Deen e Fitrat - Topic: Hadees e Qudsi - Shaykh Mufti Tauqeer - 26 Nov 2023 - ARY Qtv

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Deen e Fitrat | Speaker: Shaykh Mufti Tauqeer

Topic: Hadees e Qudsi

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00:00 Quran-e-Hakeem, Seerat-ul-Nabi (SAW)
00:04 Ahadith-e-Mubarka, Fiqh-e-Wasa'il-e-Bayan
00:07 and many more, God willing, with the best of scholars.
00:11 Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you.
00:26 All praise is due to Allah, the Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.
00:28 Peace and blessings be upon the chosen ones.
00:31 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
00:33 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, Ever Merciful.
00:35 O Allah, send blessings upon our Master, the Prophet Muhammad,
00:38 and upon the family of our Master, the Beloved Muhammad.
00:40 And bless and grant peace to all. There is no power or strength except with Allah.
00:43 There is a narration of Sahih Muslim,
00:46 which is a very high-level book in the books of Hadith.
00:51 In it, Sayyidina Abu Zar (RA)
00:55 narrated a narration from the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
00:58 which is called the Hadith-e-Qudsi.
01:00 It is the statement of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
01:03 but it is a message from Allah to us.
01:06 And in this Hadith-e-Mubarka,
01:09 Allah Almighty has given a very loving and compassionate message
01:13 to me and you, while addressing us.
01:18 And repeatedly, He has said to me and you,
01:21 "O My servants, listen to Me."
01:25 With these words, love is expressed in these words.
01:31 You should listen to this Hadith-e-Mubarka very carefully.
01:35 I will read the Hadith-e-Mubarka in front of you.
01:38 Listen to the commandment of your Lord,
01:41 with love and compassion,
01:44 if all of us listen to it with the intention of doing it.
01:47 Allah Almighty says, "O My servants,
01:51 I have forbidden oppression against Myself,
01:54 and I have made it forbidden between you,
01:56 so do not oppress one another."
01:58 I have forbidden oppression against Myself,
02:01 and I have forbidden oppression between you,
02:04 for each other.
02:06 So, O My servants, do not oppress each other.
02:11 Oppression is to kill someone's right.
02:14 Someone has rights,
02:17 and I have not fulfilled his rights.
02:20 This is oppression.
02:21 Allah Almighty is saying in a very compassionate manner,
02:24 "O My servants, I do not oppress you either.
02:27 You should not oppress one another either.
02:30 Give each other rights.
02:32 Give the rights of your daughter,
02:34 the rights of your son,
02:35 the rights of your parents,
02:37 the rights of your husband,
02:38 the rights of your wife,
02:40 give each other rights.
02:43 Allah Almighty says further,
02:46 "O My servants,
02:50 All of you have been misguided except the one whom I have given guidance.
02:59 So seek guidance from Me, O My servants.
03:03 I will guide you.
03:06 You are the one who asks for guidance from Allah.
03:09 Allah Almighty has made such a system
03:14 that five times of prayer,
03:16 along with that some Nawafil, some Sunnah,
03:19 in every rakat, Surah Al-Fatiha,
03:23 and Surah Al-Fatiha is a prayer for guidance.
03:27 "Guide us on the straight path"
03:29 O Allah, guide us on the straight path.
03:32 The problem is that we never read Surah Al-Fatiha with patience.
03:38 We don't read it with an awareness of mind.
03:43 We don't read it with an awareness of the heart.
03:45 We don't read it with a state.
03:48 We read Surah Al-Fatiha quickly.
03:51 And we don't pause for a while and think what am I reading.
03:56 I am praising Allah Almighty.
03:58 And then I am expressing my oneness with Allah Almighty.
04:02 "Iyaka nabidu wa iyaka nasta'een"
04:04 O Allah, we only worship you.
04:06 O Allah, we only ask for your help.
04:08 And O Allah, guide us on the straight path.
04:10 And then the prayer continues.
04:12 If we ever read Surah Al-Fatiha with patience,
04:18 with awareness, with the intention of a prayer,
04:22 with the state of a prayer,
04:25 then surely, the paths of guidance will open for us.
