Daura e Tarjuma e Quran - Surah al Mu'minun - 19 Nov 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Daura e Tarjuma e Quran - Host: Shuja Uddin Sheikh

1st Time in Electronic Media's History Complete Translation & Tafseer of Quran Kareem.

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00:00 As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
00:15 [Arabic]
00:33 [Arabic]
00:55 [Arabic]
01:09 These are the blessings of Allah, we take them for granted
01:12 Free of cost, heart-warming words
01:14 Allah invites us to think again and again
01:17 Those who can't listen, think about the situation
01:19 Those who can't see, think about what is happening
01:22 That is also a test
01:23 But those who have been given the blessings of Allah
01:25 Are they being grateful?
01:27 [Arabic]
01:30 And it is Allah who spread you in the earth
01:32 And to Him you will be gathered and go
01:34 The Day of Judgment will come
01:35 Everyone will be presented before Allah
01:37 [Arabic]
01:41 And it is Allah who gives life and death
01:43 And for Him is the system of night and day
01:46 That is what is being run
01:48 [Arabic]
01:53 Rather, they said what the disbelievers used to say before
01:56 That is, what are the polytheists of Mecca saying?
01:58 Like the previous deniers had a style of action
02:01 [Arabic]
02:06 He said, when we die and we will become mud and bones
02:09 Will we be resurrected and raised again?
02:11 That is, the mention of some people who deny the hereafter
02:14 [Arabic]
02:18 Certainly, from us and from us before our forefathers
02:21 And before this, this was promised to our forefathers
02:24 [Arabic]
02:26 These are the stories of the people of the past
02:28 They were the people of that era who were polytheists
02:30 The previous deniers also said this
02:32 Today is our time
02:33 There are still some people who deny the hereafter
02:35 Anyway, Allah repeatedly puts its evidences in front of us
02:38 That you have to die
02:39 And life will be given to you after death
02:43 [Arabic]
02:46 You say, for whom is the earth and whatever is in it?
02:49 If you know who has created all this system
02:52 Who is going to make it?
02:53 [Arabic]
02:54 They will definitely say it is for Allah
02:56 Allahu Akbar
02:57 Listen to the answers of these polytheists
02:58 A polytheist is not one who does not believe in Allah
03:00 A polytheist is one who believes in Allah
03:02 And with Allah, he shares false deities
03:04 He also believed in so much monotheism
03:06 Just think
03:07 [Arabic]
03:09 They will definitely say everything is for Allah
03:11 [Arabic]
03:12 You say, do you not think?
03:14 [Arabic]
03:17 You say, who is it?
03:18 The Lord of the seven heavens
03:20 And the Lord of the great throne
03:21 [Arabic]
03:22 They will definitely say
03:23 Everything is for Allah
03:25 [Arabic]
03:27 You say, do you not fear?
03:28 Everything is for Allah
03:29 Then why do you not believe in Allah?
03:31 Why do you share with Allah?
03:32 [Arabic]
03:35 You say, who has the power to do everything?
03:38 [Arabic]
03:41 And He gives protection
03:42 And no protection is given in return
03:45 [Arabic]
03:46 If you know, then tell
03:48 [Arabic]
03:49 They will definitely say
03:50 Everything is for Allah
03:52 [Arabic]
03:54 The Prophet (pbuh) said
03:56 Then where did you get stuck in magic?
03:58 The Creator believes in Allah
03:59 The Provider believes in Allah
04:00 The Owner believes in Allah
04:02 Then in the divinity of Allah
04:03 In the servitude of Allah
04:05 In the worship of Allah
04:06 Why do you share false deities
04:08 With the idols you have created
04:10 And why do you share the creation
04:11 In the servitude of Allah
04:12 And in its worship?
