How do parking sensors work? Parking tech, radar & remote hands free explained!

  • last year
How does the parking technology in your car work? Paul Maric explains how ultrasonic and electromagnetic parking sensors work, along with what a radar does when it comes to parking. We also demonstrate automatic parallel, perpendicular and remote parking. Finally, we take you through front and rear parking sensors, along with rear cross-traffic alert and the BMW Reverse Assistant.

There's a lot to get through, but hopefully this explanation and demonstrating gives you a better idea of how all this technology comes together and makes driving your car a much easier task.

The two cars we are using for this test are the Kia Sorento GT-Line ( ) and the BMW X5 xDrive30d

Skip Ahead:
Intro: 00:00
Sensor Types: 01:01
360° Camera: 04:24
Parking Sensors: 05:40
Remote Parking: 07:50
Parking Assistant: 09:04
Reverse Assistant: 12:40

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Paul Maric:

#parking #technology #explained


00:00 G'day, I'm Paul.
00:01 Recently, we shot a video comparing car headlights, and you guys really enjoyed it and said in
00:06 the comments that you want to see more of these types of videos where we look at modern
00:10 car technology.
00:12 So we thought, let's do a series on the stuff you'll find in modern cars today.
00:17 And today, it is all about parking technology and the type of parking tech you will see
00:22 when you buy your brand new car.
00:23 Today, we're going to look at parking sensors and the different types you can find on cars.
00:28 360 degree camera, remote parking technology, semi-autonomous parking technology, and finally,
00:35 the reverse assistant.
00:36 The two cars that we're using for this are the Kia Sorento and the BMW X5.
00:40 They've got pretty much that whole breadth of technology covered, and we should be able
00:44 to walk through it all.
00:45 If you do want to skip ahead to other parts of this video, you can use the time codes
00:48 up on the screen there, or if you're on YouTube, just scroll down and use the chapters below.
00:52 Now, if you haven't done so already, I'd love it if you could hit subscribe and press the
00:55 bell icon.
00:56 That's going to tell you every single time we publish one of these car tech videos.
01:01 Before we do some actual testing, let's have a quick look at the technology itself.
01:05 Now, there's three main types of parking tech.
01:07 You've got ultrasonic sensors, electromagnetic sensors, and radar as well.
01:12 This is the most common type.
01:13 It's the ultrasonic sensor.
01:15 Now, how does it work?
01:16 Well, it emits sound waves at a frequency that is too high for the human ear to pick
01:21 up, just like when my wife asks me to do the vacuuming and goes in that ear and out that
01:26 ear.
01:27 Anyway, so it emits a sound wave.
01:29 The sound wave then bounces off an object and comes back to the car, and using a simple
01:33 calculation the car is able to determine what distance that object is from the car.
01:38 And for all you nerds out there, the formula is distance equals half time multiplied by
01:43 the speed of sound.
01:44 The speed of sound varies though, depending on temperature and humidity, and that's why
01:47 these cars have temperature sensors, and they can vary that calculation so the car knows
01:51 exactly how close you are to things, and it's never confused too much by humid conditions
01:56 or hot or cold temperatures.
01:57 These are quite similar to radar in the sense of the way that they work.
02:01 They emit a wave, the wave comes back, and then they do a calculation.
02:05 Radar is a whole lot more expensive though.
02:06 These are very cheap.
02:08 The only downside is that while radar works at longer distances and deals well with most
02:13 objects, these don't work well with objects that absorb sound, so things like clothing,
02:19 human flesh, that type of thing, and they also don't work well with objects that reflect
02:23 sound waves, and you can think of things like a metal pole like this.
02:27 If you get a sound wave, hit it, you're only going to have a very narrow beam coming back
02:30 to the car.
02:31 The rest will disperse.
02:32 That is why you have redundancy.
02:33 You've got one here, one there, another one there, another one there, so you'll never
02:36 see a car with just one parking sensor.
02:39 They all team up to find an exact amount of distance between your car and the object that
02:43 you're going into or reversing into.
02:45 Moving on to the second type of parking technology.
02:49 Now while most cars use ultrasonic sensors, you also have electromagnetic sensors.
02:54 The ultrasonic sensor emits a sound wave, whereas the electromagnetic sensor emits a
02:58 radio wave.
02:59 It emits it at a certain frequency.
03:01 Once that wave is blocked by an object, it's reflected back to the car at a different frequency.
03:07 The car's then able to detect the change in frequency and then thus calculate the distance
