The Feud of the Trail (1937)

  • last year


00:00 [theme music]
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01:36 [music playing]
01:39 Well, which way do we go, Tom?
01:49 Chief said Coyote Pass.
01:51 Well, let's look it over.
01:53 [car door opens]
01:55 [car engine starts]
01:57 [car door closes]
01:59 [car door opens]
02:03 [car door closes]
02:06 That'll do, old timer. Stand right where you are.
02:15 [car door opens]
02:19 [car door closes]
02:21 [car engine starts]
02:24 [footsteps]
02:27 [footsteps]
02:40 [car door opens]
02:46 [car engine starts]
02:51 [footsteps]
02:54 No use coming back. You got it all the first time.
03:12 What's going on here?
03:14 Ain't you bandits? We're officers.
03:16 Sure. I'm Jerry McLean. I'm the fellow that--
03:20 Don't worry, Jerry.
03:22 Stick up.
03:25 About five minutes ago, I had just sold my stock.
03:28 I had nearly $1,000.
03:30 How many of them?
03:31 Three. One of them lay across the road, and when I stopped to help him--
03:34 Describe them. Men on horses.
03:36 The leader was about your size, with a green shirt, a brown velour hat.
03:40 He'd look like you if he had a shave.
03:43 [footsteps]
03:47 [footsteps]
03:50 [horse snorts]
03:52 One of those broncs has a split frog on the off-hind foot.
03:57 All right, stranger. With a break of luck, we'll get that water purifier.
04:01 Oh, thank you, officers. I sure need it.
04:04 Which way did they go?
04:05 They went off that way.
04:06 Don't worry. We'll get 'em.
04:08 [footsteps]
04:12 [horse snorts]
04:14 Oh.
04:18 I guess this is safe enough place to split the roll.
04:21 [horse snorts]
04:29 [sighs]
04:33 Listen, men.
04:36 I have a letter from my dad.
04:39 So what?
04:41 I'm going home after this job.
04:43 You're gonna go straight, huh?
04:45 Yep.
04:46 My dad insists on the way I took to the road.
04:49 The old man writes he needs help.
04:52 Something wrong with the neighbours.
04:54 [footsteps]
04:57 [horse snorts]
05:06 [footsteps]
05:09 We're still with 'em, Jerry.
05:11 Good.
05:13 Better go easy now.
05:15 You can be ready for trouble.
05:17 There's gold in that place, and nobody knows where it is but me.
05:23 Huh. Well, you can have it.
05:25 Why dig it out of the ground
05:27 when it's so easy to go out and pick it out of folks' pockets?
05:30 We could dig a week and not get half of what we just took.
05:33 [footsteps]
05:36 Someone coming!
05:43 We get separated, we meet a giant rock.
05:45 There's our game, Jerry!
05:47 [footsteps]
05:51 [footsteps]
05:54 [horses galloping]
06:07 [gunshot]
06:18 [gunshots]
06:21 [gunshot]
06:31 [gunshots]
06:36 [gunshot]
06:47 [gunshot]
06:50 [footsteps]
06:53 [footsteps]
07:09 [footsteps]
07:16 [footsteps]
07:19 [footsteps]
07:38 Hurry, Tom!
07:40 [gunshot]
07:45 Hey, Tom!
07:47 [footsteps]
07:50 There's no use.
08:10 There's no use.
08:12 I'm finished.
08:15 Don't...
08:16 Don't...
08:17 Don't let my folks know about this.
08:20 Don't...
08:21 Don't let them know I...
08:23 I was mixed up with crooks, will you?
08:25 Don't let them know.
08:27 Who are your folks?
08:30 The Grangers.
08:33 The Grangers.
08:36 Our peccals.
08:37 Our peccals.
08:40 [breathing heavily]
08:43 Look, Tom.
08:49 Looks just like you.
08:51 You could be mistaken for his twin brother.
08:54 Hmm.
08:58 He does look kind of like me.
09:01 Kind of like you?
09:03 Poor fella.
09:05 See if he's got anything to identify him.
09:08 [footsteps]
09:11 This may help.
09:17 [footsteps]
09:20 [footsteps]
09:23 Looks like them law hounds got Jack.
09:43 Maybe.