04:13 This is the lesson of Tawheed that is repeatedly coming forward
04:16 [Arabic]
04:20 Rather, we have brought them the truth
04:22 And they are liars
04:23 [Arabic]
04:27 Allah did not make anyone his son
04:29 And there is no other worshiper with Allah
04:31 [Arabic]
04:35 In this case, every worshiper would have taken
04:37 The one who created the creature
04:39 And one of them would have ascended on the other
04:41 This is the proof of the function of the universe
04:43 One is the maker and the other is the operator
04:46 Supposedly
04:48 If there were more than one
04:49 Then everyone would have brought their own creature
04:51 And there would be a fight
04:52 Everyone wants their own monopoly, their own domination
04:55 Want their own domination
04:57 And the whole world would be in disorder
04:59 [Arabic]
05:01 Allah is purer than what they say
05:03 [Arabic]
05:07 He is the one who knows the unseen and the apparent
05:09 He is better than those who associate with Allah
05:14 Allah is the one who knows the unseen and the apparent
05:16 This division of the unseen and the apparent is for us
05:18 There is no division of the unseen and the apparent for Allah
05:20 Everything is right in front of Allah
05:22 In the next two verses, a very precious prayer
05:25 Punishment will come for the disbelievers
05:28 So a very beautiful prayer for that relationship
05:30 The Prophet and his Ummah are being taught
05:34 [Arabic]
05:37 O Prophet, pray for me, O my Lord
05:39 If you show me
05:42 [Arabic]
05:44 Then O my Lord, do not include me among the oppressors
05:48 What is the meaning?
05:49 Oppressor on the disbelievers, the oppressor on the disbelievers
05:51 Allah's punishment will come
05:52 Allah protect us
05:53 The Prophet is innocent and innocent
05:55 The Prophet is the chosen one of Allah
05:57 The greatest of all
05:58 The Ummah is being taught through the Prophet
06:00 Such a way that when the matter of disobedience and rebellion increases
06:04 Allah's punishment comes
06:06 A very beautiful prayer to avoid it
06:08 Now translated from our perspective
06:10 [Arabic]
06:13 O my Lord, what is promised to him
06:15 If you show me
06:16 [Arabic]
06:18 O my Lord, do not include me among the oppressors
06:22 Save me from the punishment
06:24 In general, we should also arrange for prayers
06:27 [Arabic]
06:31 And no doubt we are able to do what we are promising
06:34 O Prophet, show yourself
06:36 You are on the earth
06:37 And Allah's punishment came on the disbelievers
06:40 And this happened
06:41 The idolaters were beaten in the desert
06:43 70 were killed, 70 were arrested
06:45 [Arabic]
06:47 Remove the evil from the best of deeds
06:51 This is the etiquette of Dawah
06:53 The answer to evil should be given with good
06:55 Here is the teaching
06:57 We will read in Surah Ha Meem Sajdah
06:59 In verse number 34
07:01 [Arabic]
07:05 Your enmity with the one who will be your enemy
07:07 As a result of this excellent moral attitude
07:09 He will become your warm friend
07:11 Here it is also said
07:13 [Arabic]
07:15 Remove the evil through the best of deeds
07:19 [Arabic]
07:21 We know very well what those people say
07:23 Those who lie, those who associate false deities with Allah
07:26 Allah says we know very well
07:28 In the next two verses also there are very valuable prayers
07:30 There is a hint of this earlier
07:32 That is, the hint came as a reference
07:35 To avoid the attacks of the devils
07:37 The Ummah is being taught through the Prophet (pbuh)
07:40 Otherwise, what is the matter of the Prophet?
