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01:40 If you were asked to choose the most fabulous character in English literature, who would it be?
01:46 [music]
01:50 Robin Hood?
01:52 King Arthur?
01:54 [bell ringing]
01:55 Becky Sharp? Sherlock Holmes? Oliver Twist perhaps?
01:59 Well, any one of them would be an excellent choice.
02:02 Still, for the most fabulous character of all, I would nominate a toad.
02:08 J. Thaddeus Toad, Esquire.
02:12 Have you never met him?
02:14 You'll find his story in this delightful little book, The Wind and the Willows.
02:18 Toad, you might say, was the one disturbing element.
02:21 Incurable adventurer, mad, reckless, tried everything, positive mania for fads, and he never counted the cost.
02:30 Had a host of fair-weather friends, of course, but there were only three who had his best interests at heart.
02:38 One was a badger, Mack Badger.
02:43 And then there was a water rat, a bit stuffy perhaps, but really a fine fellow.
02:48 And a mole, a gentle creature, kind and sympathetic.
02:55 They all made their homes in a quaint little community along a river bank.
02:59 Now on that particular day, Mole was in a hurry because...
03:03 [bell ringing]
03:04 Oh yes, of course, because he was late for tea.
03:07 A regrettable habit still. Rat had more or less learned to put up with it, and so as usual...
03:11 "Sorry, Rat," says Mole. "Quite all right," says Rat. "Two lumps, if you please," says Mole.
03:15 And then, just as they were getting comfortably settled...
03:19 [knocking]
03:24 Oh?
03:25 Special delivery, Mr. Rat.
03:26 Thank you, Postman.
03:28 How's everything on the river today, sir?
03:31 Deshed quiet, as usual, thank you.
03:34 Hmm. Mole, listen to this.
03:38 "Dear Rat, you and Mole must come to Toad Hall at once. Urgent, A. Mack Badger."
03:46 Now Rat was certain Toad was making trouble again.
03:49 Well, the answer to that lay just around the bend, at Toad Hall, the ancestral home of Jay Thadless himself.
03:58 This impressive structure, by the way, was by all odds the finest home on the river.
04:04 The animals were tremendously proud of it.
04:06 They felt it gave the whole community an air of respectability.
04:12 To lose Toad Hall was, of course, unthinkable.
04:15 And yet it was no secret that Toad's costly follies had brought him to the brink of bankruptcy.
04:21 So as a last resort, Mack Badger had volunteered to take over and put Toad's house in order.
04:26 [Grunts]
04:28 Smashed fence.
04:30 Two guineas.
04:32 [Grunts]
04:33 Damage? Lump post.
04:38 Four-pun six.
04:40 [Grunts]
04:45 Destruction? O'Henhouse.
04:50 [Grunts]
04:51 How could a man think of all this?
04:55 I will not be put off!
05:01 Silence!
05:03 I wish he had asked me!
05:05 Silence!
05:06 You'll get your money in due course.
05:09 Now, go along with you.
05:11 I'll pay no more of the day.
05:13 [Sighs]
05:17 Why did I presume the responsibility of looking after...
05:22 [Knocking]
05:24 Ork! Didn't I tell you?
05:27 Ah. Ah.
05:29 It's you, Rat. And Mole, too.
05:32 Thank goodness, lads.
05:34 You've come at last.
05:36 Poor Mack Badger.
05:40 He'd reached the end of his rope, for as he said himself...
05:43 I'm practically a nervous wreck.
05:47 I say, Mack Badger, what seems to be the trouble?
05:50 Someone's got a badone about Todd.
05:53 This time he's going too far.
05:56 But he promised us.
05:57 Promises, huh?
05:59 What good are his promises when these wild manies take him?
06:02 Now, look.
06:04 You're his closest friends, are you not?
06:07 Yes.
06:08 Very dear friends.
06:09 Then, lads, you've got to find Todd and stop him!
06:12 What's he doing?
06:13 He's got a new mania.
06:15 He's rampaging about the county...