09:44 We'd better wait here just in case he gave them the slip.
09:46 Yeah, they can't sneak up on us up here.
09:48 We can see them coming a mile away.
09:51 [footsteps]
09:54 Maybe if I look so much like this hombre,
10:04 I can work up on his pals.
10:07 Take his shirt off.
10:13 [footsteps]
10:16 A man coming.
10:34 Jack all right?
10:38 What's he hunting the trail for?
10:39 He knew we'd come up here.
10:41 He's lost his bearings.
10:44 I...
10:46 Up here!
10:48 [footsteps]
10:51 Got away, did you?
11:04 We thought they had you when you bronc stumbled.
11:06 Yeah.
11:07 I noticed you didn't wait to see if I was taken.
11:10 It's every man for himself in this game.
11:12 If you'd have got caught,
11:13 no need of all of us going to the jug.
11:15 Sounds reasonable.
11:17 But you're all going now.
11:19 Up with them.
11:21 Now quit your kidding, Jack.
11:23 We gotta be on our way.
11:26 Did you sell out to the law, Jack Granger?
11:29 Jack Granger did.
11:31 I am time away to the protective.
11:39 Get a bar of that horse.
11:42 Up.
11:51 Yeah.
11:52 [footsteps]
11:55 [gunshot]
12:06 [footsteps]
12:09 Now get on that horse.
12:18 Yes, sir.
12:20 [footsteps]
12:23 [knocking]
12:39 Hi, Walt.
12:40 Any luck?
12:42 Lance has been over the proposed holy matrimony
12:45 to Sheila Granger.
12:46 It looks as if she said no.
12:49 How does he ever know?
12:52 So, Sheila wouldn't have you, eh?
13:03 Well, I don't know as I'd blame her.
13:06 Well, anyway, I think my plan's better.
13:13 Buy them off and get rid of them.
13:15 Then we'd better act quick.
13:16 Sheila's expecting her brother Jack home.
13:19 Jack coming home, eh?
13:21 And he knows about the gold.
13:24 Where is the deal?
13:26 Take the boys with you.
13:27 You'll need them as witnesses.
13:29 Step lively.
13:30 We want to close this deal before Jack Granger arrives.
13:33 All right, Ma.
13:35 All right, Willis.
13:39 Come on.
13:41 [footsteps]
13:44 There must have been eight or ten of them bandits.
13:54 Then Tom goes rattling off after two of them
13:57 and leaves me with the rest.
13:59 Well, wait a minute.
14:00 You only brought in one.
14:01 What became of the others?
14:02 Well, sir, that fellow I brought in,
14:05 I knocked over at 100 yards.
14:08 And when the rest of them saw what a dead shot I was,
14:11 they I tainted over the hill.
14:14 And don't go on.
14:16 I find the gun empty and I can't reload.
14:20 Here's the rest of the offer, chief.
14:23 That's funny.
14:25 I could have sworn there was more of them.
14:28 Well, he wouldn't have got us
14:29 if he hadn't of pulled himself off with Granger.
14:31 Granger?
14:32 Hey, Jerry, lock these gents up.
14:34 I'll talk to them later.
14:36 Yes, sir.
14:37 Come on.
14:38 Sit down, Tom.
14:39 What do you make of that?
14:45 Now, you and Jerry better handle this, Tommy.
15:03 I'll go out there as a friend of Jack Ranger's.
15:06 Next day, Jerry comes along as a law.
15:08 But listen, Watson, somebody's got to tell Granger
15:11 that his son isn't coming back.
15:14 I guess that's up to you, Tom.
15:17 But you work that out between.
15:19 OK, chief.
15:20 We'll be leaving within an hour.
15:22 Good.
15:23 [singing]
15:30 [singing]
15:33 Say, you're terrible.
15:48 As a singer, I guess I'm not so good.
15:51 Now, me, I got a voice.
15:54 Say, one time when I was to a show--
15:56 Oh, you told me that one four times.
15:59 And different each time.
16:01 Let's go.
16:03 [singing]
16:06 Quit worrying, Dad.
16:19 I feel sure we'll hear from Jack today.
16:22 That's what we've been saying for months.
16:25 And we haven't heard from him in over two years.
