• 2 years ago
Episode aired Oct 18, 1960
Stars: Everett Sloane • Jay C. Flippen • Frank Silvera • John Marley
A mobster tries to get his syndicate out of the narcotics business, but his mouthpiece lawyer half-unwittingly betrays him to a rival.
00:00 (crickets chirping)
00:03 (footsteps)
00:07 (footsteps)
00:09 (footsteps)
00:12 (footsteps)
00:14 (footsteps)
00:19 (footsteps)
00:26 (footsteps)
00:37 (footsteps)
00:39 (footsteps)
00:42 - Tony!
00:44 Tony!
00:47 - Hey, Giuzzani, what happened?
00:53 Hey, what's the matter?
00:55 - It's all right, kid.
00:57 Let me get in my wind.
01:00 Hello, hello.
01:03 - Boy, are you bushed.
01:04 What were you running from?
01:07 (crickets chirping)
01:09 - The cops?
01:10 - Hey, Chesere, what did you do?
01:14 - Don't be scared, little brother.
01:19 I gave them the old crisscross.
01:20 - Anybody see ya?
01:22 Maybe we ought to arrange for an alibi.
01:24 - Look at that little, huh?
01:27 Not even a college yet and already you talk like a lawyer.
01:30 Hey, Tony.
01:32 Look.
01:36 - Wow.
01:37 - How much you got?
01:39 - A two hundred bucks.
01:41 Here, Tony.
01:43 Go down and give it to Mama.
01:46 Now, Papa don't have to have a no beggars funeral
01:48 and get buried in a sack.
01:50 And Tony, tell Mama to get him a nicer coffin
01:54 with the silver handles.
01:56 Here.
01:57 Take it.
02:03 - You think you want to buy Papa a coffin
02:06 with money you robbed?
02:07 How else are we gonna do it, huh?
02:10 Tony, don't worry.
02:13 I got an orphan drunk, it was easy.
02:15 He hardly put up a fight at all.
02:16 Chesere, you think Papa cared about a coffin?
02:19 All he ever wanted was supposed to be decent,
02:22 to have something to eat.
02:24 Hey, he wanted me to be a doctor, huh?
02:27 He wanted me to help people.
02:29 Not to rob them.
02:33 - You think he cared about a coffin with silver handles?
02:37 - Well, I care.
02:38 Me, Chesere Ramon.
02:40 I care how my old man is buried.
02:42 I don't want the neighbors to laugh
02:43 and we couldn't even give the old man a decent funeral.
02:46 Capisce?
02:47 We needed the money, so I got it.
02:48 It don't matter how.
02:49 - No, it matters.
02:50 It matters to Papa.
02:52 Hey, how many times you tell us, huh?
02:54 You say a man who lives by violence, he dies the same way.
02:56 - Yeah, yeah.
02:58 Papa, he was a full of those wise saints.
03:00 You know what I think?
03:03 I think Papa was a jerk.
03:04 - Oh, Chesere.
03:06 - Yeah.
03:07 Tony, stunner, huh?
03:10 A two-bit jerk.
03:11 Where did Papa ever get out of life, huh?
03:13 He's a lion down there, dead, with a busted gut,
03:15 a 42 years old.
03:17 For what?
03:18 From a hole in a coal in the winter
03:19 and a nice enough summer with six flights of stairs.
03:22 For what?
03:23 Four cents, huh?
03:24 Four cents a trip.
03:25 Great, huh, Tony?
03:26 Huh.
03:28 But our Papa, our Papa,
03:30 he was a full of those wise saints.
03:32 He who lives by violence gotta die by violence.
03:36 Well, I got a wiser saying, too.
03:39 He who takes, gets.
03:43 And it don't matter how.
03:44 Just as always is smart, right, Lou?
03:46 You just take and take.
03:50 And it don't matter how.
03:51 'Cause one day you end up a Mr. B.
03:53 And the people don't care how you got your money.
03:56 And that's gonna be me.
03:59 Cesare Romano.
04:00 Mr. Big.
04:02 Three boys from the slum.
04:08 One wanted to be a doctor,
04:09 one wanted to be a lawyer,
04:11 and the third, he just wanted to be Mr. Big.
04:16 All three achieved their ambitions with surprising results.
04:20 As sure as my name is Boris Karloff,
04:23 they are the guilty men.
04:26 And that's the name of our story.
04:29 Our principal players are Mr. Everett Sloan,
04:33 Mr. J.C. Flippen,
04:35 and Mr. Frank Silvera.
04:37 That sound you hear is a heartbeat.
04:42 A heartbeat that held together
04:44 a fantastically powerful organization
04:47 dedicated to big business.
04:49 The big business of crime.
04:52 Let me assure you, my friends,
04:54 this is a thriller.
04:56 (dramatic music)
04:59 1923.
05:24 Cesare Romano gets suspended sentence
05:27 in protection racket slugging.
05:29 1928.
05:36 Witnesses disappear.
