Betting 9.5 on Washington Vs. poor Giants might backfire | WK 11

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - Giants are awful.
00:04 You really wanna lay nine and a half with Washington.
00:07 Like that's, you never, I never wanna do that.
00:10 They're like a team you take getting a couple points
00:12 like last week in Seattle on the road.
00:14 I can't take them laying that much wood.
00:16 - Giants had 411 fewer passing yards
00:21 than the Cowboys last week.
00:22 Guys, that is the most in 13 years in the NFL
00:27 and it ain't getting any better.
00:29 Kudos to Dable for saying that
00:30 with a straight face, by the way.
00:32 (upbeat music)
00:35 (bell ringing)