16:28 In the meantime, our cattle are disappearing.
16:31 The Holkums, they--
16:32 Here comes someone.
16:34 Come on inside, Granger.
16:50 I got a proposition to make to you.
16:52 I don't care to hear it.
16:53 I don't want to hear from you, but from any of your pride.
16:56 You've been having plenty of trouble with your stock lately,
17:02 I hear.
17:03 You know darn well I have.
17:04 And you know who's responsible for the trouble.
17:06 Dad!
17:07 What do you want, Lance?
17:11 Ma wants to buy your place.
17:13 It's not for sale.
17:15 $5,000.
17:18 Spot cash.
17:20 That's enough money to buy a better ranch
17:23 and relieve you of all this trouble.
17:25 No.
17:32 We've been waiting to hear from my son, Jack.
17:36 I guess we can hold on a little longer.
17:38 You heard Dad's answer.
17:40 Keep your money.
17:41 I don't know, Sheila.
17:49 Maybe that's an easy way out.
17:53 Well, Lance, I--
17:54 Wait, Dad.
17:55 I want to tell you something.
17:56 I haven't told you before, Dad, but Jack
18:02 thought there was gold in Yellow Horse Canyon.
18:04 I thought so too once, but I've searched every foot of it.
18:08 Don't sell, Dad.
18:15 I can't fight any longer.
18:18 We'd better take what we can get.
18:22 All right, Holcomb, you win.
18:23 Let's put your names on this, boys, and make it plum legal.
18:31 I'll expect you to clear out of here in three days, Granger.
18:59 [footsteps]
19:01 Keep undercover.
19:22 If Granger leaves the place before dark, let me know.
19:24 I got you.
19:25 [footsteps]
19:26 Don't take it that way, honey.
19:33 Why, they'd have taken the ranch, and we wouldn't even have this.
19:36 They don't intend you to have it, Dad.
19:39 They mean to come back and get it.
19:40 Well, they won't come until tonight,
19:42 and I'm heading for town and the bank right now.
19:45 Goodbye, dear.
19:54 Goodbye, Dad, and be careful.
19:55 [gunshot]
20:08 [gunshot]
20:19 [gunshot]
20:20 [gunshot]
20:47 [gunshot]
20:48 [gunshot]
21:01 Jack!
21:12 [footsteps]
21:13 How about are you hurt, Granger?
21:26 Why, Jack, don't you know me?
21:28 I'm your dad.
21:30 You're John Granger, but I'm--
21:32 [groans]
21:33 Ooh.
21:34 Ow.
21:35 Let me take a look at that wound.
21:37 Ooh.
21:38 [footsteps]
21:39 Who did this?
21:42 I didn't get a look at him, but you ought to know, Jack.
21:46 If it wasn't Lance Holcomb, it was one of his men.
21:49 I wish you'd come a day sooner, Jack.
22:03 I've sold the ranch, but now I've got nothing to show for it.
22:07 That's all right.
22:08 We'll get the ranch back.
22:09 There's something I forgot to tell you.
22:12 Uh, your son--
22:13 Now, don't say anything about that now.
22:15 You may have been a little wild, but now you've come home to stay.
22:19 [footsteps]
22:36 [rain falling]
22:37 And you have come home to stay, ain't you, Jack?
22:44 Yes, Dad.
22:48 At any rate, until we get our ranch back.
22:51 [thunder]
22:52 [rain falling]
22:53 [rain falling]
22:54 [music]
23:17 [singing]
23:18 Who is that hombre?
23:28 He warbles like a dog on opry singer.
23:31 Strange of the means, hanging around here all day like he's waiting for someone.
23:35 [singing]
23:37 [singing]
23:38 [music fades]
23:51 [knocking]
24:04 [singing]
24:05 [knocking]
24:12 Oh, hold on.
24:13 [singing]
24:14 What happened to your wrist?
24:23 Oh, I tore it in the chaparral, chasing some strange.
24:26 [singing]
24:32 [clapping]
24:33 And let me look at that wrist.
24:36 Oh, I'm an expert on wounds and first aid.
24:40 Yeah?
24:41 How are you on minding your own business?
24:44 Well, not very good.
24:46 You know, I'm plum inquisitive.