05:39 Cesare Romano, alias Charlie Roman,
05:42 released on hijacking charge.
05:45 1931.
05:52 Roman denies control,
05:54 fed stymied in liquor rackets.
05:56 1940.
06:05 Ex-bootleggers organize gambling,
06:10 procuring dope on nationwide scale.
06:13 1960.
06:21 1960.
06:21 Industrialist Charles Roman subpoenaed.
06:27 Testify shipping, hotel, oil interests of syndicate,
06:31 strictly legit.
06:32 - Wait!
06:40 Wait, wait, wait!
06:42 Show me one combine, not only in this country,
06:48 anywhere in the world has had a better year.
06:51 So what's a half a million dollars to us?
06:55 So long as it's gonna prevent one kid
06:58 from becoming a delinquent.
06:59 - It's a half a million dollars, that's what it is.
07:02 We're not in business to raise money for charity.
07:05 You seem to be missing that little point, Charlie.
07:07 - I don't miss nothing, Harry.
07:09 Not one thing.
07:10 I make it my business.
07:11 Ask Lou, ask Lou.
07:13 Eh?
07:14 Go away!
07:15 - I don't want to ask Lou.
07:17 He'll say what you told him to say.
07:19 - Look, Harry, don't make me mad, eh?
07:20 I got a bad tick, I'm not supposed to get mad.
07:23 - What do you want from me, Charlie?
07:25 You want me to listen to the mouthpiece?
07:27 - I hardly think that was necessary, Gans,
07:29 referring to me as a mouthpiece.
07:32 - All right.
07:33 Let's hear what the Philadelphia lawyer has to say.
07:36 - Well, there's, there's very little to say.
07:40 You've all heard what Charlie wants,
07:42 and I think we should go along with him.
07:44 - Well, I don't.
07:45 I don't!
07:46 - Look, Harry, don't push me, eh?
07:48 Don't push me!
07:49 I don't care what the doctors say!
07:51 Don't push me!
07:52 (dramatic music)
07:55 (Charlie moaning)
07:59 (dramatic music)
08:14 (car horn honking)
08:17 - Well, how is he?
08:25 - Is he all right, Tony?
08:35 - All right, this time.
08:39 - You're not going!
08:40 Tony, he's your brother, talk to him.
08:43 Why did you come if you're not gonna talk to him?
08:46 What kind of a brother are you?
08:47 What kind of a doctor are you?
08:49 - I'm a good doctor.
08:50 When you called me, I came.
08:51 I've done all I can for him as a doctor.
08:54 The rest is up to him.
08:55 - No, it's up to you, too.
08:57 In the old country, a brother is a brother.
09:00 In the old country, a brother will kill for his brother
09:02 if he has to.
09:04 Where are you going?
09:05 - I'm going to the hospital.
09:06 People are waiting for me there.
09:08 Poor people.
09:10 What do you want from me, Tony, eh?
09:12 What am I gonna do?
09:14 Today, I nearly killed myself fighting to get money,
09:17 to do good, to help people.
09:19 And all the time, I knew it wasn't enough for you.
09:22 - No, it isn't.
09:23 No matter what you do,
09:28 you're a scum, Charlie, and you know it.
09:31 What about all those young boys
09:39 who come to my office every day?
09:43 What about all those narcotics cases?
09:45 Sure, you don't sell them the stuff,
09:49 but it comes in on your ships.
09:51 It's unloaded on your docks.
09:54 What good is tearing down the slums
09:56 if you keep bringing in narcotics?
09:58 What does it prove?
10:00 - Leave me alone!
10:01 - You're my brother.
10:05 I know a lot of things have changed,
10:08 but it's not enough if the worst remains.
10:11 Don't you see that?
10:12 I'm sorry I hit you, Tony.
10:18 - Sorry I said what I did.
10:20 Well, I guess I'd better be going.
10:29 Goodbye, Cesare.
10:33 - Anna.
10:35 (footsteps)
10:38 Remember, rest.
10:46 No more meetings.
10:48 Next time, you might not be so lucky.
10:51 Right, go ahead, what are you thinking?
11:00 Go ahead, say it, say it!
11:05 - I'm thinking that I'm your wife,
11:07 and that I love you.
11:10 - You think Tony's right, then?
11:14 What am I gonna do?
11:18 You think maybe if I do something about the narcotics,
11:22 he's gonna love me again?
11:23 You think Tony's right, Lou?
11:31 - Well, you know that I'm always with you, Charles.
11:36 But there is no denying that Tony's got a point.
11:41 I mean, if we're going into something
11:43 like donating playgrounds, we ought to go the whole way.
11:46 I suggest that we drop the narcotics operation.
11:51 - Hey, what do you think,
11:53 the other fellas are gonna stand for that?
11:55 - Well, they might if it were put to them properly.
12:00 If it were made clear to them
12:01 that this is the only remaining thing
12:03 that they can get us on,
12:04 that the rest of the operation is clean.
12:06 I suppose we'd have some trouble with Gans,
12:10 but I think we should try it, Charles.
