• 2 years ago


00:00 (crowd cheering)
00:02 (phone ringing)
00:08 (phone ringing)
00:17 - Oh, God, freeze, you mugger.
00:20 Oh, God, no one gets a chance to sleep around here.
00:24 (phone ringing)
00:29 (dramatic music)
00:32 - Oh, boy, I sure took care of him, and was his face red.
00:50 Yeah, I bet he wants to eat us up.
00:53 (paper rustling)
00:56 I hope he teaches him a lesson.
01:06 Ah, there we are.
01:11 How do you say we put a whole row of them out
01:21 all on cracking one after the other, come on.
01:25 Now, bring it up with those doggone matches.
01:47 (paper rustling)
01:49 Ah, this is wonderful.
02:14 (speaking gibberish)
02:17 Oh, boy.
02:33 (dramatic music)
02:39 (dramatic music)
02:41 (dramatic music)
02:45 Ah.
02:46 (laughing)
02:52 (dramatic music)
02:54 (speaking gibberish)
03:01 (dramatic music)
03:05 (dramatic music)
03:11 (dramatic music)
03:14 (laughing)
03:17 (speaking gibberish)
03:20 (dramatic music)
03:23 (speaking gibberish)
03:26 (dramatic music)
03:28 That does it, now the roll crack.
03:37 (dramatic music)
03:40 (sneezing)
03:53 (speaking gibberish)
03:58 (sneezing)
04:05 (laughing)
04:07 (speaking gibberish)
04:17 (laughing)
04:26 (dramatic music)
04:28 Oh, boy, Usher took care of him and was his face red.
04:43 (speaking gibberish)
04:46 (dramatic music)
04:49 (whistle blowing)
05:05 (knocking)
05:09 (speaking gibberish)
05:16 (dramatic music)
05:19 (speaking gibberish)
05:23 (playful music)
05:27 Ouch.
05:40 (playful music)
05:43, I'll be teaching him a lesson.
05:46 (playful music)
05:49 I'll be teaching him a lesson.
06:02 Ah, there we are.
06:16 (playful music)
06:19 (speaking gibberish)
06:43 (playful music)
06:46 Ah, this is wonderful.
06:55 (playful music)
07:10 (speaking gibberish)
07:13 Oh, boy.
07:30 (playful music)
07:35 (playful music)
07:37 (playful music)
07:40 Ah.
07:42 (playful music)
07:45 Perfect.
07:47 (playful music)
07:50 (crowd cheering)
07:53 (keyboard clacking)
07:59 (alarm ringing)
08:03 (keyboard clacking)
08:08 (speaking gibberish)
08:11 (playful music)
08:36 Oh, boy, I sure took care of him.
08:37 And was his face red.
08:39 Yeah, it looks like he wants to eat a sock.
08:44 (keyboard clacking)
08:47 (speaking gibberish)
08:54 (squeaking)
09:04 (playful music)
09:06 (speaking gibberish)
09:14 (keyboard clacking)
09:19 (door slams)
09:20 (laughing)
09:22 (playful music)
09:27 (playful music)
09:30 Oh, boy, I sure took care of him.
09:38 And was his face red.
09:39 (speaking gibberish)
09:42 (playful music)
09:45 (speaking gibberish)
09:54 (playful music)
09:56 (playful music)
09:59 (laughing)
10:09 (speaking gibberish)
10:12 (speaking gibberish)
10:18 (playful music)
10:25 (ball thuds)
10:27 That does it, now the roll crack.
10:29 (ball thuds)