06:18 in a canary-yellow gypsy cart...
06:21 with a horse named Cyril.
06:26 [All cheering]
06:29 # Are we on our way to nothing ham? #
06:32 # A-fritting ham, a-fucking ham #
06:34 # Or a-me-ham, me-ham, me-fine-me-me? #
06:36 # Oh, are we on our way to Devonshire? #
06:39 # To Lancashire, or Worcestershire? #
06:41 # And not sure sure, we'll have no way to see #
06:44 # Oh, are we on our way to Dover? #
06:47 # Or going merrily over the jolly old road #
06:49 # That goes to Plymouth? #
06:51 # Oh, no! #
06:52 # We're merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily on our way #
06:56 # To nowhere in particular #
06:59 # We're merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily on our way #
07:03 # Though the roads are open thick and far #
07:07 # We're always in a hurry #
07:09 # We have no time to stall #
07:11 # We've got to be there, we've got to be there #
07:13 # Where we can be found #
07:15 # We're merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily on our way #
07:20 # And we may be going to Devonshire #
07:22 # To Lancashire, to Worcestershire #
07:24 # We're not so sure, but what a big deal #
07:26 # We're only sure we're going to be there #
07:29 # We're merrily on our way to nowhere at all #
07:38 Hello, you fellows!
07:40 You're the very animals I was coming to see.
07:43 Come along, hop up here, and we'll go for a jolly ride.
07:47 The open road, the dusty highway.
07:50 Come, I'll show you the world.
07:53 Travel, change, excitement!
07:56 Ha-ha-ha!
07:58 Ahem.
07:59 Ahem.
08:01 Oh, how stupid of me!
08:05 I want you fellows to meet my noble steed, Cyril.
08:09 Ahoy, that's me.
08:12 A bit of a trotter, a bit of a rotter.
08:15 How do you do, how do you do, how do you do?
08:19 How do you do?
08:22 Say, Governor, your friends seem to be a bit on the stuffy side.
08:29 What?
08:30 Ha-ha-ha!
08:31 Toad, we want to have a talk with you.
08:35 Oh, a visit!
08:37 Stenly!
08:38 Toad, this is serious.
08:40 You've got to give up that horse and cart.
08:43 But my...
08:44 Oh, but my dear Ratty!
08:47 Ho-ho, this is my career!
08:50 Surely you can't mean...
08:51 I do mean it.
08:52 You've got to stop this foolishness.
08:55 No, you must.
08:56 No, I won't do it.
08:57 Your reckless behaviour is giving me the creeps.
08:59 I won't even listen.
09:00 You're fast becoming a menace to society.
09:03 You won't think of yourself, think of poor old Mac Badger.
09:07 And as for that horse, no good can ever come from getting about
09:11 with such a fast and irresponsible beast.
09:14 Ha-ha-ha!
09:17 Get him, Mole!
09:18 Come down, Toadie.
09:19 Stop it!
09:20 Let me go!
09:21 Giddyap, Cyril, giddyap!
09:25 It's no use.
09:29 You'll never get me to give this up.
09:31 Whee!
09:32 Tally-ho!
09:33 Yikes!
09:39 Hey, stop!
09:42 [HORN HONKS]
09:44 Gah!
09:46 What is it?
09:48 Nommie, don't it?
09:50 It's a motor car.
09:52 Motor car?
09:55 [CRASH]
10:06 A motor car.
10:08 Good.
10:10 What have I been missing?
10:22 What?
10:23 It isn't.
10:25 He hasn't.
10:26 It is, and he has.
10:28 A new mania, motor mania.
10:32 Mania, that's it.
10:34 That's what it was, a positive mania.
10:37 No telling where it would end, either.
10:39 Might linger for months.
10:41 And with Toad Hall at stake, well,
10:45 Rat and Mole had no choice.
10:47 There was only one thing to do, lock the poor chap in his chambers
10:50 and keep him there until the poison worked out of his system.
10:59 Hold it, Moley!
11:07 That's better.
11:08 And you can't escape, you know.
