• 2 years ago
Video Information: Shabdyog Satsang, 05.07.2015, Advait Bodhsthal, Noida, India

~How to know the call of truth?
~Is Truth calls everyone?
~What are the ways of truth to call us?

Music Credits: Milind Date
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00:00 He may be here and He may call her, but many others she may not hear.
00:12 So Apar is asking, "Why can't He hear? What stops Him from hearing?"
00:20 He is asking that when there is the call and the caller, why can't the caller himself make the call heard?
00:39 How do you know that you are not hearing?
00:47 Is it possible that the truth calls and the sons of truth refuse to hear?
01:02 Is it possible?
01:06 How are you so sure that you do not hear the call of truth?
01:24 I am asking you, how do you know that you are not hearing His call?
01:34 You do not know. All you have is images about the call.
01:44 And all you have is images about the response to the call.
01:54 When you find that what is happening in your life does not correspond with the images, then you end up concluding that the truth is not calling you.
02:08 And you have fantastic images.
02:12 You have an image that when the truth calls, then you have visions in the night, a grand ray descends from the heavens and enters your mind,
02:27 or that there is some kind of tinkling up your spine and it reaches your Sahasrara, or that your face develops some kind of a mighty glow, an aura,
02:49 then you say that, you know, probably I have been called by the truth.
02:53 And if none of these happen, then at least a few basic things must happen.
02:58 Snakes must stop biting you.
03:05 Scorpions must start dancing around you.
03:09 And if even these cannot happen, then at least a few more internal things can happen.
03:18 For example, you should become free of thirst, hunger and lust.
03:24 These images are there, right? That's what you have read about those who were called.
03:33 So fantastic images you have.
03:36 And you say, I am still lustful.
03:39 That proves that I am not hearing the call.
03:44 That's what you see.
03:47 How do you know?
03:53 All is His call.
03:57 It's just that you misinterpret.
04:06 You misinterpret because you expect the call to come differently.
04:14 There is nothing in this world that is anything except the call of the truth.
04:23 There is nothing here at all.
04:28 But you, I repeat, expect the call to come to you only in specific ways.
04:35 You have images.
04:41 And when it doesn't happen that way, you call yourself unfortunate.
04:49 It's such a clever trick of Maya.
04:57 Not that it is not happening.
05:04 The amusing part is that what must happen is always happening and yet you keep saying it is not happening.
05:20 Kabir must have laughed his heart out.
05:27 "Pani mein mean pyasi, sun sun aave mohansi"
05:41 He is shouting right in your ears that too from the inside.
05:52 What more do you want now?
05:58 If he shouts any louder, you will become deaf.
06:09 And you are saying, "Why doesn't the call come to me?"
06:26 Stop having images.
06:30 Your disappointment comes from your fantasies.
06:40 You want even truth to behave as per your expectations.
06:47 You want the doctor to prescribe medicines as per your demand.
06:57 And if the medicine does not taste right, you say the medicine is not right.
07:12 You have been told that the lovers of God become peaceful and their eyes are always half closed.
07:29 And they are smiling even as you slaughter them.
07:42 And they can go for 2000 days without food.
07:44 You have read all these things and you do not find them in your life.
07:50 So just by comparison, you burn yourself in frustration.
08:04 We have so many books in our library here.
08:09 One of us picked up a book, looked at the cover and the feeling of envy and disappointment came immediately on the face.
08:30 The cover had the image of a saint and the saint was relaxing so artistically, artistic relaxation,
08:46 with one hand hung in thin air, one finger pointing heavenwards.
08:58 And this fellow who is looking at that image, he is thinking, I never relax this way.
09:04 When I sleep, I do not even know where my hands go.
09:10 And look at this grand old man, even when he is sleeping, his fingers are pointing towards the heaven.
09:21 He will wake up with a severe pain in his arm.
09:29 That is all he will get, this saint.
09:32 I assure you, the body has laws of its own. It obeys no spiritual laws.
09:52 But you feel so inferior, it is not happening to me.
09:55 Why is it not happening to me?
09:59 So many of your saints have had families and have begotten children.
10:06 Did they do this without lust?
10:11 Is it possible to come to a physical orgasm without sexual arousal?
10:21 But when you encounter the same feelings within yourself, you feel so disheartened and low and reduced.
10:49 Why?
10:53 Now I am not advocating that you start feeling grand about yourself when you have a sexual arousal.
10:59 Kindly do not jump to the other end.
11:27 Life is what life is.
11:30 It has no obligation to confirm to your images.
11:36 And whatever is happening around you is a gateway to the truth.
11:46 Pay attention to it. Come close to it.
11:49 And you will see a way opening up for you.
11:57 Just come close.
12:00 The magic lies in not rejecting life.
12:07 Come close to whatever is happening and see whether or not a road opens up for you.
12:13 Just try.
12:18 And when I say whatever is happening, it is all inclusive.
12:24 Good, bad, pleasant, ugly, whatever is there.
12:33 Just see what it is and you will only hear the call of the truth.
12:38 There is nothing else that is there.
13:07 I said that.
13:13 And after I have said that, have you been able to abstain?
13:22 I might have asked you to abstain.
13:26 That was two days back.
13:29 Since then, have you abstained?
13:33 No, you will not abstain, right?
13:38 Life is total.
13:41 Life consists of me telling you to abstain and you not abstaining.
13:49 Come close to the entire happening.
13:55 Come close to me when I am saying something.
14:00 And come close to yourself when you are not listening to what I am saying.
14:10 Not getting it.
14:13 When I am saying something, come close to me.
14:17 And after I have said, obviously, you will forget what I have said.
14:23 Come close to yourself in the moments when you have forgotten what I have said.
14:29 You will hear the same truth in your forgetting as you hear when you are listening to me.
14:48 The magic lies in coming close and paying attention.
14:56 Pay attention to what I am saying and you will hear the truth.
15:01 And pay attention to your waywardness and you will only see the truth.
15:07 Hmm?
15:15 [inaudible]
15:31 So, when the opposite happens, it has to happen.
15:36 [inaudible]
15:58 Your self-worth drops totally.
16:02 You become a sinner in your own eyes.
16:06 [inaudible]
16:12 You cannot.
16:14 You are so afraid of the happening that you cannot come close to it.
16:21 Again see what is preventing you.
16:26 You have an image of the good disciple.
16:40 Life is total.
16:42 It does not respect the distinctions that you create.
16:48 It has no respect for the boundaries that you create.
16:56 Life has brought me to you and life has also brought lust to you.
17:07 You cannot avoid me. I chase you.
17:11 You also cannot avoid lust. Lust chases you.
17:16 It's not your fault at all.
17:23 You come here because I pull you.
17:28 Similarly, lust pulls you.
17:31 See, you are already living in choicelessness.
17:38 So, when lust pulls you, pay attention to lust.
17:42 What else can you do?
17:45 Why don't you realize this simple matter?
17:51 Do you have the power to abstain?
17:54 But do you have the power to abstain?
18:00 You are what you are.
18:02 And given what you are, just pay attention to what you are.
18:06 Simple.
18:11 When I am there, pay attention to me.
18:14 Lust comes and it will come without being invited.
18:18 Or do you invite it? No, you don't invite it.
18:22 It invites you. Have you not understood this?
18:26 You do not invite lust. Lust invites you.
18:30 When it invites you, pay attention to the invitation.
18:33 See how it operates.
18:37 See what the whole game and its mechanism are all about.
18:45 Just see.
18:47 And you will hear the same call, the same call.
18:51 You will hear.
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19:00 No part of this recording may be reproduced
19:03 without Mooji Media Ltd.'s express consent.