03:11 between the car and that object.
03:13 Now an electromagnetic sensor just sits behind the bumper bar, and the big advantage is you
03:17 don't actually need to cut holes into the bumper bar and have these ungainly looking
03:22 things.
03:23 They are more common in the aftermarket though.
03:24 We can't actually think of any new cars on the market today that have electromagnetic
03:28 sensors, so I'm letting on you guys here, the smart viewers.
03:30 Let me know in the comments section below which new cars on the market today have electromagnetic
03:35 sensors, and if you can't think of any, which older cars have you found with electromagnetic
03:39 sensors.
03:40 Finally, the third type, radar.
03:42 You can't see it, can you?
03:44 That's because it's behind the bumper bar.
03:46 So unlike the front radar you'll find on a lot of new cars today that deals with safety
03:50 systems and radar cruise control, there's a radar mounted in this section of the car
03:54 that actually points this way.
03:56 Now when you think about it, you can't have a radar on the back because the waves are
04:00 emitted like this, whereas a radar on the side, the waves come out like this and it's
04:04 able to detect oncoming vehicles, and this is used for things like rear cross traffic
04:08 alert.
04:09 If you're reversing out into a blind spot and there is a vehicle, a cyclist or an object
04:13 coming towards the car, you're not going to be able to see it.
04:16 So that radar sits behind this section of the car, the other section, and then some
04:19 also have them mounted to the front, so you have both coverage at the front and the rear.
04:24 So all of these sensors are important, but equally as important is the visual aspect.
04:28 And we all know about the reverse view camera.
04:30 It's common on a lot of cars today, but the advancement of that is called the 360 degree
04:35 camera or the bird's eye view as it's also known.
04:39 That basically takes the reverse camera, a camera at the front of the car plus these
04:43 wide angle cameras on the wing mirrors and stitches the image together so you get a view
04:48 from top down and it gives you better visibility around the car.
04:51 Let's see what that looks like.
04:52 Okay, so we'll flick the car on, we will pop it into drive and I'll manually activate the
04:57 cameras here.
04:58 So there it is there, you can see an overlay of the car plus everything around it.
05:02 The car is manually taking all of the images from these cameras and stitching them together
05:06 so you get a live view of the front and then this bird's eye view, the 360 degree view.
05:12 This is particularly handy if you live in an apartment building, for example, like I
05:15 do, you can see clearly where the walls are and then even in these situations here as
05:19 you're traversing some of these bays, you'll never have an excuse for not being able to
05:24 get the car perfectly within the parking bay.
05:26 And then you can also select different views as well.
05:28 So you can see there the wheel view, so you will never curb those wheels either.
05:32 So not all cars have good quality 360 cameras, so just make sure you test this out before
05:37 you buy the car because they won't all look as sharp as this one does.
05:40 And let's move into the test of the ultrasonic sensors here.
05:43 So we're coming into a parking bay here.
05:46 We'll test the front parking sensor first.
05:49 So you can see that 360 degree camera is handy for getting us into the bay.
05:53 We're approaching an object at the front of the car.
05:55 Those sensors are now emitting those sound waves, determining how close we are.
06:00 And as we get closer, you see the intensity of the beeps increase and then finally you
06:05 get a red indicator showing you that yes, you are hard up against that object and you
06:09 don't want to be going any further.
06:10 Okay, what about reverse parking sensors?
06:13 It looks like someone's put a suitcase in the way.
06:16 These work in the same way, but in reverse.
06:18 Let's see what happens as we approach it.
06:19 Okay, the car has just slammed the brakes and it's come up saying emergency braking.
06:24 Now the reason it's done that is because this car has reverse AEB.
06:28 So it works the same as AEB does going forwards.
06:31 It stops the car if you don't as you're about to hit something.
06:34 Now imagine if that was a kid or a person that's walked behind your car.
06:38 It's able to use those ultrasonic sensors to detect that and slam the brakes on so you
06:41 don't hit them.
06:42 This is crucial technology and why we think it should be fitted to every single new car
06:46 today.
06:47 Now I bet you're wondering where does the radar come into play in all of this?
06:49 Well an ultrasonic sensor only really works well three to five metres away from the car.
06:54 The radar on the other hand can look further down the road and these side radars built
