LATAVIA ROBERSON Talks Struggles After Destiny's Child & Plays IKYFL!

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LATAVIA ROBERSON Talks Struggles After Destiny's Child & Plays IKYFL!


00:00 Get up here and give me my penalty card.
00:07 Hey girl, how you doing?
00:24 What's up everybody?
00:26 It's your boy Terrell.
00:28 Welcome back to my channel.
00:29 Thank you so much for being here.
00:33 This week is very exciting.
00:35 She's a mother.
00:36 She's an actress.
00:37 And she might be one of the founding members of one of the biggest musical groups of all
00:45 time.
00:46 I want y'all to put your hands together for Latavia Robinson.
00:52 Welcome to the show my love.
01:00 Thank you my darling.
01:01 I am so glad you are here.
01:03 I am so glad that you have me here.
01:05 You are fabulous and beautiful.
01:07 Clap again for the beautiful.
01:10 Thank you.
01:11 Do y'all see this here?
01:13 I don't know what y'all ladies are doing in these bathrooms when you are slathering these
01:18 oils and moisturizers and creams on your faces.
01:22 Y'all look all of you beautiful, gorgeous, and ain't never gonna change.
01:29 Listen.
01:30 Thank you Black Jesus.
01:32 Thank you Black Jesus.
01:35 First of all, we got Houston in the house.
01:38 Give it up for Houston.
01:39 Okay?
01:40 Oh, you rep your city.
01:41 Oh, I know that's right.
01:42 Why not?
01:43 And we met in Houston.
01:45 Yes.
01:46 We met at Houston y'all at the Renaissance show.
01:50 We had a time.
01:51 Oh my goodness.
01:53 That was a good time Latavia.
01:55 I was so sweaty by the time I left that NRG stadium.
02:03 I mean I danced my life away and I saw you too.
02:06 You was getting it.
02:07 But you had to stand on a chair because you're short.
02:09 Oh, I can't say that part.
02:11 Growing up in Houston, you must have been a kid of the arts.
02:17 The kid of entertainment.
02:19 Because at eight years old, you auditioned for Destiny's Child.
02:23 Was it that early?
02:24 Well, my mother always knew that I was somebody that was going to be in entertainment because
02:29 my mother was one of the first African American females to open up a nail salon.
02:36 And that unique nail still stands today in Houston, Texas.
02:40 Oh, come on mama.
02:41 Yes.
02:42 I'm for that.
02:43 I love that.
02:44 Hey mama.
02:45 Hey mama.
02:46 And she said, Latavia, you're going to be an entertainer.
02:49 Well, she just always had a knack for acting.
02:52 I always wanted to be an actress.
02:54 I never wanted to be a singer.
02:57 That was not what was in there.
02:59 So my mother got me with acting coaches and I started doing press work.
03:06 I started doing modeling shows and all that.
03:08 And through my modeling agency is how I ended up getting the audition for the group that
03:14 finally became Destiny's Child.
03:16 Because at first it was Girls' Time.
03:18 Yes, correct.
03:19 T-Y-N-E.
03:20 T-Y, don't you spell it with that I.
03:23 That's not how you spell it.
03:25 Respect it now.
03:26 Girls' T-Y-N-E.
03:28 What do you think that they saw in you that made them go, we won't hurt?
03:31 I think that they saw in me that no matter what, that I had a personality.
03:36 I was sassy.
03:37 I had a mouthpiece.
03:38 Still do.
03:39 Love it.
03:40 Don't try her.
03:41 Say that again.
03:42 I'll say it again.
03:43 She still does.
03:44 Say it one more time.
03:45 Don't try her.
03:46 One more time.
03:47 She still does.
03:48 One more time.
03:49 There it is.
03:50 I was a dancer in the group and then I became a rapper.
03:59 Then my career as far as the group that became Destiny's Child, my career evolved.
04:08 We were Cliche, we were Destiny, we were Destiny's Child.
04:11 Then we ended up being Destiny's Child.
04:13 We had so many different names.
04:14 Cliche was one of the names.
04:16 Yes.
04:17 One Cliche, were there more?
04:18 The Dolls.
04:19 Something Fresh.
04:20 Something Fresh.
04:21 Something Fresh.
04:22 The Dolls.
04:23 Oh, I love this.
04:24 Then it was Destiny and then Destiny's Child.
04:28 Why did it go from Destiny to Destiny's Child?
04:29 Was it the ages?
04:30 No, I don't think it was that.
04:32 It was just that we had been together and I think the camaraderie between all of the
04:37 girls who had started to love each other.
04:39 We prayed together so much and all that.
04:41 We would pray.
04:42 Miss Tina, in the Bible, it was a picture of us and Destiny was one of the names that
04:48 she saw in that scripture.
04:51 We became Destiny and then once we got our record label, they were like, "Okay, y'all
04:56 are Destiny, but now this is a rebirth of Destiny."
05:01 So we became Destiny's Child.
05:03 Oh, y'all made that.
05:05 It was really a thing and it is true.
05:11 We would have to jog, make sure that our harmonies were together and all that as we were running
05:15 so we can get the endurance up for when we were on stage.
05:18 Every summer we would definitely have a boot camp and basically this summer we would be
05:24 there together.
05:25 We would wake up, we would work out.
05:26 We were on a schedule every day.
05:29 Even when Matthew wasn't there, we were there.
05:32 We did it ourselves.
05:33 We made up our own dance routines.
05:35 We did all that.
05:36 While we were watching Saved by the Bell, too.
05:37 Oh, come on.
05:38 Look, we could not.
05:39 Look, y'all, we could not.
05:40 Look, y'all, we're children.
05:41 We could not miss Saved by the Bell.
05:43 Now listen now.
05:44 Come on, Zach Morris.
05:45 Who didn't want to be Zach Morris's girlfriend?
05:46 Did you ever crush on Zach?
05:47 All right, listen.
05:48 Get down with the swirl, honey.
05:49 They don't develop artists like this no more.
05:50 They don't do ... I'm going to say it.
05:51 Say it again.
05:52 Okay.
05:53 Right now, all you need to do is to go find popularity somewhere else and then find your
06:06 way into a studio, hum, whisper, mumble something of the effect on a track, and then you might
06:14 end up getting the Grammy Award for best song of the year.
06:17 That's just how ... It's just different.
06:19 Y'all had to get in line and in step with how to be an entertainer and a good one.
06:25 It is totally different.
06:28 It was rehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal.
06:30 Even once we did get our record deal, it was rehearsal for eight hours, and then we'd wake
06:36 up the next day, it was the same thing.
06:38 Yes.
06:39 And so we had to be on point.
06:43 We had to be on point?
06:44 Yeah.
06:45 You already were gifted, but you had to hone that gift.
06:47 You had to develop that skill.
06:50 You weren't just thrown out there and be like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:52 Y'all like her.
06:53 She cute.
06:54 Go ahead, sing a little something."
06:55 No, it's like, "No, no.
06:56 You're going to get out there and you're going to actually do a good job."
06:59 We're going to come back to "Modest and the Child," but I'm going to introduce this game.
07:03 Oh, love it.
07:04 Okay?
07:05 Yeah.
07:06 I'm going to watch you about to fall out.
07:07 Latavia, we play a little game here, and here are the rules.