04:29 And guidance is that thing, guidance,
04:32 that on which path should I walk.
04:34 Which path should I walk on
04:36 to be successful in this world and the hereafter.
04:39 So Allah Almighty is saying,
04:41 "O My servants, seek guidance from Me."
04:43 "Ya Ibadi, O My servants,
04:45 kullukum ja'i'un illa man ata'amtuhu"
04:48 "You are all hungry, except Him, whom should I feed."
04:52 "Fastaj'imuni uja'imkum"
04:55 "O My servants, ask Me for food, I will feed you."
04:59 Everything is from Allah.
05:02 The food that we receive,
05:04 is given by Allah Almighty.
05:06 And we don't even ask for it,
05:08 yet Allah Almighty is feeding us.
05:10 So at least, we should be thankful.
05:13 And at the same time, we should ask for the sustenance from Allah Almighty.
05:16 "O Allah, I eat from Your side,
05:18 I drink from Your side,
05:20 I am thankful to You as well.
05:22 And O Allah, I ask for it as well.
05:24 Don't be dependent on anyone.
05:26 Continue the blessings that You have bestowed upon us.
05:29 At least be thankful.
05:31 When you eat food, eat it halal.
05:33 Eat it with a clear mind,
05:35 that it is halal, especially for people living abroad.
05:38 Think before eating, whether you are eating halal or not.
05:41 And after that,
05:43 "Allahu ka shukr, alhamdulillah,
05:45 Alladhi ya ta'amani wa saqani wa ja'alani minal muslimeen"
05:50 "I am thankful to Allah, who has given me food, drink, and made me a Muslim."
05:55 "O My servants,
05:58 kullukum a'arin illa man ka sawtuhu"
06:02 "All of you are without clothes,
06:05 except for the one whom I dress."
06:08 "fastakhsuni aksukum"
06:11 "Ask for clothes from Me, I will give you clothes."
06:14 SubhanAllah.
06:16 All these blessings are from Allah.
06:18 We should ask from Allah.
06:20 And whatever we get, I repeat again, we should be thankful.
06:24 If Allah Almighty gives us a new cloth,
06:27 we should be thankful to Allah.
06:29 Allah is very thankful to you that you gave me clothes to wear.
06:32 "Ya ibadi, O My servants,
06:35 innakum tukhti'una bil-layli wal-nahar"
06:40 "You commit sins day and night."
06:44 "wa ana akhfiroo dhunooba jamee'an"
06:47 "I will forgive all your sins."
06:50 "fastaghfiruni"
06:52 "Ask for forgiveness from Me,
06:54 I will forgive you."
06:57 Allah Almighty likes humility.
07:00 Who doesn't make mistakes?
07:02 We all make mistakes.
07:04 We are sinners.
07:06 We make mistakes every other moment.
07:09 O Allah, forgive us.
07:11 "astaghfirullah"
07:13 Ask for forgiveness from your heart.
07:15 It's not like this, "astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah"
07:17 This is not asking for forgiveness.
07:19 "Istighfar" is asking for forgiveness from Allah Almighty's heart
07:23 with regret.
07:26 Allah Almighty says, "I forgive you,
07:29 ask for forgiveness."
07:31 "Ya ibadi, O My servants,
07:34 innakum lan tablughu dharri fatadurrooni
07:37 walam tablughu naf'i fatanfa'ooni"
07:41 "O My servants,
07:43 you cannot harm me,
07:45 nor can you give me benefit,
07:48 nor can you give me benefit."
07:50 "O My servants,
07:52 law anna awwalakum wa akhirakum
07:54 wa insakum wa jinnakum
07:56 kaanu 'ala atqa qalbi rajul-waahidim minkum
08:00 maa zada dhalika fee mulki shaiya"
08:02 O My servants, if your first,
08:05 last, your last,
08:07 your humans, your jinn,
08:10 all of them,
08:12 their hearts,
08:14 become like the hearts of the most righteous person,
08:18 then you will not increase
08:21 in my kingdom,
08:23 in my kingdom,
08:25 at all.
08:27 Our righteousness, our goodness,
08:29 our deeds, our prayers,
08:31 our charity,
08:33 are not giving any benefit to Allah Almighty,
08:35 they are giving benefit to me and you.
