The channel where we only talk about nutrition and where we never tell you about salads.
00:14 Masterclass, personalized menu, individualized dietary follow-up.
00:21 Visit the website doctor.jeanmichelcohen.fr
00:25 Yes, 60% of smokers would like to stop smoking and some of them don't stop smoking
00:30 simply because they're afraid of getting fat. I assure you it's true.
00:34 In reality, you shouldn't think that when you get fat because you stop smoking,
00:39 it's simply because you're going to eat more.
00:41 Nicotine, which is contained in the cigarette you smoke, is a thermogenic substance.
00:47 It means that it activates the sympathetic-mimetic system and therefore causes an increase in energy expenditure.
00:54 It has been calculated that on average, with 25 cigarettes, you spend about 200 calories.
00:59 So a dozen cigarettes is about 100 calories.
01:02 Do you realize? It means that the simple fact of smoking causes energy expenditure.
01:07 Look, there are a lot of people who tell you, "I don't stop smoking because if I stop smoking, I'm going to get fat."
01:13 Well, that's not the story.
01:15 It's just that, in fact, stopping smoking will simply cause a decrease in energy expenditure in their homes.
01:21 I'll explain to you later how we do it.
01:23 Stopping smoking generally causes an increase in weight.
01:27 I said "generally" because 30% of people don't increase their weight.
01:30 It generally causes a weight gain of about 4 kg.
01:34 And this weight gain of about 4 kg, you're going to tell me, "But that's not true, there are people who gain more."
01:39 But you'll see in a second.
01:40 This weight gain of about 4 kg is just linked to the decrease in energy expenditure.
01:46 That is, people would eat the same at that time.
01:48 They decrease their energy expenditure and so, fatally, there will be a weight gain that occurs in the first 6 months.
01:54 And yet, you have people who gain 7, 8, 10, 15 kg because, in fact, stopping smoking has led to another mechanism.
02:03 They either took tobacco to calm their stress, or because it was an attitude they had to have in case of gout, trouble,
02:10 or because it was, moreover, to cut their appetite.
02:13 There are people who smoke to cut their appetite.
02:15 The proof is that it was a thermogenic substance.
02:17 And at that time, the weight gain is no longer dependent on nicotine, or rather, it is not only dependent on nicotine.
02:23 It depends on other factors, which are compotrainmental and psychological factors.
02:28 It's true, the auto-rheumatologists tell you very well, the act of smoking has two consequences.
02:33 The first consequence is an alteration of the taste and olfactory glands.
02:38 And so, that means you find less interest in food, so you limit your food intake.
02:43 And then, smoking has a fine-cut effect, which is both an effect linked to gestures.
02:48 That means that if I grin, I make a gesture, I put something in my mouth.
02:52 Well, smoking is exactly the same thing.
02:54 You put something in your mouth, and so it prevents you from putting anything else in your mouth than a biscuit, peanuts or chips.
03:00 First thing, is it a fatality to keep these kilos when you stop smoking?
03:05 Well, no, it's not a fatality.
03:07 First situation, I gained 4 kilos, simply because I reduced my energy expenditure, since I no longer have nicotine.
03:13 And I didn't change my food intake, so it's normal.
03:17 I gained weight, since I eat the same as before, but I spend less than before, so I gain weight.
03:21 What should I do? You're going to answer me, well, you just have to go on a diet.
03:24 And I answer, no, not at all, because the act of stopping smoking will correspond to frustration.
03:29 So even if it's not good to smoke, because it gives a lot of diseases, etc.
03:33 If you have a frustration, you have a gesture, you're used to doing it, it's like a routine, you stop it.
03:37 If you stop it, you'll have a frustration.
03:39 And if you give a second frustration to the first frustration,
03:43 that is, the stop eating because you're going to go into a system of deprivation that is often wrong,
03:48 well, you have a double frustration, and what's the risk?
03:51 It's either you're going to start smoking again, or you're going to start eating again.
03:55 And when I talk to you about this frustration, it's terrible, because the act of getting frustrated because you stopped smoking is essential.
04:01 But when you get frustrated eating and you take it badly, you'll end up cracking up.
04:05 And not only will you eat not like before, but you'll eat more than before.
04:10 So for me, the strategy is either I increase physical activity, or in principle, you should do it,
04:15 but you know, with thirty minutes or forty minutes of walking or additional walking a day, that's enough.
04:20 Either I wait for the first six months of weight gain, and only when I've finished this weight gain after six months,
04:27 when I've gotten used to having stopped smoking, I start a balanced diet, less rich than what I used to eat.
04:34 When I say less rich, it's proportional to your number of cigarettes.
04:37 I told you that twenty cigarettes or twenty-five cigarettes was the equivalent of two hundred calories.
04:41 If it was a pack a day, you'd have to eat between 150 and 200 calories less.
04:45 There are no other rules. You can pair the two, eat 200 calories less, or have physical activity,
04:52 and when you lose weight, you'll have a calorie reduction. The time to lose these four kilos, frankly,
04:57 four kilos to lose them, for a man, it's a matter of a month at most, for a woman, it may be a week or two more weeks.