11:10 Simply no use trying.
11:17 Let me out of here.
11:19 Open up.
11:20 Open up, I say.
11:22 Please, Ratty, Moley, open the door.
11:25 Now, of course, playing jailer to one's dearest friend
11:27 wasn't exactly a pleasant situation.
11:29 In fact, Moley weakened right at the start
11:32 and wanted to call it quits.
11:33 But Ratty said no, definitely not.
11:35 This time, they must be firm.
11:42 After all, it wasn't just a matter of saving Toad from himself.
11:45 It was MacBadger to consider and Toad Hall
11:47 and all that it stood for.
11:52 Now, there was only one thing wrong with Ratty's cure
11:54 for Toad's motor mania.
11:56 It didn't work.
11:58 You see, Toad was far too clever and at the moment, completely mad.
12:03 He was determined to get a motor car,
12:05 even if he had to beg, borrow, or--
12:10 [SHOUTING]
12:25 Accuses J. Thaddeus Toad of stealing a motor car,
12:27 of driving said stolen vehicle in a reckless manner
12:29 on the public high road, to the endangerment
12:31 of some subjects of his majesty, their life, and limbs.
12:34 Counsel for the crown, proceed with the case.
12:38 My lord, I call as first round witnesses,
12:42 Mr. Rat and Mr. Mole.
13:01 Is it true that you have the accused locked in his own house
13:05 because he threatened to get a motor car?
13:09 Did you or did you not have him locked up?
13:11 We did.
13:12 Thank you.
13:13 That is all.
13:15 Next witness.
13:17 Mr. Angus McBadger.
13:20 As trustee of the Toad estate, you knew the prisoner's mania
13:25 for motor cars?
13:26 Oh, we lie.
13:27 And you, to his reckless extravagance,
13:29 you cut off his allowance?
13:31 Oh, we lie.
13:32 Then he was, to the best of your knowledge, without funds.
13:35 Oh, we lie.
13:36 That is all.
13:37 Thank you.
13:38 Gentlemen of the jury, the crown rests.
13:43 Counsel for the defense will present his case.
13:49 My lord, with the court's indulgence,
13:53 I rise prepared to plead my own defense.
13:57 [CLAPPING]
14:00 Bully, bully, stop it.
14:02 Gentlemen of the jury, I call as my first witness,
14:08 Cyril Proudbottom.
14:10 Cyril Proudbottom?
14:15 Are you acquainted with the defendant, J. Thaddeus Toad?
14:19 Lord Loverdale, yes.
14:21 He's one of the jolliest chaps I've ever run across
14:24 and simply tons of money.
14:26 Good fellow, eh?
14:28 Throws it away.
14:29 But he wasn't throwing it away that day.
14:32 You heard Mr. McBadger testify that his allowance was cut off.
14:36 Then how did he get the motorcar?
14:39 The only way a gentleman gets anything, the honest way.
14:43 And what is the honest way?
14:46 Ha ha, I thought you wouldn't know that, governor.
14:49 [LAUGHTER]
14:50 You're all trippin'.
14:53 The witness may testify in his own words.
14:56 Right-o, governor.
14:58 Now I'll give you the facts of the case.
15:00 For when Toadie escaped from his boudoir,
15:03 he commended him straight for my place.
15:06 Soon we was off down the highway, but hadn't gone far, I confess,
15:11 when all of a sudden, with a rush and a roar,
15:16 something passed like the London Express.
15:19 It was big, it was red, it was beautiful.
15:25 A motorcar.
15:27 He he he, a bit of all right.
15:30 Toadie was transfixed with the rapture.
15:34 You could tell it was love at first sight.
15:38 The motor pulled up to a tavern, wherein was located a bar.
15:44 And we watched while some tough-looking weasels
15:47 got out of that lovely red car.
15:53 Now weasels, I know, are deceitful,
15:56 and not to be trusted at all.
15:59 But how could I know they'd stolen that car?
16:02 I didn't have no crystal ball.
16:06 And the governor, he's not one to dally.
