The All-New Dennis the Menace - Mom's Helper - 1993 Episode 11

  • last year


00:00 [music]
00:10 Okay, Willy, we're home.
00:12 [music]
00:16 Hey, wait for me.
00:18 Oh, this old living room furniture has a lot of wear, Henry.
00:23 Oh, I wish we could get rid of it.
00:25 Yeah, I know what you mean, Alice, but we just don't have the money right now.
00:28 Hi, Mom, Dad.
00:30 Hello, Dennis.
00:31 Ah, just the boy I wanted to see.
00:34 [music]
00:37 We'll talk about the furniture when you get home, dear.
00:40 I've got to get started.
00:42 Where's Mom going?
00:43 She had to go to her room.
00:45 Wow, what did she do?
00:47 She has work to do, Dennis.
00:49 Her boss at the real estate office asked her to write a very important report,
00:53 and that's what I want to talk to you about.
00:55 I need your help.
00:57 Uh, sure, Dad.
00:58 If you behave yourself and make sure your mother isn't disturbed all day,
01:02 I'll take you and Joey to the amusement park on Saturday.
01:05 Wow, you got yourself a deal.
01:08 Oh, so quiet.
01:10 She won't even know I'm here.
01:12 Now, don't be so quiet that your mother will worry.
01:15 Gotcha, Dad.
01:16 [music]
01:20 I'm going to play with Joey, Mom.
01:22 Everything's okay.
01:24 Have a nice time, dear.
01:26 [music]
01:31 Are Mr. and Mrs. Wilson moving away?
01:34 Gee, I hope not.
01:37 Hiya, Mr. Wilson.
01:39 Don't you have someplace else you're supposed to be, Dennis?
01:43 Canada, perhaps?
01:45 Nope.
01:46 Are you moving?
01:47 If only we could.
01:49 Yeah, I'm getting some big money selling furniture I don't want.
01:52 Fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty bucks.
01:55 There you go, pal.
01:57 Thank you.
01:59 My pleasure.
02:01 I'm glad you flagged my truck down when we were driving past.
02:04 I'm busy now.
02:06 Why don't you boys come back later, say, in five years or so?
02:11 Whoa, did you see all the money Mr. Wilson got for his old furniture?
02:16 Yeah, it was more than I could count.
02:19 Of course I could only count to ten.
02:21 I got a great idea.
02:23 Say, mister, my mom and dad have a bunch of furniture they don't want.
02:28 Would you like to buy it?
02:30 Sure, kid.
02:32 I gotta unload this stuff, then I'll be back for yours.
02:34 You have it on the front lawn.
02:36 [truck engine]
02:40 Boy, we can make some big money, too, Joey.
02:43 I thought money only came in one size.
02:46 Let's go tell Mr. Wilson.
02:48 You should have gotten rid of that old chair while you were at it.
02:51 It's a wreck.
02:53 Martha, how could you even suggest such a thing?
02:56 This has been my favorite chair for 20 years.
03:00 More like 30, George, and every year it gets uglier.
03:05 I'm going to take a nap.
03:07 Don't even think about it, Martha.
03:09 I'd rather lose another tooth than lose that chair.
03:12 Oh, dear.
03:14 Hiya, Mrs. Wilson.
03:16 Is Mr. Wilson here?
03:18 He's gone to take a nap, boys.
03:20 Oh, really ugly.
03:23 Is something wrong with that chair, Mrs. Wilson?
03:26 Yes, it's falling apart.
03:28 I wish we could get rid of it.
03:31 I'd gladly give somebody $10 to haul it off.
03:34 Oh, well.
03:36 Oh, I have some cookies in the oven,
03:38 if you boys would like to come back in a while.
03:41 Sure thing.
03:42 I got another great idea.
03:44 As long as we're selling stuff,
03:46 we'll get rid of that old chair for Mrs. Wilson.
03:49 Come on, Joey, we've got work to do.
04:17 That couch is just too big for us, Dennis.
04:20 I'll think of something.
04:22 Is everything all right, Dennis?
04:24 Everything's fine, Mom.
04:26 Thank you, Dennis.
04:27 You're being a big help, you know.
04:29 Uh, I'm trying, Mom.
04:31 What do you call those little wheels?
04:41 Pulls.
04:42 My dad says if you have enough of them,
04:44 you can move anything.
04:46 Pull!
04:47 Come on, Ruff.
04:48 Get that cat.
04:50 Ah, we didn't need that old porch light anyway.