07:42 He said that everyone has a shaitan
07:44 It was said that the Prophet is with you too
07:46 Yes, you said I have made him Muslim
07:48 I have made him Muslim
07:50 In any case, the Ummah is being taught through the Prophet (pbuh)
07:53 [Arabic]
07:56 And you say, O my Lord, I seek refuge in You from the whispers of the devils
08:01 [Arabic]
08:03 And O my Lord, I seek refuge in You from the whispers of the devils
08:07 So to avoid the whispers of the devils
08:09 And the devils come near us
08:11 For this Allah taught us a very beautiful prayer
08:14 Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas should also be included in their matters
08:17 To avoid evil
08:18 [Arabic]
08:21 And these two prayers, i.e. at this point, Ayat 97 and 98
08:25 These prayers should also be included in our matters
08:28 And we read the prayer
08:30 We should not only read the prayer, but we should also ask for the prayer
08:33 We ask when we know what we are asking for
08:35 We ask in Punjabi, Baluchi, Sindhi, Urdu, English, German, French
08:40 Allah listens in the language
08:42 But the prayers of the Holy Qur'an are the best
08:44 The prayers taught by the Prophet are the best
08:46 Then we will remember the translation of these prayers
08:48 The meaning will be in the mind
08:49 So now we will not read the prayer, but we will ask for the prayer from the heart
08:52 [Arabic]
08:57 Now what happens? The matter is to remain in heedlessness
08:59 Now the translation
09:00 Until when one of them dies, he says, O my Lord, return me again
09:05 Give me one more chance, Allah, give me one more attempt to go back to the world
09:08 [Arabic]
09:11 Maybe I should do something good that I left
09:14 I left a very disobedient life, a very disobedient life
09:17 I broke your great commandments, Allah, give me one chance
09:19 I will do good deeds that I could not do before, I left
09:22 [Arabic]
09:27 This is something that he is saying
09:29 [Arabic]
09:32 And in front of them is a barrier
09:34 Until the day when they will be picked up, that is, until the Day of Judgment
09:37 There are two or three things
09:38 This is the matter of regret
09:40 Which will happen to the person after death
09:42 Pharaoh was also believing while dying
09:44 It is not appropriate to believe at that time
09:46 We are taking advantage of the time
09:47 Our death can still come
09:49 It can come anytime, it can come now
09:51 Allah, before my eyes close
09:53 Take advantage of the time and give me the opportunity to prepare for tomorrow's eternal life
09:57 In other places, the Holy Qur'an also said that if they are returned again
10:01 Then they will do the same disobedience that they have done before
10:04 And the next thing is that the word of the grave is a barrier
10:07 Sometimes it happens that a person does not reach the grave
10:10 The plane crashed, the body was not found
10:12 Allahu Akbar Kabira
10:13 So he is not beyond the knowledge of Allah
10:15 The name of the gap between this world and the hereafter is Barzakh
10:19 This is what we call the realm of the grave
10:21 This is also called the realm of Barzakh
10:22 The word Barzakh has come
10:24 Now the statement of the Day of Judgment
10:25 [Arabic]
10:31 When the sun is blown, the relations will not remain between them
10:35 And neither will any of them ask each other
10:37 Relations will be cut
10:39 Rather, they will run away from each other
10:41 [Arabic]
10:43 The third chapter of the last paragraph is at the end of it
10:45 Man will run away from his brother, his mother, his father, his wife and his children
10:49 Every worry will be gone
10:51 He will free him from all worries
10:53 Yes, the relationship of the believers will be very strong
10:55 Allah will gather the believers
10:57 He will tell them the secrets of the day
10:59 Allah will save us
11:00 May Allah enable us to strengthen the relationship of faith and act on its demands
11:05 [Arabic]
11:15 The results of the day
11:17 [Arabic]
11:41 May Allah grant us the paradise of paradise
11:44 May Allah protect us from the torment of hell
11:47 A very harsh statement about the next hellites
11:49 [Arabic]
11:53 Fire will burn their faces
11:55 And they will be ugly in it
11:58 Allahu Akbar
11:59 The fire will burn
12:01 But we read again and again that death will not come
12:03 We read again and again that the new skin will be given
12:05 We read again and again that the permanent punishment will be given
12:07 And said that the black ones will be ugly in hell
12:11 They will be asked
12:13 It is like adding to the injury
12:15 They will be asked to increase their humiliation
12:17 [Arabic]
12:21 Were my verses not recited to you?
12:23 Did you deny them?
12:25 [Arabic]
12:31 They will say, O our Lord, our misfortune has come upon us
12:35 And we were people lost in the way
12:37 [Arabic]
12:42 O our Lord, take us out of this
12:44 If we do this again, we will be cruel
12:46 Give us a chance to shout and shout
12:48 There is no use
12:50 [Arabic]
12:52 Allah will say, stay here and curse more
12:56 And do not talk to me
12:58 Allahu Akbar
13:00 This is a harsh statement from Allah
13:02 Do not talk to me
13:03 Stay here and curse more in hell
13:05 And what was their big crime?
