50 Riddles To Make Your Brain Happy

  • last year
Hey, brainiacs and riddle enthusiasts, buckle up for the ultimate mental adventure! ️‍♂️✨ We're hosting a riddle marathon that's guaranteed to tickle your neurons and have you doing mental cartwheels. Join us in the quest for the cleverest minds and the quickest thinkers – it's like a mental Olympics, but with fewer sweatbands. Grab your thinking caps, rally your friends, and get ready for a riddle showdown where wit reigns supreme. Warning: Side effects may include laughter, head-scratching, and an uncontrollable urge to high-five your brain. Let the riddle games begin!


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00:00 Hey, I've got a couple of riddles for you today, but those are hard, so start your brain
00:05 engine and let's go!
00:09 There was once a magical forest inhabited by elves and gnomes.
00:14 Since they didn't get along very well, they lived in two different parts of the forest
00:18 to avoid all conflict.
00:21 One day, centaurs invaded the forest and elves and gnomes were forced out, running in different
00:27 directions.
00:28 Let's follow a small group of 6 creatures – 3 elves and 3 gnomes.
00:32 They ran west, but unfortunately, they stumbled across a lake.
00:37 None of them could swim, but luckily, there was a raft.
00:40 The raft could only carry 2 creatures at once – 2 elves, 2 gnomes, or 1 elf and 1 gnome.
00:47 So you need to figure out a way for all of them to cross the lake safely.
00:51 Now here's the problem.
00:53 If there are more gnomes on one side than elves, they will attack them.
00:57 Even if an elf is on the raft but not in the part of the lake where there are more gnomes
01:01 than elves, it's still not safe.
01:04 Can you figure out a way for them all to cross the lake safely?
01:08 Ok, so here are 5 possible first steps.
01:13 One elf crosses the lake, or one gnome, or 2 elves, 2 gnomes, or 1 elf and 1 gnome.
01:19 But it doesn't make any sense to cross the lake alone since they need to send the raft
01:23 back somehow.
01:25 So those two options are out.
01:27 Two elves can't cross the lake together because then the third elf will be left alone
01:31 with 3 gnomes, and they will attack him.
01:34 So it's either 2 gnomes crossing the lake first, or an elf and a gnome.
01:38 So let's go with the 2 gnomes.
01:42 So 2 of them cross the lake, and of course, one of them has to come back.
01:46 Now what?
01:47 2 elves can't leave together because the third one is in danger.
01:51 If an elf and a gnome leave together, then the one who is leaving will be in danger as
01:56 soon as they cross the river.
01:57 So 2 more gnomes leave together, and then one comes back.
02:02 An elf and a gnome can't leave together because then there will be 3 gnomes and 1
02:07 elf on the other side.
02:08 So this time, 2 elves cross the lake together.
02:11 Who comes back?
02:14 Not an elf, because the other one can't be left alone there.
02:17 A gnome can't go back alone.
02:19 Otherwise, there will be 2 gnomes and 1 elf on the first shore.
02:24 So a plot twist.
02:26 An elf and a gnome come back together.
02:29 Now 2 gnomes can't cross the lake.
02:31 An elf and a gnome can't go either.
02:35 So the 2 remaining elves go to the other shore together.
02:38 None of them can now return since there are 2 gnomes left on that shore.
02:43 So a gnome will return to pick up one of his buddies.
02:47 Then another gnome will go to pick up the last gnome.
02:51 But it's not the only solution.
02:53 You could also succeed by sending a gnome and an elf together as a first move.
02:57 Here's a graph of how it would play out.
03:05 But remember, no matter how far you travel, there's no place like gnome.
03:17 Okay, great job!
03:19 Now it's time for the second riddle, and this one comes from Esme.
03:23 This girl often goes for a walk in a forest and typically gets lost.
03:27 This time, though, she doesn't get lost.
03:29 Here's her way home, but she's tempted to go visit her old friend, a witch, who
03:34 lives in that forest.
03:37 Esme has an amazing riddle, and it's pretty hard.
03:40 So she thinks she has a good chance of winning the witch's cat.
03:44 So Esme goes to the witch's house and offers the following.
03:48 "I bet you can't solve my riddle.
03:50 If I'm right, your cat will go home with me."
03:53 The witch believes she can solve any riddle, so she takes that risk.
03:59 Esme puts a big acute triangle on the table.
04:02 Here, you can make 7 cuts to make this triangle disappear.
04:06 Every piece you cut off that is an acute triangle will disappear.
04:10 But if a triangle has an angle that is right or obtuse, that piece will stay.
04:16 Once again, 7 cuts, and you have to make the whole triangle disappear.