07:08 I'm going to give you a word, and when I give you that word, you're going to have to sing
07:15 the first song that comes to your head with that word in the lyrics or the title of the
07:19 song.
07:20 How do you feel about that?
07:21 She feels great.
07:22 I don't have any feelings.
07:23 Roxy has a timer right there.
07:24 I'm going to say, "Hey, Roxy."
07:25 Hey, Roxy good.
07:26 Now, she loves that little buzzer, so if you run out of time, she going to get that ass.
07:27 I'm going to make sure she get it in much faster than I do.
07:28 I'm going to make sure she get it in much faster than I do.
07:29 I'm going to make sure she get it in much faster than I do.
07:30 - She good.
07:30 - Now she love that little buzzer,
07:32 so if you run out of time, she gon' get that ass.
07:34 - I'm gonna make sure she get it in a much faster time.
07:36 (laughing)
07:37 - Here we go.
07:38 First one, we gonna start you off easy, okay?
07:40 The word is yeah.
07:43 Y-E-A-H.
07:46 Yeah.
07:47 ♪ No no no no no ♪
07:49 ♪ When it's really yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪
07:51 ♪ You be sayin' no no no no no ♪
07:54 ♪ When it's really yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah ♪
07:57 Okay.
07:57 ♪ Say it loud for yeah ♪
08:02 ♪ Sing your hit now ♪
08:04 ♪ Sing your hit ♪
08:06 What a moment that had to be for you.
08:11 I want you to go back in time to,
08:14 let's say, 'cause you know, radio back then was,
08:17 you could not, being on the radio was everything.
08:22 The pinnacle of the goal.
08:24 Where were you the first time it came on,
08:27 and what was your reaction?
08:29 - Okay.
08:31 The first time that "No No No" came on the radio,
08:33 we were in Houston, of course.
08:34 - Yes.
08:35 - Aged 10. - Aged 10, well done.
08:37 - I think we, I guess we were listening to 97.9,
08:39 but we had went to go get Solange from school.
08:43 - Okay.
08:43 - Solange was in middle school.
08:45 And Solange came out, and "No No No" came on the radio.
08:49 So it's me, Kelly, Beyonce, and Latoya.
08:51 We like, in the car.
08:52 I think we was in like a Honda,
08:54 I think we was in a,
08:55 I mean, no, we were a Toyota Camry, I think.
08:57 - Yeah.
08:58 - So we go to pick her up,
09:00 and so it came on the radio,
09:01 and when Solange came out,
09:03 we turned the radio up as far as it could go up.
09:07 And Solange came out, and we let her hear,
09:08 "She's like my sister, that man on the radio!
09:11 "She on that radio!
09:12 "We like Solange, we on that radio!"
09:14 - Oh my God, I love it!
09:16 - We were outside of her middle school,
09:19 like, and it was just,
09:21 it was a pivotal moment for us.
09:23 We were like, all out praying together,
09:26 like, all of that, like.
09:27 - That's incredible!
09:30 It seems like faith has always been a good through line
09:34 for Destiny's Child.
09:36 - We used to have this prayer book called
09:39 Prayers That Avail Much.
09:40 And we used to always get together,
09:43 and we would pick our prayers,
09:44 and then we would say a prayer together
09:46 with how we were feeling that day,
09:47 along with Miss Tina and my mother,
09:48 and we would just always go through that book
09:53 and pick out a prayer,
09:54 and then we would pray together.
09:55 And no matter what, we always prayed together.
09:57 Like, regardless of what ended up happening,
10:00 like I said, you know, life is life,
10:02 but we prayed together.
10:04 And just like they say that a family that prays together
10:06 stays together, and so that's why I believe
10:09 that no matter what, we did work hard.
10:11 People are like, "Oh my gosh,
10:12 "they were an overnight success."
10:13 No, it took us eight years to get a record deal.
10:17 - Each of you referred to each of you as sisters, right?
10:21 And even when we was all partying together
10:24 in Houston at the show, I was just looking out,
10:27 and it just looked like the family just--
10:30 - It was--
10:31 - How often do you guys get to get together like that?
10:34 - You know what, it's hard for me.
10:37 I really could not tell you the answer to that question,
10:42 because before I saw you in Houston
10:44 at the Renaissance concert,
10:46 I hadn't seen Beyonce since 2018.
10:49 And so it had been like, you know, five years.
10:52 And just for us all to be in the same room together--
10:57 - It had to be special.
10:59 - It was magical, regardless of what nobody saw
11:03 after the concert, it was just, it was love.
11:07 - Oh, I loved it.
11:07 And for it to be in the Houston show was insane.
11:12 I was quite happy to be in the number.
11:15 - It was phenomenal.
11:16 - And I'm sorry to tell you, for the rest of your life,
11:18 anytime any of you guys are together,
11:19 it's gonna be a thing, okay?
11:21 It's gonna, oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.
11:23 We can't do nothing about that.
11:24 - No, we cannot.
11:25 - We cannot.
11:26 - We can't change destiny, honey.
11:28 - Oh, oh, oh.
11:29 - Y'all can clap for that, she said what she said.
11:33 (all clapping)
11:34 - Can't change destiny.
11:36 - It's meant to be.
11:37 - Yes.
11:38 - Here's your next word.
11:39 The word is good.
11:40 - Really?
11:43 - You can sing anything, you don't have to be your own song.
11:45 My son sings that song.
11:46 - Oh, good, what did I go?
11:48 ♪ So good, so good, so good ♪
11:52 - I know you hate it.
11:52 - I know you hate it.
11:53 ♪ But I, so good, so good, so good ♪
11:58 - Woo, your son got taste.
12:00 - This is for them haters that said we wouldn't make it.
12:02 I used to hate when, well, what we all hated was people.
12:06 Is it back?
12:07 He back?
12:08 - I'm gonna have to clap her clap off it.
12:09 (all clapping)
12:12 - Y'all, there's a Nat that just really loves Latavia
12:14 and myself today.
12:15 - Listen, they like that sweet juice.
12:18 - I think your sweet juice.
12:20 - They like these sweet juices.
12:21 - She is a ruler.
12:22 - Did I eat pineapples yesterday?
12:24 - What is wrong with her?
12:28 - I do love a good pineapple.
12:30 Yes, it does wonders, you should try it.
12:32 - The coochie does too.
12:33 - I knew you was saying.
12:35 I was gonna let them wonder what the wonder was, Latavia.
12:40 Damn.
12:41 - I'm a realist.
12:43 - Listen, I'm...
12:45 - Get it.
12:45 - Did you get it?
12:47 - No.
12:47 (all laughing)
12:48 We've never given this word in the history of the show.
12:51 It's really not even a word.
12:53 It's more of a time.
12:54 The word is 1130.
12:59 You better stop giving her hints, damn it.
13:05 I'ma throw you out.
13:06 - I love it when someone answers.
13:07 - Even my polyphylo is not letting me know what that is.
13:10 - Your what?
13:11 - My polyphylo.
13:12 (all laughing)
13:13 - My polyphylo is breaking me down.
13:15 1130, you got it.
13:17 It's a good time.
13:19 Stuff's starting to get real fun at 1130.
13:22 Yeah, uh-huh, that club is going at 1130, girl.
