• 2 years ago


00:00 (HONKING)
00:13 It was nice of Christopher Robin
00:15 to let us use his fun stuff while he's gone.
00:17 Yes, and it's too bad we're not having any fun.
00:25 Here.
00:27 Say, little piglet, did you find something to do?
00:30 Oh, hello, Tigger. I was just--
00:32 No, no, don't tell me.
00:34 Hmm, I got it.
00:36 You was hiding, seeking, and I seeked you.
00:38 I won, and I didn't even know I was playing.
00:41 I wasn't really hiding, Tigger.
00:43 You see, the thunder--
00:45 I'll say you wasn't hiding.
00:47 Here, let me show you how.
00:49 The only thing Tigger can do better than seeking is hiding.
00:55 There. Now I'll never find you, piglet.
00:58 Why, I believe piglet's right here, Tigger.
01:04 Well, that was exciting.
01:07 What'll we do now?
01:09 There's all sorts of fun hiding around this house.
01:12 All we gotta do is seek it.
01:13 And where, pray tell, are we supposed to start seeking?
01:18 Say, poor boy, you seeked piglet pretty good.
01:20 So where do we go to seek out some fun?
01:22 Hmm, well, it seems to me that we certainly can't seek out,
01:27 because out is so very weird as to be out of the question.
01:32 So what's up, poo boy?
01:34 Up.
01:35 Oh, dear.
01:37 Isn't up closer to the thunder?
01:39 If you ask me, not that anybody is,
01:43 poo means we might find something fun to do up in the attic.
01:48 The attic? Yipes!
01:51 Isn't that the dark, scary place where things go
01:54 and are never seen again?
01:56 Don't be silly, piglet.
01:57 Attics are where things are stored for a rainy day.
02:01 Ow!
02:02 And that's today.
02:04 There's nothing to be frightened of, piglet.
02:07 Attics are full of awfully interesting things.
02:10 I think it's the awfully part that worries him, rabbit.
02:14 ( grunts )
02:19 ( grunts )
02:20 To make a long story short,
02:24 uh-oh.
02:26 We're gonna have fun just getting there.
02:30 We are?
02:32 Sure.
02:33 We might even run into some spookables.
02:36 Oh, d-d-d-d-d-d-dear, spookables.
02:39 Don't be ridiculous, Tigger.
02:41 There's absolutely nothing to fear,
02:43 especially with poo leading the way.
02:46 Poo?
02:48 Yes.
02:49 Yes, indeed.
02:51 Poo is, as Tigger pointed out,
02:53 the best of us at seeking.
02:56 It's only fair he should have the honor of going first.
02:59 Oh, are you really gonna go first, Poo?
03:02 Yes, piglet.
03:04 It seems that I am.
03:06 Very slowly.
03:09 I'm glad no one thought about donkeys going first.
03:13 You go right ahead, Poo.
03:16 ( music playing )
03:18 ( grunts )
03:24 My, that was close.
03:27 Oh, it's awfully dark in here.
03:30 Don't worry, little piglet.
03:32 Nothing can get us in here.
03:34 Unless it got in here first.
03:38 ( thunder )
03:39 Oh, my goodness gracious.
03:41 ( screams )
03:43 It appears this step is safe.
03:45 But noisy.
03:47 Shall I go on, Robert?
03:49 Tigger?
03:50 Faster!
03:52 ( screams )
03:54 That was close.
03:59 Now we should have nothing to worry about.
04:02 If we're so safe,
04:04 why is my heart still knocking?
04:07 That's not your heart knocking.
04:09 It's-- oh, my.
04:12 Somebody or something at the door.
04:17 Death and relief.
04:19 For a second there, I thought we were in trouble.
04:21 Tigger, no!
04:23 Oh, de-de-de-de.
04:25 Hello, everyone.
04:28 Have I missed anything fun?
04:31 Oh, Foo Bear.
04:34 Now that we're all here,
04:37 what are we gonna do about it?
04:39 We're going to have some fun
04:41 if it's the last thing we do.
04:43 So let's get busy and find some fun.
04:46 If no one minds, I'll just wait here.
04:49 Fun can be too much for very small animals,
04:52 of which I'm one.
04:54 Yoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
04:55 Dummy coming through!
04:57 Guys!