08:38 "Ya ibadi, O My servants,
08:41 law anna awwalakum wa akhirakum
08:43 wa insakum wa jinnakum
08:45 kaanu 'ala afjari qalbi rajul-waahidim
08:48 maa naqasa dhalika fee mulki shaiya"
08:50 Allah Almighty is saying that
08:52 O My servants, if your first,
08:54 your last, your humans,
08:56 your jinn,
08:58 all of your hearts,
09:00 become like the hearts of the most
09:02 sinful person,
09:04 then you all become
09:06 Qaroon,
09:08 Haman,
09:10 they are not less than
09:12 my kingdom,
09:14 my kings,
09:16 not even a bit.
09:18 You are the one who is suffering,
09:20 I am not.
09:22 "Ya ibadi, O My servants,
09:24 law anna awwalakum wa akhirakum
09:26 wa insakum wa jinnakum
09:28 kaanu fee sa'eedin waahidin
09:30 fa-as'aluni fa-ata'itu
09:32 kulla insaanin mas'alatahu
09:34 maa naqasa dhalika
09:36 mimma 'indi
09:38 illa kama yanqusul mikhiyatu
09:40 idha udkhilal bahra"
09:42 O My servants,
09:44 if your first, your last,
09:46 your humans, your jinn,
09:48 all of them stand in one place,
09:50 in one time,
09:52 all of them, from Adam (AS)
09:54 to the last human,
09:56 and all of you humans,
09:58 at the same time,
10:00 ask all your questions,
10:02 all your needs,
10:04 at the same time,
10:06 I will fulfill all your needs,
10:08 at the same time,
10:10 this way, my treasures
10:12 do not lack even this much,
10:14 as much as
10:16 a needle
10:18 in the sea,
10:20 by removing it,
10:22 the water that is lacking in the sea,
10:24 is not even this much.
10:26 If a needle is put in the sea,
10:28 and removed,
10:30 then inside it,
10:32 there is no water, but some moisture,
10:34 comes out,
10:36 if the sea,
10:38 inside it,
10:40 has millions of tons
10:42 of water,
10:44 then this much moisture is less,
10:46 which is nothing.
10:48 Allah says,
10:50 all humans, all jinn,
10:52 all people, at the same time,
10:54 ask from me,
10:56 and I will fulfill all your needs,
10:58 this way, my treasures
11:00 do not lack even this much,
11:02 as much as a needle,
11:04 by removing it, is in the sea.
11:06 Allahu Akbar.
11:08 O My servants,
11:10 O My servants,
11:12 "Innama Hia A'malukum
11:14 Uhseeha Lakum"
11:16 "Thumma Uwafeekum Eeyaha"
11:18 "Fa Man Wajada Khairan
11:20 Fal Yahmadillah, Wa Man Wajada Ghaira
11:22 Dhalik, Fala Yaloomanna
11:24 Illa Nafsahu"
11:26 O My servants, these are your deeds,
11:28 which I am counting for you.
11:30 I am counting them,
11:32 recording them,
11:34 and you will be rewarded for it.
11:36 All of your deeds are
11:40 good and bad,
11:42 good and bad.
11:44 Life is about deeds,
11:46 do good deeds, do bad deeds,
11:48 Namaz, fasting, Zakat,
11:50 these are the obligations,
11:52 helping people, taking care of people,
11:54 forgiving people, loving people,
11:56 doing something for people,
11:58 spending money, taking care of orphans,
12:00 helping the oppressed,
12:02 these are some examples of good deeds.
12:04 And bad deeds,
12:06 drinking alcohol, gambling,
12:08 doing injustice to people,
12:10 eating the property of the inheritance,
12:12 doing injustice to women,
12:14 to daughters, sisters, mothers, parents,
12:16 these are examples of bad deeds.
12:18 O My servants,
12:20 I am recording your deeds,
12:22 I am writing them down,
12:24 and you will be
12:26 rewarded for it.
12:28 So, if you see
12:32 any goodness in yourself,
12:34 فَمَنْ وَجَدَ خَيْرًا
12:36 then you should thank Allah,
12:38 that Alhamdulillah,
12:40 Allah has given me
12:42 the opportunity to do this good deed.