13:26 - Oh my gosh, I feel so stupid.
13:29 Oh my God, I feel so stupid.
13:31 - Yeah.
13:32 - It's 1130, oh God, it's, oh my gosh, it's right here.
13:36 - It's right there.
13:36 - It's right here.
13:37 - It's right there.
13:38 - It's there.
13:40 - Boom.
13:41 - Ladies, leave him.
13:44 - I got a meeting in the ladies' room, though.
13:46 (all laughing)
13:47 - Ladies, leave him at the house.
13:51 - Ladies, leave your man at home,
13:55 'cause it's 1130 and the club is jumping, jumping.
13:59 Don't you say you got a girl,
14:01 you ain't seen a man, but the party ain't gonna stop.
14:04 - So let's make it high, high.
14:06 (all laughing)
14:09 (all clapping)
14:12 - It only took two years.
14:13 - It took some time, but you got there.
14:16 The club is jumping, jumping.
14:19 Question for you, though, what club
14:22 were you able to witness
14:28 in the eighth grade?
14:32 - You sound like he in here, but I got an answer for you.
14:34 - What it was.
14:36 - Weeks ago to the club.
14:37 - What club let y'all in?
14:39 - That's that Hollywood shit.
14:40 - No, it ain't that Hollywood shit,
14:41 no, that's that H-Town shit.
14:43 - Oh, thank God.
14:45 - H-Town, we used to have like teenage clubs.
14:47 - Oh, really?
14:48 - Yes.
14:49 - Like under 18?
14:51 - Yes.
14:51 - I ain't never heard of no shit like that.
14:54 - It was a bar and it was no alcohol.
14:56 - Yes.
14:57 - None of that, full DJs.
14:58 - Was that the bar, killing crack callers?
14:59 - I love that for y'all.
15:01 Very nice.
15:02 Was it dark or were the lights on?
15:05 - It was dark.
15:06 - Yeah, was y'all in a dark club?
15:08 - Yeah.
15:08 - Oh child.
15:09 - Mr. Nimes.
15:10 - Mr. Nimes, baby.
15:12 - Yep, the best time ever.
15:15 - See, we didn't, in South Carolina,
15:16 we didn't have no teenage clubs.
15:17 - We didn't.
15:18 - We just had Bible study.
15:19 - Would your grandmother ever let you like,
15:22 travel the world though?
15:23 You gotta go to Bible study.
15:25 - At what age?
15:26 At y'all's age?
15:28 No, y'all had a good little setup.
15:29 (laughing)
15:31 Y'all had a good little setup.
15:32 I could not move.
15:33 Baby.
15:37 ♪ Baby, baby, baby, baby ♪
15:41 ♪ Don't you know that you're so fine ♪
15:44 ♪ Yeah ♪
15:46 - Sing it.
15:48 When you're growing up in this industry,
15:50 you're making friends along the way.
15:51 Who are some of your favorite celebrity,
15:54 or not even celebrity, just other music artists
15:57 that you personally befriended
15:59 as you were becoming a superstar?
16:00 Nope, by yourself.
16:06 - You, just y'all.
16:08 - Okay.
16:09 It's really kind of hard to distinguish
16:14 between who a friend was.
16:16 And I'm the person that in this industry,
16:19 me in particular, my friends were the girls
16:24 that I started in this industry with.
16:28 And then for that to like, go away.
16:31 It's kind of hard to make friends when you made friends
16:34 and you grew up with somebody and then we were kids.
16:36 So then when you get older, you don't understand,
16:39 you don't know particularly
16:41 who wants to really be your friend or not.
16:46 And that's a really hard space.
16:49 - Let's talk a little bit about post-Destiny's Child,
16:51 like right after.
16:52 We all know the story about what happened.
16:54 We don't need to go through all of that.
16:56 - Do we really?
16:56 - Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh.
16:59 I thought we had known.
17:00 You got more to say about it?
17:02 - I don't know, you got a question?
17:03 - Well, if I ask you the question then, Latavia.
17:06 - Okay.
17:06 (both laughing)
17:08 - From what I understand,
17:10 you and Latoya wanted different management
17:13 because at the time, Matthew was managing all of you guys.
17:16 Okay, I'm already wrong.
17:17 - Yes, you are.
17:18 - Didn't break it down.
17:19 - No, we didn't want different management.
17:22 We just simply wanted
17:24 to get a business manager to come in on top of that,
17:31 to just make sure that we were all taken care of.
17:34 You as a half of the group,
17:37 you cannot fire the manager.
17:41 Nobody ever wanted to do that.
17:45 And it was said, even by management,
17:47 that that, it's ludicrous.
17:50 You can't fire the group's manager.
17:52 We didn't try to do that.
17:54 What I did was disaffirm,
17:57 'cause we had separate contracts.
17:59 I disaffirmed my personal contract.
18:04 It wasn't firing the group's manager.
18:06 We could not do that.
18:08 But it was to be able to be heard
18:13 because when you're told certain things like,
18:16 oh, you don't do enough in this group to have a voice
18:21 to speak, then sometimes you have to go through
18:24 different measures.
18:29 That was the whole gist of that.
18:31 And then things went a different way.
18:33 I did not leave Destiny's Child.
18:35 Who in the fuck leaves Destiny's Child?
18:38 You gotta be out your rabbit ass mind.
18:41 - I know, that's right.
18:42 - To do something like that.
18:44 Who does that?
18:45 But it was strictly business for me.
18:48 Even at that young of an age,
18:50 that's all that it was for me.
18:52 It was nothing else.
18:53 There wasn't beef with me and the girls
18:55 or anything like that.
18:57 - So was it just the request to add in the business manager
19:01 that made them go, you know what,
19:03 we're gonna go ahead and remove you out of the situation?
19:05 Or was it a back and forth over time?
19:09 - Your guess is as good as mine.
19:12 I don't know.
19:13 I looked up and saw Say My Name video on the screen.
19:16 - Wow. - Yeah.
19:18 - So there was no conversation ever about a termination.
19:22 It was just, you saw the video and then you called in
19:27 and said what happened or what?
19:28 - We were told that there was gonna be a conversation
19:30 and that conversation never happened.
19:33 It was world premiere Say My Name video.
19:35 - Right, right, right.
19:36 After that, where are you in your mental headspace?
19:40 (laughing)
19:43 'Cause that, like you said.
19:44 - Where would you be?
19:45 - Very fair.
19:48 You said, you know, who in the world would leave it, right?
19:52 But in the reality of it, you got pushed out of it.
19:55 - So that had to still have the same effect of
19:59 what in the hell am I gonna do now?
20:01 - And that was my mental headspace.
20:06 Well, like, is this real?
20:08 What am I gonna do now?
20:11 This is all I've known.
20:13 So, you know, it is what it is.
20:19 The one thing I do know is that God don't make no mistakes.
20:23 But at the end of the day, of course it was heartbreaking.
20:27 But you know.
20:29 - What was your new prayer?
20:31 You prayed so much for this thing to happen
20:34 and for it to find success and it did.
20:35 So after it was over for you, what was your new prayer?
20:40 - Lord, what next?
20:42 I did not know what to expect.
20:46 I didn't know which direction my life was gonna go.
