Penix in Apple Cup Postgame

  • last year
UW quarterback Michael Penix Jr. summed up the Huskies' win over WSU.
00:00 >> You took a big shot at the end of that game.
00:02 Were you feeling all right coming out of that?
00:05 >> I took a big shot.
00:06 I ain't taking no big shots today, I'm good.
00:08 >> You had an option on that fourth down play near the end.
00:12 What did you see when you read it?
00:13 >> On the one to Rome?
00:15 >> When you flipped it to Rome, yeah.
00:16 >> Yeah, I was just looking at the guy on the end of the defense and
00:20 he squeezed in and there's just a lot of grass out there.
00:25 >> Takes a lot of guts to make a call like that when you found out that you're
00:28 going for a fourth and one from that position on the field.
00:30 What was your reaction?
00:31 >> Yeah, man, we knew that was gonna happen.
00:34 Coach was talking about that play throughout the game and
00:37 he just kept saying that play is ready.
00:39 And at the time we needed it most, it was a great, great time and
00:43 then we was able to execute.
00:45 It's a play we've been running all week and
00:47 we knew that whenever the time would come we'll be ready to execute.
00:51 >> Tell me the cameras zoomed in on you during the kick,
00:56 when you were coming away towards the equipment car.
00:58 What is that moment like, kind of just the sound of the moment,
01:00 kind of like you guys were- >> Yeah, it was great.
01:03 Yeah, it was great, there's a lot of emotions.
01:09 >> Why weren't you able to watch it?
01:12 Why didn't you watch it?
01:13 >> Stuff out, it's just me.
01:16 So I'll get the next question.
01:19 I'm good, appreciate it.
01:20 >> My coach said that it's important for
01:23 you guys to take a moment to have perspective about what 12 and L means.
01:28 For you, when you think about that, what's your perspective given your journey to
01:32 get here and then the season that you guys had?
01:35 >> It's special, it's special, the second team to do it in the program and
01:42 it's not easy, we played a lot of great teams throughout the year.
01:45 And it was just back to back to back, it was always a good team we were playing.
01:52 It's like you can't take no credit away from those teams that we played, but
01:55 just being able to find them and win.
01:56 And those tough moments, I feel like it just shows the team character and
02:01 our will to win, and that's what makes it so special.
02:04 >> Mike, when you guys made the decision to come back,
02:06 this was the kind of season I think you guys were envisioning.
02:08 To get to this point with 12 and L,
02:11 going to Vegas with a chance to win the conference, it's a championship.
02:13 It's kind of a similar question, but what does it mean you guys to come back and
02:16 do this?
02:17 >> Yeah, man, it means a lot.
02:19 Like you said, it's definitely one of the reasons why we came back.
02:22 We felt like we left a lot on the table.
02:24 We felt like 11 and 2 was a good season, but we wanted to be great and
02:28 we wanted to be legendary.
02:30 And I feel like we're on the grasp of it, but we still got a lot of work to do.
02:34 We just gotta make sure we just keep our head down and
02:38 not get too caught up in the hype and the praises and the pats on the back.
02:44 We just gotta focus on what we can do to help this team get better each and