12:44 I am thankful to Allah,
12:46 Allah has given me the opportunity
12:48 to watch this program,
12:50 in which good deeds are told,
12:52 I had the opportunity to listen,
12:54 I had the opportunity to watch,
12:56 whoever has worked behind this,
12:58 who has arranged this,
13:00 Alhamdulillah, Allah has given me the opportunity.
13:02 This is the gratitude of Allah,
13:04 I have read the prayers,
13:06 Alhamdulillah, I reached the mosque,
13:08 Alhamdulillah, I gave charity to someone,
13:10 I spent on someone,
13:12 Alhamdulillah, Allah says,
13:14 O My servants, if you see any goodness in yourself,
13:16 then you should thank Allah,
13:18 that whatever happened to me,
13:20 happened with the help of Allah.
13:22 I can only do good deeds,
13:24 when I do good deeds,
13:26 then I can change it in my actions,
13:28 change happens from Allah,
13:30 not change,
13:32 sometimes it happens that
13:34 I intend to do a good deed,
13:36 but I am unable to do it,
13:38 so Alhamdulillah,
13:40 I was able to do it,
13:42 and if you see anything else,
13:44 that is, if you see goodness or evil in yourself,
13:46 then you should not blame anyone,
13:48 except for yourself,
13:50 blame yourself,
13:52 that you did not intend to do good,
13:54 if you had intended to do good,
13:56 if you had sincerity,
13:58 if you had asked Allah for guidance,
14:00 then I would have put goodness in you,
14:02 I would have given you the opportunity,
14:04 that you would have done that good deed,
14:06 and made it the treasure of your hereafter.
14:08 This is a compassionate,
14:10 loving,
14:12 commandment from Allah,
14:14 for me and you,
14:16 and how lovingly Allah
14:18 has explained it to me,
14:20 O my people, O my people,
14:22 O my people,
14:24 when someone is loved,
14:26 when someone loves his children,
14:28 my son, my daughter,
14:30 come to me,
14:32 that in this way Allah is addressing
14:34 his people, my people,
14:36 listen to me, it is for your own good,
14:38 we should
14:40 have a relationship of oneness with Allah,
14:42 just one worship of Allah,
14:44 one request from Allah,
14:46 one request for help from Allah,
14:48 one request from Allah,
14:50 one request for prayers,
14:52 one request for Allah's words,
14:54 which are for my own benefit,
14:56 this is what Allah wants from us,
14:58 this is the goodness of this world,
15:00 this is the goodness of the hereafter,
15:02 may Allah give us all the ability to act,
15:04 to understand,
15:06 may Allah give us the feeling of His eternity,
15:08 in our hearts,
15:10 and may Allah make our life
15:12 complete with this eternity,
15:14 may Allah give us the ability to live
15:16 as a servant of Allah,
15:18 we will take a short break,
15:20 after the break we will be back
15:22 with your questions,
15:24 you can email your questions
15:26 at
15:28 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
15:30 Welcome back, we are back after the break
15:32 with your questions,
15:34 people ask that
15:36 I have made many mistakes in my life,
15:38 I drank alcohol,
15:40 I did adultery,
15:42 I did drugs,
15:44 I did not offer prayers,
15:46 I broke people's rights,
15:48 I did not give rights to my daughters,
15:50 I did not give rights to my wife,
15:52 I made many mistakes,
15:54 what should I do now,
15:56 I feel that I am drowned in my sins,
15:58 I do not see any way out,
16:00 some people go into a state of despair,
16:02 when they realize that
16:04 they have committed a sin,
16:06 they feel that they have committed a sin,
16:08 they feel that they have committed a sin,
16:10 when they realize
16:12 what was the purpose of life
16:14 and what did I do,
16:16 see,
16:18 if you have realized
16:20 thank Allah,
16:22 I congratulate you,
16:24 that Allah
16:26 has created this feeling in you,
16:28 Alhamdulillah,
16:30 Allah is very grateful,
16:32 very kind,
16:34 very kind,
16:36 whatever your age is,
16:38 whatever years you have spent
16:40 in mistakes,
16:42 Allah says,
16:44 "Say to My servants,
16:46 O My Beloved,
16:48 peace be upon him,
16:50 which are My servants?
