Un-Valentine's Day (Winnie the Pooh)

  • last year


00:00 What's this all about?
00:03 I hope it's nothing but the head.
00:05 If they look for it, I can touch my nose.
00:08 Quiet! Quiet down, everyone.
00:11 I called this meeting for a very serious reason.
00:16 It's that time of year again.
00:19 Oh, no! Not that time of year already.
00:23 Exactly what that time of year is it?
00:27 Valentine's Day.
00:30 We must avoid the terrible fiasco that took place last year.
00:36 Absolutely long years.
00:38 But just one thing. What terrible fiasco are we talking about?
00:42 Tigger, allow me to refresh your memory.
00:46 Too many cards were given last year.
00:49 Ten zillion valentines is more than any one animal can use.
00:54 They were all about, weren't they?
00:57 That's right. They popped up my tunnel.
01:01 My house was a terrible mess.
01:06 Why, I couldn't even find it.
01:08 Has anybody seen it lately?
01:11 Most of the blame can be placed on just one of us.
01:16 A certain bear whose initials are Winnie the Pooh.
01:21 That sounds familiar, but I can't quite place the face.
01:27 Whenever anyone gave him one valentine, he responded with three.
01:32 I had 40 bushels.
01:35 I received 200,000 at least.
01:38 Oh, yeah? Well, I got an even quadrillion in one.
01:44 I wonder how many that is.
01:47 Now that that's solved, shouldn't we get down to important matters?
01:52 Like giving valentines.
01:54 Pooh, you must learn to control yourself.
01:58 But I can't help it. I just like to show how much I care.
02:03 In fact, happy valentine's day, Robert.
02:07 It's hopeless.
02:10 Pooh, I'm afraid there's only one thing left to do.
02:14 You're going to give me a valentine?
02:17 Oh, thank you.
02:18 No. We must cancel valentine's day.
02:23 Really?
02:25 Oh, my. Golly.
02:28 Cancel valentine's day?
02:31 There's no other way.
02:33 The situation calls for drastic measures.
02:37 We should follow the example set by Eeyore last year.
02:41 Eeyore didn't send any valentines last year.
02:44 Exactly. That way, nobody's feelings will be hurt.
02:48 And nobody will be buried by unwanted cards.
02:53 I want everyone to promise that not even a teeny-tiny valentine gift will be given.
03:00 Oh, all right.
03:01 Me, too.
03:02 Me, too.
03:03 So, it's official.
03:05 Valentine's day is canceled.
03:09 Dum-da-dum-dum-da-dum-dum-da-dum-dum-da-dum-da-
03:13 Now, who could that be?
03:17 A valentine gift for me?
03:21 Oh, my. Someone broke their promise.
03:25 I'm quite certain it wasn't me.
03:27 I would remember giving myself a gift as wonderful as this.
03:31 Unless, of course, I did it when I wasn't around.
03:37 It must be from my best friend, Biglet.
03:40 He really shouldn't have.
03:42 But I'm glad he did.
03:44 I must give him something as wonderful in return.
03:48 Perhaps a jar of honey.
03:51 But I'd better not tell anyone, including me.
03:55 I've never been known for keeping a secret.
03:58 Uh, yes?
04:05 Biglet, you promised not to do it.
04:08 I'm sorry, Pooh. I promised not to do it again.
04:12 Um, what did I do?
04:15 You gave me a wonderful jar of honey as a valentine gift.
04:20 I did?
04:21 And if you ever do such a thing again,
04:23 I shall have no choice but to thank you again.
04:28 Happy valentine's day, Biglet.
04:31 I'm sorry it's only half full, but it was a long trip.
04:36 Oh, thank you, Pooh, but I can't keep it.
04:40 Why not?
04:42 Because I didn't get you anything.
04:44 You, my best friend.
04:47 Oh, that's all right, Biglet.
04:49 Keep it anyway.
04:51 Only please don't tell anyone about it.
04:55 [Honey humming]
04:58 Oh, my.
05:03 If the honey wasn't from my best friend, Biglet,
05:06 then from what best friend was it from?