24:50 You know, one time down in Laramie, I got so curious
24:54 that I tried to find out how much money was in the bank.
25:00 Then the sheriff came along with his posse.
25:03 You never found out about the money?
25:05 No.
25:06 Doggone it, I had bad luck.
25:09 Among the seven fellows I killed, was the only man in town that knew the combination.
25:14 [laughter]
25:15 Hey boys, let's have that trail song again, will ya?
25:24 [music]
25:26 [grunting]
25:27 [singing]
25:37 [music]
25:38 Did you get it?
25:59 [music]
26:00 What's that?
26:13 Did you let that old man get the drop on you?
26:16 I dropped Granger all right.
26:18 It was his son, Jack, that creased me.
26:20 Jack Granger, eh?
26:25 Then he did come home.
26:28 Oh, Dad, you're hurt.
26:49 What's happened?
26:50 Don't mind me, honey.
26:52 Look who I've brought home.
26:55 [crickets chirping]
26:57 Oh, Jack, you're here.
27:02 But I'm, uh...
27:04 Yeah, but I'm...
27:06 You know, we've...
27:07 Now, look, but I'm, uh...
27:08 Let me explain, though.
27:10 Oh, Dad.
27:12 Who did this?
27:14 Whoever did has got the mark of one of my bullets on him.
27:17 I'll look for him tomorrow.
27:19 Let's take a look at your wound, Dad.
27:22 And this time, he's going to hold a council of war.
27:25 Listen, boys.
27:38 I've kept tab on Jack Granger ever since he left here two years ago.
27:43 The last time I heard of him before today, he was a member of the Tony Marsh gang.
27:49 That makes him fair game for any gent that wants to win a reward.
27:54 All right, boys.
27:57 Ma says there's no closed season on bandits and rustlers.
28:01 Son.
28:09 Yes, Ma.
28:10 Be careful.
28:12 You know your butt's that stick-up job.
28:14 And mistakes like that will get you a hemp necktie.
28:17 Don't worry.
28:19 Looks better than it did when you fixed it this afternoon, Jack.
28:40 It's coming along fine, Dad.
28:42 You know...
28:46 Somebody wants this ranch mighty badly.
28:49 It's not worth the price Hogan paid, even if he's not the man that robbed you.
28:53 The question is, what are they after?
28:56 Why, Jack, you ought to know what they want.
29:00 Remember what you said to me when you went away?
29:03 You said I was to keep it a secret.
29:08 Sure.
29:09 But you can tell it now.
29:11 After Jack found traces of gold in Yellow Horse Canyon, he went out to raise money to work it.
29:16 You were wrong there, Jack.
29:18 There's no gold on this place.
29:20 Now, if the Holkoms expect to find gold...
29:23 But, Dad, Jack knows it's there, don't you, Jack?
29:25 He can tell you the very spot.
29:28 I guess I can find it again when the time comes.
29:32 I guess we'd better turn in.
29:35 Tomorrow's going to be a very busy day.
29:37 Yeah.
30:05 I'm back again.
30:07 So I see.
30:08 You should be in bed.
30:10 Oh, sit down.
30:11 I've got to talk to you.
30:13 It's about Lance.
30:15 Who?
30:16 Lance Holkom.
30:18 Oh, Lance. Yeah, Lance.
30:20 He wants me to marry him.
30:22 May I have a drink?
30:24 Oh, sure. I forgot.
30:26 I'm sorry.
30:27 I'm sorry.
30:28 I remembered your old weakness, Jack, but I forgot to bring it in.
30:48 Now, about this Lance Holkom that wants to marry you...
30:52 Do you love him?
30:55 No, I despise him.
30:57 But I thought maybe if I married him, it would stop all this fighting.
31:01 Now, throwing yourself to the wolves won't settle anything.
31:04 I'll look Lance over tomorrow.
31:08 Now, I'm going to go to bed.
31:11 Good night.
31:12 Good night.
31:13 I'll look Lance over tomorrow.
31:16 Now, you better go to bed.
31:19 All right, Jack.
31:20 But first we'll have our song.
31:22 You remember the old trail song?
31:24 Come along, boys, listen to my tale,
31:35 and I'll tell you all my troubles on the old trail.
