• 2 years ago


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02:24 (dogs barking)
02:26 - Nothing is wrong with this, Dennis.
02:31 This is called a dog whistle, only dogs can hear it.
02:34 It's too high pitched for humans.
02:36 - Great, let's get a few over here for Ruff to play with.
02:40 (upbeat music)
02:45 - No, Dennis, don't.
02:47 You'll call every dog in the neighborhood.
02:49 (dog barking)
02:53 - Hey, come back once.
02:55 - Now see what you've done.
03:00 My car, my petunias.
03:05 - My goodness.
03:08 - See here, sir, you're ruining our dog show.
03:12 - And these mutts are ruining my garden.
03:15 Chew, scat, eat it.
03:17 - I'll show you what we do to dog nappers.
03:20 - No, I don't want your dog gone gone.
03:24 - Really, George?
03:27 I wish you'd let me know in advance
03:29 when you plan to invite friends over.
03:32 - Friends?
03:34 They wanna tear me limb from limb.
03:37 - Speaking of limbs, you'd better climb up
03:39 into this tree where you'll be safe.
03:41 - How am I supposed to get way up there?
03:45 (dog panting)
03:48 (screaming)
03:51 - That's one way.
03:52 Personally, I prefer doing it this way.
03:55 - Holy smoke.
04:05 I get the feeling that overstuffed Tarzan
04:09 is the cause of it all.
04:11 - Dennis, how do you always manage
04:14 to get me into these predicaments?
04:16 - It's easy, Mr. Wilson.
04:18 I've had lots of practice.
04:20 - Well, you mean to much, beat it.
04:25 - I'll get rid of them for you
04:26 if you'll just let me have that package of steak.
04:29 - Here, anything's worth it.
04:32 - Here, Mr. Policeman, catch.
04:36 - Got it.
04:39 (knocking)
04:43 (upbeat music)
04:46 - You're gone now, Mr. Wilson.
05:01 It's okay to climb down.
05:03 - I forgot how.
05:04 I haven't climbed a tree since I was a kid.
05:07 - You can do it, Mr. Wilson.
05:09 It's as easy as falling off a log.
05:13 (screaming)
05:15 - See what I mean?
05:19 (dramatic music)
05:22 - George, those steaks were going to be our dinner.
05:27 - Look in the refrigerator.
05:29 There must be something else you can cook.
05:32 - Sure there is, hot dogs.
05:35 - Ah, forget it, Martha.
05:37 I never wanna see another dog in my entire life.
05:41 - Did you hear that, Ruff?
05:43 You and me can eat Mr. Wilson's share.
05:45 Come on.
05:46 (barking)
05:49 (growling)
05:54 - Why, George, you sound exactly like one of those dogs.
06:01 (growling)
06:06 (dramatic music)
06:09 (upbeat music)
06:15 - You're watching Boomerang from Cartoon Network.
06:22 (upbeat music)
06:25 (gentle music)
06:36 - Ruff, fetch the paper.
06:38 (growling)
06:42 (barking)
06:48 - What's going on, Ruff?
06:50 Thanks, Ruff.
06:57 I think I should have known today's Friday the 13th.
07:05 - Oh no, it's Friday the 13th,
07:08 the unluckiest day of the whole year.
07:11 - Time to get up, dear.
07:16 - Mom, which is the wrong side of the bed to get out of?
07:21 - I'm really not sure.
07:23 - In that case, maybe I'll just stay in bed all day.
07:26 - Don't act silly, dear.
07:30 Breakfast in five minutes.
07:32 - Rats, nobody should have to get out of bed
07:34 on Friday the 13th.
07:35 - Oh no.
07:41 - Phew, a broken mirror could have meant
07:45 seven years of bad luck.
07:47 I've got a feeling I'd better watch out today.
07:51 Step on a crack and break your mother's back.
08:01 - Watch the ladder, Dennis.
08:04 Yikes.
08:05 - Gee, thanks for warning me, Mr. Wilson.
08:07 Walking under a ladder is real bad luck.
08:10 - Not to mention a black cat crossing your path.
08:15 - Oh no.
08:16 Phew, that was close.
08:23 That black cat could have ruined my whole day.
08:26 - Now, Dennis, black cats can't really do any harm.
08:29 (barking)
08:33 (barking)
08:35 - You should be more careful, Mr. Wilson.
08:43 This is Friday the 13th.
08:44 - Oh, no kidding.
08:47 - Maybe we should stick together today for good luck.
08:50 - No, I have a better idea.
08:52 You take this very special lucky
08:58 1977 nickel, it'll ward off bad luck.
09:03 - It really will?
09:04 - Guaranteed.
09:06 - Wow, thanks, Mr. Wilson.
09:08 Maybe I won't have such bad luck after all.
09:10 - That makes two of us.
09:14 - Dennis Mitchell, why on earth are you doing that?
09:22 - Why do you think?
