DOA: Dead or Alive (2006)

  • last year
DOA: Dead or Alive is a 2006 action film based on the fighting video game franchise Dead or Alive developed by Team Ninja and published by Tecmo. It is directed by Corey Yuen and written by J. F. Lawton and Adam and Seth Gross.
00:00:00 (door slams)
00:00:02 (silence)
00:00:04 (silence)
00:00:06 (door slams)
00:00:12 (door creaks)
00:00:23 (door creaks)
00:00:26 (door slams)
00:00:32 (intense music)
00:01:01 - Princess Kasumi.
00:01:02 Your brother is dead.
00:01:06 Your destiny is to lead your people.
00:01:09 - I will not believe he is dead until I see his body.
00:01:18 - There is no body.
00:01:21 - Then he is not dead.
00:01:24 I am going to find him.
00:01:28 - The guards won't let you leave.
00:01:29 I am not a cricket in a box.
00:01:32 I alone determine my destiny.
00:01:34 - But Princess, as your brother's best friend,
00:01:37 you must let me help you.
00:01:38 - If my brother is really dead,
00:01:41 then you are no longer his best friend.
00:01:44 - Princess Kasumi, if you leave,
00:01:47 you suffer the same fate as your brother.
00:01:49 You will become an outcast.
00:01:51 A shinobi.
00:01:53 - So be it.
00:01:59 - Princess, the guards will kill you.
00:02:02 (intense music)
00:02:11, (footsteps)
00:02:16, (intense music)
00:02:21, (footsteps), (intense music)
00:02:26 (footsteps)
00:02:28 (footsteps)
00:02:30 (footsteps)
00:02:33 (footsteps)
00:02:35 (sword clashing)
00:02:38 (intense music)
00:02:41 (sword clashing)
00:03:03 - Ayane, I know of your love for my brother.
00:03:06 I will find Hayate and bring him home.
00:03:10 - Princess Kasumi, (footsteps)
00:03:17 I beg you, do not leave the clan.
00:03:19 - I'm your servant, but if you leave,
00:03:27 I'm honor-bound to kill you.
00:03:31 (sword clashing)
00:03:34 (intense music)
00:03:41 (sword clashing)
00:03:50 (intense music)
00:03:55 (sword clashing)
00:03:58 (sword clashing)
00:04:11 (intense music)
00:04:15 (sword clashing)
00:04:26 (intense music)
00:04:29 - Miss Armstrong, I'm sorry to interrupt,
00:04:38 but it's your father again.
00:04:40 - I told you, I'm busy.
00:04:41 - But Miss Armstrong, he just--
00:04:43 - Hey, put him on speaker.
00:04:45 - Very good.
00:04:46 - Hi, Dad, what's up?
00:04:48 - Sweetheart, I just hope you know what you're giving up.
00:04:51 - Dad, we already talked about this.
00:04:53 - But if you get the afternoon flight,
00:04:55 you can still make it to the tag team championship
00:04:57 in Des Moines.
00:04:58 - Dad, I already told you, I am done wrestling.
00:05:00 I'm done being fake, I'm done.
00:05:02 - Sweetheart?
00:05:04 Are you there?
00:05:07 - Hey, Dad, I'm gonna have to call you back
00:05:10 in a minute, okay?
00:05:11 (speaking in foreign language)
00:05:16 (speaking in foreign language)
00:05:20 - Miss Armstrong?
00:05:29 - Miss Armstrong?
00:05:32 - Here's the deal, lady.
00:05:43 We want the yacht.
00:05:45 If you do exactly as we say, you live.
00:05:48 If you don't, then you'll pay with excruciating--
00:05:52 - New deal, boys.
00:05:53 You boys get off my yacht now,
00:05:58 and y'all will avoid excruciating pain.
00:06:01 (grunting)
00:06:05 (dramatic music)
00:06:08 (grunting)
00:06:10 (grunting)
00:06:13 (grunting)
00:06:15 (grunting)
00:06:17 (grunting)
00:06:19 (dramatic music)
00:06:22 - You need some help, buddy?
00:06:49 It's okay, come on.
00:06:51 Come on, it's okay.
00:06:53 I'll give you a hand.
00:06:54 Yeah.
00:06:55 Yeah.
00:06:58 (grunting)
00:07:00 (upbeat music)
00:07:06 - Mm, what do you know?
00:07:13 Looks like I'm going to the ball after all.
00:07:16 (dramatic music)
00:07:18 - May I help you?