31:38 Come a-tie-a-yippie-yippie-yippie-yay, come a-tie-a-yippie-yippie-yay.
31:43 Left Texas on October 23rd, and traveled up the trail with the two.
31:47 You heard, come a-tie-a-yippie-yippie-yippie-yay, come a-tie-a-yippie-yippie-yay.
31:52 Why, Jack, you've forgotten it.
31:55 I'll have to teach you all over again.
31:57 Yeah, I haven't been doing much singing lately.
32:00 Well, there's no time like the present to learn.
32:04 Boys, listen to my tale, and I'll tell you all my troubles on the old trail.
32:08 Come a-tie-a-yippie-yippie-yippie-yay, come a-tie-a-yippie-yippie-yay.
32:14 Left Texas on October 23rd, and traveled up the trail with the two.
32:18 You heard, come a-tie-a-yippie-yippie-yippie-yay, come a-tie-a-yippie-yippie-yay.
32:24 Rippled my horse, I don't know how.
32:27 Broken at the horns of a two-u-calf.
32:29 I heard it and I hollered and I done very well, till the boss said "Boy's just late."
32:45 So I went to the boss, how to draw my rolls, he figured me out, 5 dollars in the holes.
32:53 [singing]
32:57 [gunshots]
33:04 [gunshots]
33:11 [gunshots]
33:18 [gunshots]
33:32 Stay there!
33:36 [gunshots]
33:45 Cover that up there, they'll see.
33:56 Come on Jack, let's go get 'em.
33:58 No use, they'll be a mile away before we're saddled.
34:01 Let's go inside, we know where to find 'em when we want 'em.
34:21 They've got the deed, they've got the money.
34:24 What more do they want?
34:25 They want me.
34:27 What?
34:28 The deed isn't so good while there's a witness to the hold up alive.
34:32 That's right.
34:57 You John Granger?
35:10 Mighty pretty scenery you have around here Mr. Granger.
35:13 What do you want?
35:15 Who are you?
35:16 Jerry McLean, ma'am, at your service.
35:19 Terrible bandits and bad men and chief thief catcher of the Cattlemen's Association.
35:25 You wrote you needed help?
35:28 Well this ain't a one man job.
35:31 Listen Pop, when there's trouble in this state, the governor's only got one problem.
35:37 That's rather to call out to Malaysia or send for Jerry McLean.
35:41 We may not need you now Mr. McLean.
35:44 You see my brother Jack came home yesterday.
35:46 He what?
35:48 Well, where is he now?
35:52 Well he rode over to the Holcomb Ranch.
35:55 Come into the house and I'll explain.
36:20 All right old timer, let's look him over.
36:25 Of course we've got no proof it was the Holcombs.
36:28 But I'll bet a plug nickel that Jack finds out.
36:34 The chump.
36:35 Why didn't he wait until I got here?
36:38 He's not a chump.
36:39 And how could he know you were coming?
36:41 That's right.
36:42 He couldn't.
36:44 Not unless the governor sent you a wire.
36:48 He must have overlooked it.
36:51 Where is this Holcomb place?
36:53 The first ranch on your left as you ride south.
36:56 I better give Jack a hand.
37:22 Ouch.
37:32 Oh my, there's somebody at the door.
37:45 Jack Granger.
37:46 Well we heard you were home.
37:48 Well this might enable you to call.
37:52 You remember Lance?
37:58 Sure, I know him.
38:01 What happened to your hand, Lance?
38:04 A horse kicked me.
38:26 You better do something about that bad horse, Lance.
38:30 Or you won't have a whole night left on the place.
38:33 I intend to do something about it, Jack.
38:36 Just what are you doing here?
38:38 To tell you since you got your money back,
38:41 you'd better hand over that deed.
38:52 I heard you'd gone to stick up game, Jack.
39:21 Come on.
39:50 Put down that gun, Grandma.
40:04 I can shoot the eye out of a net at 40 yards.
40:13 What's going on around here?
40:16 I'm the law.
40:18 I'm glad you came, officer.
40:20 That man there is Jack Granger, member of the Tony Marsh gang.
40:23 He stuck up the place to get this deed that his father had signed.
40:29 Well, what have you got to say?
