The Pelican and the Snipe

  • last year


00:00 [Music]
00:16 This is a story about a couple of pals who set up lighthouse keeping on top of a lighthouse near Montevideo.
00:24 And by a strange coincidence, their names happen to be Monty and Vidal.
00:31 I suppose you wonder why the little fella's keeping his eye on the big one.
00:36 Well, Monty, the big pelican, is a somnambulist.
00:42 You know, flies in his sleep, and somebody has to stay up and watch him in case he takes off.
00:50 And little Vidal, the snipe, he's that somebody.
00:56 And he watches over him with untiring devotion.
01:00 If that isn't true friendship, I don't know what is.
01:05 And Monty doesn't even realize it.
01:09 [Music]
01:26 See, what did I tell you? There he goes.
01:30 Whenever Monty dreams he's a dive bomber, it's little Vidal's job to pull him out of dives.
01:37 [Music]
01:43 Look, imagine what would happen to Monty if little Vidal wasn't along.
01:47 [Music]
01:52 See, just one narrow sweep after another.
01:56 [Music]
02:15 Poor little Vidal.
02:18 What a life he leads.
02:20 And this sort of thing goes on night after night.
02:24 It's wearing little Vidal down.
02:27 But here's the irony of it.
02:29 At the crack of dawn, Monty is up fresh as a daisy, full of vim and vinegar.
02:36 One, two, one, two, up, down, up.
02:42 He can't understand why Vidal is so dead tired in the morning.
02:46 [Music]
02:51 Oh well, thought Monty. No use waiting for that snoring snipe.
02:55 Am I hungry? Could I use a little seafood?
02:58 [Music]
03:04 Oh, I forgot to mention the airplanes.
03:08 Every day they practice maneuvers around the harbor.
03:12 Monty's crazy about planes.
03:14 [Music]
03:18 But poor little Vidal could get along without them.
03:24 [Music]
03:33 The next night, Vidal tried a new plan to keep Monty out of danger.
03:38 [Music]
03:41 Somehow I don't think this is going to work.
03:46 [Music]
04:09 [Music]
04:17 Poor little Vidal. No wonder he's getting tremendous bags under his eyes.
04:24 There must be a way out.
04:27 Little Vidal racked his brain. There must be a way out.
04:32 No, no, Monty, relax.
04:37 What to do? Oh, what to do?
04:42 No, no.
04:46 Oh, no.
04:48 Well, what do you got an elephant?
04:51 Oh, no, not that.
04:54 That?
04:56 Yes, that.
05:02 Well, looks like little Vidal's troubles are over.
05:05 Why didn't he think of this before?
05:08 [Music]
05:17 So, this is that snipe's idea of a practical joke.
05:22 [Music]
05:28 [Laughter]
05:34 He gave Vidy a withering look that said,
05:36 "You ungrateful gutter snipe.
05:40 You molting mallard.
05:43 Sleep all day and play tricks on me at night, will you?
05:47 You, you sawed off sandpiper.
05:50 You've destroyed my faith in birds.
05:55 Go and never darken my lighthouse again."
06:00 [Music]
06:22 Scram!
06:25 And Vidy scrammed.
06:32 And there's the end of a fine feathered friendship.
06:37 Now Monty's all alone.
06:41 Oh, just what I was afraid of.
06:44 There he goes and with no little Vidy to guide him.
06:47 Now he thinks he's a flying fortress.
06:51 He'll have to solo it tonight.
06:54 No, he'll have company.
06:56 The Air Force is out on night maneuvers.
07:03 Hey, what's the big idea, you?
07:05 Why don't you look where you're going?
07:07 Oh, how did I get up here?
07:09 And then it dawned on him.
07:11 Flying in his sleep.
07:13 What an injustice he'd done to poor Vidy.
07:16 Oh, what a cad I turned out to be.
07:27 Vidy!
07:37 Vidy! My little pal, Vidy!
07:49 Wait a minute.
07:50 Do you want to see how close this really is?
08:02 Well, everything's patched up and the two birds are buddies again.
08:06 I suppose you're wondering about Monty.
08:09 Oh, don't worry about him.
08:11 Little Vidy has solved that problem once and for all.
08:16 But I'll bet he'll have a dizzy pelican on his hands in the morning.
08:21 (MUSIC)