16:09 He made up his mind like a flash.
16:12 He says, try it for size, my good sirrel,
16:15 while I see what they'll take for it, cash.
16:19 So into the tavern he saunters, where
16:22 the barman was back at the bar.
16:25 And he said, cheerio, tavern keeper.
16:28 Who's the owner of that hot-looking car?
16:35 The barman, a codger named Winky, leaned over the bar
16:41 and said, why?
16:43 The governor answered, that car must be mine.
16:47 Whatever the price is, I'll buy.
16:51 But Toad found he hadn't no money.
16:54 So he promptly offered a trade.
16:57 The weasels appeared to be willing.
17:00 In a moment, the bargain was made.
17:04 Then Toady drawed up a paper with almost incredible speed.
17:08 And he called on old Winky, the barman,
17:10 to pop over and witness the deed.
17:16 Now, the governor's not a bit stingy.
17:20 He never does anything small.
17:24 The weasels gave him the red motor car.
17:28 And he gave the weasels Toad Hall.
17:34 Hmm.
17:36 The barman traded Toad Hall, an estate worth 100,000 pounds,
17:43 for a motor car.
17:45 [LAUGHTER]
17:48 You expect me to believe that?
17:53 I don't expect you to believe anything.
17:57 But fortunately, I can produce a witness.
18:00 Call Mr. Winky.
18:02 Mr. Winky, Mr. Winky.
18:07 My lord, gentlemen, facing you in the witness box
18:18 is a citizen of substance and standing,
18:23 a man of unimpeachable honesty.
18:27 Now, Mr. Winky, do you recall an incident
18:32 that took place in your establishment
18:35 last August the 12th that I was a party to?
18:39 Oh, yes, sir.
18:41 That I do, sir.
18:43 Well, then.
18:44 [LAUGHTER]
18:46 Just tell the court what actually happened.
18:50 Well, governor, you tried to sell me a stolen motor car.
18:57 That's a deliberate lie, you luky-faced little rumwut.
19:01 Oh, I've been framed.
19:04 Let me go.
19:06 Help.
19:07 Help.
19:08 Help.
19:10 Toad guilty.
19:12 Toad guilty.
19:13 News of Toad's disgrace rocked the nation.
19:16 It seems the court was determined to make an example of him.
19:19 Of course, Toad's friends tried to help him,
19:21 but they were blocked at every turn.
19:23 Why, they must have reopened the case at least a dozen times.
19:27 Appeal to this court, that court, any court.
19:30 But the decision stood.
19:32 The case of J. Thaddeus Toad was closed.
19:38 Yes, once again it was a white Christmas.
19:53 And once again the melodies of yuletide
19:55 hung sweet upon the winter's air.
19:58 Hearts were gay and spirits high.
20:01 Indeed, in all the city, there was but one spot untouched
20:04 by the warmth of Christmas cheer.
20:07 The tower, grim monument to despair, cold, cruel, forbidding.
20:14 And unfortunately, the abode of Toad for a good many
20:17 Christmases yet to come.
20:20 Poor Toad.
20:22 Alone were the memories of his wasted life.
20:25 What a fool he'd been.
20:27 With many a pang he recalled the kindly face of Angus McBadger
20:32 and his sage advice so often scorned.
20:35 A tear for Mowly, too, for his loyalty, his sympathy,
20:39 his understanding.
20:41 And Toad wept for Rat and all those little lectures
20:45 so often laughed at.
20:52 Yes, within the dark confines of this miserable cell,
20:57 a new Toad was born, a reformed Toad, a repentant Toad.
21:04 In a flood of remorse, he vowed once and for all
21:07 to forsake the follies of the Primrose Path.
21:10 Never, never again would he give way
21:12 to those mad, foolish manias that had
21:15 brought him to this sorry end.
21:20 Being as it's Christmas, you're allowed a visitor.
21:28 Your grandma's here.
21:29 Grandma?
21:31 Oh, Merry Christmas, Sonny.
21:34 Granny wouldn't forget her little Toady boy.