05:09 I never remembered valentine's day to be so confusing.
05:14 I must find the real valentine giver
05:17 and give him a piece of my mind and a valentine.
05:21 Oh, dear.
05:23 Now I have to make Pooh a valentine, too,
05:26 or he'll think I'm ungrateful.
05:29 I do hope Rabbit doesn't find out.
05:32 Oh, dear.
05:34 Oh, d-d-d-dear.
05:36 Mama, isn't that Pooh?
05:44 Now, roo, dear, it isn't polite to bother someone
05:48 when they're pretending to be a mailbox.
05:51 A mailbox for secret valentines only, if you please.
05:55 Oh, bother.
05:59 My disguise doesn't seem to be working.
06:02 Aw, I think the mailbox is sad, Mama.
06:09 Maybe a valentine would cheer him up.
06:12 But don't tell Rabbit.
06:16 Think, think, think.
06:19 I do hope Pooh likes the valentine cake I made him.
06:24 And I do hope no one sees me.
06:27 What was that?
06:29 Hiya, piglet pal.
06:31 Uh, what's up?
06:33 Uh, up?
06:35 Yeah, you know, P-U, up.
06:39 Oh, nothing. Certainly not a cake.
06:42 Oops, did I say cake?
06:44 I meant, aren't we late?
06:46 Uh, for late? Late for what?
06:49 Oh, we must be late for something.
06:52 Uh, breakfast?
06:54 Oh, I had breakfast already, piglet.
06:56 Well, you can never have too many breakfasts, I always say.
07:00 I say, how strange for snow to fall on such a clear day.
07:11 Especially warm, sweet snow.
07:14 With raspberry hearts.
07:17 From Piglet.
07:21 Oh, how nice.
07:23 Piglet sent me a valentine cake.
07:25 Why, I haven't been so moved since Aunt Lucille tried to teach me to fly by kicking me out of the nest.
07:32 Unfortunately, I was still in my egg at the time.
07:36 I must reciprocate Piglet's generous offering with a valentine of my own.
07:42 Secretly, of course.
07:44 I wonder, what does one get a very small animal?
07:48 Ah, yes, I know.
07:51 A very small valentine.
07:54 Yeah, icy cream, fondue, and egg sounds good.
08:00 But what I could really use for breakfast is...
08:05 Yipe! Oh, dear.
08:08 Piglet? Piglet?
08:11 Hmm, what's this?
08:14 Buddy Bird got me a valentine cake.
08:18 Well, I gotta get old Feather Duster something, too.
08:21 But first, I better get rid of this evidence before Rabbit sees it.
08:25 Back! Back!
08:33 Oh, there. Finally.
08:36 For me? A gift?
08:43 Oh, how nice.
08:46 Oh, no. It's a valentine!
08:49 Not again!
08:51 No! No!
08:55 No!
08:58 Pooh Bear!
09:02 I do hope Pooh likes the valentine I got him.
09:05 Oh, dear. Maybe I should have given him candy instead.
09:10 No!
09:13 And one for Pooh, and one for Piglet, and...
09:18 I'm not sending any valentines.
09:21 I'm mail ordering for a ball-peen carburetor.
09:26 Honest!
09:28 And I'm catching up on my correspondences.
09:32 Lots of relatives, you know.
09:34 Oh, good. My new and improved disguise is working.
09:38 ( laughing )
09:40 Hey, hey, hey. What are you guys doing?
09:43 We're not sending valentines.
09:46 Nope, not us.
09:48 Uh-uh. No way.
09:50 Yeah, well, it's a good thing. We promised Rabbit.
09:57 Oh, dear. I'm just mailing it to myself.
10:01 Excuse us.
10:03 ( all shouting )
10:05 It's a secret.
10:07 Gee, Rabbit, didn't you bring a valentine, too?
10:11 And just what is going on here?
10:14 Oh, bother.
10:16 ( all shouting )
10:20 Oh, dear. What a prick.
10:24 ( crash )
10:26 ( music playing )
10:28 Happy valentine's day, Rabbit.
10:31 ( all talking at once )
10:37 What made them order?
