Fast Friends (Winnie the Pooh)

  • last year


00:00 ( music playing )
00:03 Jump, Piglet!
00:14 Help! Oh, help!
00:16 More scared, Piglet?
00:18 I'm afraid I'm too afraid to be more afraid.
00:21 I don't blame you, Piglet.
00:23 I'm terrifying, aren't I?
00:26 Tigger's always played a bad guy best.
00:28 Where's the ladder?
00:30 How can we save Piglet without my portable ladder?
00:33 This ladder is too short.
00:35 That's what makes it so portable.
00:38 Too high! It's too high!
00:44 What? Hmm.
00:46 Now, where's that reverse?
00:48 I'll have you down before you can say--
00:51 Better try the net.
00:55 Jump, Piglet!
00:57 Oh, I don't think I can.
00:59 But it's easy, Piglet.
01:01 Just do this.
01:03 Help!
01:04 Hmm.
01:05 That's learner.
01:07 Rabid! What kind of ( whistling )
01:15 saving was that?
01:17 Well, I did my part, just as I was supposed to.
01:20 Looks like you're short one lifesaver.
01:22 Good morning, everyone.
01:24 Hmm. You're late!
01:26 Where have you been?
01:28 I believe I've been right here.
01:30 Although I did spend some time over there, too.
01:33 You missed the fire drill.
01:35 Missed the whole thing.
01:38 You're even running too late to be late, Pooh Boy.
01:41 You are, without a doubt, the slowest bear there is.
01:45 Why, thank you, Rabid.
01:47 You can't go around being late all the time.
01:50 Late for this, late for that.
01:53 Just won't do, Pooh.
01:55 Throws everything out of whack.
01:58 Destroys the balance of things.
02:01 Is there anything I can do to put things back in whack?
02:06 Well, you could start by being on time for once.
02:09 It's best, Pooh, if you don't wait until the last minute.
02:13 Yes, Piglet.
02:15 But I never know which is the last minute.
02:17 There always seem to be more minutes left over.
02:20 If you move any slower, Buddy Bear,
02:22 you're going to be going backwards.
02:24 Stop by dinghy, that's it.
02:27 What's it?
02:28 A way to get everything back on track.
02:31 We'll speed the bear up.
02:33 We'll get him moving like the wind itself.
02:38 Once you take the specifications of that fluff-filled head
02:42 and Pooh's stomach into consideration.
02:45 And just when are you going to speed him up?
02:48 Keep your ears on.
02:50 It's going to take some time to get Pooh on time.
02:53 And you're certainly taking enough time with all this nonsense.
02:57 I'll get Pooh moving.
02:59 Oh, good.
03:00 Perhaps we'll have time left over for something sweet.
03:04 Well, good luck.
03:06 I'll be waiting when you give up.
03:09 Now, this, Pooh Bear, is a schedule.
03:12 Something I am never without.
03:15 If you follow it faithfully, you'll be moving faster than...
03:19 Well, whatever you choose to move faster than.
03:22 Oh, my.
03:24 I've never seen anyone waste so much time so quickly.
03:28 [laughing]
03:29 You're getting him moving faster.
03:31 All right.
03:32 Slowly.
03:34 The secret to not being late, Pooh, is taking shortcuts.
03:38 And to do that, you find the straight line,
03:40 which is the shortest distance between two points.
03:43 Between those points is where I'll find enough time.
03:47 Exactly, Pooh.
03:50 Ouch!
03:51 Is this one of the points I'm looking for?
03:54 Beep, bleep.
03:55 No, Pooh, that's a pine cone.
03:58 Oh, dear.
03:59 I don't think this is going to work.
04:01 I figured out your problem, Pooh Boy.
04:04 You got no stripes.
04:06 But, Tigger, how will stripes make me faster?
04:10 They'll make you faster 'cause they're raisin stripes.
04:13 [laughing]
04:16 Hmm, I'm going to have to get a new brush.
04:19 About ready to call it quit, are ya?
04:23 Get yourselves ready for the new, improved, faster Pooh Bear.
04:29 Excuse me, Gopher, but what exactly will I have to do?
04:33 Not a single thing, Pooh Bear.
04:36 My fully automatic, solar-powered, woodgrain,
04:39 speeder-upper is going to do it for ya.
04:42 All you got to do is go for it.
04:45 [Pooh Bear roars]
04:47 You did it!