20:50 It was almost like I was the mistletoe at Christmas
20:54 and being dangled like,
20:55 "Oh my gosh, somebody please come and kiss me."
20:57 - You never released any of your own solo music.
21:02 Why not? - No.
21:03 Because I was never the person, I told you before,
21:08 I never wanted to be a singer like that.
21:13 I wanted to be an actress.
21:20 And at that point, like I said, I didn't know.
21:23 I wasn't gonna throw myself into an industry
21:26 to where I was feeling some kind of way about my life
21:30 and didn't know which turn it was gonna take.
21:35 I had no idea.
21:36 So I just started living in my own head.
21:40 Getting myself into trouble
21:43 and doing a whole lot of stupid shit.
21:45 - You got in your own way a little bit.
21:46 - Yes, I did.
21:47 - We've been talking about that all season long.
21:50 This is the perfect week of guests to talk in season six
21:55 about getting in your own way sometimes.
21:58 It happens.
21:59 It is not, I don't think anybody gets to leave this earth
22:02 without getting in their own way one or two times.
22:04 You know what I'm saying?
22:06 You were going through a really rough time.
22:08 You didn't know what to pray for.
22:11 What gave you comfort?
22:16 - Alcohol, drugs, being in my own space,
22:21 exclude myself from society, self-sabotage.
22:29 That's where I was.
22:33 People wonder like, well, what happened to you
22:35 for like 20 years?
22:37 I was underneath my own rock.
22:39 - I can't imagine that.
22:40 I'll never be able to.
22:43 'Cause to be a founding member
22:45 and to then you have to just watch it happen without you.
22:49 It's crazy.
22:52 - Yeah, so I didn't watch it happen.
22:55 I sat in my house and I watched the back of my eyelids
23:00 on my own time by myself.
23:07 And it was one of the most horrible times of my life.
23:13 That lasted maybe a little longer,
23:16 but definitely a decade.
23:22 - Oh.
23:23 - Yeah, I was no good to anybody around me
23:28 or to myself at all.
23:31 - Oh, Tavia.
23:32 - I ended up in and out of jail.
23:33 I was kind of crazy as--
23:34 - What did you go to jail for?
23:36 - What?
23:37 What did I go to jail for?
23:39 - Babe, babe, babe, babe, babe, babe, babe.
23:41 Let me tell you something.
23:42 - Oh my God.
23:44 - Who's that girl?
23:46 La la la la la la la la la la la.
23:48 Taz, that girl.
23:50 - Hey!
23:51 - La la la la la la la la la la.
23:54 - Yes!
23:55 - Like, I have to laugh about it now.
23:56 - Yes!
23:57 - Because it is--
23:58 - Laugh to keep from crying when you're on time.
24:00 - It is something that I literally had to deal with.
24:04 Like I said, in and out, girls want--
24:06 And then it wasn't like, oh, you just go in
24:08 and you gotta go sleep something off.
24:11 No, I got spells.
24:14 I was in jail three times.
24:15 Wearing the orange jumpsuit.
24:17 - You wore the orange, you was orange
24:18 and you black in it?
24:20 What?
24:21 - Listen.
24:22 - Okay, I need a crazy jail story.
24:23 I just have, I've never had one before.
24:25 Okay, I just would like to have a crazy jail story.
24:27 - Well, okay, well.
24:30 I don't know what's so crazy, me being in there
24:32 or when they finally realized who I was
24:35 when I was in there, my third time that I was in there.
24:38 - What did they tell?
24:40 How did that go?
24:40 - Oh, they were talking like, oh yeah,
24:43 we heard that girl from Dancing with the Chalmers.
24:44 We gonna whoop her ass.
24:45 - Ooh, shit.
24:47 They gonna jump you.
24:48 - We were in the same clothes.
24:49 I ain't got on Balenciaga and like--
24:51 - What?
24:52 - Oh, they like--
24:53 (laughing)
24:54 - You get the Balenciaga jumpsuit.
24:55 - I'm just saying, like, they said,
24:58 you do rich people drugs.
24:59 (laughing)
25:00 I was like, what?
25:03 I was like, what is rich people drugs?
25:07 They were like, you store coke, don't you?
25:09 - I need a book from you because this is quite a,
25:13 what is the story?
25:15 And I was gonna say, I know it's--
25:16 - That is sprinkling the surface.
25:20 - There's so much more on this card here.
25:23 I even, first of all, I did not know
25:26 that you had such a trying decade of your life.
25:31 - Oh, that was just the first decade.
25:32 But the last two have been trying too, honey.
25:36 - The last two years?
25:37 - No, decades.
25:39 - The last 20 years?
25:40 - Yes, darling.
25:42 - Because if my years are right,
25:45 Destiny's Child, the album, came out 25 years ago.
25:48 - Yes.
25:49 - So you're saying the last 20 years.
25:51 - Yeah, and I'm not saying that I was in jail.
25:53 - Right, right, right.
25:53 But you've had a time.
25:55 - It's been, yeah, over the last two decades,
25:59 it's been something.
26:00 And for me to be sitting here with you
26:03 and being able to talk about it
26:05 and every single time that I talk about it,
26:07 it's not making me cry anymore.
26:09 It is a part of my story.
26:12 It's a part of my destiny, honey.
26:14 - Come on.
26:15 - Listen, can't nobody, 'cause he already know.
26:17 He wouldn't have put me through it, I promise you.
26:20 He would not have put me through it
26:21 if I could not withstand it.
26:22 Come on!
26:23 - I love you.
26:24 Thank you for being so open and honest.
26:26 - Absolutely, I can't wait to be more open with it.
26:30 Because like I said, all my adversity and everything,
26:32 like I said, I was supposed to go through it.
26:34 And the things that I've been through,
26:37 like, it's like I should not look like this.
26:41 There are several times that I feel like,
26:43 at least three times, I probably should have been dead.
26:46 Like there have been some trying times.
26:49 And it was me, like, God said, "No, I'm not done with you.
26:53 "I'm not done with you.
26:54 "When it's gonna be your time, it's gonna be your time.
26:56 "It's not gonna be what everybody thinks.
26:58 "It's not gonna be that,
26:59 "'cause I have something special for you."
27:01 - Ain't that the part, I always think about that,
27:04 even with my own personal journey.
27:05 It's like, my blessings ain't gonna look like
27:09 what you want them to be.
27:09 - Oh, absolutely not.
27:10 - But they're gonna be exactly what God intended them to be.
27:13 And we're gonna have to all be all right with that.
27:15 - Amen, come on now.
27:17 - We're gonna have to all be all right with that.
27:18 - Yeah, hallelujah.
27:19 - Pray for me, do your good praying for me.
27:22 But when the blessings come, no matter what they look like,
27:25 you're gonna have to be all right with that.
27:26 I'm gonna switch the game on you, Latavia.
27:28 - Oh, dog.
27:29 - I know you fucking lying.
27:31 - Okay.
27:32 - You're gonna pull a car from this stack here,
27:33 and it's gonna have a category on it.
27:34 And immediately you're gonna have to say,
27:35 "I can name one thing in this category."
27:38 - Okay.
27:38 - And the next person will say, "Well, I can name two."
27:40 And it's gonna go back and forth, back and forth,
27:42 until somebody thinks they full of shit.
27:45 And then you're gonna call them out on it and say,
27:47 "I know you fucking lying."