12:15 We can explain to them why we want to do it,
12:17 and put it to a vote at the meeting tomorrow.
12:19 - Don't let him go to any more meetings.
12:21 You heard what Tony said.
12:23 - All right, Anna.
12:24 She's right, Charles.
12:27 You shouldn't take the chance.
12:29 I'll handle it.
12:30 Even Harry Gans?
12:33 - Yeah.
12:34 - You know, I don't know what I'd do without you, Lou.
12:39 If it wasn't for you,
12:40 I think maybe I'd have Harry Gans killed a long time ago.
12:43 You know, I'll decide on my wife.
12:46 You're the only friend I got, and I appreciate you, Lou.
12:49 I appreciate you always behind me.
12:52 - I know you do.
12:53 Oh, you don't have to show me out, Anna.
12:58 And don't worry.
13:01 I'll see there are no more upsets like this.
13:03 - Thank you, Lou.
13:05 I know you love my chesiree.
13:07 Thank you very, very much.
13:09 (gentle music)
13:19 (gentle music)
13:21 - Hello, doctor, Mr. Adams?
13:31 - Yes, get me home as fast as you can.
13:33 - Yes, sir.
13:33 (gentle music)
13:36 (gentle music)
13:39 (gentle music)
13:41 (car horn honking)
13:44 (gentle music)
13:47 - Night, doc.
14:04 (gentle music)
14:07 - Hello, Louis.
14:27 - Oh, hello, dear.
14:29 You needn't have waited up.
14:30 - I want to.
14:31 How was your meeting?
14:34 - Oh, you know how these board of directors meetings are.
14:37 They're always pretty tiring.
14:39 - You have a visitor, Mr. Gans.
14:41 - What?
14:43 Where is he?
14:44 - In the living room.
14:45 - Would you excuse me, dear?
14:49 I'll try and make it short.
14:51 - Of course, dear.
14:53 - I'll be up as soon as I can.
14:55 (footsteps tapping)
14:58 - Quite a fancy joint you got here, mouthpiece.
15:09 - What are you doing here, Gans?
15:12 - I came to see you.
15:13 What kept you?
15:15 - It's a long way to Philadelphia.
15:17 - You're right.
15:19 It's a long way.
15:21 - I can do without your innuendos, Gans.
15:24 My guests usually come by invitation.
15:26 I don't recall inviting you.
15:28 What are you doing here?
15:29 - I came to find out about poor old Charlie.
15:32 How's he feeling?
15:33 - Now, I know you didn't come all the way out here
15:36 to Philadelphia with just Charles's health on your mind.
15:39 - Oh, that's where you're wrong.
15:41 I've been doing a lot of thinking
15:42 about poor old Charlie lately.
15:43 I think somebody else ought to head up the organization
15:46 and old Charlie be put out to pasture.
15:49 - Out to pasture?
15:50 Or in cement, in a marsh, in Jersey?
15:54 - Oh, no, I didn't say Charlie had to get hit, did I?
15:56 You know we don't do that anymore, don't pay.
15:59 I just think he should step down
16:02 or be forced down before he breaks us all.
16:05 - The money for that playground is chicken feed.
16:08 That's not what's disturbing you.
16:10 Why don't you come right out with it?
16:12 Why don't you come out and say that you want to be Mr. Big?
16:16 - All right.
16:17 I want it, and I'm gonna get it.
16:20 Are you gonna get in my way?
16:23 - I will if you try to break up this organization
16:25 with a lot of internecine warfare.
16:28 - I don't understand them big words, mouthpiece.
16:30 Save 'em for the Supreme Court.
16:32 And don't walk away from me, I don't like it.
16:39 - That's too bad.
16:40 - Now look, Lou, you watch your step.
16:43 There's more lawyers in this town than you can count,
16:45 and don't you forget that.
16:47 - Look, don't play it tough with me.
16:49 You know as well as I do
16:50 that whether you or Charles runs this organization,
16:52 it can't survive without me.
16:54 - So you keep telling us.
16:56 And maybe you're right,
16:58 but it works the other way around too, lawyer boy.
17:02 - I don't think you could be the big bull
17:03 on the stock market, or the big spender at the racetracks
17:06 in what you make as a public defender.
17:08 So let you let up on the tough talk too, huh?
17:11 - Or what?
17:16 - Or I might just bring out a few items
17:17 I've got in my safe deposit box.
17:20 Just one of 'em would stink you up so bad
17:22 they couldn't stand the smell of you even in Philadelphia.
17:25 Just because you're Mr. Lewis Adams
17:28 with a social register wife,
17:30 don't think I couldn't stink you up good,
17:32 all the way down the main line.
17:34 - So that's what you have in mind, hmm?
17:43 - That's what I've got in mind.
17:45 And remember that the next time is a show of hands,
17:47 like at tomorrow's meeting.
17:49 - I'll think about it.
17:51 - Don't think about it, make up your mind
17:52 you're gonna do it.