09:23 If you step on a crack, you could break your mother's back.
09:28 Besides, it's Friday the 13th.
09:30 Even with Mr. Wilson's good luck charm,
09:32 I'm not taking any chances.
09:34 - A double nickel?
09:36 (laughing)
09:38 That's the silliest thing I've ever heard.
09:40 How can that bring you luck?
09:42 (thudding)
09:43 Ow, I tripped on something.
09:45 - You sure did.
09:50 It's a silver dollar.
09:52 Mr. Wilson's good luck charm is working already.
09:55 - Ha, that was just a coincidence.
09:58 Dennis Mitchell, you get down from there
10:05 before you hurt yourself.
10:06 (thudding)
10:07 Ow!
10:08 (thudding)
10:10 - You gotta be more careful, Margaret.
10:12 This is Friday the 13th, remember?
10:15 - I'm gonna get to the bottom of this superstition nonsense
10:18 if it takes all day.
10:24 - You, Dennis, would you like this last strawberry tart?
10:29 - Thanks, Mrs. Wilson.
10:32 Wow, this really is my lucky day.
10:34 - Say, Martha, are there any more
10:39 of those delicious strawberry tarts left?
10:42 - Hi, Mr. Wilson.
10:43 Your good luck charm works great.
10:45 I'm having all kinds of lucky things happen to me.
10:49 - Oh, I see.
10:50 It's written all over your face.
10:53 (whimsical music)
10:56 (screaming)
10:58 - Gee, thanks, Mr. Wilson.
11:15 - It's totally impossible.
11:17 There's absolutely no such thing as a good luck charm.
11:21 - And I've got to have it.
11:24 See, Mr. Wilson?
11:25 I told you you have to be careful on Friday the 13th.
11:28 (groaning)
11:31 Maybe you'd better carry around this good luck charm.
11:34 It works real good.
11:35 - Dennis, I may as well tell you the truth.
11:38 This is only a plain, ordinary nickel.
11:41 There's no magic to it.
11:43 - In that case, may I have it?
11:46 - It's yours.
11:47 Just get it out of here
11:48 before it starts making me superstitious.
11:51 - Thank you, Mr. Wilson.
11:53 (thudding)
11:59 (whistling)
12:00 - (chuckles) So much for her good luck.
12:03 - Yeah, old Mrs. Grimley loves to sue people.
12:06 - Margaret, well, I'm really happy I bumped into you.
12:10 - You are?
12:13 - I have these two extra tickets to the ballet.
12:16 Would you like to have them?
12:18 - Would I?
12:20 Thank you so much.
12:22 I love the ballet.
12:23 And I know just who to give the other ticket to.
12:27 - It's working.
12:28 She is having good luck.
12:30 - You call getting tickets to the ballet good luck?
12:34 Yuck.
12:35 (humming)
12:38 - Oh, hush.
12:44 (barking)
12:49 - My gosh!
12:50 A five dollar bill!
12:54 Five whole dollars.
12:57 I still don't believe it.
12:59 - I don't believe it either.
13:02 - Me neither.
13:03 I only found one dollar.
13:05 - Hmm.
13:06 Could it be possible that coin really does bring good luck?
13:10 - Gee, Mr. Wilson,
13:11 maybe we should have kept that coin for us, huh?
13:14 - What do you mean, us?
13:17 - Oh, Margaret.
13:18 - Yes, Mr. Wilson?
13:22 - I sort of made a mistake.
13:24 It turns out I may be needing that good luck charm.
13:28 (screaming)
13:30 - Looking for something, fatso?
13:36 - Who, me?
13:37 Why, no, no, no.
13:39 Nothing at all.
13:40 - Then be it.
13:41 (whistling)
13:42 (screaming)
13:45 (thudding)
13:47 (whistling)
13:49 - Poor Mr. Wilson.
13:52 It looks like you do need this charm more than I do.
13:55 - Oh, I do, Margaret.
13:57 I do.
13:58 Would you accept five dollars for it?
14:01 - Well, gee, Mr. Wilson, I don't--
14:03 - Make it $10.
14:05 - But I'd really rather--
14:06 - $20, and that's my final offer.
14:09 - Well, all right, if you insist.
14:12 (playful music)
14:14 - Come to papa.
14:18 - Wow, $20 for one nickel.
14:20 That's the luckiest charm ever.
14:23 - I know, and to think I was going to give it back to you
14:26 for nothing.
14:27 - For nothing?
14:29 Oh.
14:31 Oh, well, at least it's mine now.
14:35 (screeching)
14:36 - Too late, Mr. Wilson.
14:38 That black cat just crossed your path.
14:40 That's bad luck.
14:42 - Nonsense, Dennis.
14:44 Now that I have this lucky charm,
14:45 nothing can possibly happen to me.
14:47 (barking)
14:49 (screaming)
14:54 You again.
14:58 I thought I warned you.
15:00 You did.
