Largest Gaza hospital 'not functioning' amid Israeli assault

  • last year

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00:00 In the middle of this horrible situation, Hamas and the IDF, the Israeli army, are essentially
00:05 blaming each other for what's happening.
00:08 The Israeli army says that Hamas is controlling many of the parts of management at the hospital
00:16 and that Israel dropped 300 liters of fuel on the premises yesterday, and essentially
00:24 Hamas is preventing the hospital from taking that fuel and using it, and Hamas issuing
00:31 a statement late last night saying they have nothing to do with the management at the hospital
00:36 and that this is a lie perpetrated by Israel.
00:41 Now it has to be said that 300 liters of fuel is not much.
00:45 It probably wouldn't even get the hospital going for one hour, but Israel claims that
00:53 Hamas has plenty of fuel that it has stockpiled inside the Gaza Strip and that if it wanted
00:59 to it could easily help the hospital reboot and restart.
01:05 But we have to remember, Al Shifa Hospital, according to the Israelis, is one of the headquarters
01:09 of Hamas.
01:10 It is where Israel believes Hamas's top leaders, even perhaps some of the hostages, are hiding.
01:16 It believes there are bunkers and other facilities that Hamas is using, not only to shelter its
01:23 commanders but also to store weapons, and it is one of the main military targets.
01:30 And Israel, it appears, would much prefer to evacuate all of the sick patients from
01:36 the hospital, but it claims that Hamas is preventing that.
01:40 Now Israel did open one evacuation route yesterday on the eastern side of the hospital that would
01:45 lead south, but it appears that very few people used that exit because they feared for their
01:53 lives.
01:54 There is intense combat raging around the hospital and even endangering the lives of
02:00 the few thousand civilians who are sheltering in that compound that just haven't left yet.