27:49 If you are lying, you have to take a penalty.
27:52 Usually they are in the forms of shots,
27:54 but we're gonna do penalty cards.
27:55 - I'm gonna have to do something strange?
27:57 - For a piece of change, or just to finish the round, yes.
28:02 - This one on full black, folks.
28:04 I'm just saying.
28:05 - So if you say you can name seven,
28:08 you gotta name seven in 30 seconds if I call you out.
28:11 I can name one kind of soup.
28:13 Very interesting start.
28:15 - Yeah.
28:16 - You gotta say if you can name two.
28:17 - I only go for the next one?
28:20 - Yes, only the next number.
28:21 - I only gotta say, "I can name two."
28:23 - I can name three.
28:24 - I can name four.
28:26 - I got five.
28:27 (suspenseful music)
28:30 - You gotta be quicker than that, Latavia.
28:34 - No, I don't.
28:36 - It's back and forth, back and forth.
28:37 - No, it ain't.
28:38 - You gotta pee-poo.
28:38 - This is not Aaliyah sitting up here
28:40 with the back, back and forth and forth.
28:42 No, we was listening back, back.
28:45 We was listening to the old school.
28:46 - You stalling.
28:47 Do you have six or not?
28:48 - No.
28:49 - Okay, then I know you fucking lying.
28:51 (laughing)
28:53 That's how you're supposed to play this game.
28:54 - Sorry, sorry, sorry, I was about to give you six?
28:56 - Yes.
28:56 - [Producer] Ready, set, go.
28:58 - What?
28:59 - [Producer] Six kinds of soup.
29:00 - Okay, clam chowder, chicken and rice, tomato soup,
29:04 cream of chicken, cream of mushroom,
29:07 cream of celery, broccoli and cheese.
29:12 - Now, why did she just lie like that?
29:14 - Why did I lie?
29:15 No, 'cause you the one that tried to call me out.
29:17 I just not even said it.
29:18 Drink up.
29:19 I just not even said it.
29:21 Drink up.
29:21 - I just wanna say, how did I get played?
29:23 Just not even said play.
29:24 - No, my, look.
29:25 You ain't get played.
29:27 You did not get played, I love you.
29:29 - No, no, no, you don't.
29:30 - I do.
29:31 - 'Cause you seen the game before and you said,
29:34 I know how to get his money.
29:35 - I've been playing his game.
29:38 I've been playing his game.
29:39 He cannot be mad.
29:40 - Fine.
29:41 - Go on ahead.
29:41 - Look, now it's my turn.
29:43 - Yeah, Opa me.
29:45 - Okay, so now it's my turn?
29:46 - Yeah, she played my life.
29:49 Go ahead, pull it up.
29:49 - You the one that pulled the--
29:50 - You said you didn't know it and you know all the shit.
29:54 - I just said I didn't know what I had to think about it.
29:55 - That's not what she's saying.
29:57 - I didn't say that, as a man thinketh.
29:59 Celebrities with first name Ken.
30:03 - Okay, I can name two celebrities with first name Ken.
30:06 You got to be quicker than that.
30:13 - No, I can't.
30:14 - 'Cause she's thinking about it.
30:15 - You cannot rush greatness.
30:16 - You about to get a penalty shot.
30:17 - You cannot rush greatness.
30:18 - You about to get a penalty shot.
30:20 Judge.
30:21 - I'm really in hurry up.
30:22 (laughing)
30:24 - Okay, I can name three.
30:27 - I got four.
30:28 You got a penalty shot.
30:33 You got to take a penalty shot.
30:34 Penalty, penalty, penalty, penalty.
30:39 Take it.
30:40 - Okay, did you have to say it before?
30:42 - No, you didn't say you know what the number was.
30:44 - But you ain't pay this time.
30:46 But you not gonna tell me what--
30:47 - I can go through it right now.
30:49 Okay, fine, you gonna call me out, here we go.
30:51 Kim Kohl's, Kim Kardashian.
30:56 - Of course.
30:57 - Kim Whitley, and Kim Stone, is it Kim Stone?
31:02 Kim Phyllis, Kim Zolciak.
31:08 (laughing)
31:09 - She was one of mine.
31:10 - Kim Parker, is that a real thing?
31:13 Her name was Kim?
31:16 - Yes.
31:17 - Oh, Kim, oh hey.
31:18 - Back in.
31:19 (laughing)
31:21 - Yes, hey.
31:23 Okay, I can name one currency.
31:27 You traveled around the world, you should be good at this.
31:32 (laughing)
31:34 Oh, that's the most evil maniacal laugh I've ever heard.
31:37 (laughing)
31:39 - That's a whole nother story, a whole nother show.
31:42 That was a whole nother show.
31:44 - You got two?
31:45 - Yeah.
31:46 - I got three.
31:47 - You full of shit.
31:48 - All right.
31:48 - You ready?
31:49 - Yes.
31:50 - Go.
31:51 - The US dollar, the peso, the yen.
31:56 - Okay, very good.
31:59 - And that is how it's done.
32:00 So you can clap for me, yes.
32:03 You gotta take the penalty shot, you lost it.
32:06 - I'm gonna give you a snap.
32:07 I'm not gonna clap for you.
32:09 'Cause you trying to get me fucked up on this.
32:11 - Well, you can also take a penalty card.
32:13 - Nah, I'd rather take a snap.
32:14 (laughing)
32:16 So I'm winning now 'cause you have two penalties
32:18 and I have one.
32:19 - You're not gonna win.
32:19 - Yeah, I'm winning, look at the obvious shit.
32:21 I'm winning, come on, yes, put it right there.
32:23 - You gotta get in your spades head like.
32:25 - Yes, it's about bluffing, you gotta bluff better.
32:29 - I can name one Stevie Wonder song.
32:34 - Oh, I love this, I can name two.
32:36 - You picked these questions.
32:39 - I did not.
32:40 - I can name three.
32:43 - I got four.
32:44 (suspenseful music)
32:47 - I can name five.
32:49 - I know you fucking lying.
32:53 I don't believe in them.
32:54 - Bit.
32:55 Five.
32:56 Isn't she lovely?
32:59 She's a bad mama jamma.
33:01 (buzzer)
33:02 - Wait a minute.
33:03 - What?
33:05 (laughing)
33:06 - Hurry.
33:07 - I can't, Roxy, you're putting the pressure on me.
33:13 Get off the floor.
33:15 Get up here and give me my penalty card.
33:18 (buzzer)
33:20 - Shit.
33:22 - Give us your best or worst celebrity impression.
33:25 You got one?
33:28 - Yeah.
33:29 - Oh, who is it?
33:30 - Oh my gosh, it has to be Roxy.
33:32 - Let me do it and I'll try to guess who it is.
33:36 - The brown barber that was a great boxer.
33:42 - Who is this Russian lady?
33:43 - You damn right.
33:46 - She's Russian.
33:47 - Every time I start talking about boxing,
33:51 a white man got to pull Rocky Marciano out the house.
33:54 Daphne Wood, Daphne Wood.
33:56 - No, she's Italian.
33:57 - Rocky Marciano.
33:59 - I don't know, is it a Russian Italian?
34:01 (laughing)
34:02 Who is it?