13:07 The believers were made fun of
13:09 The hellfire
13:11 [Arabic]
13:13 No doubt there was a group of our people
13:15 They used to say and pray
13:17 [Arabic]
13:21 O our Lord, we have believed
13:23 So forgive us and have mercy on us
13:25 And you are the best of all who have mercy
13:27 These were the prayers of the believers
13:29 What did you do with the believers?
13:31 Allah will say to the hellfire
13:33 [Arabic]
13:35 So you made fun of them
13:37 [Arabic]
13:39 They even forgot you
13:41 In their hatred, in their enmity
13:43 You went so far, you forgot me
13:45 Your creator and master
13:47 [Arabic]
13:49 And you used to make fun of them
13:51 This is the big crime of the oppressors
13:53 That they made fun of the believers in the world
13:55 This joke was made fun of the believers in every era
13:57 We are coming while reading the events of the prophets
13:59 Look at today's world
14:01 Look at the Islamophobia
14:03 Under the influence of mischief
14:05 At many places, the believers of Islam
14:07 And the Islamic teachings are being made fun of
14:09 And regretfully, sometimes
14:11 Being influenced by the propaganda of others
14:13 In our Muslim society
14:15 Some of our own Muslims
14:17 Making fun of their Muslim brothers and sisters
14:19 Because of acting on religion
14:21 Because of being connected to religion
14:23 Allah is telling here
14:25 Those who made fun of my pious people
14:27 And because of them, they forgot Allah
14:29 Allah will not even speak to them
14:31 And Allah will keep them away from His mercy
14:33 Allah is saying about the believers
14:35 [Arabic]
14:37 [Arabic]
14:39 [Arabic]
14:41 Instead of being patient
14:43 Today I have given these believers the reward
14:45 That they are going to be successful
14:47 The real success is of the hereafter
14:49 And in Surah Mutaffifin
14:51 At the end of it, in verse 34
14:53 At the end of it, in verse 34
14:55 This is what the Holy Quran said
14:57 Tomorrow Allah will give the believers the chance
14:59 To make fun of the disbelievers
15:01 Who will burn in hell
15:03 Allah is giving the believers the assurance
15:05 That tomorrow you will have the chance
15:07 To bear a little in the life of this world
15:09 You will be in eternal life
15:11 And they will burn in the hell
15:13 Who make fun of Allah's religion and believers
15:15 And you will be making fun of them
15:17 Quran is the cure for the wounds of the believers
15:19 Allah calms the emotions of the believers
15:21 And He gives them the coolness
15:23 Allah Almighty has stated all of this
15:25 [Arabic]
15:27 Allah Almighty has stated
15:29 How long you will live in this world
15:31 According to the years
15:33 [Arabic]
15:35 They will say, we will live one day
15:37 Or a part of one day
15:39 [Arabic]
15:41 Ask those who count
15:43 The world about which there were plans for a hundred years
15:45 The goods are not a hundred years old news
15:47 When tomorrow the truth will be revealed
15:49 What will they say? One day
15:51 Or a part of it
15:53 Ask those who count
15:55 [Arabic]
15:57 Allah Almighty has stated
15:59 How long you will live
16:01 If you knew this truth in this world
16:03 [Arabic]
16:05 [Arabic]
16:07 [Arabic]
16:09 Do you think that we have created you without a purpose?
16:11 And that you will not return to us?