04:58 Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
05:00 Oh, dear, I'm trapped.
05:02 Say, this thing is kind of hard to steer.
05:06 Help!
05:08 (crash)
05:10 Are you all right?
05:16 I'm fine, but I can't find Piglet.
05:19 You found him, Tigger.
05:20 You just didn't know it.
05:22 What do you know?
05:23 I was using my head the whole time,
05:25 and I didn't feel a thing.
05:27 And Piglet's found a friend.
05:29 Say, there's a whole gang in the little guys.
05:32 I think Piglet's found more than friends.
05:36 He's discovered the way to spend our rainy afternoon.
05:41 Congratulations, Piglet.
05:43 I was sure you had it in you.
05:45 Or perhaps I should say, had it on you.
05:49 (chuckles)
05:50 Chess is a wonderful game for a rainy day.
05:53 But some of the pieces are missing.
05:56 Yeah? Which ones?
05:58 Which ones?
05:59 Well, the magician is not here,
06:02 and there's no bishop.
06:04 Hey, the bishop sounds like my kind of guy.
06:07 And the knight is missing, a very important piece.
06:11 Is there any way of un-missing them?
06:14 Well, I suppose we could look for them.
06:17 Oh, you mean search the whole dark, spooky attic?
06:21 That's the idea, Piglet.
06:23 We'll make an adventure out of it.
06:25 Oh, good.
06:27 We'll split up and meet back here.
06:29 Tigger, you look over there.
06:31 Pooh, you go that way.
06:33 Eeyore, you look over there.
06:34 And, Piglet?
06:36 Yes?
06:37 You go look in that old trunk for the missing knight.
06:41 Oh, dear.
06:44 All right, let's get cracking.
06:46 The sooner we start, the sooner we finish.
06:49 Unless we don't start at all.
06:51 Didn't anyone find anything?
06:57 I found this.
07:00 There aren't any dragons in the game of chess.
07:03 I suppose it all depends on the way you want to play it.
07:07 Well, we can only hope Piglet found something.
07:11 I don't think he did.
07:13 Why don't you think that, Eeyore?
07:16 Because I just found Piglet.
07:19 Hello, Piglet.
07:21 Hello, Pooh.
07:23 No missing knights under here.
07:25 Then there's no way we can play chess.
07:29 Unless...
07:30 There is no unless, Pooh.
07:32 How can we play with missing pieces?
07:35 By playing the missing pieces.
07:38 Are my ears on too tight, or is Fluffboy making sense?
07:42 And Piglet will play the missing knight.
07:45 Me? But why?
07:47 Because you are what you can't find.
07:50 Come on, Piglet.
07:52 Let's see what we can find for very small knights.
07:56 That's what I call a knight to remember.
07:59 And all dressed up for a midnight smackerel.
08:03 Now, let's hurry and get ready so we can get on with the game.
08:07 If you don't mind, we'll just sit here and tell each other what time it isn't.
08:13 I can't be a knight.
08:15 Knights are large and strong and brave.
08:18 I'm just a very small Piglet who hides under tables.
08:22 I must find the knight.
08:26 Oh, dear.
08:28 Well, are we all ready?
08:30 As soon as we find our knight.
08:32 Piglet, where are you?
08:35 Here.
08:36 Oh, dear. There's no one here.
08:39 Now I'll have to play the knight.
08:41 Yoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
08:42 Knight, come out, come out, wherever you are.
08:46 Here I am, Tigger. Wait for me.
08:48 Uh-oh.
08:54 Where am I?
08:56 There you are, you sneaky little knight.
08:59 I knew I'd find you.
09:01 Tigger, what's happened?
09:02 Tigger, where are they?
09:04 Better still, what are they?
09:06 Why, they're-- I mean, it's you.
09:09 It is?
09:11 Oh, yes. You're the one and only Tigger.
09:14 I like the sound of that.
09:16 But I'm not Tigger. I'm the Bishop of Bounce.
09:19 See?
09:21 Yipes!
09:22 But you can call me Tigger if you want to.
09:25 It is a pretty spiffy name, after all.
09:28 And you, little knight, are just what I'm looking for.
09:32 I am?
09:33 In fact, the whole kingdom's been looking for you.
09:36 I'm probably not going to like the answer to this, but I simply must ask.
09:40 Why me?