16:52 Now it seems that
16:54 the addressees are those
16:56 who are doing Tahajjud,
16:58 who are doing Sadqa all the time,
17:00 who are always busy
17:02 with some
17:04 social welfare work,
17:06 who keep on mentioning Allah,
17:08 Allah says, "Say to My servants,
17:10 who have
17:12 committed a lot of
17:14 oppression on their lives,
17:16 who have
17:18 committed a lot of
17:20 oppression on their lives,
17:22 who have
17:24 drowned their lives in sins,
17:26 who have drowned
17:28 in sins,
17:30 Say to My servants,
17:32 "Do not despair of Allah's mercy,
17:34 Do not despair of Allah's mercy,
17:36 Do not despair of Allah's mercy,
17:38 Why? Allah forgives
17:40 all sins,
17:42 Allah forgives all sins,
17:44 Allah is the one
17:46 who forgives a lot,
17:48 Allah is the one who forgives a lot,
17:50 Allah says, "Do not despair,
17:52 to feel it,
17:54 this is the
17:56 proof of your success,
17:58 repent,
18:00 whatever you have done, repent,
18:02 what is
18:04 repentance?
18:06 First thing,
18:08 you have repented,
18:10 second, you have apologized,
18:12 which is called Istighfar, Allah forgives,
18:14 third thing,
18:16 Allah says, "I will not do it now,
18:18 leave it immediately,
18:20 and make a firm
18:22 commitment to Allah,
18:24 Allah says, "I will not do it now,
18:26 this is repentance,
18:28 and Allah forgives all sins,
18:30 there are only two things,
18:32 first thing is,
18:34 if you have taken someone's right,
18:36 then either apologize to him,
18:38 or give him his right,
18:40 if you have taken someone's property,
18:42 if you have taken someone's inheritance,
18:44 if you have taken someone's property,
18:46 if you have taken someone's inheritance,
18:48 if you have taken someone's property,
18:50 if you have taken someone's inheritance,
18:52 if you have taken someone's property,
18:54 if you have taken someone's inheritance,
18:56 if you have taken someone's inheritance,
18:58 then apologize to him,
19:00 if there are people,
19:02 whom you don't know,
19:04 then make a prayer,
19:06 that I don't know where he is,
19:08 where he has gone,
19:10 so make a prayer for him,
19:12 that Allah,
19:14 don't catch me on the day of judgement,
19:16 Allah, give him from your treasures,
19:18 give him in this world,
19:20 and on the day of judgement,
19:22 don't catch me,
19:24 and Allah knows,
19:26 how much we want to give back,
19:28 people's rights,
19:30 and as far as Allah's rights are concerned,
19:32 the obligations,
19:34 Namaz,
19:36 Zakat,
19:38 try to give back,
19:40 Allah's debt to Allah,
19:42 estimate the number of Namaz,
19:44 how many Namaz's you have left,
19:46 and make a schedule,
19:48 and start giving them their due,
19:50 some people say,
19:52 how to give all these Namaz's,
19:54 first thing,
19:56 we get the proof of Qaza in Hadith,
19:58 when Prophet (PBUH) was at war,
20:00 also called Ahzab,
20:02 it was such a hard attack,
20:04 that,
20:06 he couldn't offer Namaz at that time,
20:08 so when his next time came,
20:10 when the war stopped,
20:12 Prophet (PBUH) offered Qaza,
20:14 and offered in order,
20:16 once he was on journey,
20:18 all the companions were very tired,
20:20 and it was time for Fajr,
20:22 and Prophet (PBUH)
20:24 immediately offered Qaza,
20:26 so we get the proof of Qaza,
20:28 there is no proof of this,
20:30 that you can offer 5 Namaz's,
20:32 or 10,
20:34 but not 20,
20:36 so,
20:38 Ulema say,
20:40 you should offer your Namaz's,
20:42 and make a schedule,
20:44 for example,
20:46 I didn't offer 5 years Namaz,
20:48 so make a schedule,
20:50 according to that,
20:52 make Qaza,
20:54 it is possible that death will come,
20:56 and we won't be able to offer all the Qaza's,
20:58 so, we have hope from Allah,
21:00 that since we made a schedule,
21:02 we have hope from Allah,
21:04 that Allah will forgive the rest,
21:06 from His Karam,
21:08 this can be expected from Allah,
21:10 do the same for fasting,
21:12 how many fasts have you broken?