21:37 [CHUCKLES]
21:38 Sarah?
21:39 Shh, shh.
21:42 Oh.
21:43 Oh, ho, ho, ho.
21:45 Sarah.
21:46 Oh, ho, ho, ho.
21:49 Look, Christmas gift.
21:53 What-- what is it?
21:56 Don't you get it?
21:58 A disguise.
22:00 Now, all you've got to do is just put on this nutty little
22:03 costume and--
22:05 Alas, for good intentions, Toad was incurable.
22:10 One whispered word and all his high resolve
22:14 vanished in the mad whirl of this new adventure,
22:17 this new mania.
22:18 Escape!
22:21 Toad's escape!
22:35 [CRUNCH]
22:42 [GASPS]
22:50 Halt!
23:02 Oh, good evening, ma'am.
23:08 Good evening to you, officer.
23:10 [LAUGHS]
23:12 Well, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, on up.
23:15 Here.
23:16 Oh, beg your pardon me, lady, but you--
23:19 Hey!
23:28 I said, you fellows over there, you see him?
23:39 Dead.
23:40 What perfectly ripping luck.
23:42 Trapped, Toad would say.
23:44 Aha!
23:45 Never.
23:48 There he goes.
23:49 Well, well.
23:50 Over there.
23:55 [HOOTING]
24:15 [GUNSHOT]
24:26 Bang, bang, bang.
24:43 Blockheads.
24:46 Let them scour the countryside.
24:48 Once more, Jane Thaddeus, too, can have the last laugh.
24:52 [LAUGHTER]
24:55 [GASP]
25:14 That same Christmas Eve along the river bank,
25:26 the name of Toad was banned from conversation,
25:29 lest the memory of his disgrace becloud
25:32 the merriment of the season.
25:34 And yet there was one home at least
25:36 in which two loyal hearts still held
25:39 the warmth of Christian charity.
25:43 Bless this good food we are about to enjoy.
25:47 Bless us, everyone.
25:51 And bless poor Toad.
25:55 And may he get time off for good behavior.
26:00 [CHEERING]
26:06 Why, it's a poor old lady.
26:11 Let's take her over by the fire.
26:15 Ow!
26:18 Toad!
26:19 What are you doing here?
26:21 Well, I-- I was just, uh, sort of--
26:24 Well, this is a merry Christmas.
26:27 But-- but aren't you afraid of the police?
26:31 [LAUGHS]
26:33 I, Toad, afraid of the police.
26:36 [LAUGHS]
26:37 Open up!
26:38 Open up, I say!
26:39 The police.
26:42 Hide me.
26:43 Hide me, Ratty.
26:44 Sorry, Toad, but you owe a debt to society,
26:49 and you've got to pay.
26:52 So let the man--
26:54 [KNOCKING]
26:57 But Ratty, don't you think maybe--
27:01 Open the door!
27:02 [KNOCKING]
27:04 MacBadger!
27:09 Hi, lads.
27:11 I've just made a very important discovery.
27:16 Toad Hall is pleased with lights,
27:20 and imposition of a buck of whistles.
27:25 And the leader of the gang is none other than Mr.--
27:31 Wanky!
27:34 Hip, hip!
27:35 [WHISTLE]
27:36 Hooray!
27:39 And so you see, he did trade Toad Hall for the Motewer car.
27:45 Then Toad was innocent all the time.
27:50 Aye, lads, and if he were only here right now--
27:55 [DOOR SLAMS]
27:57 Toad!
27:58 Angus!
27:59 Sorry, Toad.
28:03 I misjudged you.
28:05 I hope someday you'll find it in your heart--
28:09 Tut, tut, not another word.
28:12 To err is human.
28:14 To forgive--
28:16 Agnes, not so fast.
28:19 You're still guilty in the eyes of the law.
28:23 To prove your innocence, we've got to get that paper away from Wanky.
28:29 No, I have a plan.
28:32 We'll sneak in through the secret tunnel.