04:21 Not a single smallest piece can be left.
04:23 So how can the witch do that and keep her cat?
04:28 Whenever you make a cut, it'll either produce two right angles or an acute and obtuse angle.
04:34 The witch seems to be doomed, but then she looks at the pizza she hasn't finished.
04:40 When you cut into more than 4 pieces, all angles are acute.
04:43 The problem is that a pizza is round, and we're dealing with a triangle.
04:47 Still, the trick also works with other shapes, like hexagons and pentagons.
04:54 Good for the witch, she can make a pentagon out of this acute triangle by making just
04:59 two cuts.
05:00 The small cut-off triangles are acute, and they disappear.
05:04 Now the witch needs to deal with the pentagon like she does with a pizza.
05:08 Cut it into 5 pieces using the last 5 cuts.
05:11 That's a success story!
05:13 Hey, we know you like the cat, Esme, but maybe get one of your own.
05:18 You wake up in a room with no windows or doors.
05:21 The ceiling is extremely high, and the only way out is a closed hatch at the very top.
05:26 Suddenly, the room starts filling with water.
05:29 You've checked everywhere, there's no way to turn it off.
05:32 You know that help is on the way, but they won't be here for at least 5 minutes.
05:35 You're pretty sure the entire room will be flooded in 2.
05:38 You definitely can't hold your breath for that long.
05:41 You look around and find 3 objects – a straw, some rope, and a bucket.
05:46 Only one of them can actually save you in this situation.
05:48 Which one should you choose, and how's it going to help?
05:58 You should take the bucket.
06:00 Flip it over and put your head inside when the water gets to head height.
06:03 You'll have your very own small air pocket to help you breathe until help arrives.
06:08 Uh-oh, you're in a building that just caught on fire.
06:12 You need to escape, but the fire just keeps spreading and spreading.
06:15 You're feeling dizzy, and the smoke is making it hard to see.
06:19 And the heat?
06:20 It's insane!
06:21 Suddenly, you see 3 paths that lead outside, but it's not going to be so simple.
06:25 There's no fire near the first exit, but it's on the opposite side of the burning
06:29 room.
06:30 The second exit is right in front of you, but the upper part is completely covered in
06:34 flames.
06:35 The final exit is through the kitchen.
06:36 There's shattered glass everywhere, but the flames are barely touching it, and the
06:40 door is wide open.
06:42 Which exit should you take?
06:52 Even though the first exit isn't on fire, an indoor blaze is totally unpredictable.
06:57 Flames can pop up out of nowhere.
06:59 Going through a kitchen is never a good idea in a fire.
07:01 There might be exposed gas lines in there.
07:04 Your best bet is to go for the closest path and crawl your way to safety.
07:08 Well, you're stranded in the middle of a desert and are in desperate need of water.
07:13 You crawl along, trying to find any source to hydrate yourself.
07:17 As nighttime rolls around, the wind gets stronger, and it starts to get cold.
07:21 You sit down next to a tree.
07:23 How are you going to find water in the middle of a desert?
07:33 Grab two of the largest tree branches you can find, and then rip your outer shirt and
07:37 stretch it out over them, kind of like a sail.
07:40 Shove the two branches into the sand to anchor them.
07:43 The water in the atmosphere will get caught on the cloth and drip down for you to collect.
07:47 Well, you're tied up on some railroad tracks and can't wiggle free.
07:52 There's a train heading your way, and it doesn't look like it's stopping.
07:55 Oh well.
07:56 If you stretch your arms out, you can just reach a lighter, a small pocket razor, and
08:00 a can of oil.
08:02 Which can you use to escape?
08:11 Pour the oil on the ropes holding you down.
08:13 It'll act as a lubricant, and you'll be able to wiggle free.
08:18 Taylor finished another awesome ice fishing session.
08:21 He packed up his gear and walked back home with his dinner.
08:24 Halfway back to the car, he realized he was being followed by a hungry cougar.
08:29 It started chasing him.
08:30 Taylor was so close to his car, but the cougar was gaining on him.
08:33 What should he do?
08:42 He should fling the fish to the side to distract the cougar.
08:45 Then he should ditch all his gear, it's just slowing him down.
08:48 That way, he's got a chance of making it to the car before he turns into Cougar Chow.
08:53 Well, you find yourself in a pitch-black room.
08:56 The room is huge, and there are many hallways and corridors leading to unknown places.
09:01 You need to find your way out before the room starts heating up like an oven.
09:04 You only have 2 minutes.
09:06 You can feel some pipes on the wall but nothing else.
09:09 How can you save yourself?
09:18 When the pipes start heating up, they'll probably turn red.