17:54 At tomorrow's meeting, Charlie won't be there.
17:58 You're gonna vote with me.
18:00 And Charlie's gonna be out.
18:03 Because if you don't--
18:04 - I said I'd think about it, goodnight!
18:07 - Goodnight, mouthpiece.
18:10 (dramatic music)
18:13 (dramatic music)
18:16 (dramatic music)
18:19 (gentle music)
18:26 (typewriter clacking)
18:46 (phone ringing)
18:49 - Hello?
18:53 - Uh, hello, Anna.
18:55 This is Lou.
18:57 May I speak to Charles, please?
18:59 - No, Lou, no more tonight.
19:01 You heard Tony say he must rest.
19:03 - Yes, I know, but this is important.
19:05 - So is his life.
19:07 Please-- - It's all right.
19:08 Hey, Lou.
19:13 How are you?
19:15 - Oh, I'm, well, the important thing, Charles,
19:17 is how are you?
19:19 - I'm fine.
19:20 What's up?
19:22 - I was just thinking about what we talked about before,
19:26 you know, about the meeting tomorrow, and--
19:29 - What's the matter?
19:31 Something happen?
19:33 I can tell from your voice.
19:34 - No, no, nothing's happened.
19:37 It's just that I had some second thoughts on the matter,
19:41 and would you mind coming to the meeting tomorrow?
19:45 - Oh, I don't mind, but we promised, Anna,
19:49 and you know what Tony said.
19:51 Thought you could handle this alone.
19:54 - Oh, I will, I will.
19:55 I just, I mean, I just thought we could swing it easier
19:59 if you were there.
20:00 - All right, Lou.
20:01 All right, I'll be there.
20:04 - No, Cesare.
20:05 - Thanks, Charles, very much.
20:08 I'll see you there.
20:11 - Okay, Lou.
20:12 Goodbye.
20:13 (door clattering)
20:16 - I think the short one is--
20:36 - Okay, Lou, how does it figure?
20:39 - Well, it's eight to four in favor of the playground.
20:44 I guess that does it, Gans.
20:46 The playground is in.
20:47 - Oh, that's fine, fellas, thanks.
20:50 - Thanks, fellas.
20:52 I got something else on my mind I'd like to talk to you about.
20:57 At least I want you to think about it
20:59 for next month's meeting.
21:00 It's about the dock traffic, the stuff.
21:04 I've been thinking how maybe we ought to drop that business.
21:09 - Charles, what? - Drop it?
21:10 It's worth millions a year.
21:12 It's a big proposition getting bigger.
21:14 Have you gone off your nut?
21:15 - Let me finish, Harry.
21:17 You might let me finish.
21:18 - If we listen to you, we'll all be finished.
21:20 For two years, we've been masterminding the dock walkouts
21:23 so we can control all the stuff coming in.
21:26 We've got it so nicely and neatly wrapped up,
21:27 the narcotic boys can't even nibble around the edges,
21:30 and he wants us to drop it.
21:32 I just don't follow you, Charlie.
21:34 I just don't follow you.
21:35 - You mean you don't want to?
21:37 - I can't.
21:38 - If you let me finish, maybe you could.
21:40 - Oh, I've heard enough.
21:42 - You're walking out.
21:44 - What's it look like?
21:45 Wait a minute, Harry.
21:46 I said I'm going and I mean it.
21:48 I'll be in my office five minutes.
21:50 If anybody wants to come with me, they can.
21:52 - Charles, we've got to get him back.
22:02 - Now let him go.
22:04 If he thinks he can get along
22:05 without the rest of the organization, let him try.
22:08 - I mean, Johnny, Momo, you've ordered with him.
22:12 You want to walk out too?
22:13 - May I interrupt for just a moment, please?
22:16 - Sure.
22:17 Go ahead.
22:18 - Charles, I know what's on your mind,
22:22 even if the other boys don't.
22:25 And well, I'm perfectly willing to go along with you,
22:28 but there's no sense in breaking up the entire organization
22:32 just because a couple of tempers have fled.
22:35 - No, I think we've just got to try
22:38 and be reasonable about this.
22:40 - What do you want me to do?
22:43 You want me to go down on my knees to Harry Gams?
22:46 - No, I don't think you'll have to do that.
22:48 He knows what's at stake.
22:49 I suggest that we go in and talk to him.
22:52 - You go in and talk to him.
22:54 If he wants it to come back, all right.
23:01 But don't expect me to go in there.
23:04 - Look, Charles, we'll get nowhere this way,
23:07 and you know it.
23:08 You two have got to get together.
23:10 Now, the best way to accomplish that,
23:12 as far as I can see,
23:14 is for the boys to get out of here
23:16 so that you and I can talk to him alone.
23:18 - All right.
23:23 - All right, boys?
23:25 - Okay, Lou.
23:26 - All right.
23:27 - Good.
23:28 (men chattering)
23:30 - Johnny.
23:31 - Yes, sir?
23:32 - Johnny.
23:33 - Yeah, Lou?