34:03 Do you all know who it is?
34:04 - Rocky, are you talking about Rocky?
34:05 - Nope.
34:06 - Did anybody get it?
34:07 - Rocky Marciano was a great man.
34:09 - Is this about the movie Rocky?
34:10 'Cause I ain't never seen that shit.
34:11 - Nope.
34:12 - Coming to America, honey.
34:13 - Half the room didn't know what the fuck was going on
34:15 in this movie.
34:16 (laughing)
34:17 Okay, it didn't say best or worst, so yeah.
34:22 I can name one movie starring Viola Davis.
34:26 - You gotta make me look like a fool.
34:28 - It's the way she is not playing this game.
34:33 The way it's supposed to be.
34:34 - No, it's because when it comes there and it's time,
34:36 then you know I'm a movie buff and then when it comes--
34:39 - Well, you must know too.
34:42 - You know too.
34:43 - Okay.
34:44 - I know three.
34:45 (laughing)
34:46 I got three.
34:47 - You full of shit.
34:50 (buzzer)
34:50 - Viola Davis, that's my girl.
34:53 You done messed up.
34:54 Fences,
34:55 Doubt,
34:59 and The Woman King.
35:03 - Okay.
35:03 - Ah, yes.
35:06 - That's your movie too.
35:08 - Oh, that's your film, baby?
35:11 That's your film?
35:12 - That's a lot of movies.
35:13 - Mm, you messed up.
35:15 - If you can only eat fast food for the rest of your life,
35:18 which restaurant will you choose?
35:21 - Mm.
35:22 - I'm gonna say Papa Do's.
35:24 - That ain't fast food.
35:26 That gotta be a restaurant.
35:27 I don't know fast ass shrimp.
35:29 (laughing)
35:30 You said fast food.
35:32 - Del Taco.
35:33 - Oh, now that's, I was not expecting a Del Taco.
35:38 - Mm.
35:39 - No need.
35:40 (laughing)
35:41 - They're really good in late in the midnight hour.
35:43 - Yes, they are.
35:44 - Yes, like right in that little Jack in the Box vibe.
35:46 - Oh, that's what I should have said
35:48 'cause we don't have Jack, oh, oh, I'm sorry.
35:50 Oh, Lord.
35:51 (buzzer)
35:52 - I unearthed a spirit in you.
35:55 Yes.
35:55 - No, because we don't have Jack in the Box,
35:57 but I'm telling you, when I used to go to the club,
36:00 them, them, them, them, them, them two for 99 cent tacos.
36:03 - Tacos.
36:03 (laughing)
36:04 - Yes, heck, heck, heck, heck.
36:06 - The Supreme.
36:07 - Hallelujah.
36:07 - The Supreme ones, they come with the salsa on them.
36:10 - And don't let, we have no fresh curly fries ready.
36:13 - Not the curly fries, we don't even have Jack in the Box.
36:17 (laughing)
36:19 And then they used to call it Jack Off in the Box,
36:21 so I was just like, what is all of that?
36:22 - That is not what it was called.
36:23 - No, no, that's what they used to call it to be funny.
36:25 - Oh, I got very concerned for them.
36:27 (laughing)
36:29 - Things you keep heeding, okay.
36:32 - Since we breaking the rules.
36:34 - Reading it is not breaking the rules, it's part of it.
36:36 (laughing)
36:37 - But he's talking, you gotta read it.
36:39 - Okay, I can name two things you keep heeding.
36:42 - I can name three things.
36:47 - I've got four.
36:48 - I can name five.
36:49 - God, are you fucking lying?
36:51 (laughing)
36:52 Five things you keep heeding, go.
36:54 - My dirty clothes.
36:57 (laughing)
37:00 - What up?
37:03 - My kids.
37:04 (laughing)
37:07 - Okay, you got 20 seconds.
37:10 - My social security card.
37:12 (laughing)
37:14 - Girl!
37:19 - Adios!
37:20 (laughing)
37:20 - No, I know my name.
37:22 - This is a pitiful thing.
37:25 - How you can name five things you keep heeding?
37:28 You had it yourself.
37:29 - Because you was gonna tell me that I was fucking lying.
37:31 You told me.
37:32 - I already told you I was fucking lying.
37:33 All you had to do was name five
37:34 and then it would have been my fault.
37:35 - I wish I had someone to put on my poker face.
37:37 (laughing)
37:40 - Talia, pick up this red card and read whatever is on it.
37:44 You have been terrible at this game and I love it.
37:47 - Thank you!
37:48 - You are so welcome.
37:49 - And I wear it with honor.
37:51 - Yes, oh I love this.
37:53 - No.
37:54 - I glance.
37:54 - Who was your R&B crush in the 90s?
37:58 And who is your new school R&B crush now?
38:01 R&B crush in the 90s was Usher.
38:04 New school R&B crush now.
38:06 - Who?
38:11 (laughing)
38:12 - You make it even worse.
38:15 - Face isn't physical.
38:16 Like who would you, your new school R&B man crush?
38:21 Who would you say?
38:24 - I guess he would be the one.
38:27 (laughing)
38:28 No, no, no.
38:29 No, that's a thing.
38:31 (laughing)
38:34 - I pick another damn card, shit!
38:37 - What is something that your kids have heard you say
38:42 and used against you?
38:44 - That's a good one.
38:45 - Yeah.
38:46 - Am I supposed to say to my four year old
38:51 son cusses at me?
38:53 - Yeah, you can say that.
38:54 What does he say to you?
38:56 What did he say last?
38:58 What'd he say?
39:00 - He, shut up bitch.
39:02 - Whoa!
39:03 (laughing)
39:05 - He's a repeat offender, my son, yes.
39:10 - Who the hell he heard say that?
39:12 - Not me.
39:14 I'm a saint.
39:15 - Well who the hell said it to you?
39:17 - Me.
39:19 (laughing)
39:21 - No, he--
39:22 - What is happening?
39:22 - I watch a lot of LMN and a lot of Lifetime
39:26 and they said that on there.
39:27 - What's LMN?
39:29 - Lifetime Movie Network.
39:31 - Oh, I like that.
39:33 What's on there that they be cussing like that?
39:35 - Because it's always somebody,
39:37 it's always some scandal stuff.
39:39 Shut up bitch.
39:41 Like they be saying that kind of stuff.
39:42 Like you can say that on there and I--
39:46 - What is your son's name?
39:47 London, you better stop cussing at your damn mama.
39:50 (laughing)
39:52 What the hell wrong with you?
39:54 London, four years old.
39:56 I don't even say that.
39:58 - He just turned four.
39:59 - He just turned four.
40:01 - He just--
40:02 - Now don't you cuss at your mama no more.
40:03 I'm gonna get the switch.
40:05 That is crazy.
40:06 If I ever heard him say that to you in my--
40:08 I would just instinctively--
40:09 - I already told you I'm good with bad games.
40:11 - Go ahead and light his little ass up.
40:13 Y'all clap, I know you fucking lying.
40:15 (clapping)
40:17 Now Latavia, you are not good at that game.
40:20 - Okay, yeah.
40:21 - So, you know, I can prepare--
40:22 - 'Cause I don't play games.
40:23 - You don't play games?
40:24 Well, you about to play another one.
40:24 - Oh, Jesus Christ.