09:21 It'll already be super hot by then, but you'll have just enough time to figure out
09:25 the layout of the room and find a way to escape.
09:28 Angela decided to go for a nice walk in the forest.
09:32 About an hour in, she tripped and spilled all her water.
09:35 No problem, right in front of her was a tiny lake, and close by, a small stream and a cactus.
09:42 Which one should she use to get herself a refreshing drink of water?
09:53 We should head for the stream.
09:55 That lake isn't moving.
09:56 That means it probably has bacteria living in it.
09:59 And a single cactus won't have enough water to quench your thirst.
10:02 Even though the stream is pretty small, moving water is almost always the safest option.
10:07 What are those things?
10:08 Ah, paw prints!
10:11 Those are bear tracks heading to the forest, a wolf print coming out of the forest, and
10:16 some elk prints heading toward a lake.
10:18 Well, what's the best place to go if you're not into the whole being eaten thing?
10:22 Not fast!
10:30 The bear going into the forest probably scared that large dog off.
10:33 Oh, you thought those were wolf prints?
10:35 Not likely.
10:36 Wolves mostly travel in packs.
10:38 The bear is most likely chasing the elk, so they'll both end up at the lake.
10:42 That means the forest's safe for now.
10:44 You're stuck in a well in a small village, and the water's already up to your knees.
10:48 There's a rope leading to the mouth of the well, but it's definitely not strong enough
10:52 to hold you.
10:53 You look around and find a bucket, some clothing, and a lighter.
10:57 How do you escape?
11:06 Shove the clothes in the bucket, tie the bucket to the rope, and light the clothes on fire.
11:10 Then quickly hoist the bucket up.
11:12 Chances are, in such a small village, someone will see the smoke and run over to help you.
11:17 A small cafe in Boston is called Nine Lanterns, but there are only seven lanterns hanging
11:23 outside.
11:24 The owner knows about this mistake and can easily correct it.
11:28 But he doesn't.
11:34 Why?
11:39 When the wind took away two lanterns some time ago, the man wanted to replace them.
11:44 But before he could do it, he noticed that more people started to come into his cafe.
11:49 They told him two lanterns were missing, and then stayed to drink coffee.
11:54 Jackson came to visit his friend Aiden, who he hadn't seen in ages.
11:58 They had a great time, gossiping and drinking tea.
12:01 But Jackson had completely forgotten Aiden had one quirk.
12:05 He loved making up riddles and never let anyone leave his house without cracking one or two
12:10 of his newest ones.
12:12 This time, his question was, "What do you swallow that can swallow you?"
12:17 Can you help Jackson get home?
12:19 Hey, it's already late!
12:30 The answer is "water."
12:33 Jackson was smart enough to know he won't be able to leave Aiden's house after just
12:36 one riddle.
12:38 True to his expectations, another riddle was waiting for him.
12:42 What is lower with a head on top than without it?
12:55 Jackson took his sweet time, but eventually he realized the right answer was "a pillow."
13:01 Could he go home now?
13:04 Apparently, not yet.
13:05 But Aiden promised it would be the last riddle for the evening.
13:09 He told his friend, "Hannah's birthday is on January 23rd.
13:13 But she always celebrates it in the summer.
13:19 Why?"
13:22 Luckily, Jackson had just returned from his trip to Australia.
13:31 He immediately realized that Hannah lived in the Southern Hemisphere.
13:34 There, January is the hottest month of the year.
13:39 Students knew they would have an exam on Friday, but their strict professor didn't tell them
13:44 the exact time.
13:45 When one guy gathered enough courage to ask about it, he got a weird reply.
13:50 If 11 + 2 = 1, 10 + 6 = 4.
13:56 If you manage to figure out the answer, you won't miss the exam.
14:00 Do you know when the students should meet with their professor?
14:12 At 4pm.
14:13 11 + 2 = 1pm.
14:17 Then 10 + 6 = 4pm.
14:21 James called his wife Mia and told her he would be at home by 8 o'clock.
14:26 They didn't plan anything special for that evening, but when he arrived at 2 minutes
14:31 past 8, the woman was furious.
14:34 Why was she so angry?
14:45 Mia thought her husband would come home by 8pm, but he appeared at 8.02am the next morning.
14:54 Look at these two ladies.
14:55 They both seem to be filthy rich, but only one of them actually is.
15:00 Can you figure out who's fake rich?
15:12 It's the girl on the left.
15:13 She's taking a photo with a luxury car in the background.
15:17 But there's someone in the driver's seat, and this person looks rather shocked.
15:22 One elderly man could only use a public telephone to make his calls.
15:27 Once the phone stopped working, the man informed the phone company.