09:42 How are we supposed to fight the dragon without a knight in shiny armor?
09:47 Dragon? Oh, dear.
09:51 You want me to fight a what?
09:55 A one of them. A dreadful dragon.
10:02 I really don't think I could fight a dreadful dragon.
10:06 You're a knight, aren't you?
10:09 Oh, no. Not at all.
10:12 That shiny armor you're wearing isn't it?
10:15 Well, yes, but--
10:16 And knights in shiny armor fight dreadful dragons.
10:20 Well, yes, but--
10:22 Then come on. I've been looking for a knight like you all day.
10:26 You dare bounce a great wizard?
10:33 Do you want me to turn you into a snail?
10:36 Yeah, yeah.
10:38 But later. I've got to get this knight to his royal kingdom.
10:42 Must be spring. The nights are getting shorter.
10:45 Before the, ahem, interruption, I was about to conjure up one myself.
10:52 So if you'll excuse me.
10:54 Oh, great whosers and mighty whatnot,
10:58 hear my magic words.
11:01 Eye of potato, ear of corn.
11:06 Hey, not half bad. Not even a quarter bad.
11:09 Carrot cake and vegetable stew.
11:12 Bring us a knight.
11:14 Who fights dragons too.
11:17 Well?
11:20 Rabbit.
11:21 Where's the knight? Where is he?
11:23 Oh, no. Oh, my. I'm a frog. A frog.
11:27 Rabbit.
11:28 I went wrong.
11:29 See you around the lily pond, oh great wizard.
11:32 Come on, knight. I've got to get you to his royal punis,
11:35 the king of all chess land.
11:38 King who?
11:39 King Pooh. That's who.
11:43 (SIGHS)
11:45 Greetings, your royal royaltiness.
11:51 Oh, is lunch served?
11:56 No, your most lowly highness.
11:58 I bring you good news.
12:00 I bring you one dragon slayer to go.
12:03 How very nice.
12:05 You've come to fight the dragon who's been such a bother to us all.
12:09 Well, no, actually, I was just passing through and...
12:15 Oh, my. Will you look at the time.
12:21 I really must be going.
12:23 If I'm not back soon, start the dragon fight without me.
12:27 Oh.
12:28 Can't go slaying dragons dressed like that.
12:32 Nope. No. Sure. Just won't do.
12:36 Yep. I can see possibilities here.
12:40 Oh, I don't know about this.
12:45 That's one top-of-the-line dragon-fighting outfit.
12:49 Notice the quality fabric, the low-cut hemline,
12:53 all the rags there. Yeah.
12:56 It's you, knight piglet. It's you.
12:59 Just look at how that shiny silveryness sets off your eyes.
13:04 No. No, no, no.
13:06 You dare swaddle wizard?
13:10 Hmph. The nerve.
13:12 Hmm. This suit of armor is missing something.
13:16 Perhaps someone else to wear it.
13:18 Ah, jumping crawdaddies. I know.
13:21 What you need is a shield.
13:24 A shield is all well and good,
13:26 but to fight a dragon, he needs a magic shield.
13:30 If you'll excuse me, I really do have to be somewhere.
13:33 Somewhere where?
13:35 Somewhere else.
13:37 Okay, a magic shield.
13:40 But no chartreuse.
13:42 I simply will not touch chartreuse.
13:46 My dinghy. A shield as good as this.
13:50 Doesn't need any magic mumbo-jumbo.
13:53 Hmph. Without my magic, it's just a silly pile of metal.
13:57 I'm the shield expert around here.
14:00 And I'm the whiz at wizardry.
14:03 Oh, keep telling yourself, Piglet.
14:05 It's just a dream. It's just a dream.
14:08 Don't look now, but we're short one short knight.
14:12 Here, boy. Here, knighty-knight.
14:14 Why, I do believe I see a knight now.
14:17 And he's crawling toward the door.
14:20 It's just a dream. It's just a dream.
14:23 Look at how bad he wants to fight that dreadful dragon.
14:28 If you'll excuse me, I think my horse is double parked.
14:31 Uh-uh. Doesn't seem too likely.
14:34 Seeing as how horses haven't been invented yet.
14:37 Aww.
14:39 Perhaps you might save my kingdom now,
14:44 while there is still a kingdom to save.