23:35 - You go in and get Gams.
23:39 - Do you think he'll come back in?
23:42 - Yes, I think he will,
23:43 if you tell him that Charles and I are here alone.
23:45 - Sure, Lou.
23:47 (somber music)
23:49 (door creaking)
23:52 - All right, I'm here.
24:11 Now what?
24:11 - Well, first of all,
24:14 I would like to thank you for coming back, Gams.
24:19 - I hope you know what you're doing, mouthpiece.
24:22 What's on your mind?
24:24 - Well, I'll tell the both of you if you listen.
24:27 Now, you know as well as I do
24:29 that this syndicate can't survive if this break takes place.
24:33 - The way he's going, it won't last anyhow.
24:34 - You never listen to my reasons.
24:37 - I told you before, I've heard enough.
24:40 - Now, look, Harry, at least let's be fair.
24:43 I mean, you ought to hear Charles out.
24:45 I think we all should before any decision is made.
24:48 - Lou's right, Harry.
24:49 All right.
24:53 Start talking.
24:56 - Go ahead, Charles.
24:57 Just like that, huh?
25:01 It's not so easy, just like that.
25:06 Tell you the truth, I don't understand
25:11 how it got started, even.
25:13 You remember, Lou,
25:17 all the fights we used to have
25:18 when you first started talking about the legitimate,
25:20 the legitimate, the legitimate.
25:22 I thought you had holes in your head.
25:25 Then I begin to see the handwriting on the wall,
25:30 just like you said it was gonna be,
25:32 when bootlegging went out
25:33 and the feds started to crack 'em down,
25:35 and I went along, yeah?
25:38 I took a trip to the old country, remember?
25:40 All right, I didn't like it there, I like it here.
25:43 I like being a big businessman.
25:46 And all the time I talk to my wife, Anna,
25:48 how nice it would be if we had some children
25:50 like you got, Johnny.
25:52 But I ain't, I don't got no children.
25:55 I only got my wife, Anna, and my kid brother, Tony.
25:59 You know what Tony thinks of me?
26:01 You know what he said to me last night?
26:03 He said, "Charlie Roman is scum, scum."
26:07 My kid brother doesn't allow for me, you understand?
26:13 Since 29, he hates me.
26:16 Because of those little kids that was killed accidental,
26:19 the day we had to hit Soxham alone.
26:21 Maybe you don't have a kid brother hates you,
26:24 but Tony, Tony, and those little kids,
26:29 they get under my skin more and more every day.
26:33 Why do you think this means so much to me?
26:36 It's because of those little kids.
26:38 The district is all so lousy with the pushers
26:41 that are pushing the stuff we bring over
26:43 on the boats.
26:45 What's it doing down there?
26:47 It's going to the kids, Harry.
26:49 The stuff is going to the kids.
26:51 It's lousing them up worse than ever before.
26:53 Look, we're making enough money, legit.
26:57 That's a drop of the stuff.
26:58 - And let somebody else move in?
27:01 - Nobody's gonna move in.
27:03 - Who is there to come in?
27:04 - Somebody will.
27:05 Some of those little Brooklyn punks will come in.
27:09 And the first thing you know,
27:09 they'll be bucking the organization.
27:11 And they'll have the money to do it and we'll be dead.
27:14 - No, they won't, Harry.
27:16 - You bet they won't.
27:18 But you can't stop them because you're getting soft, Charlie.
27:21 - I don't know what you're talking about.
27:23 - I'll tell you what I'm talking about.
27:25 You're getting out now because I'm moving in.
27:29 Ain't no Brooklyn punk gonna take over that drug action.
27:32 And now you want to cut off the whole supply
27:34 and walk around like a saint.
27:36 Well, not me.
27:37 I'm stepping in.
27:39 - No, no, you won't, Gans.
27:42 You're doing nothing of the kind.
27:44 - Who's gonna stop me?
27:45 You gonna stop me?
27:47 - No, I'm gonna stop you.
27:49 Charlie Roman, that's who.
27:51 - Charlie Roman?
27:52 There's no such character around anymore.
27:56 Charlie Roman was a tough baby in his day.
27:59 But now all we got is poor old sick Papa Romano
28:03 stewing in his beer about a bunch of no good
28:06 apple stealing delinquents on the East Side.
28:09 Get out of my way.
28:10 (Charlie groaning)
28:13 - Get your hands off me, you big fool.
28:15 (Charlie groaning)
28:18 - Charlie.
28:18 (Charlie groaning)
28:21 - No, you don't know this.
28:26 - Cut it out, Gans.
28:27 - Let me go.
28:28 - Move.
28:29 - Let me go.
28:30 - Come on, let me go.
28:31 - Let him sit there.
28:32 - Gans.
28:33 - Come on, Gans.
28:36 - Let me go.
28:37 - Wait, Gans.
28:37 - Cut it out, Gans.
28:38 - No, no, no.
28:39 - Charlie.
28:40 - Charlie.
28:41 - Charlie.