15:30 He waited and waited, but no one came to fix the phone.
15:35 Several days later, the man visited the company again and said something.
15:39 The day after, the phone was working again.
15:42 What did the man say?
15:53 He said people use the phone to make calls without paying.
15:58 Look at this picture attentively.
15:59 What's wrong with it?
16:10 The picture the woman is holding is empty.
16:13 Then where's the milk coming from?
16:16 Mark has always been jealous of his friend Liam's achievements.
16:20 This week, they're both taking part in a battle of wits.
16:23 Mark decides to do everything possible to win this time.
16:27 And the first task is to guess the word.
16:30 It has 7 letters, and it is very heavy.
16:33 But if Mark takes away 2 letters, he'll get 8.
16:37 If he takes away 1 letter, he'll get 80.
16:40 What word is it?
16:51 The first riddle is a success!
16:53 Mark finds the right word.
16:55 It's "waiting."
16:57 The next question is even trickier.
16:59 A man went around the world in a ship.
17:02 And still, he was always inside of land.
17:05 How is it possible?
17:16 It doesn't take Mark long to figure out the man was in a spaceship orbiting Earth.
17:22 The next thing Mark knows, he's locked in a room.
17:25 There are 4 doors there.
17:27 He's entered through one of them, and he can't use it again.
17:30 The first door leads to the room with high-voltage wires hanging above the wet floor.
17:36 Behind the second door, there's a water-filled room swarming with piranhas.
17:41 And the third door hides a room where acid, flesh-melting rain is falling from the ceiling.
17:47 Which door is more or less safe to enter?
18:00 Mark opted for the first door and didn't regret it.
18:03 It was safe because he didn't let his body come into contact with the wires and the wet
18:07 floor at the same time.
18:10 Abigail wanted to buy her mom the best birthday present ever.
18:14 The problem was, she had zero ideas.
18:17 She decided to sneak into her mom's computer, go to her online shopping cart, and see what
18:22 she had saved in there.
18:24 When her mom left for work, Abigail sneaked into her home office and turned on the computer.
18:29 Uh-oh, it required a password, and Abigail didn't know it.
18:34 There was a sticky note attached to the keyboard.
18:36 It was a clue.
18:37 "1 apple, 2 apple, 2 orange, 2 kiwi, 1 lemon."
18:43 Can you guess the password?
18:52 Each number represents one letter of the word.
18:55 A-apple means the first letter, so A.
18:59 Then we get P-R-I and L. The password is April.
19:04 Wow, her mom is really into fruit!
19:07 A lady was shopping and left the store right after paying.
19:11 A couple of minutes later, she returned.
19:14 She had forgotten her wallet at the checkout counter.
19:17 But the wallet was already gone.
19:19 She called the police and reported the robbery.
19:22 A detective interrogated the people who were in the store at the time.
19:25 Sophia, the cashier, said she didn't see the wallet after the lady paid.
19:30 Robert, a pilot who happened to be shopping there, said he didn't even see the wallet.
19:35 He didn't have his glasses on.
19:37 Mark, a landscaper, said he was in a different part of the store, so he didn't see anything.
19:43 So, who stole the wallet?
19:53 It was Robert, the pilot.
19:55 He looks pretty blind without his glasses, so he's definitely not a pilot.
20:00 Why would he lie about that?
20:02 Unless…
20:03 Amelia's brother, Neil, was a crazy scientist.
20:07 In the past year, he'd been working on a time machine.
20:11 One day, he ran into Amelia's room and screamed!
20:14 He'd done it!
20:15 He'd invented a time machine, and it totally worked!
20:19 He said he had already tested it.
20:21 He managed to talk to William Shakespeare, Princess Diana, and Sherlock Holmes.
20:25 Amelia didn't believe him at all.
20:27 Why was she so sure about it?
20:37 Even if Neil had actually invented a time machine, he'd only have been able to talk
20:42 to people who actually existed in real life.
20:45 He said he talked to Sherlock Holmes!
20:47 That guy's a character from a book and a TV show and a movie!
20:51 Hey, that guy's everywhere!
20:53 A woman called the police and reported that she had been robbed.
20:57 She said she was in a restaurant bathroom fixing her makeup.
21:01 Someone had come up from behind and hit her on the head, so she didn't know what the
21:05 person looked like.
21:07 The police sent her home and refused to fill out the report.
21:15 (The woman was fixing her makeup, so she must've been looking in the mirror.
21:23 She would've definitely seen someone sneaking up behind her.
21:27 She lied and made up the whole story.)
21:30 Grab your detective hat and head over to Europe for this next one!
