• 2 years ago
Noted speaker, viral sensation and life-enthusiast Rock Thomas charms us with this tale of his teenage crush, and how one conversation shaped the rest of his life.
Rock Thomas is the founder of M1, a community of high achievers as committed to your success as their own. He is also the host of the #IAmMovement Podcast, where we believe, "the words that follow I am, follow you." Visit www.rockthomas.com to discover the power of progress, your mindset, and making success a part of YOUR identity.


00:00 I'll tell you a quick little story.
00:01 When I was 17 years old,
00:02 there's this really beautiful girl.
00:05 And I'm thinking to myself,
00:06 that could lead to pleasure.
00:09 And then my brain went, but it could also lead to pain.
00:14 So there I am walking toward this girl and I'm thinking,
00:18 pleasure, pleasure, my brain's going, no pain, pain.
00:21 Careful, there's two people standing beside her.
00:23 And if you ask her out and she says no,
00:26 you're going to be humiliated.
00:28 And I had read this thing when I was just a young teenager.
00:31 It said, do what you fear and it will disappear.
00:36 Do what you fear and it will disappear,
00:38 which means take action and adversity is going to happen.
00:42 But if you approach it in a way that shapes your life,
00:45 that you decide that everything happens for me,
00:48 but not to me, then you become stronger.
00:52 So there I am walking along toward her
00:54 and I probably looked like I had some kind of a problem
00:58 because I think at one step was like pleasure,
01:00 the other one was pain.
01:02 And I don't know what I'm going to say.
01:04 So I'm like, okay, cool.
01:06 Now how do I reframe myself here
01:08 and really get strong with this?
01:10 It was a gut feeling.
01:11 Can I do this?
01:12 Should I do this?
01:13 And the answer inside was yes.
01:15 And I get there and I don't know what I'm going to say.
01:18 And I look at her and I go, Bond, James Bond.
01:23 (laughing)
01:25 She cracks up.
01:27 And I think she cracked up because she realized
01:30 I was really pretty much an idiot,
01:32 but she appreciated my courage.
01:35 She's like, God, you know what?
01:36 If I knew what I had to do, I would absolutely said no.
01:39 Absolutely, I said, these are all the things
01:42 you're going to have to do.
01:43 I'm like, right?
01:45 But you need to be stronger.
01:47 You need to push through and go,
01:48 what could be great about this?
01:50 I did get her to come on a date.
01:52 We did become girlfriend and boyfriend
01:53 for a couple of months.
01:55 I was never more alive in my life.
01:57 So you know what to do, but in many cases,
02:00 you don't do what you know.
02:02 Why is that?
02:03 What stops you?
02:04 What is it in your life that you've given
02:07 a negative meaning to just because it showed up
02:10 for you that way or somebody even suggested it to you?
02:13 You're too short, you're too tall,
02:15 you're too skinny, you're too fat.
02:17 Your parents sucked.
02:19 Somebody suggested that to you.
02:20 You bought it.
02:21 You wrote it down in your operations manual
02:23 and you thought that's who you are.
02:24 So now you're afraid.
02:26 You're afraid of just anything because you don't know.
02:29 And if you have parents or relatives
02:32 that are in the habit of saying, careful, watch out,
02:34 you might fall, and before you know it,
02:37 you have very few options left
02:39 that you want to say yes to without being held back.
02:42 Were you born shy?
02:44 Were you born, you know, timid or lazy?
02:48 Hell no, I don't think so.
02:50 Nothing has meaning but the meaning you give it.
02:53 That little treadmill inside saying,
02:54 well, I don't know how I'm going to do this.
02:56 You need to let that go as soon as you possibly can.
02:59 Fear is a call to action.
03:01 If you know that you want to live a legendary life,
03:03 you want to make changes in your life,
03:04 you want to stand for something,
03:06 you have a reason to impact people's lives,
03:09 I say empower yourself.
03:11 You can have a great story or you can be a great story.
03:15 Make your choice.
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