40:27 - Because I wanna make sure I give you full opportunity
40:29 to be good at one of these games, okay?
40:31 - All right, well, I'll hear.
40:32 Don't hold your breath.
40:34 - This game is called Say My Name.
40:37 - Oh, good.
40:38 (laughing)
40:40 - On your screens right now,
40:41 you're going to see a word that does not make any sense.
40:45 The word doesn't make any sense
40:46 because it's actually the scrambled up version
40:50 of a musical artist.
40:52 (laughing)
40:53 All you're gonna do is tell me
40:54 who this artist is supposed to be,
40:56 and if you have trouble, I'll give you hints.
40:58 - Oh, Lord.
40:59 - Here's your first artist.
41:00 This is easy, come on.
41:01 Who do you think that is?
41:03 - Jo.
41:03 - That is correct!
41:04 The first artist is Jo!
41:05 (clapping)
41:07 What's your favorite Jo song?
41:08 You got one.
41:09 ♪ I wanna know what turned you ♪
41:13 Oh, do I wanna know that?
41:14 - Yes, you do.
41:14 Tell me.
41:15 ♪ I wanna know ♪
41:17 - Come on, so I can what?
41:18 ♪ So I can be all that more ♪
41:22 - Okay, the flexibility is crazy.
41:27 Okay.
41:27 ♪ I wanna know ♪
41:28 - You better get that leg up there.
41:30 'Cause I got two kids.
41:32 - Listen!
41:33 - Here's your next one, ready?
41:34 Go, who that?
41:35 Ask for a hint if you need one.
41:38 - Hint.
41:39 - Stop it already!
41:42 - I'm thinking Las Vegas right now.
41:45 Thinking Vegas.
41:46 I'm thinking young '90s crush.
41:53 You know what I mean?
41:54 Oh, man.
41:55 - Usher.
41:56 - Yes!
41:58 ♪ You got it, you got it bad ♪
42:00 ♪ And you're on the phone ♪
42:02 ♪ Hang up and you call right back ♪
42:05 ♪ You got it, you got it bad ♪
42:07 He can do that falsetto by himself,
42:09 'cause baby, listen, I'm a low tone girl.
42:12 - Oh, wow.
42:14 You need a hint, let me know.
42:19 - Not a hint, 'cause it's just--
42:21 - Okay, sometimes I feel like a fool,
42:23 but I won't be a fool no more.
42:25 I'm not gonna be no fool no more.
42:28 I'ma be very the opposite of foolish.
42:31 Like, un-foolish.
42:34 - Ashanti.
42:36 - Yeah!
42:37 Oh, baby!
42:41 Oh, baby, oh, baby, yeah!
42:47 I am so sorry.
42:49 And I am for real.
42:50 (suspenseful music)
42:53 Come on, I'm so sorry.
42:58 Miss Janie, I am so sorry.
43:03 I'm for real.
43:04 Sometimes roses really smell.
43:07 Like, ooh, ooh, ooh.
43:10 - Outkast.
43:11 - Yes, come on!
43:13 Why you, you, you, be sure you name yourself.
43:15 Okay, it's about to get harder.
43:16 We about to take a notch.
43:17 Look at that, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, boy.
43:20 That's your con-a-cot-a-joke.
43:22 - See, now I got you speaking Japanese.
43:24 (laughing)
43:26 - Okay, ready?
43:27 Famous sibling.
43:29 - You know how many people got famous siblings?
43:34 - I was gonna say.
43:35 - You want another clue?
43:36 I can give you more clues, just ask another clue, man.
43:38 - Another clue.
43:40 - See last clue.
43:41 See the last clue.
43:44 And man, I'ma tell you about the state of the world today.
43:48 It's really crazy.
43:49 I really just, you know, need some more rhythm
43:52 in this nation.
43:53 - Janet Jackson.
43:54 (laughing)
43:54 ♪ I'm in control ♪
43:56 - Back, back.
43:57 - I just said,
43:58 ♪ When I was 17 ♪
44:00 ♪ My mama always told me ♪
44:03 ♪ Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh ♪
44:06 ♪ And like my mama said ♪
44:08 ♪ I let my ♪
44:09 ♪ Daddy, mommy ♪
44:10 (laughing)
44:12 - I got you.
44:13 ♪ I'm in control ♪
44:14 - Yes!
44:15 You did well!
44:16 - Oh, well thank you for--
44:17 - I'm proud of you.
44:18 - Thank you for wrecking my brain.
44:21 - Yes, now that you feel stimulated.
44:23 I wanna talk about R&B Divas.
44:26 Uh-oh!
44:28 What happened was--
44:30 - Fix my hair.
44:31 (laughing)
44:32 - A time you was on R&B Divas.
44:34 Yeah, that's a reality show.
44:36 - Yes.
44:37 - Should I just open the floor?
44:38 Because the way that you give me all these looks and faces,
44:40 what's all that about?
44:42 - What was it that you wanna know?
44:43 - Did you love that?
44:47 - Did you enjoy your time?
44:50 - No.
44:51 - You did not?
44:52 I would've never guessed by the way that you reacted.
44:54 What happened?
44:55 Why was it so--
44:55 So what were you expecting
44:56 when you signed on to the reality show?
44:59 - When I signed on to R&B Divas,
45:01 what I was expecting was to be an open book.
45:05 And just like I've been with you,
45:09 I needed a platform.
45:12 I just had my daughter.
45:14 I needed some money.
45:17 Things with me and my children,
45:18 I was taking care of a child by myself.
45:21 I didn't have the people that was coming
45:23 to help me or whatever.
45:25 I needed a coin.
45:26 And so I didn't do it in vain,
45:29 but I did it because I thought
45:31 that I was gonna be able to speak
45:33 about a lot of things that were going on in my life.
45:36 Reality TV to me,
45:39 what that did for me
45:43 was make me feel like reality TV was shit.
45:47 And I knew that the next season,
45:50 I was ready because I knew that I could stand my ground.
45:54 And all of a sudden it went away.
45:58 So then here I am again,
46:00 back where nobody,
46:02 okay, Liz Hobby is not doing it.
46:03 You know what I'm saying?
46:05 I'm like, when do I get a break?
46:08 When is it something?
46:09 And then I give something
46:10 and I always try to be transparent to people.
46:13 And then people take my kindness for weakness
46:17 and I cannot stand that.
46:19 So then I'd rather revert and become a hermit
46:23 and not be in front of everybody.
46:26 Doesn't matter how much I did,
46:28 they painted a picture of me.
46:30 - And that is exactly what their job titles entail.
46:34 They are producing a show.
46:37 They are producing a story.
46:38 They got story producers that will take
46:40 what actually happened and then create their own story.
46:43 People forget how powerful an edit is.
46:46 You can really,
46:49 don't underestimate how you can take something
46:51 that happened in one situation
46:53 and make it happen somewhere in Japan.
46:55 It just really, I'm so serious.
46:57 You know what I mean?
46:58 So I feel that, I understand that.
47:01 I used to work in that industry.
47:03 So I really know.
47:05 - It was devastating.
47:06 Especially with everything that had happened
47:08 with the group.
47:09 And then I'm finally back on TV
47:11 and I'm asked to be this person
47:14 and just had a baby.
47:16 My daughter was six months old.