14:47 First, I must cast the magic spell to make his shield unbreakable.
14:52 Alakazam and hullabaloo, make this shield strong as ten shields times two.
14:59 Some days it doesn't pay to get out of the nest.
15:05 Aww.
15:08 Hurry, your knightliness. We're running out of time.
15:12 Not to mention castles.
15:14 No, no, no. I have one last spell.
15:16 The most powerful spell of all.
15:19 It will turn you into the largest, most heroic knight ever.
15:23 Oh?
15:24 However...
15:25 Dear.
15:26 This spell will only work once.
15:29 So do not use it until you absolutely must.
15:33 You simply repeat these words.
15:35 Magnificent magic, most mysterious.
15:38 Make me, make a monster into mozzarella marmalade.
15:41 What is going wrong with these spells?
15:47 Oh, don't feel badly.
15:49 I can't spell very well either.
15:52 Magnificent magic, most mysterious.
15:59 Oh, why?
16:02 I'm just going to have to put my very small foot down and say,
16:06 I'm not a real knight and so I cannot fight your dragon.
16:09 I'm sorry, but that's just the way it is.
16:16 Everyone, there's something I must say.
16:19 Yes, and so you shall.
16:21 As soon as we have said what we must say.
16:24 You're our only hope. You gotta save us.
16:28 If you don't make marmalade out of that monster,
16:32 we'll be in a real jam.
16:34 And when you come back, I will be happy to name you
16:37 the Knight to Remember.
16:40 Now, what did you have to say?
16:43 Uh, which way to the dragon?
16:45 That way.
16:46 Very well, I'll do it.
16:48 It will be an honor to fight the dragon and save the kingdom.
17:09 Marvelous music. Make me meek as marmalade.
17:15 Oh, dear.
17:17 I hope the dragon doesn't mind my dropping in like this.
17:21 Oh, he must be away on a visit.
17:29 I'll come back later.
17:31 Oh, look at that.
17:35 Macaroni marmalade of mockingbird milkshake.
17:40 This isn't so very terrible.
17:42 Could use a few curtains and maybe some flowers and...
17:46 I must remember I'm a brave and fearless knight.
17:53 It's up to me to save the kingdom.
18:04 Yipe!
18:06 Yipe!
18:13 You have nothing at all to fear, piglet.
18:16 Not with your magic shield, which cannot be broken.
18:30 I suppose I really should expect this from a wizard who turns himself into frogs.
18:36 Magnificent mustard mismatch mushrooms,
18:43 moonstruck marigolds.
18:46 Magnificent magic, most mysterious.
18:49 Make meek meek, make a monster into mozzarella marmalade.
18:52 Oh, no, it didn't work.
18:58 I'm still me.
19:00 Worked for one of us, anyway.
19:03 Who are you?
19:05 Formerly Eeyore the dragon, now just plain old Eeyore.
19:11 You're the dragon?
19:13 Was. Got myself turned into one last week.
19:18 That's the trouble with this place.
19:21 Never know what you're gonna get turned into.
19:25 Eternally grateful. Don't suppose I'll ever be able to repay you.
19:31 I believe I may know a way.
19:34 Brave piglet, who rescued us from the dragon and saved the kingdom.
19:43 And all before lunch, I name you, before I forget, the knight to remember.
19:50 Oh, it's all in a knight's work.
19:54 And now, knight piglet, is there anything we can do for you?
19:59 Well...
20:01 To grant the wish of knight to remember piglet,
20:05 the knight to remember is now Eeyore.
20:09 Words fail me.
20:11 If you'll excuse me, I really must get back to my trunk.
20:15 Goodbye, knight.
20:16 All right, knight.
20:22 Here, piglet, piglet. Here, piglet, piglet.
20:25 Piglet, where are you?
20:28 Why are you hiding yourself in there?
20:32 Oh, but I wasn't hiding. I was...
20:34 It's only a bit of a rainstorm.
20:36 Nothing to be too scared of.
20:39 Oh, I'm not. I was just...
20:41 Was it perhaps, piglet, that you were too timid to be our knight?
20:46 Well, yes, Pooh. I was.
20:49 But I'm not anymore.
20:52 Then come along, everyone. Let's finish this chess game.
20:56 [Pooh moans]
21:03 (upbeat music)