10:41 ( clears throat )
10:43 Clearly, there's only one of us of so very little brain
10:47 that he'd start this mess up again
10:49 and break his no valentine's promise.
10:52 Why did you do it?
10:55 But I didn't, Rabbit.
10:57 Someone else broke it first,
10:59 and I just broke it some more.
11:02 ( gasps )
11:03 Someone else?
11:05 Then that someone else
11:07 has to be someone else in this room.
11:10 Yes, it was me. I did it. I'm sorry.
11:14 Ah-ha.
11:16 And why did you send the valentine, Piglet?
11:20 Well, you see, I, uh...
11:23 Actually, it wasn't me.
11:25 Then why did you confess?
11:28 I'm not very good under pressure.
11:31 We must get to the bottom of this.
11:33 Hey, who's the guilty party around here?
11:36 Who broke the promise, Mama?
11:38 I don't know, dear.
11:40 Order. Order. Order!
11:43 Perhaps it was someone who didn't know about our promise.
11:47 Someone like... Christopher Robin.
11:51 ( gasps )
11:53 Who? You're right.
11:55 He didn't know.
11:57 It must have been him.
11:59 Well, if Christopher Robin's sending cards,
12:02 we're gonna have to send him one, too.
12:04 In self-defense.
12:06 ( indistinct chatter )
12:08 I thought I saw a card around here somewhere.
12:12 No. No!
12:15 Oh, my. This won't do.
12:17 A card from Groundhog Day.
12:19 Where did this come from?
12:21 Say, these are all used valentines.
12:25 We gotta have a new one for Christopher Robin.
12:28 One like this?
12:30 It's an extra I had.
12:32 It's terrifical, Buddy Bear!
12:35 ( stammers )
12:36 But it's kind of on its crawny side.
12:39 We need a valentine so gigantical
12:41 it'll hold all our friendship and then some.
12:45 Maybe we could act out Pooh's card.
12:47 Then it would be like a real-life valentine
12:50 with all of us in it.
12:53 Peglet. That's a wonderful idea.
12:56 Why didn't I think of it?
12:59 A living valentine.
13:02 A project like this will require organization,
13:06 skilled planning and leadership.
13:09 Obviously a job for...
13:12 ( clears throat )
13:13 Action.
13:16 I said action!
13:19 ( stammers )
13:21 Happy Valentine's Day, Mrs. Kanga-Ma'am.
13:25 Well, thank you, Tigger, dear.
13:28 Tigger, what are you doing?
13:31 That isn't romance.
13:33 Sure it is, Long Ears.
13:35 You always bounce to one you love.
13:37 ( laughs )
13:38 Here, use these.
13:41 ( slurping )
13:43 Mmm.
13:44 Say, not bad.
13:46 Could use a little mustard, though.
13:48 Have a taste, Mrs. Kanga.
13:50 No, no, no.
13:51 You give them to her to hold.
13:54 And then you give her a big kiss.
13:56 ( gasps )
13:57 A kiss?
13:59 Oh, no, no.
14:00 Anything but that.
14:01 Anything but a...
14:02 ( grunts )
14:03 ...kiss.
14:04 Couldn't I just shake her pouch or something?
14:07 No.
14:08 You must kiss her.
14:11 You want to be in Christopher Robin's Valentine,
14:14 don't you?
14:16 Well...
14:17 Okay.
14:19 ( sputtering )
14:21 Blech.
14:22 That's it.
14:23 You're fired, Tigger.
14:25 Fired.
14:26 You obviously don't have what it takes.
14:29 This part calls for someone with talent.
14:32 Someone like...
14:35 ( humming )
14:37 Here you are.
14:43 For me?
14:45 Why, thank you, Robert.
14:47 I'm touched.
14:48 That's not a gift, Pooh.
14:50 They're for the show.
14:52 Yes, but it's a nice thought, anyway.
14:56 Since when does a Valentine need gunpowder?
15:00 Since I took over the special defects.
15:03 ( laughs )
15:05 And then Cupid flies in and...
15:09 Where's Cupid?
15:11 I'm Cupid, bringer of love.
15:16 A rabbit?
