Charting the Buffalo Bills' Downfall under Allen and McDermott

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - If this was a one-off, okay, chalk it up.
00:06 One of the better teams in the league,
00:07 you lost to, you couldn't get it done.
00:10 But we have a pattern here now
00:12 with Josh Allen at quarterback
00:14 and McDermott as a head coach, don't we?
00:18 This isn't just, you know, happenstance.
00:20 This, there's an issue.
00:22 And yes, while you can compete,
00:24 whatever that ingredient is that championship teams have
00:29 that allow them to win games like that on a regular basis,
00:33 this team does not have.
00:36 And it's more so this year, I think,
00:38 than we've seen in years past,
00:40 because they're not even,
00:41 they're losing games they should be winning.
00:44 And then when given the opportunity to win games
00:46 that maybe they shouldn't win, they still can't get it done.
00:50 So I don't know what it is.
00:52 It ain't offensive coordinator related, I'll tell you that.
00:55 (upbeat music)
00:57 (upbeat music)