21:34 Bill was traveling from Paris to Berlin by train.
21:37 When the train got to Berlin, Bill wasn't on it.
21:40 His friend reported him missing.
21:42 The investigation began, and somewhere between Paris and Berlin, they found some interesting
21:47 clues.
21:48 There were footsteps that belonged to Bill, and a few feet away, his luggage.
21:53 A detective found the person who had been sitting next to Bill on the train.
21:57 His name was Sam.
21:59 He said that Bill didn't have a ticket.
22:01 When he saw the ticket inspector coming, he decided to make a run for it.
22:05 He threw his suitcase off the train and then jumped.
22:09 The detective didn't believe his story and arrested Sam for pushing Bill off the train.
22:17 Why?
22:23 Look at the direction the train was going.
22:25 If Sam's story was true, the suitcase should be behind Bill's footsteps, not in front.
22:31 Sam pushed Bill off the train, then threw his luggage off after.
22:37 Mrs. Anderson came home from work in the middle of the day because she'd forgotten some
22:42 important documents.
22:43 When she went to the bedroom, she saw her husband lying on the bed.
22:47 There was a paramedic beside him.
22:50 Mr. Anderson was unconscious, and the doctor explained that he had been poisoned.
22:54 Luckily, he had had time to call a paramedic before passing out.
22:59 Mrs. Anderson immediately blocked off the door and called the police.
23:03 She said there was a fake paramedic in her house who had poisoned her husband.
23:07 How did she know?
23:16 You might've noticed that when Mrs. Anderson arrived, there was no ambulance in the driveway.
23:22 That's super suspicious!
23:25 William was hit on the head and taken away.
23:27 When he woke up, he found himself locked in a small room.
23:31 He tried to open the door, but obviously, it was locked.
23:35 There was nothing in the room except for a wooden box with 12 bottles in it.
23:40 There was an extra bottle on the floor next to it.
23:43 William looked everywhere for the key but found nothing.
23:46 After a bit of thinking, he noticed something.
23:49 He managed to find the key.
23:51 Where was it?
24:00 Look at the bottle on the floor.
24:01 It's exactly the same as the others, but for some reason, it's a bit lower.
24:06 There must be a fake floor in the box.
24:08 That's where the key is.
24:12 Several women went missing in a small city.
24:14 The police searched for months, but they couldn't find any trace of them.
24:18 One day, a detective got lucky.
24:21 He saw a hooded figure who matched their description, followed it, and found the place where they
24:26 were being kept hostage.
24:28 But when he busted in, there were just three women.
24:31 They all said that they had been locked in this small room, but the detective knew that
24:35 one of them wasn't a victim at all.
24:39 The first woman said her name was Emery.
24:41 She had spent around a year in that room.
24:44 The second woman, Aria, said she had been there about six months.
24:48 The third woman said her name was Brielle and that she had been locked up in there for
24:52 about two months.
24:54 Can you tell who's lying?
25:03 Emery's lying.
25:05 Look at her hair, she just had it dyed.
25:07 But she's been there a year.
25:09 Aria's hair is also dyed, but you can see her natural dark roots growing out.
25:14 You'll have two ropes and a box of matches.
25:17 If you light both sides of the rope, it'll burn for 60 minutes.
25:21 How can you use these ropes to measure 45 minutes?
25:29 You need to burn one of the ropes from both sides.
25:32 At the same time, you set light to one side of the second rope.
25:36 When the first rope burns down, the second rope will still have 30 minutes to go.
25:41 Now you need to set on fire the second end of the rope.
25:45 It'll burn two times faster, and you'll burn both ropes in 45 minutes.
25:50 Learning what's going to happen in 45 minutes is still a mystery.
25:54 Everyone in town thought Jack was silly.
25:57 Because every time someone offered him a choice between a 50-cent coin or a $1 bill, he would
26:03 always choose the 50-cent coin.
26:05 People all over town would give him the same offer to see if he would ever learn.
26:10 He never grabbed the bill one time.
26:12 The people in the town didn't realize that Jack was actually a genius.
26:17 What was so smart about what Jack was doing?
26:24 Jack was actually really smart because he got everyone in the town to shower him with
26:29 free money.
26:30 As long as he continued to choose the less valuable option, people would come and try
26:34 this trick on him over and over again.
26:37 See that car?
26:39 Jack's been refusing $1 bills for over 10 years now, and he saved up enough money to
26:43 get a car.
26:45 Three men were trying to decide who was the smartest among them.
26:49 A random passerby offered to help.
26:52 He said he would give them a riddle, and whoever managed to crack it could call themselves
26:57 the smartest.
26:58 He said, "You see these five caps in my hands?