16:13 [Arabic]
16:15 [Arabic]
16:17 Allah is the true king
16:19 And He is far above this
16:21 If you create something without a purpose
16:23 Creation of the universe is with a purpose
16:25 And your creation is also with a purpose
16:27 [Arabic]
16:29 There is no god but Allah
16:31 [Arabic]
16:33 He is the owner of the throne of glory
16:35 [Arabic]
16:37 And whoever calls
16:39 There is no god but Allah
16:41 He has no proof
16:43 [Arabic]
16:45 His account is with his Lord
16:47 [Arabic]
16:49 [Arabic]
16:51 [Arabic]
16:53 [Arabic]
16:55 [Arabic]
16:57 [Arabic]
16:59 [Arabic]
17:01 [Arabic]
17:03 [Arabic]
17:05 [Arabic]
17:07 This was the prayer of those who believe in the verse
17:09 Now this verse is in verse 118
17:11 This prayer was taught by the Prophet
17:13 We should also pray
17:15 [Arabic]
17:17 [Arabic]
17:19 [Arabic]
17:21 [Arabic]
17:23 Ladies and gentlemen, Alhamdulillah
17:25 The study of Surah Al-Mu'minun was completed
17:27 A long series
17:29 Surah Yunus started from verse 11
17:31 And now in verse 18, Surah Al-Mu'minun was completed
17:33 About 14 Surahs of Makkah came in front of us
17:35 Now a Madari Surah is coming
17:37 Subjects will change
17:39 And other topics will come to us openly
17:41 There will be some repetition of the Madari Surahs
17:43 Surah An-Nur
17:45 It is a beautiful name
17:47 And it has a great beginning
17:49 It will be mentioned now
17:51 Note that it was revealed in 6 Hijri
17:53 In the middle of the Madani period
17:55 10 years of Prophet's life in Madinah
17:57 It was revealed in 6 Hijri
17:59 It has very important instructions
18:01 Some of the punishments of Shariah
18:03 Similarly, guidance about society
18:05 About purdah
18:07 And some guidance about purdah
18:09 Allah's Prophet also taught
18:11 That his women should learn
18:13 Surah An-Nur
18:15 Both Surah Nisa and Surah An-Nur
18:17 To teach women
18:19 The reasons of Tauheed
18:21 And a beautiful parable
18:23 Will come from Tauheed
18:25 And some other parables will come
18:27 Inshallah
18:29 And then the style of true believers
18:31 And the style of false believers
18:33 This will also come as a contrast
18:35 As a comparison
18:37 There are many topics in Surah An-Nur
18:39 Madari Surah
18:41 Let's start
18:43 In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful
18:45 Surah An-Nur
18:47 This is a Surah which we have revealed
18:49 And we have made its commandments
18:51 Necessary
18:53 This is its great beginning
18:55 Allah has revealed all Surahs
18:57 Allah has given all commandments in the Holy Quran
18:59 But what is the great style
19:01 This is a Surah which we have revealed
19:03 And we have made its commandments necessary
19:05 And we have made it obligatory
19:07 And we have revealed in it clear verses
19:09 So that, O people, you may gain
19:11 Advice
19:37 We have already read some punishments
19:39 In Surah Al-Ma'idah
19:41 We have talked about Qisas
19:43 About the robbers
19:45 About the rebels of the Islamic State
19:47 About the robbers
19:49 The statement of punishments in Al-Ma'idah
19:51 Now about adultery
19:53 Is it a woman or a man
19:55 Both will be whipped
19:57 And it is being told not to be jealous of them
19:59 Poor will be whipped
20:01 No, adultery is a very big
20:03 Dirt, a very big evil
20:05 A lot of dirt is created in the society
20:07 The punishments are very strict
20:09 If you believe in Allah and the Hereafter
20:11 Then do not be jealous of this matter
20:13 The next thing is that the punishment of 100 Quds
20:15 This unmarried man or woman
20:17 Should commit adultery and then the crime should be proven
20:19 This is the detail
20:21 Then after that, it will be a matter of execution
20:23 If a married man or woman commits adultery
20:25 Then the punishment of stoning will be done
20:27 This is in the Torah
20:29 This is in the Shariah of Muhammad (PBUH)
20:31 And this is what the Prophet (PBUH)
20:33 His teachings are in Sunnah and Hadith
20:35 The punishment of 100 Quds here
20:37 Whether it is a man or a woman
20:39 This is from the perspective of a married man or woman
20:41 And if you believe in Allah and the Hereafter
20:43 Then do not be jealous of this matter
20:45 Do not be jealous of the matter
20:47 And it should be that at the time of execution of their punishment
20:49 The community of believers should be present
20:51 Punishment should be announced
20:53 So that people watch
20:55 So that fear is born in people
