Kementerian ESDM akan memungut iuran baru, dari aktivitas batu bara mulai dari 1 Januari 2024 mendatang. Pungutan ini berupa dana kompensasi batu bara (DKB), yang akan nantinya dilakukan mitra instansi pengelola.
00:00 We turn to other information, Mr. Mirza.
00:02 The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources will fund a new fund for coal activity starting January 1, 2024.
00:10 This fund is a compensation fund for coal or DKB, which will later be done by the Administrative Institution.
00:22 The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arifin Tasrif, assures that the government will fund a new fund for coal management through the compensation of coal or DKB, which will be done on January 1, 2024.
00:34 Arifin said that in this fund application, the government is finalizing the President's Regulations, including regulations such as the Minister of Finance Regulations or the Minister's Decision on the DKB tariff to the Technical Guidelines and Funding Regulations and the distribution of coal compensation funds.
00:52 We have announced that the draft PPP is now in the finalization stage.
01:00 The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Minister of BNM have carried out the experiment and there are still new entries from the MarFest Committee that we coordinated with the SEPNEC.
01:11 Today we have delivered the latest entry to the SEPNEC.
01:18 Meanwhile, in the settlement regulations and the support application are being prepared, including the Minister of Finance Regulations that regulates the tariff of coal compensation funds.
01:29 On the other hand, the government will also prepare a form of IDKB support application developed by ambassadors such as BNI, PRI and Mandiri as the Administrative Institution's partners.
01:41 In addition to coordination between the Ministry of Home Affairs, BNM, the Ministry of Maritime Coordination and Investment.
01:48 So that the Secretary of State, the Minister of Home Affairs also mentioned that he asked for the support of the Ministry of Investment in accelerating the development of an increase in the added value of metalware.
01:57 From Jakarta, Ade Firmansyah, Adexchef.
02:00 Thank you for watching.
02:05 For more information, visit