15:17 Wouldn't a very small animal, such as myself,
15:20 be better playing a very small part?
15:22 Nonsense, Piglet.
15:24 You were born to play Cupid.
15:26 Besides, you're just the right color for it.
15:29 Now, let's see your arrow shooting.
15:33 ( cheering )
15:35 Oh, magnificent.
15:37 He flies like the very wind itself.
15:40 No, no.
15:45 You must feel the music.
15:48 Now, once more with feeling.
15:52 Well, I felt it.
15:59 Ten minutes to showtime.
16:02 Makeup!
16:10 ( coughing )
16:11 Makeup!
16:12 ( coughing )
16:13 It's...
16:14 Makeup!
16:15 Showtime!
16:16 ( coughing )
16:18 Excuse me, pardon us.
16:20 Excuse us, pardon us.
16:22 What's going on, Rabbit?
16:24 Here we are, 13-D.
16:28 ( clears throat )
16:30 Ladies and gentlemen,
16:32 Rabbit presents a rabbit production
16:35 of "Rabbit's Valentine to Christopher Robin."
16:39 ( chuckles )
16:40 To me?
16:42 Directed by Rabbit, written by Rabbit,
16:45 from an original idea by Rabbit,
16:47 based on a notion by Rabbit,
16:50 starring the others.
16:52 ( groans )
16:55 Oh, yes, original music composed by Rabbit, too.
16:59 Cupid, that's your cue.
17:08 ( screaming )
17:11 I, uh...
17:18 I am Cupid, bringer of love.
17:22 I, uh...
17:24 I, uh...
17:25 I am Cupid, bringer of...
17:28 I am Cupid!
17:31 That was not in the script.
17:34 Where did the script say "orchestra blows away"?
17:51 Where?
17:53 Kanga, I give you these.
17:59 Oh, bother.
18:01 Oh, isn't that sweet?
18:03 Thank you, dear.
18:05 I must not have read the script closely
18:08 because I don't remember this part.
18:12 It is Valentine's Day, Kanga,
18:16 and in the air there is...
18:18 I am Cupid!
18:21 ...a piglet and a gopher and a roo,
18:26 not to mention an owl.
18:29 Tigger, the curtain.
18:32 Time for the big finish.
18:34 You got it, bunny boy.
18:36 I am Cupid.
18:40 No, no, no.
18:41 Tigger.
18:43 One big finish coming up.
18:47 What do we do now, rabbit?
18:49 I am Cupid!
18:53 My show, it was an absolute...
19:00 Absolute success.
19:03 The best comedy I've ever seen.
19:06 Comedy?
19:08 But it wasn't a comedy?
19:10 Yeah, of course.
19:12 It was a comic Valentine.
19:15 I'm very glad you liked it, Christopher Robin.
19:18 Liked it? It was the greatest Valentine's ever.
19:22 These ones I got you aren't as nice.
19:25 Hey, thanks.
19:27 Oh, thank you, Christopher Robin.
19:29 Oh, I say thank you.
19:31 Why, thank you, dear.
19:33 Thanks, Christopher Robin.
19:35 Oh, hell, if you think this was good,
19:37 just wait until you see next year's show.
19:41 I am Cupid, bringer of love.
19:46 Um, Pooh, something's bothering me.
19:56 If Christopher Robin gave you a card this morning,
20:00 why did he give you another one just now?
20:02 I suppose, Piglet, he forgot.
20:07 Although it's usually me who does the forgetting.
20:10 Oh, Pooh, how'd you like the Valentine I left you?
20:15 Not that I expect any Ballyhoo, mind you.
20:19 You mean it was you who left Pooh
20:21 the jar of honey this morning?
20:23 Yup.
20:25 Felt bad not joining in the fun last year.
20:28 Thought I'd do something about it this year.
20:31 Oh, my.
20:33 I remembered the way Pooh got everybody running around,
20:37 all excited-like,
20:40 showing how much they cared for each other.
20:43 Made me wish I could do that.
20:46 Not that an Eeyore ever really could, mind you.
20:50 Oh, but you did, Eeyore.
20:53 Yes, yes, yes.