04:48 He's flying like no Pooh Bear's flied before!
04:52 I never thought I'd see the day he moved like that.
04:56 Oh, dear.
04:58 The only thing I don't understand about this not being slow business
05:04 is when shall I ever find time for lunch?
05:07 Rabbit, do you think Pooh's being so very fast
05:12 is really such a very good thing?
05:14 Of course it isn't good. It's wonderful.
05:17 We've been trying to speed that bear up forever.
05:21 On the other hand,
05:30 the new Pooh is a menace to everyone.
05:33 Don't be ridiculous.
05:35 The only good Pooh are the fast Pooh.
05:38 But I wish he wouldn't do that.
05:40 What's everybody complaining about?
05:43 Pooh's perfect.
05:45 He's the fastest bear on to--
05:48 [Pooh Bear roars]
05:50 Mr. Stuttheim, buddy bear!
05:55 Back to the drawing board, Gopher.
05:57 Your perfect bear isn't.
06:00 You ain't just whistling Dixie, honey.
06:05 There is positively absolutely guaranteed to slowing down.
06:12 Let's see how that speed demon handles plan two.
06:20 But how will this slow Pooh down?
06:25 Um, a bear crosses bridge, bridge falls,
06:30 bear drops into water.
06:32 Simple as that.
06:35 By diggy, the specifications clearly state
06:40 that the bridge should have--
06:42 [Pooh Bear screams]
06:45 Now he's gonna get plan three.
06:50 Soon as he hits there, he'll--
06:54 Dang nabbit!
06:56 There's just no slowing that bear down.
07:00 And if we don't slow him down, we'll have to--
07:03 By diggy, I got it!
07:06 Beautiful day as days go.
07:11 Birds in the trees, flowers here and there.
07:15 Not to mention one of those.
07:19 I'm sorry, Eeyore.
07:28 I was trying not to be late.
07:31 Don't see why you're in such a hurry.
07:34 Sooner you get to a place,
07:36 the sooner somebody asks you to leave.
07:39 Perhaps I should ask the others where it is I should be
07:44 that I'm not.
07:45 Mind if I tag along to find out what you're talking about?
07:50 What a good idea, Eeyore.
07:52 That way we can find out together.
07:55 Only one thing to do, and that's restore the balance.
08:00 Restore the what?
08:01 The balance, the natural order of things.
08:04 And just how do you propose we do that?
08:07 Easy. We can't slow Pooh down, so we speed up.
08:13 What a perspiring idea.
08:15 Just what I'd expect from a gopher.
08:17 Hmm, I suppose it might just work.
08:21 From this second on, we do everything double time.
08:25 Better yet, make that triple time.
08:27 And we'll do it together to make sure it gets done right.
08:31 Must get the harvesting done.
08:34 It's time for winter. Time to find new crops.
08:38 I must finish my spring cleaning.
08:40 There, all done. Now for next year's.
08:43 Mustn't wait till the last minute.
08:45 Gotta get new tunnel, dug, no time to dawdle.
08:49 Gotta get on Pooh's standard time.
08:52 ( screams )
08:53 ( laughs )
08:54 I'm gonna have to bounce my tail off to be as fast as Buddy Bear.
08:58 Um, Tigger?
09:01 I know I'm late for something because I always am.
09:06 If I don't remember what it is soon,
09:09 I shall very likely be late for being late.
09:12 Don't know how much longer I can keep up this pace.
09:16 Oh, Robert.
09:18 I'm afraid very small animals such as myself get tired rather quickly.
09:24 Excuse me, piglet.
09:27 ( grunts )
09:29 I can't tunnel another inch at this speed.
09:35 I don't think I can bounce another bounce.
09:38 I think I have missed something very, very important.
09:42 Hello, everyone. I'm sorry for being late.
09:46 Why, Pooh, you are. You're late.
09:51 It worked.
09:53 We don't have to hurry anymore.
09:55 But aren't you all angry with me?
09:58 No.
10:00 'Cause not being on time is right on time for a Pooh Bear.
10:04 Does that mean I'm on time for whatever it is I'm not on time for?
10:09 Precisely.
10:11 You can take your time for all the time you want.
10:15 You're not late, Pooh. You're just Pooh.
10:18 Yes. Now I see.
10:20 If being late means being me, then that's what I shall be.
10:25 So long as it doesn't mean being late for breakfast.