27:02 Three of them are black, and two are white.
27:05 Close your eyes."
27:06 The three men closed their eyes.
27:08 He put a black cap on each of them and hid the two white caps in the bag.
27:13 Now you can open your eyes.
27:15 Whoever guesses the color of the cap he is wearing is the smartest.
27:19 The men spent ages looking at each other, trying to crack the riddle.
27:23 Suddenly, one of them worked it out and shouted, "I'm wearing a black cap!"
27:27 Now how did he guess?
27:31 Ah well, he didn't actually guess.
27:36 He tried to think logically, but there was no logical answer.
27:40 So he looked at his reflection in a nearby puddle.
27:44 You find yourself in a photo gallery.
27:47 After looking at the wall, you realize that one of the pictures doesn't belong.
27:52 You see a raccoon, a llama, a football, and a balloon.
27:56 Can you tell which is the odd one out?
27:59 You have 7 seconds to guess.
28:08 It's the llama picture.
28:10 The other three objects have two double letters in their names, but the llama only has one
28:14 double.
28:15 There's a barrel of water in the yard.
28:19 You look inside and say that it's more than half full, but your friend argues that it's
28:23 less than half full.
28:25 How do you figure out who's right without using any tools or removing water from the
28:30 barrel?
28:35 Tilt the barrel so the water just about touches its rim.
28:39 If you can see the bottom, the barrel's less than half full.
28:43 If the base is still covered with water, it's more than half full.
28:47 You find yourself in the middle of a forest with three paths in front of you.
28:52 One is covered with scalding lava, another is littered with sharp nails and broken glass,
28:58 and the third path is so cold that it feels like you're in Antarctica.
29:02 Which path should you choose?
29:10 Pick the third path, it's bound to warm up soon.
29:12 It's so close to the lava that the ice will melt in a few seconds.
29:18 John was at home sitting in his chair with a book.
29:21 All of a sudden, his wife's super expensive statue fell and broke in their bedroom.
29:26 He ran into the room in time to see a stranger jump out the window and run away.
29:31 John tried to chase him, but his glasses fogged up because of the cold so he couldn't identify
29:36 the intruder.
29:38 When the police arrived, they listened to his story and immediately knew he was lying.
29:43 Why were they so sure?
29:50 Anyone who wears glasses knows that they don't fog up when you go from a warm room to the
29:55 cold outdoors.
29:56 It's the other way around.
29:58 The man made the story up because he didn't want to admit that he'd broken the statue
30:03 himself.
30:05 One day, a man got caught in the pouring rain.
30:08 Unfortunately, he had nothing to keep himself dry, not even a hat or an umbrella.
30:14 Somehow, not a single hair on his head got wet.
30:18 Why is this?
30:25 The man was bald.
30:27 You have 3 matches.
30:29 Can you make a 6 out of them without breaking them into pieces?
30:38 Who said the number has to be a standard 6?
30:41 The matches made a perfect Roman numeral 3 right from the get-go.
30:46 So all you have to do is push the bottoms of the first two matches together into a V,
30:51 and you've got a Roman numeral 6.
30:54 Let's imagine you don't know what an elephant looks like.
30:58 One day, you're going on a safari to watch animals with your friends.
31:02 One of them points at a rhino and tells you it's an elephant.
31:06 The other shows you a hippo and claims that it's an elephant.
31:10 Who would you believe and why?
31:17 You didn't know what an elephant looked like.
31:19 But that doesn't mean you didn't know what a hippo or a rhino looked like either.
31:24 You wouldn't believe either of your friends.
31:27 You ready?
31:28 Here's another brain-busting workout for you, and off we go!
31:32 After classes, Margot was studying in the library.
31:35 At one point, she left for the bathroom.
31:38 When the girl returned, she found out her wallet was gone.
31:41 Margot immediately called the police.
31:44 The librarian said she'd seen some guy, but she had poor eyesight and couldn't remember
31:49 what he looked like.
31:51 After listening to her vague description, the police officers questioned three students.
31:56 Owen said he'd been studying and hadn't even left his desk until the police arrived.
32:02 Finn said he'd seen the girl but never really paid attention to her.
32:06 He was looking for some books.
32:08 Lucas said he'd been busy talking to his friend on the phone.
32:12 He hadn't seen anything.
32:14 Can you figure out who stole the wallet?
32:26 It was Luca!
32:27 He said he'd been talking on the phone, but it's prohibited in the library.
32:31 If he had used his phone, he'd have been immediately kicked out.
32:35 So he's lying.
32:38 During a casual walk deep in the forest, Esme got lost.
32:43 After hours of wandering, she saw a witch's house.