05:03 The second situation is much more boring, because when stopping smoking leads to a weight gain that is greater than four kilos,
05:10 that means you've reached seven, eight, ten or fifteen kilos, that means there's another factor involved,
05:15 it's a psychological factor. The psychological factor is the response to stress most of the time,
05:20 or the desire to eat that we cut off thanks to cigarettes.
05:24 The response to stress, well, let me give you an example.
05:27 The guy who smokes and is hyper-stressed because he just heard bad news,
05:32 or because he got yelled at, assaulted for anything,
05:35 his response to avoid having an impulsive reaction is going to be to take a cigarette.
05:39 Anxiety is the anxiety that the cigarette has as its main response.
05:44 There are people who are naturally anxious, and cigarettes serve as anxiety.
05:49 The third thing is that these people who have food compulsions,
05:53 and who actually replace food compulsions, I mean, they're not necessarily hungry,
05:58 but they want to eat something, or they respond to stress with a food intake,
06:03 these are the people who are going to respond to stress by smoking,
06:06 that is, they're going to start smoking compulsively.
06:09 When you use a cigarette, it's also for a concentration exercise.
06:13 That means that the cigarette is used, for example, by students who smoke,
06:17 they're people who use cigarettes because when they're going to be distracted,
06:21 I've known them for years, when they're distracted while reviewing their exams,
06:26 smoking was like a break, a moment that was taken away
06:31 and that allowed us to focus on another moment.
06:34 All these situations are treated differently.
06:37 The first way to treat them, because the most frequent response to quitting tobacco
06:41 is food intake, and it's the person, well, I'll give you an example,
06:45 when I stopped smoking, if I didn't have a huge sandwich with tuna and mayonnaise
06:51 next to the bakery, what I bought at the bakery that was next to my house,
06:55 I was febrile.
06:58 In reality, I was responding to quitting smoking by a food compulsion.
07:02 So the general answer, if you want it to be food,
07:05 is to find food substitutes that are as low-calorie as possible,
07:09 so that it doesn't cost too much when you stop smoking, to eat.
07:14 So it's just a conversion, I stop smoking, so it was an important gesture for me,
07:19 so it's an important gesture for me, I'm going to replace it with a meal,
07:22 but I'm going to try to make it not cost too much.
07:24 What are the things we can use?
07:26 So my specialty is not to talk to you about nicotine substitutes,
07:29 we can do that, I've been eating nicotine pastilles for years,
07:33 I'm still doing it, some of them are vaping, some are chewing gums,
07:36 some are patches, it doesn't matter, everything is good.
07:39 My job is to talk to you about nutrition.
07:41 In this case, I'm planning smart meals or smart systems.
07:44 The first and smartest thing is still sugar-free candies and chewing gums.
07:48 Why? Because they combine two things, sugar-free candies and chewing gums.
07:52 One, the candy has an effect on the gums and there's the act of carrying something in your mouth.
07:58 Chewing gums are exactly the same thing, it occupies the mouth and it also acts on the gums.
08:04 So it's not bad, it's not too high in calories, it might not be enough.
08:07 The second thing is to plan snacking products.
08:10 And the three least-caloric snacking products, I know them,
08:14 and I give them to you, I talk about them regularly,
08:17 are dairy products, that is, yoghurts, skirr, if you want,
08:21 white cheese, Swiss cheese, croquette apples, fruit compotes,
08:26 or even hard-boiled eggs, because at least, you understand,
08:29 it's the gesture that's important, I'm going to carry it in my mouth,
08:32 so I'm going to cut the moment to re-concentrate, as I was saying, for the students,
08:37 that's the first thing. Secondly, I have anxiety,
08:40 we also respond to anxiety through food, we respond to stress or aggression through food,
08:44 so that means having snacks ready to limit the break,
08:48 to limit the break, I didn't say to prevent things.
08:50 The third possibility is to enter the therapeutic possibilities,
08:53 that means, for example, we can use relaxation products,
08:57 meditation, or even hypnosis, in my opinion, it can be useful for something,
09:01 because hypnosis will act on the psychological factors of taking tobacco
09:05 and the compensation of taking tobacco by eating.
09:08 So, in conclusion, I would say that it's not a fatality to gain weight after stopping smoking.
09:13 You have a lot of solutions, the first solution, you stop smoking,
09:16 you increase your physical activity, so you spend 150 calories more,
09:19 you fill your stress, you spend your energy, it can work.
09:23 Second solution, you accept the weight gain of 4 kilos, it will last 6 months,
09:27 and after the 4 kilos of prayer, after 6 months, you start a diet,
09:30 you don't need a big diet for that, going on Savoir Maigrir is a pain in the ass.
09:34 Third solution, you have compensation products to limit the break,
09:37 but in all cases, know that most people who gain weight after stopping smoking,
09:42 can, as long as they have the will to regain the weight before,
09:46 can regain their weight, the benefit of stopping smoking is so important,
09:50 it's really worth it, my friends.
09:51 If you liked this video, that you asked me,
09:54 you like it, you comment it, you share it, you subscribe,
09:59 you comment it, and eventually, you give me video suggestions,
10:04 it's always a pleasure, and I say to you, bye my friends.
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