06:58 into the bumper bar are used for things called rear cross traffic alert.
07:02 That's able to detect cars, pedestrians, cyclists that are walking, driving, cycling towards
07:07 the car and when you're wedged in next to an SUV like this and you really can't see
07:12 anything until you're well and truly in that line of traffic, this is where it's going
07:16 to come in handy.
07:17 So let's give this a shot.
07:18 So I'm reversing out of the park here and there's a car coming right there.
07:24 Okay.
07:25 So it has automatically slammed the brakes on, given me a warning that there was a vehicle
07:30 coming and you can see here that I still can't see beyond this SUV.
07:35 So had I have not seen that, there was every chance that I would have run into that.
07:39 Obviously people are meant to drive out slowly and be careful, but in situations where you
07:43 have a car that's moving quickly or you're just not paying attention, this kind of technology
07:47 could potentially save you from having a nasty accident.
07:50 Okay, next up we have remote parking.
07:52 Now this feature was first made popular by Tesla because they rolled it out in the Model
07:56 S and they call it Summon and it's now advanced enough to be able to bring the car to you
08:01 from a distance in a car park, which I think is pretty cool.
08:04 And I was going to demonstrate it with my Model 3, but I refused to pay $10,000 for
08:09 the full self-driving package.
08:11 So instead we're going to use the Kia Sorento, which has a feature very similar to that that
08:16 works using the key fob.
08:17 So what exactly is the purpose of this?
08:20 Well, right on cue, our obnoxious friend in the BMW has turned up and made it quite hard
08:25 for me to get inside the car.
08:27 Anyway, let me show you how it works.
08:29 So we come back here, got to push lock, push the hold button, that will kick the car over.
08:34 Once it's on, we can either select forwards or reverse.
08:39 We're going to go reverse so I can actually get inside the car.
08:42 So the reverse lights come on and then the car will slowly come back towards us.
08:47 Here it comes.
08:49 So the sensors are working the whole time to make sure it doesn't hit anything.
08:52 Just to show you that it works, I'll let it come back towards me and hopefully stop.
08:58 There it is there.
08:59 It pops your uncle.
09:00 I can now get in the car and get away from this bloke.
09:03 Okay, so we've just hopped into the BMW and this has some technology that you're going
09:08 to find handy if all of the parking sensors in the world, the 360 degree cameras, all
09:12 the radars and stuff still don't inspire you with confidence.
09:16 And that is semi-autonomous parking.
09:18 And there's two main types, parallel and perpendicular.
09:21 So we've got a perpendicular park here in between these two cars and I want to show
09:25 you how it works.
09:26 So what the car does using parking sensors that point outwards from the front and the
09:30 rear, it starts measuring spaces to determine whether the predefined size of this car can
09:35 actually fit in there.
09:36 So we can see right now that we've gone past this park and it said yes, you can actually
09:41 fit into that park.
09:42 So we're going to come to a stop, you select the symbol there and it begins the process.
09:48 It'll put it into reverse, it'll put it into drive, it'll do everything.
09:51 So even from this super awkward angle it's going to take care of everything.
09:54 All I'm doing is just hovering over the brake pedal.
09:58 Now this is a perpendicular park, you'll see we get close to there.
10:02 It's now put it into drive and turned the car around all the way.
10:06 This is such cool stuff.
10:08 I love that modern cars are able to do all of this.
10:11 Okay, so it's back into reverse now and it is taking care of that process.
10:16 I'll be curious to see how straight it is within this park because it's a fairly tight
10:22 park but I'm curious to see whether we're still in the lines and you'll be able to see
10:27 it with this 360 camera.
10:28 There we go, it's still going back.
10:31 Look at that, that's actually like perfect and it will come to a stop on its own as well
10:36 once it's done.
10:37 And there it is there.
10:41 Park complete.
10:42 How cool is that?
10:43 Now that system also works with parallel parking and arguably this is generally the more difficult
10:49 thing to do because perpendicular you can kind of sort of figure it out but here it
10:53 can sometimes be a little bit daunting.
10:54 So what it's doing now, same story, it's checking to see if this gap that we're coming past
10:58 now is big enough for the car.
11:00 So it's still measuring it and there it is there.
11:05 It is telling us it is big enough for the car.
11:07 So same story, we click this button, it does the whole thing autonomously.
11:12 So all I'm doing is hovering over the brake.
11:14 I'm not really going to touch it but because it's Eagle's car we're backing into.