32:47 Esme asked the elderly woman to show her the way back.
32:51 The witch refused, but she was in a good mood and offered a deal.
32:55 She gave Esme three apples.
32:57 Two of them were poisoned, and one was okay to eat.
33:01 The girl had to pick one apple and bite into it.
33:04 If she didn't get poisoned, the witch would show her the way home.
33:08 Esme was a smart girl and managed to do it.
33:11 How did she know which apple to pick?
33:22 In one apple, there was a worm, which means it was safe to eat.
33:27 A student was having an exam and he was about to fail it.
33:31 The professor decided to give him one more chance and asked the last question.
33:36 It was "What's my oldest daughter's name?"
33:40 The student was puzzled.
33:41 The professor decided the question was too hard and gave the guy a hint.
33:46 He wrote down three numbers – 58, 3, and 11.
33:51 Can you help the student answer the question?
34:02 It's a chemistry class.
34:04 The riddle must be related to the subject.
34:06 Have a look at the periodic table.
34:08 The 58th element is cerium, or C-E. The 3rd element is lithium, L-I. And the 11th element
34:15 is sodium, or N-A. If you put all of them together, you'll get the name Selina.
34:23 The professor liked the game.
34:24 When another student was struggling with his task, he gave him another puzzle.
34:29 The man said, "I have daughters.
34:31 All of them, except two, have dark hair.
34:34 All of them, except two, have blonde hair.
34:37 And all of them, except two, have red hair.
34:41 How many daughters do I have?"
34:43 Can you help the student out?
34:54 This time, the riddle has nothing to do with chemistry.
34:57 Pure logic.
34:59 The professor has three daughters.
35:01 One of them has dark hair, the second is blonde, and the third daughter has red hair.
35:07 Ben was walking in the park at night when someone knocked him out and stole all his
35:12 stuff.
35:13 The guy went to the police.
35:14 Three people – Cole, Jerry, and Bernard – were in the park at that time.
35:19 They got arrested.
35:20 The detective gave each of them a marker and asked them to write their names on the whiteboard.
35:26 As soon as they finished, he immediately arrested the right person.
35:30 Who was guilty, and how did the detective find it out?
35:43 It was Jerry.
35:44 Ben was hit from the right.
35:46 It means the person who did it was left-handed.
35:49 Among the three suspects, that's only Jerry.
35:52 Really, Ben and Jerry?
35:54 I think I need some ice cream.
35:57 A member of an expedition to the South Pole found himself in a frozen cave.
36:02 He didn't remember what had happened, but he knew he had to get out.
36:06 The man saw three doors and a note saying what was behind each of them.
36:11 Behind the first door, there was a hungry polar bear.
36:15 Behind the second door, there was a room filled with poisonous gas.
36:19 And behind the third, there was a room with sharp icicles falling from the ceiling every
36:23 second.
36:25 Which door should the man choose to survive?
36:36 He should pick the first door.
36:38 He's at the South Pole.
36:39 There are no polar bears there.
36:42 After classes, Nora stayed at the university.
36:45 She needed to finish her project.
36:47 She was sitting in the hallway.
36:49 Soon she got hungry.
36:51 The girl went to grab some food and left all her stuff behind.
36:55 When Nora returned, she checked her things and called the police.
36:59 She told them what had happened and reported her wallet stolen.
37:03 There were three other students nearby.
37:05 All of them were questioned.
37:07 Kennedy said she had been texting her friends.
37:10 Ethan said, "I did sit close to Nora for a while, but I didn't see or touch her wallet."
37:16 Gabriella said she had been in the classroom and just walked out a couple minutes before.
37:21 The detective listened to them and left without arresting anyone.
37:28 Why?
37:35 The detective remembered that Nora had gone to get some food.
37:38 It means the wallet was with her and couldn't be stolen.
37:42 The girl lied.
37:45 Three women, Sarah, Mila, and Eleanor, went shopping.
37:49 Two of them are pregnant, and one is a professional watermelon thief.
37:53 Yeah, I know, but just humor me.
37:56 Can you tell which one stole the watermelon?
38:08 It's Mila.
38:09 She's wearing heels.
38:11 It's not the kind of shoes pregnant women would wear.
38:15 The man seemed to be worried sick.
38:17 My wife Victoria took our dog for a walk in the afternoon.
38:21 Several hours ago, our pooch returned, alone.
38:25 I don't know where Vicky is.
38:27 The police questioned the suspects.
38:30 Mrs. Summers said she'd been watching TV all day long.
38:33 I was busy delivering the mail, said the postman.
38:37 I didn't have time to linger in this area, and I didn't see anything.