04:58 I could find my friend through in the dark.
05:01 Gee, Dennis, it worked.
05:09 I told you it would.
05:11 That's why I'm going to be an engineer just like my dad.
05:14 (BELL DINGS)
05:16 Is, uh, all this for sale?
05:23 Yep, and we want big money for it.
05:26 This big.
05:28 Here you go, boys.
05:32 $43 for the whole lot.
05:35 Nice doing business with you.
05:37 Wow, $43.
05:41 Now I can buy Mom some new furniture
05:43 and give some to Mr. Wilson for a new chair.
05:46 (YAWNS)
05:53 Martha, where's my chair?
05:59 Somebody stole my favorite chair.
06:02 Dennis, you did what?
06:05 I want my chair.
06:08 The important thing is to get all the furniture back.
06:11 We don't want to upset Alice.
06:14 Mom!
06:16 Everything's okay, Mom.
06:19 I'm not hungry, but shall I go down and make you some lunch, Dennis?
06:22 No, uh, me and Joey are doing something with Mr. Wilson.
06:27 Bye.
06:29 Oh, I'm glad you're here, Dennis.
06:33 Since George just flagged the furniture man down when he was driving by,
06:37 we need his name and address.
06:40 Do you have the receipt he gave you?
06:42 Nope. I didn't get one.
06:45 That was very careless of you, Dennis.
06:47 Always get a receipt.
06:49 Well, let's take a look at your receipt, George.
06:54 I, uh, I don't believe I got one.
06:57 Then you'll just have to go to every used furniture store in town
07:01 until you find me, George.
07:03 Me? What about them?
07:06 You better take them with you.
07:08 You might recognize the man before you do.
07:11 Fasten your seat belts.
07:13 No bouncing, no talking, no rolling down the windows,
07:17 no looking in the ashtrays.
07:19 (MUMBLING)
07:21 Why's Mr. Wilson talking to himself?
07:26 Is that good?
07:28 No, Joey. He's using words we're not supposed to hear.
07:32 Nope.
07:35 If you see any furniture that fits that description, let me know.
07:39 (GIGGLING)
07:41 Well, if you see any furniture that fits that description, let me know.
07:46 Wow!
07:47 Um, sorry, Mr. Wilson.
07:51 That'll be $12. Nice doing business with you, Mr. Wilson.
08:04 There's your chair, Mr. Wilson.
08:06 My chair! Oh, I thought I'd never see you again.
08:11 Can I help you?
08:13 You certainly can. We want our furniture back.
08:16 Sure, pal. I'll be happy to sell it back to you for the price I paid.
08:20 Plus a slight restocking fee and round-trip delivery charges.
08:25 Of course.
08:28 (DOOR SLAMS)
08:30 You look tired, Dennis. Are you feeling okay?
08:37 You're feeling a little warm. Maybe I ought to fix you some soup.
08:41 I'm fine. See?
08:43 All right. I'm almost done. I'll be down soon.
08:47 Take your time.
08:49 (GROANS)
08:52 Dennis? Are you down there?
08:54 Uh-oh. Right here, Mom.
08:57 I'm all done with my work. I'll be right down.
09:00 Hi, Mom.
09:07 Yeah, hi, Bob. Oh, I mean, Mrs. Mitchell.
09:11 The living room looks very neat. Did you boys clean it?
09:15 Well, we might have moved a chair or two.
09:20 Your mom told me how good you were yesterday, Dennis.
09:23 And we did have a deal.
09:25 I'm taking you and Joey to the amusement park today.
09:28 You're the best dad I ever had. I'll call Joey.
09:32 Tell him we'll pick him up on the way.
09:34 What is going on here?
09:37 Hi, Mr. Wilson. We found that used furniture you were looking for yesterday.
09:41 No, no, no, no, you didn't.
09:44 Well, it's great stuff. Buy it anyway.
09:47 I'm selling a couch. Five bucks for this chair.
09:50 You keep the price. Nice used bed.
09:52 Here you go, sir. Take a look at it.
09:54 Just give me five dollars.
09:56 Get this out of here. All of it. Now!
10:00 I'll just unload my truck over here.
10:02 Back it up, Shorty.
10:04 No, no!
10:06 Looks like Mr. Wilson is going into the used furniture business.
10:10 Nah.
10:12 Boy, Joey, we're sure gonna have fun.
10:15 I bet poor Mr. Wilson wishes he could come along with us.
10:19 Yes!
10:23 [music]
10:52 Beep.