28:42 - Charlie.
28:42 - Charlie.
28:43 - Charlie.
28:44 - Charlie.
28:45 - Charlie.
28:46 - Cut it out.
28:47 I gotta help him, Harry.
28:48 I said put that down.
28:48 I can't stand here and watch him die, Harry.
28:50 You told me you hated his guts.
28:52 You said you wanted him dead.
28:54 - No.
28:55 - You told me he always treated you like a poor relation.
28:57 Well, he won't anymore.
28:59 - Charlie.
29:00 Charlie.
29:01 - And if it bothers you too much, don't look.
29:03 - Wait, Charlie.
29:04 Charlie.
29:05 Charlie.
29:06 (Charlie groaning)
29:08 (Charlie panting)
29:11 (Charlie laughing)
29:14 (door slamming)
29:19 (glass shattering)
29:41 (Charlie panting)
29:44 - What's the matter, mouthpiece?
29:45 Weak stomach?
29:46 - You.
29:50 You said.
29:53 You promised.
29:55 - I said we wouldn't hit him and we didn't.
29:57 He did it himself, didn't he?
30:00 Johnny, didn't he?
30:02 - I guess.
30:04 - You know.
30:05 - All right, I know.
30:09 I don't do anything of the kind.
30:11 - You don't, huh?
30:13 Look, mouthpiece.
30:15 You're in this as deep as anybody else.
30:17 Deeper.
30:18 You brought him in here.
30:20 - I know.
30:21 You don't have to remind me.
30:24 - I'm just reminding you in case you decide
30:26 to do any talking.
30:28 I got something else I want to remind you about too.
30:30 My safe deposit box.
30:32 Johnny.
30:35 Tell your sister and that brother of his.
30:38 You.
30:39 Tell the boys.
30:40 Tell them right.
30:43 Tell them everything's going to be just the same.
30:45 Business as usual.
30:47 And mouthpiece.
30:48 Tell them it's not Charlie Roman talking.
30:53 It's Harry Gans.
30:54 (dramatic music)
30:57 (dramatic music)
31:00 (dramatic music)
31:07 - Who's that for?
31:16 - Charlie Roman.
31:18 - Who's he?
31:19 - Charlie Roman?
31:20 He was a big man.
31:22 He dreamed big.
31:24 He lived big.
31:27 Up until the very moment of his untimely death,
31:31 his every thought, his every action was big.
31:36 And so that you, Mrs. Roman, may know,
31:43 so that the world may know the honor we bear him,
31:49 we have voted not the half million dollars
31:53 that he had asked for, but even more,
31:56 for the betterment of its people.
31:59 And we ask you, Mrs. Roman, to accept from us,
32:04 his friends and associates, this gift,
32:07 given with love and everlasting gratitude.
32:13 Anna, it's what Charles wanted.
32:20 Anna.
32:23 - Why should I take it?
32:25 I want nothing from you, from any of you.
32:29 Did I ever ask for anything?
32:32 All I ever wanted was my man.
32:37 - Anna, don't, please don't.
32:43 - No, stop.
32:44 Tony.
32:46 Tony, you were his brother.
32:50 This means something to you.
32:54 Anyone is to take it.
32:56 You should take it.
32:57 - Very well, Anna.
33:04 In the name of my dead brother, I accept it.
33:09 On the condition that it be given
33:10 in the name of Cesare Romano, I accept this.
33:14 And from all of you, his friends, I accept this,
33:16 and I thank you for what you have done.
33:21 And now for Cesare Romano, I will read this.
33:25 - What is it?
33:26 - We found this in his papers,
33:30 to be read in the event of his death.
33:33 Couldn't be called a will.
33:36 A will could not legally dispose
33:37 of that which was illegally gained.
33:40 What was his last testament?
33:44 Shall I read it?
33:50 - "To the boys.
33:51 "Lou, Harry, Johnny, Augie, Danny,
33:55 "Butsy, Jaime, Momo, and all the rest
33:59 "who was with me all these years.
34:01 "Now I am dead.
34:04 "All I ask is to keep up the organization.
34:08 "And if you want to know what I think,
34:11 "let Lou handle it, because there is no one
34:14 "you can trust better than him.
34:16 "I would trust him with my life."
34:19 - No.
34:20 - What's the matter, Lou?
34:22 - Nothing.
34:25 - Now when it comes to my cut,
34:30 I want to tell you it's no use to try
34:32 and give it to my wife, Anna, or my brother, Tony,
34:35 because I know they won't take it.
34:38 The money, I'd like to be split up
34:39 down the line to your children.
34:43 Like Angela, Johnny, when she marries,
34:47 let me pay for the wedding since I never had a daughter.
34:51 Same with you, Augie, and your boy, Walter.
34:54 And Harry, your kids.
34:56 And oh yes, I don't want to forget the parish
35:01 when I live in the old days.
35:04 If it's not for me, the poor box will always be empty.
35:08 Fill it up every week and you'll be doing
35:11 the best thing you can for your old friend.