47:18 And then you put me on there to at the end of the day,
47:20 make me look like a fool.
47:21 I'm a work in progress every single day.
47:25 And you live and you learn from different experiences.
47:29 And it's hard.
47:31 Like it's hard,
47:33 especially because I've been on the outs for so long
47:36 and all that.
47:37 And now coming back in,
47:38 people say harsh things about you and all that.
47:42 - What is the biggest misconception
47:45 that people have today about Latavia Roverson?
47:49 - The one is that she's the bitter one.
47:52 And the reason why I've been told that I'm the bitter one
47:58 is they say because she never put out music.
48:01 I don't understand why that makes me bitter.
48:03 - No matter who it is,
48:05 you've lost something in your life journey.
48:08 You had something that you loved and you lost it,
48:10 whether that's a person, a job, a dream, whatever it was.
48:13 And you have to grieve that moment, right?
48:16 And you have to find a way to come out of it
48:19 on the other side and be content.
48:23 And that is a journey.
48:26 Some people never make it to that moment.
48:28 Do you feel like you at that moment?
48:33 - I don't feel like I'm at that moment entirely.
48:37 And a lot of people are like,
48:39 "Oh my gosh, I wanna do this.
48:40 I wanna do it perfectly."
48:41 I don't seek perfection
48:45 because the moment that I seek perfection
48:49 is the moment that I will stop seeking God.
48:52 It's a hard journey, but I have to trust.
48:54 - That little girl that was praying for her life
48:58 when she was eight years old
48:59 to the grown woman today that still prays,
49:04 is that prayer still as strong?
49:05 Is your faith still as strong?
49:07 Or has it-
49:09 - My faith is stronger than that little girl,
49:12 but it's harder for me praying from that little girl to now.
49:17 The reason why it's different for me
49:19 is because I have children.
49:21 I've had two miscarriages
49:25 and I've had to deal with that.
49:31 And I've always wanted children since I was 15.
49:35 - Wow.
49:35 - So it's a peaceful yet trying journey.
49:40 - You have an incredible story that started in the '90s.
49:48 - Not the '90s.
49:49 - In the '90s, baby.
49:51 And here we are in 2023.
49:53 And like you said, look at you.
49:55 You look good, baby.
49:56 - Thank you.
49:57 - Okay.
49:58 I wanna say you look good, bitch,
49:59 but I don't wanna be like your son and cuss you out.
50:02 - Look right there and say it.
50:03 - You look good, bitch.
50:04 - I ain't hear you.
50:05 - Bitch, you look the (beep) good.
50:07 What does Latavia wanna do next?
50:10 What do you see your life looking like in this next decade?
50:15 - What I love so much about my life now is that,
50:19 yo, even though it might seem to people
50:21 that I've taken a back seat,
50:22 but I've taken a seat to be more behind the scenes.
50:28 More of the entrepreneurial world.
50:30 I love my philanthropy work.
50:32 My nonprofit foundation, the Le Papillon Foundation,
50:37 which is the butterfly in French.
50:39 I'm of French descent with my family,
50:41 but I love butterflies.
50:43 And even with my, it's really about transformation.
50:48 God does not put a stamp
50:50 on when things are supposed to happen for you.
50:53 - Come on!
50:54 - I don't care.
50:55 I love all my girls.
50:56 I love them.
50:57 I've supported every single project
50:59 that every last one of them has done.
51:01 But when it's your time, it's your time.
51:04 And I always look at Oprah Winfrey and guess what?
51:08 People always like, "You should've put on an album.
51:09 "You should've did this.
51:10 "You should've did that.
51:11 "You should've did that."
51:12 No, I shouldn't have.
51:14 Oprah didn't even start until she was in her 40s.
51:17 So guess what?
51:18 It's my time.
51:19 - It's your time.
51:20 - It's my time, Sean.
51:22 - It's your time.
51:23 - It's your time.
51:24 - It's my time.
51:25 - It's your time.
51:25 - It's my time, Sean.
51:27 - Come on, baby.
51:28 - My time.
51:29 It's my time.
51:30 - I love this.
51:33 - And that's really where I am in life.
51:35 It's not about what anybody can say about me.
51:38 Like, I really can't care.
51:39 I used to care so much.
51:41 It doesn't matter.
51:42 It's more about what I care about myself.
51:45 I don't care what nobody else.
51:46 I used to care about comments.
51:47 I used to care about all that.
51:49 No.
51:50 - We live in a world of social media.
51:53 - Yes.
51:54 - Where you see other people online doing their thing,
51:59 whatever, you know, and big ups to them.
52:01 But sometimes it's hard not to compare.
52:04 It's hard not to look and see what's out there.
52:07 And you think, well, man, this person is my age or younger,
52:10 and they're doing all of this.
52:11 They're doing so much more.
52:13 Am I behind?
52:14 Am I not good enough?
52:17 Am I not studied enough?
52:18 Am I not gifted enough?
52:19 Is God not listening to me?
52:22 No.
52:22 - Right.
52:23 - That timeline thing is a personal journey.
52:28 Nobody should be comparing themselves to anybody.
52:32 - Not at all.
52:33 - I don't want to be nobody else
52:35 but Terrell motherfucking Grice.
52:37 - Okay.
52:37 - Because I already know the shit I got to go through,
52:39 and I'm used to my shit, okay?
52:40 I know how to manage my shit.
52:42 You might have millions of dollars,
52:43 but I don't know your shit though, okay?
52:45 What's your shit that you got to keep up with
52:46 and make sure you keep that change?
52:47 I don't know about it.
52:48 Hey!
52:49 I'm gonna give you one more word to sing a song.
52:52 - Oh my God.
52:53 - And we gonna get out of here, okay?
52:56 The word is happy.
52:58 ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
53:04 ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
53:09 ♪ Happy birthday dear Latavia ♪
53:14 ♪ Happy birthday to you ♪
53:21 ♪ Yeah ♪
53:23 - Happy birthday, baby.
53:30 I love you so much.
53:32 - Thank you.
53:32 - Thank you for being here,
53:35 and I know this is not your birthday,
53:36 but when this comes out, it will be.
53:37 And I just wanted to do a little something special for you,
53:41 let you know how much we really do love you
53:43 and we support you.
53:45 And we want you to have the best birthday
53:47 you can possibly have,
53:49 with lots of sugar and fat.
53:51 And, yeah.
53:53 - Thank you.
53:54 - Thank you. - Thank you.
53:56 - Mwah!
53:57 Give it one more time for Latavia Robeson!
54:00 It's the season six finale week,
54:02 and we will see you tomorrow, yeah!
54:04 (laughs)
54:06 - Hey everybody, it's Latavia Robeson.
54:08 Thank you for watching the Terrell Show.
54:10 Make sure you like, comment, and subscribe.
54:13 Love you.
54:15 - Yes!
54:16 Happy birthday, bitch!
54:19 (laughs)
54:21 - Yes!
54:23 (shouts)
54:25 - Get your ass off this camera with that birthday!
54:30 Happy birthday!
54:31 - Look, look!
54:32 - Uh huh, yeah, take a...
54:33 Ooh, yes.
54:35 Yes, yes, yes, very good.
54:38 Oh, we love.
54:40 We love.
54:41 (laughs)
