Video : चढ़ी में चुनाव ड्यूटी करने पहुंचे पुलिसकर्मी

  • last year
00:00 What happened?
00:02 What happened?
00:04 What happened?
00:10 I heard you guys were having fun on the road
00:12 No, we were not
00:14 Are you the only one?
00:16 Yes, we were
00:18 What is your name?
00:24 Hello
00:26 What is your name?
00:28 I am not able to see you guys
00:30 Show me your photos
00:32 Where are you from?
00:34 We are from Barzat
00:36 Where are you from?
00:38 I am telling you guys
00:40 We are doing our duty here
00:42 Give me the keys
00:52 Give me the keys
00:54 Where are you from?
01:06 We are from Barzat
01:08 Where are you from?
01:10 We are from Jodhpur
01:12 Jodhpur?
01:14 Yes
01:16 Give me the keys
01:18 Boss, look
01:28 Sachin Singh Barzati is standing here
01:30 We have to click his photo
01:32 Click it
01:34 Click it and sell it
01:36 Go
01:38 I will tell you
01:40 This is the photo
01:44 We will come to you if you need us
01:46 We are showing you the photo
01:48 This is the photo