35:14 Chesed de Romano.
35:16 Chesed de Romano was killed.
35:19 - That's a lie.
35:20 - Let me finish, Harry.
35:21 Don't jump to conclusions.
35:24 He was killed by the society that created Charlie Roman.
35:28 And he lived as they created him.
35:31 In evil.
35:32 Out of evil.
35:34 Now that Charlie Roman is dead,
35:40 Chesed de Romano has been returned to the church.
35:46 - I'm not going to do it.
35:48 I'm not going to do it.
35:50 I'm not going to do it.
35:52 I'm not going to do it.
35:54 I'm not going to do it.
35:56 I'm not going to do it.
35:58 I'm not going to do it.
36:00 I'm not going to do it.
36:02 I'm not going to do it.
36:03 I'm not going to do it.
36:05 I'm not going to do it.
36:07 I'm not going to do it.
36:09 I'm not going to do it.
36:11 I'm not going to do it.
36:13 (crowd chattering)
36:16 - I know what you're going to say to me.
36:24 It is done.
36:25 So let it be.
36:27 - No, Anna, it is not all done, not yet.
36:30 But let it be, let it be.
36:32 Soon they will eat each other alive.
36:36 Look, Anna.
36:42 Look, it is far from done.
36:44 (crowd chattering)
37:11 - You better get down to Philadelphia
37:12 and put a cap on the lawyer's phone.
37:15 I want a report on everybody he talks to.
37:18 I don't like the way that Johnny Longo's acting.
37:20 Stay on his tail.
37:22 (dramatic music)
37:24 (dramatic music)
37:27 - Now look, lawyer.
37:49 Just 'cause Charlie leaves you his vote,
37:51 that doesn't mean we're going to let you run
37:52 the organization.
37:54 - I'm not trying to run it.
37:55 I'm trying to keep it running.
37:57 And the way to keep it running is to do exactly
38:00 as Charles wanted to do.
38:02 And that's to drop the traffic in narcotics.
38:04 (crowd chattering)
38:06 Now wait a moment, wait a moment, please.
38:09 I know what's involved here in the way of money and power.
38:12 But the time is wrong.
38:14 Right now, there's a congressional committee
38:16 sitting in Washington digging into this very thing.
38:19 And except for the dope action, we're clean.
38:23 Do you understand what that means?
38:25 Clean, clean.
38:26 The public is aroused about this narcotics thing.
38:30 You can't fight the public, it's too big.
38:33 - The public.
38:34 The public will stand for anything.
38:36 They can't be bothered.
38:38 Like bootlegging.
38:39 Laws are no laws.
38:40 They wanted their hooch, they paid their money,
38:42 and they took their chances.
38:44 I'll tell you, the public is as rotten as anybody.
38:47 - Look, Gans, don't make the mistake of thinking
38:49 that the public is rotten.
38:51 Oh yes, the public has been cheated.
38:53 They've been led by the nose.
38:54 They've been sweet-talked and double-crossed.
38:56 But don't tell me that the public is rotten.
38:59 - Oh, sure, sure.
39:01 We didn't make a killing in bootlegging.
39:04 We're not cleaning up now on the big stuff.
39:06 All right, you've had your say.
39:09 Now I'll tell you where I stand.
39:11 That legit stuff is okay, as long as it's paying off.
39:17 But when it comes to dope and the big paying stuff,
39:21 I say go all the way.
39:23 And if there's any trouble, anywhere down the line,
39:27 we'll let 'em have it.
39:28 Now, what do you say?
39:30 You gonna get tough, or are you gonna mooch along
39:34 with a mouthpiece like Charlie did?
39:36 Well, what's it gonna be?
39:38 - I'll go along with Lou.
39:40 - You will, huh?
39:41 (all chattering)
39:42 And you are too.
39:43 And three, and four, five.
39:45 - Now wait a minute.
39:46 You can't take a vote.
39:47 Johnny isn't here.
39:48 - Johnny'll vote my way.
39:50 I've got five, and Johnny makes six.
39:52 That's all I need.
39:53 The organization runs my way.
39:56 - All right.
39:58 Then I'm out.
40:00 - You guys that voted with him, are you out too?
40:05 - We're pulling out too.
40:06 - All right, but your districts don't go with you.
40:09 The districts stay with the syndicate.
40:11 And anybody that tries to change that
40:12 will find out something they won't like.
40:14 - You can't take over this way, Harry.
40:17 This isn't like the old days.
40:19 These are legitimate businesses.
40:20 You can't just throw out the stockholders.
40:23 - I can't, huh?
40:25 You think I can't, Mouthpiece?
40:27 Maybe you'd better go talk to Johnny.
40:30 - Johnny?
40:31 - Yeah.
40:32 We had a little discussion with Johnny this morning.
40:35 He came up with some crazy ideas too, Mouthpiece.
40:38 We changed his mind.
40:40 I think you ought to go talk to him.