21:14 now, if you have broken any fast,
21:16 you know that there is a way to break it,
21:18 that you keep 60 fasts,
21:20 in a row,
21:22 see the days of winter,
21:24 there are small days,
21:26 between Fajr and Maghrib,
21:28 probably 12 hours,
21:30 13 hours,
21:32 you have your breakfast before Fajr,
21:34 and the second meal,
21:36 after Maghrib,
21:38 weight will be reduced,
21:40 health will be better,
21:42 it is a very easy thing,
21:44 keep the fasts of winter,
21:46 similarly, if you haven't paid Zakat,
21:48 estimate,
21:50 how much Zakat you could have paid,
21:52 if Allah has given you wealth,
21:54 and you have given a lot,
21:56 then estimate and give Zakat to people,
21:58 who are deserving,
22:00 so, those who can pay Allah's rights,
22:02 pay Allah's rights,
22:04 rest,
22:06 if you have committed adultery,
22:08 drank alcohol, lied,
22:10 apologize to Allah,
22:12 with regret, with this intention,
22:14 Allah will forgive you,
22:16 repentance is a very easy thing,
22:18 only regret of the heart,
22:20 and the intention, and to apologize to Allah,
22:22 some people,
22:24 about some people,
22:26 they realized that they committed a mistake,
22:28 they say, till I don't do Umrah,
22:30 I won't be able to repent,
22:32 it is not like that,
22:34 some people can't afford to do Umrah,
22:36 so, without Umrah,
22:38 their repentance won't be accepted,
22:40 it is not like that,
22:42 everyone can do it,
22:44 poor can do it, rich can do it,
22:46 and it depends on your situation,
22:48 like I said,
22:50 you didn't give Zakat,
22:52 you don't have money,
22:54 so, apologize to Allah,
22:56 you don't have wealth,
22:58 so, Allah, please forgive me,
23:00 and if you ever get Zakat,
23:02 then give it,
23:04 if you don't get it,
23:06 then with repentance,
23:08 with regret,
23:10 so, please, we all need,
23:12 Allah is calling His people to Him,
23:14 that, O my people,
23:16 come to me,
23:18 whatever you have done, come to me,
23:20 I will forgive you,
23:22 O my people, ask from me,
23:24 Allah loves His people,
23:26 whatever happens with us,
23:28 in life,
23:30 that too, is for our well-being,
23:32 whatever difficulties,
23:34 problems, worries,
23:36 whether we understand it or not,
23:38 that too is for our well-being,
23:40 Allah wants good for His people,
23:42 we also need to love Allah,
23:44 to love Allah,
23:46 to listen to Allah,
23:48 to worship Allah,
23:50 to live our life,
23:52 according to Allah's instructions,
23:54 so, today,
23:56 we also repent,
23:58 Inshallah,
24:00 we all turn to Allah,
24:02 Ta'ba yutubu,
24:04 which is the Arabic word,
24:06 which means to turn,
24:08 we turn to Allah,
24:10 when we are disobeying Allah,
24:12 we are going away from Allah,
24:14 when we repent, we turn to Allah,
24:16 so, we all, Inshallah,
24:18 repent from all our mistakes,
24:20 and try in the coming life,
24:22 to make a better life,
24:24 a life with morals,
24:26 with love,
24:28 forgiving,
24:30 doing good to people,
24:32 giving all rights to Allah,
24:34 may Allah give us all the ability,
24:36 and give us the consistency,
24:38 Inshallah,
24:40 we will meet next week,
24:42 keep sending your questions,
24:44 Inshallah, remember us in your prayers,
24:46 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
24:48 Ameen
24:50 [End]
24:52 [End]
24:54 [End]
24:56 [End]
24:58 [End]
25:00 [End]