11:17 I also don't want to hit that.
11:21 Alright here it is, so it's pulling in nicely.
11:25 This is cool.
11:26 I'm always conscious of kerbs as well especially with SUVs with such big wheels.
11:29 Okay so it is getting closer and closer.
11:32 It's come to a stop on its own there, put itself into drive and it's bringing us forward
11:36 to complete the park.
11:39 There it is.
11:40 Okay now so you've used your parallel parking feature to get you into the park but how do
11:44 you get out of it?
11:45 Because if you've used the computer to get in you're probably not going to be able to
11:48 get out.
11:49 So most of the vehicles that have this parallel parking semi-autonomous technology also have
11:53 an exit assistant and it works much the same way.
11:56 So we hit this button here, it says to us if you're leaving the parking space confirm
12:00 the direction.
12:01 So we want to go forward and it begins a process again.
12:04 So it'll take us back and then it will start the process of clearing enough room to the
12:09 car in front for us to be able to leave safely.
12:13 There it is there and it's giving us a little bit more room.
12:19 Okay it needs a slight bit more room, so it'll back up slightly more.
12:25 Can I head where we get close?
12:28 Okay a little bit more.
12:35 Okay park complete, take over control of the vehicle.
12:38 That means we're clear of the car in front and we're good to drive off.
12:42 Finally some technology that initially I thought was incredibly pointless but when you think
12:46 about it it's actually useful.
12:48 It's called reverse assistant.
12:49 It comes in BMWs, I suspect they'll roll it out to other brands and stuff like that in
12:54 the future.
12:55 But the purpose of this is it remembers the last 50 meters of steering input.
12:59 So let's pretend right now we're going down a narrow laneway.
13:05 We've got a nice set of wheels on our car and we're reaching the end of the laneway
13:11 which is just over there where our suitcase is and we've discovered that it is a dead
13:18 end.
13:19 How are you going to get back without scuffing the wheels or damaging anything?
13:22 So if you stick it in reverse, hit reverse assistant.
13:25 It gives you a 50 meter countdown and takes over steering.
13:28 It remembers the last 50 meters of steering inputs and will then guide you back precisely
13:33 where it went.
13:34 And we've set up a little course here with the Sorento and the MX-5 to make sure that
13:39 this all works.
13:40 It's actually doing a good job so far and it's able to remember your steering inputs
13:45 even after you've left the car.
13:47 So if you've gone off on holiday or something like that for a month it will still remember
13:51 the steering inputs when you come back.
13:53 So I don't know, that's just in case you left your car in the laneway and decided to come
13:56 back to it later.
13:57 It's pretty impressive.
13:58 I think it's doing like the exact same path that we took.
14:01 I'm not going to take the front end of Igor's car off either which is good.
14:06 Working a charm, so we're getting down to our last 10 meters.
14:11 That's pretty close.
14:14 8, 7, so once that hits zero I suspect it'll just tell us to take over steering.
14:20 2 meters, 1 meter.
14:23 We'll actually probably just end up right where we started.
14:27 Look at that.
14:29 That's cool.
14:30 So exactly 50 meters as well by the way, fun fact.
14:32 So that is reverse assistant.
14:34 Hopefully we'll see that roll out into some more cars because I think this is really handy.
14:37 I know I've been in a situation or two, especially in expensive cars where you just don't want
14:42 to scuff wheels or damage anything, where something like this would come in incredibly
14:45 handy.
14:46 So there it is, parking technology explained.
14:48 There is some seriously cool tech out there and it's okay to admit if you use some of
14:53 it from time to time.
14:54 I know that parking sensors, I could not live life without those and I've come dangerously
14:58 close to hitting things anyway with them, so everybody needs a little bit of assistance
15:02 every now and then.
15:03 Now moving on to our next video, we want your help to figure out exactly what we should
15:07 film next.
15:08 Is there a piece of car tech that you want more, I guess, knowledge on, want us to expand
15:12 on a little bit more?
15:13 Is there something you don't understand?
15:14 Let us know in the comments section below.
15:16 We'll put all these ideas together and we'll see what we can come up with in terms of the
15:19 next video in this series on explaining car technology in an easy to understand fashion.
15:25 If you did enjoy this video though, please make sure you share it because that helps
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15:30 Also hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe as well and hit the bell icon
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15:38 But until next time, take it easy.