38:41 And Mr. Thomas told the police he'd been working in his home office.
38:46 The detective knew at once one of these people was lying.
38:49 Who was it?
38:59 It was the postman.
39:01 His sleeve is a bit torn, and there's a dog bite on his arm.
39:05 Plus, some black fur is stuck to his pants.
39:08 Victoria's dog probably tried to protect the woman.
39:12 Three expensive watches have been stolen from Mr. Brown's store this year.
39:16 The police can't help the poor man.
39:19 He decides to hire a private detective.
39:21 When Laura arrives, she immediately asks for the CCTV footage from January to December.
39:28 After watching it, she tells the store owner who the thief is.
39:32 What has she noticed in the video?
39:42 The same guy came to the store several times, in April, August, and November.
39:48 And every time, he has a cast on his arm.
39:51 But no broken bone would need eight months to heal.
39:55 Joe had a friend, Randy, who never answered questions directly.
39:59 Once, Joe sent Randy a message, inviting him to join their common friends in a cafe.
40:05 Randy's answer was kind of weird.
40:08 "Sorry, no money.
40:11 Job and job."
40:12 Luckily, Joe knew his friend well enough to understand what he meant.
40:16 But can you figure it out?
40:27 Randy meant he had no money because he was "in between jobs."
40:32 The next time Joe texted Randy was when he needed some advice.
40:36 Despite all his quirks, his friend was very good at finding solutions to difficult situations.
40:41 So, Joe wrote, "My girlfriend took my professional camera without asking permission, and then
40:47 she accidentally smashed it.
40:49 What should I do?"
40:50 The answer was bizarre, not that it was unexpected.
40:54 "Give get, give get, give get, give get."
41:00 At first, Joe didn't think he wanted to follow this advice.
41:03 But a bit later, he decided it was the best course of action.
41:07 What was the advice?
41:12 "Forgive and forget."
41:20 Dylan was an extremely popular guy in his office.
41:23 Tall, handsome, funny, and friendly.
41:26 But there was one thing that made certain people dislike him.
41:29 The man had a new girlfriend every month.
41:32 That Friday, Dylan came to work happier than he'd ever felt.
41:36 He finally bought the car of his dreams.
41:38 At lunchtime, he went to the parking lot to check in on his new toy.
41:43 Oh no!
41:44 His car was a mess, scratched and covered in paint.
41:48 Dylan went pale and called security.
41:51 He had three suspects, all of them his exes.
41:55 Andrea said she didn't even know Dylan had got a new car.
41:58 Catherine answered she'd been preparing a report for their boss and hadn't left her
42:02 desk.
42:03 And Mila told the guy she'd forgiven him long ago.
42:07 Who ruined Dylan's car?
42:18 It was Catherine.
42:19 She had some smeared paint on her skirt, and the color is the same as the paint on the
42:24 man's car.
42:26 Two maids work in a small hotel in the mountains.
42:29 One day, the hotel owner finds out one of them regularly steals stuff from guests, but
42:34 he doesn't know which one it is.
42:37 Look at these maids cleaning the rooms.
42:39 Can you help the owner understand who's guilty?
42:50 The maid on the right hasn't noticed the ring under the sofa.
42:54 She might not be a great cleaner, but also not a thief.
42:58 As for the maid on the left, she's spotted the ring and put it in her bucket.
43:03 It means she's going to take it for herself after she finishes cleaning.
43:07 It's the one who steals things.
43:10 One afternoon, all the money was stolen from the register of a small cafe on the beach.
43:15 The police have five suspects.
43:17 All of them claim they haven't been to the cafe in the past hour.
43:21 Look at them closely and try to figure out who's the thief.
43:34 It's the guy with a cocktail in his hand.
43:36 He definitely bought it in the cafe.
43:39 But then, why did he lie about not visiting the place?
43:43 Police officer Cheryl Adams was visiting her colleagues in another town.
43:47 She was walking along the river, taking pictures to send to her husband, when a man crashed
43:52 into her.
43:53 They both fell to the ground.
43:55 After helping Cheryl to her feet, the man started to apologize.
43:59 It turned out someone had stolen his wallet, and he was trying to catch the thief.
44:03 "I was painting my boat, and my wallet was lying next to me.
44:07 But then I got distracted, just for a moment.
44:10 But when I turned back, the wallet wasn't there anymore."
44:15 Cheryl understood the thief couldn't have gone far.
44:18 She pulled the man to the nearby pier.
44:20 There were four people there.
44:22 After looking at them closely, the police officer knew who the thief was.
44:27 Now it's your turn to figure it out.
44:38 It's the man who's talking on the phone.
44:40 There's some green paint on his feet.
