The better team usually wins the Iron Bowl
00:00 >> Awesome.
00:01 >> Yeah, 10 years ago you endured one of the toughest losses here ever.
00:04 And tonight, 10 years later, this happens here.
00:06 How does that make you feel?
00:08 >> I feel good.
00:09 >> [LAUGH] >> But, yeah,
00:14 we've had some tough ones.
00:19 But still, the team that played the best always wins in this game.
00:26 And we played well, but we had to overcome ourselves because of penalties and
00:31 things like that on this field goal.
00:34 Not playing great on defense, but I can't tell you how proud I am of the guys and
00:40 how good I feel about winning the game.
00:44 But as a coach, you always look at things like, how did you play?
00:48 Because we're gonna have to play at a higher level on a more consistent basis if
00:54 we wanna have success in the future, and that's what you always evaluate.
00:58 That's the reality check that we all have to make.
01:02 >> Tony, does that final play have a name of any sort?
01:05 And then what do you tell Jalen going into that play?
01:07 Is it more just a good luck or, I mean, what do you tell him?
01:11 >> No, you tell him they're only gonna rush three guys, sometimes two.
01:15 And he's reading the guys down the field, and
01:18 they're doing things to try to get open.
01:23 And he's gonna have plenty of time,
01:25 he's gotta pick the guy that he thinks has got the best chance to catch it.
01:31 And IB got position on the guy, and Jalen did a good job of recognizing it and
01:36 throwing it.
01:37 And if the play had a name, I wouldn't tell you what it was.
01:40 >> [LAUGH]