15:01 (screaming)
15:09 - Oh, Mr. Wilson, looks like your luck just ran out.
15:13 - You and your phony good luck charm, you can have it.
15:19 - You better keep it, Mr. Wilson.
15:21 Friday the 13th isn't over yet.
15:24 - I don't care, just get it out of my sight.
15:27 - Gee, thanks, Mr. Wilson.
15:31 (screeching)
15:33 - There you are, George.
15:42 Margaret's father is on the phone.
15:45 He'd like to buy that good luck coin of yours.
15:48 He'll pay you $100 for it.
15:50 - $100?
15:51 - Well, Russ, at least Friday the 13th
16:00 turned out real lucky for us.
16:02 - Hi, Dennis.
16:04 I decided you can take me to the ballet.
16:08 - It looks like I spoke too soon.
16:12 - Ruff, let's get out of here.
16:13 (barking)
16:16 (upbeat music)
16:28 - You're watching Boomerang from Cartoon Network.
16:33 - Let's hurry, Dennis.
16:40 The store's about to close
16:41 and we still haven't finished shopping.
16:44 - Be right there, Dad.
16:46 Shopping always makes me thirsty.
16:49 - No, wait!
16:53 Dennis, I'm getting hot under the collar.
16:58 - Sure, Dad.
16:59 Open your mouth.
17:00 This will cool you off.
17:02 - Dennis, will you get in here?
17:08 - What floor do we want, Dad?
17:12 - I don't know.
17:12 The ladies wear department.
17:14 - Then let's just stomp at all the floors
17:16 'til we find it.
17:17 - No, Dennis.
17:18 Don't do that.
17:19 - Whoa!
17:20 - Stomp it, Dennis.
17:23 - Sure, Dad.
17:28 - Dennis, get me down from here.
17:30 - Oh, thanks.
17:35 - Anytime, Dad.
17:38 Boy, business is pretty rotten in this store.
17:43 There's nobody here.
17:45 - That's because everyone's gone home.
17:48 They must have locked up the place
17:49 while we were in the elevator.
17:52 - Why don't we call somebody
17:53 and tell them we're locked in?
17:56 (suspenseful music)
17:59 - We can't.
18:01 The phones have been shut off, too.
18:04 - What are we gonna do, Dad?
18:07 - I don't know.
18:09 I've gotta sit down and think about this.
18:12 - Maybe there's a way out through this door.
18:16 - On second thought, maybe not.
18:19 - Whoa!
18:24 (upbeat music)
18:27 (grunting)
18:29 (barking)
18:33 (gasping)
18:36 (water running)
18:38 - This way, Dad!
18:43 - I've gotta lie down somewhere.
18:54 - This way, Dad.
18:55 Sure, Dad, you can rest here.
18:59 - Thanks, son.
19:00 Just till my blood pressure gets back to normal.
19:04 - I'll turn on some nice quiet music so you can relax.
19:07 (upbeat music)
19:10 - Yeah!
19:11 Dennis!
19:13 Turn that thing off!
19:15 - I'm hungry.
19:16 I hope there's something to eat around here.
19:20 (upbeat music)
19:23 Popcorn!
19:25 I can make it in this microwave.
19:29 Just thinking about popcorn makes me thirsty.
19:31 I sure could use something to drink.
19:34 I'd rather have soda, but I'll settle for water.
19:38 That's weird.
19:41 Nothing's coming out.
19:42 (dramatic music)
19:46 (dramatic music)
19:49 There's gotta be a better way to get a drink.
19:56 - Yeah!
20:01 What's going on?
20:05 Something's burning.
20:08 Dennis, where are you?
20:10 - Here I am, Dad.
20:11 I'm just getting a drink to go with my popcorn.
20:14 - Popcorn?
20:15 Oh my gosh!
20:16 - Good work, Dad.
20:23 You sure know a lot about mechanical things.
20:27 - Look at all this water.
20:29 - Maybe they're mops and housewares.
20:31 They'll dry it up.
20:33 - Whoops.
20:35 (dramatic music)
20:43 (dogs barking)
20:46 - Stay!
20:51 - Thank goodness you're here.
20:58 - What are you doing in this place?
21:00 - My son and I were locked in by mistake.
21:03 - Oh, so you have an accomplice.
21:05 - No, officer, you don't understand.
21:08 - Hi, Mr. Security Guard.
21:10 How low can you get using a little kid
21:14 to help you steal things?
21:15 I hope they throw the book at you.
21:18 - Dennis, run home and tell your mother I'm in jail.
21:29 - Please, mister, you can't take my dad away yet.
21:32 - Why not?
21:33 - Because he still hasn't bought me what we came for.
21:36 A present for being so good.
21:39 Right, Dad?
21:40 - Wow.
21:41 (upbeat music)
21:48 (water splashing)
21:51 (upbeat music)
21:54 (water splashing)
21:56 (upbeat music)
21:59 (dramatic music)
22:26 (upbeat music)