40:44 (dramatic music)
40:47 (train chugging)
40:50 - Philadelphia, sir?
40:55 - Yes.
40:56 No, drive me to Johnny Longo's first.
41:00 - Yeah.
41:01 (door slams)
41:05 (dramatic music)
41:07 (buzzer buzzing)
41:15 (dramatic music)
41:18 (buzzer buzzing)
41:21 - Johnny?
41:25 Johnny?
41:27 (dramatic music)
41:31 (dramatic music)
41:34 (door slams)
41:48 (train chugging)
41:51 (train chugging)
41:54 (door slams)
42:11 (dramatic music)
42:14 (dramatic music)
42:21 (dramatic music)
42:24 - Louis, is that you?
42:35 (dramatic music)
42:38 (phone chimes)
42:47 - Martha, darling, I have to talk to you.
42:50 - Is it because of this, Louis?
42:52 They say that you were involved with the syndicate.
42:58 Is that true, Louis?
42:59 - Well, obviously I'm too late.
43:04 Yes, Martha, yes, it's true.
43:06 - But how long have you been a part of this?
43:08 - Roughly since I've been a lawyer.
43:10 Charles Roman paid for my law school.
43:12 I was indebted.
43:14 Oh, I'm sick of making excuses.
43:16 I really have none.
43:17 I knew what I was doing.
43:19 - But why, Louis?
43:21 You don't need these men.
43:22 You're a good lawyer.
43:23 - Martha, I don't think that a person like you
43:27 with your background could ever understand.
43:29 - But why didn't you tell me, Louis,
43:31 after all these years?
43:33 - I was afraid.
43:34 I thought I'd lose you.
43:36 Now it'll all come out, this investigation.
43:40 Martha, you must believe that I came home tonight
43:45 to tell you this whole dirty story.
43:47 - Louis, don't.
43:48 This man long ago, he didn't commit suicide.
43:51 He was killed.
43:52 And Charles, he was murdered too.
43:54 - He died of a heart attack.
43:56 - Murdered.
43:57 - But,
43:57 but not you, Louis.
44:00 - That's what I tried to tell myself.
44:04 I didn't actually do it, but
44:09 it's the things I didn't do
44:13 that make me guilty of all their crimes.
44:15 As guilty as any of them.
44:17 - Louis, I don't understand any of this.
44:20 - No, you wouldn't, Martha, but I have to tell you.
44:23 These others, they didn't know any other way.
44:28 They grew up in a jungle.
44:30 The only way they knew to survive was by violence.
44:33 But I,
44:36 I knew better.
44:38 I was the educated one.
44:39 I swore an oath to uphold the law.
44:43 Yes, they committed the crimes,
44:47 but I was the guiltiest.
44:49 - Louis.
44:50 - And I know now what I have to do.
44:53 I'm only sorry for what it'll do to you.
44:58 Please forgive me.
45:00 - I love you, Louis.
45:03 This other man that you've been talking about,
45:07 I've never known him.
45:08 - Thank you, dear.
45:12 (Louis sighs)
45:14 - Hello.
45:30 Hello, operator.
45:33 Yes, I want to place a call to Mr. Freeman Chase,
45:36 Lincoln 72791.
45:40 That's Washington, DC.
45:41 Yes, I'll wait.
45:44 Hello, Mr. Chase?
45:57 Yes, this is Louis Adams.
46:00 I, I've decided to testify before your committee.
46:04 Well, I'm sorry to disturb you tonight,
46:08 but if I don't see you at once, I,
46:11 well, it may be difficult for me.
46:12 Yes.
46:16 Yes, I can do that.
46:17 Well, I, I could leave here in about two hours,
46:22 and that means I'd get there about 11 o'clock.
46:25 - I better get Harry right away.
46:26 - Yes, I'll have the necessary documents with me.
46:32 Mm-hmm.
46:34 Oh, I understand, Mr. Chase.
46:38 No, I, I'm not expecting any deal.
46:41 Well, let's just say
46:46 there comes a time.
46:50 Goodbye.
46:53 (door opens)
46:57 (door closes)
47:00 (door opens)
47:03 (door closes)
47:05 (door opens)
47:08 (suspenseful music)
47:35 Goodbye, Martha.
47:36 - That's him.
47:51 (gunshots)
47:56 Get the briefcase.
48:04 (footsteps)
48:06 Come on, come on, come on, get out of here.
48:16 (suspenseful music)
48:19 (tires screeching)
48:30 (gunshots)
48:32 (gunshots)
48:34 (suspenseful music)
48:47 (upbeat music)
48:53 (upbeat music)
48:55 (upbeat music)
48:58 (upbeat music)
49:01 (upbeat music)
49:03 (upbeat music)
49:06 (upbeat music)
49:10 (upbeat music)
49:16 (upbeat music)
49:21 (upbeat music)
49:25 (upbeat music)
49:32 (upbeat music)
49:34 (suspenseful music)
49:44 (suspenseful music)
49:50 (suspenseful music)
49:53 (upbeat music)