28:35 It was an excellent plan, cunningly contrived, but extremely dangerous.
28:41 It would work only if each did his part.
28:44 There was no margin for error.
28:46 The odds against them were tremendous, but the stakes were high.
28:50 But now steadies the word.
29:00 One false move, and four lives hang in the balance.
29:06 Careful, lads.
29:11 There is a guard.
29:13 I'll pop him off.
29:15 Stop, Toad.
29:16 Don't shoot.
29:17 Here goes, there.
29:21 Phew.
29:24 That was a close one.
29:26 Trust Toad to start things off on the wrong foot.
29:30 Well, no turning back now.
29:33 Nothing for it but to push on.
29:35 What new and greater perils lay ahead, no one could say.
29:38 But with Toad already getting out of hand, anything could happen.
29:43 Oh, look.
29:59 They're all asleep.
30:01 Nay, lads, they're drunk.
30:04 They've been hittin' the bottle.
30:06 But where's Wanky?
30:07 There he is.
30:09 He's got the paper on him.
30:12 We'll have to climb up on the balcony.
30:15 [music playing]
30:19 [music playing]
30:22 [music playing]
30:26 [music playing]
30:29 [music playing]
30:43 [music playing]
30:46 [music playing]
30:49 [music playing]
30:52 [snoring]
30:55 [music playing]
30:58 [snoring]
31:01 [music playing]
31:04 [snoring]
31:07 [music playing]
31:10 [snoring]
31:13 [music playing]
31:16 [snoring]
31:19 [music playing]
31:22 [snoring]
31:25 [music playing]
31:28 [snoring]
31:31 [music playing]
31:34 [snoring]
31:37 [music playing]
31:40 [snoring]
31:43 [music playing]
31:46 [snoring]
31:49 [music playing]
31:52 [music playing]
31:55 [music playing]
31:58 [music playing]
32:01 The paper, it's gone.
32:04 [music playing]
32:07 [music playing]
32:10 [snoring]
32:13 [music playing]
32:16 [snoring]
32:19 [music playing]
32:22 [snoring]
32:25 [music playing]
32:28 [snoring]
32:31 [music playing]
32:33 [snoring]
32:36 [music playing]
32:39 [snoring]
32:42 [music playing]
32:45 [snoring]
32:48 [music playing]
32:51 [snoring]
32:54 [music playing]
32:57 [snoring]
33:00 [music playing]
33:03 [snoring]
33:06 [music playing]
33:09 [snoring]
33:12 [music playing]
33:15 [snoring]
33:18 [music playing]
33:21 [snoring]
33:24 [music playing]
33:27 [snoring]
33:30 [music playing]
33:33 [snoring]
33:36 [music playing]
33:39 [snoring]
33:42 [music playing]
33:45 [snoring]
33:48 [music playing]
33:51 [snoring]
33:54 [music playing]
33:57 [snoring]
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34:03 [snoring]
34:06 [music playing]
34:09 [snoring]
34:12 [music playing]
34:15 [snoring]
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34:21 [snoring]
34:24 [music playing]
34:27 [snoring]
34:30 [music playing]
34:33 [snoring]
34:36 [music playing]
34:39 [snoring]
34:42 [music playing]
34:45 [snoring]
34:48 [music playing]
34:51 [snoring]
34:54 [music playing]
34:57 [snoring]
35:00 [music playing]
35:03 [snoring]
35:06 [music playing]
35:09 [snoring]
35:12 [music playing]
35:15 [snoring]
35:18 [music playing]
35:21 [snoring]
35:24 [music playing]
35:27 [snoring]
35:30 [music playing]
35:33 [snoring]
35:36 [music playing]
35:39 [snoring]
35:42 Oh yes, yeah, J Thad was quite a lad. Speaking of fabulous characters, England has produced a bumper crop of them. But don't forget over here in the colonies we've managed to come up with a few of our own. How about Paul Bunyan, Pecos Bill, Johnny Appleseed, Black Bart, Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone, and of course the one and only Ichabod Crane.
36:06 (upbeat music)