40:32 She's right.
40:33 I'm Granger.
40:36 I'll hold it here with your eyes.
40:38 Sorry, ma'am.
40:40 I didn't get here in time to save your furniture.
40:43 Come on, tough guy.
40:45 Get going.
40:47 On your way.
41:04 Shovel.
41:17 Now get a board.
41:19 Run.
41:31 Come on now.
41:32 Get going.
41:37 Fine bunch.
41:39 Don't rub it in.
41:40 With Jack in jail, we'll have a free hand.
41:42 We've got nothing.
41:43 That cow detective will be back here as soon as he locks up his prisoner.
42:11 What's the idea of running away?
42:14 I could have captured that whole gang single-handed.
42:17 I say, one time when I was in Waco, Texas--
42:19 Yes, I know.
42:20 You told me all about that.
42:21 Now listen.
42:22 We can't run up the Holcomb's unless we establish a motive.
42:25 They'd feed us in court.
42:28 You boys settle up pronto.
42:36 This won't be worth a cent when Jack Granger starts talking in court.
42:39 We've got to get that gold.
42:41 I will, Ma.
42:44 And they both mistook me for Jack.
42:46 It was the only way to make Holcomb show their hand.
42:49 It was a tough job.
42:51 Don't tell me.
42:52 I saw the girl.
42:54 You get a posse from town.
42:55 And if I play my cards right, those owners will leave me to the gold.
42:59 Right.
43:28 What's happened, son?
43:29 Oh, Jack.
43:30 Wait.
43:31 I've got to tell you something.
43:33 I'm not Jack.
43:39 Well, one of the Holcombs must have tapped you on the head, boy.
43:46 Granger, your son Jack was killed two days ago.
43:52 I'm Tom Wade of the Protective Association.
44:10 I was bringing you the news of Jack's death when you mistook me for him.
44:15 So I played my cards right.
44:17 I was bringing you the news of Jack's death when you mistook me for him.
44:22 So I played the part to bring your enemies into the open.
44:26 Jack got your letter.
44:28 He was on his way home to help you.
44:38 But what are we going to do now?
44:40 They're out for town at once.
44:41 Both of you.
44:42 The gang will be here any minute.
44:55 Come on out, Granger!
45:07 Stand by.
45:36 He's Vamos?
45:49 How about he's Jack Tiptoe where the mine is?
46:04 I'm going to go check on him.
46:33 Now, you boys understand, I just need you as witnesses.
46:55 When there's less than six men to take, I usually handle it alone.
47:01 Have you been bashful like that all your life?
47:05 Let's go, Wild Bill!
47:31 Well, it don't look like there's been anybody here.
48:00 Bring me the dynamite and fuse.
48:29 I'll go get it.
48:58 Where's that rip-roaring son of yours?
49:16 Your brother officer, Mr. Wade, followed the Holcombs to Yellow Horse Canyon.
49:20 Well, for God's sakes, show us to the Yellow Horse.
49:28 Don't worry.
49:29 I drilled that hole deep enough to give us plenty of free gold.
49:32 We have to make a getaway.
50:01 I'll go get it.
50:29 I'll go get it.
50:58 Reach for the ceiling, boys.
51:21 Jack Granger!
51:32 Sorry to have misled you, boys.
51:35 Now, stand steady while I take those guns.
51:45 Granger's dead.
52:11 Jack!
52:40 Jack!
52:41 Jack!
52:42 Jack!
52:44 Jack!
52:50 Jack!
53:05 There's a mine!
53:34 Jack!
53:36 Jack!
53:37 Jack!
53:39 Jack!
53:42 Jack!
53:50 Jack!
53:59 Jack!
54:09 Jack!
54:33 Thanks for coming, boys.
54:34 You're welcome.
55:02 Oh, I thought you'd be back.
55:10 So Lance buggered it after all, eh?
55:13 Yep.
55:16 You're wanted in town.
55:18 Well, Lance never was much a count.
55:20 Let's go.
55:31 I'm gonna miss my new brother, Tom.
55:34 Uh, suppose we drop the brother business.
55:38 If I were properly persuaded, I might, uh...
55:42 When are you coming back?
55:44 Won't be long.
55:46 [music]