20:57 And the punishment of 100 Quds
20:59 Should be given
21:01 So that fear is born in people
21:03 And they should beware of breaking the commandments of Allah
21:05 Beware of the filth of adultery
21:07 And go towards the purification of marriage
21:09 It is a matter of the protection of the homes
21:11 It is a matter of the protection of the progeny
21:13 Do not be a pile of filth
21:15 A lesson is being taught
21:17 See more details in the commentary
21:19 Arabic
21:39 Arabic
21:53 Arabic
22:07 Arabic
22:21 Arabic
22:35 Arabic
22:37 Arabic
22:39 Arabic
22:41 Arabic
22:43 Arabic
22:45 Arabic
22:47 Arabic
22:49 Arabic
22:51 Arabic
22:53 Arabic
22:55 Arabic
22:57 Arabic
22:59 Arabic
23:01 Arabic
23:03 The limit for adultery is ab-i hadd-i qadaf. What is hadd-i qadaf? If someone is accused of adultery, he will be given four witnesses. He will not be able to give four witnesses. He will be whipped eighty times.
23:13 A man or woman, his honor and respect are so important that in business matters, two witnesses are required. Here four witnesses are being mentioned. Allah gives so much importance to respect and honor.
23:29 Allah says, "And those who accuse pure-skinned women and do not bring four witnesses, whip them eighty times and do not accept their testimony at all. And they are the transgressors."
23:54 Here, the issue is that Allah has given more importance to the honor of pure-skinned women.
24:01 If someone accuses a pure-skinned woman of adultery or a pure-skinned man of adultery, he will have to present four witnesses.
24:12 But Allah is giving importance to the honor and respect of a woman.
24:17 If someone does not bring four witnesses, he will be whipped eighty times and he will not accept their testimony at all. Such false accusers are not trustworthy and their testimony will not be accepted.
24:26 Today, the testimonies are sold and bought. No, the testimonies of trustworthy people will be accepted.
24:31 Not of such characters that they lie and accuse.
24:35 The next thing is that in our society, whoever is accused of freedom of speech, whoever is accused of scandal, whoever is accused of adultery, Allah is great.
24:47 What a joke is made, whoever wants to lose his honor, whoever wants to lose his honor, Allah is great.
24:51 It is forbidden to lose your honor at the time of Hajj and bid'ah. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) has forbidden to play with life, wealth, honor.
24:58 This is the important teaching of our religion. This is called the matter of the limit of blasphemy.
25:02 Of course, there is also a matter of testimony in such punishments. The proof of the crime, however, the difficult matter will be proven, then the benefits of the punishments will be obtained.
25:11 He said, "And these are the transgressors, and these are the transgressors.
25:15 Except those who repent after that, but those who repent after that and make amends and make amends, then Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."
25:27 What does it mean? If the world's punishment is proven, if it is obtained, if one repents and makes amends, then he will be saved from the punishment of the Hereafter.
25:34 The punishments of the limits are theft, adultery, and the limits of blasphemy.
25:37 If this is proven, then the crime will be given. If one repents, then he will be saved from the punishment of the Hereafter.
25:42 May Allah forgive us all. Free us from hell. Grant us Jannatul Firdaus.
25:48 May Allah and you grant us and me a stronger relationship with the Holy Qur'an. May Allah grant us all success.
25:54 Ameen, Ya Rabb Al-Alamin.
25:58 Wa As-Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu.
26:01 you
26:01 you
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26:06 you
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26:09 you
26:09 you
26:10 you
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26:11 you
26:11 you
26:12 you
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26:13 you
26:13 you
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26:14 you
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26:17 you
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26:19 you
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26:24 you
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26:25 you
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26:26 you
26:27 you
26:27 you
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