00:07:32 - You're under arrest.
00:07:34 Someone broke into the safe at the Hotel Peking last night.
00:07:44 Stole cash and diamonds.
00:07:46 We received an anonymous tip it was you.
00:07:49 - It was Max.
00:07:50 - He said it was you.
00:07:51 - You just said your tip was anonymous.
00:07:55 - Hmm, tell me about the diamonds.
00:07:57 - Well, they're a girl's best friend.
00:08:01 Made from carbon, subjected to high pressure.
00:08:03 Traditionally a 60th wedding anniversary gift.
00:08:07 And they're forever.
00:08:08 - Well, perhaps spending a few hours in a cold cell
00:08:11 under some hot lights will make you
00:08:12 a little more agreeable.
00:08:15 - I at least get dressed first.
00:08:17 - Be my guest.
00:08:18 (upbeat music)
00:08:22 (dramatic music)
00:08:25 - Would you hand me my bra, please?
00:08:48 (dramatic music)
00:08:51 (dramatic music)
00:08:54 (dramatic music)
00:08:56 - Do me up.
00:09:21 (dramatic music)
00:09:24 (dramatic music)
00:09:30 - Evening.
00:09:46 (dramatic music)
00:09:49 (groaning)
00:10:02 (dramatic music)
00:10:05 (groaning)
00:10:15 (dramatic music)
00:10:18 (dramatic music)
00:10:21 (dramatic music)
00:10:24 (tires screeching)
00:10:27 (dramatic music)
00:10:53 - Yasumi has abandoned the temple.
00:10:56 She has become Shinobi, an outcast.
00:10:59 A disgrace to the clan like a brother before her.
00:11:06 You must follow her.
00:11:08 Find her and kill her.
00:11:10 (dramatic music)
00:11:14 - Welcome to the world's greatest
00:11:18 martial arts tournament, DOA.
00:11:21 I'm Helena Douglas and I wanna thank you
00:11:24 for accepting our invitation.
00:11:26 Each of you has been individually selected
00:11:28 because you represent the best fighting style
00:11:31 in your specialized field.
00:11:32 Soon, you will get a chance to prove
00:11:35 that you are the best fighter in the world.
00:11:37 And at the same time, pick up a $10 million prize.
00:11:41 In the meantime, relax before the real fun begins.
00:11:45 - This is so embarrassing, Dad.
00:11:47 I cannot believe you're here.
00:11:49 - What, I got an invitation just like you.
00:11:51 - Athena Armstrong.
00:11:53 - Baby.
00:11:54 - So how come you're here?
00:11:57 I mean, that lady just said,
00:11:58 the best in your fighting style.
00:12:01 If I recall, you're a wrestler.
00:12:03 Wrestling and really fighting now, is it?
00:12:06 - Lord, can I just believe you?
00:12:07 - I sure would like to be.
00:12:09 - Dad.
00:12:10 - Whatever.
00:12:17 - I cannot wait to kick his ass.
00:12:20 - Why do you follow me?
00:12:24 - I was invited to DOA.
00:12:26 I promise not to harm you.
00:12:28 - Unless we meet in a match.
00:12:31 Max.
00:12:31 Max.
00:12:35 Listen, I don't know who you're pretending to be
00:12:41 or how you got yourself invited to DOA.
00:12:45 What I do know is you left me alone in my Hong Kong hotel.
00:12:49 - I would never leave such a woman as you alone.
00:12:54 Especially not in a hotel room.
00:12:57 - I'm winning the $10 million prize money.
00:12:59 And if I get to put your double-dealing ass
00:13:02 in the decon, dead or alive.
00:13:04 - Ah.
00:13:05 - So much the better.
00:13:07 Let me help you with that.
00:13:10 - Hey everybody.
00:13:13 I hope you're enjoying the flight.
00:13:15 My welcome gift to you is this.
00:13:18 To get to DOA Island, you have to bail out now.
00:13:21 Parachutes are under your seat.
00:13:24 Just aim for the Buddha on your left.
00:13:27 Have fun.
00:13:28 Oh, and one more thing.
00:13:30 Whoever doesn't make it to the compound
00:13:31 by sundown is disqualified.
00:13:33 - Princess, allow me to go first.
00:13:43 (dramatic music)
00:13:46 (roaring)
00:13:48 (dramatic music)
00:13:51, (roaring)
00:13:56 (dramatic music)
00:13:58 - Looks like we landed off target.
00:14:22 (dramatic music)
00:14:24 - How in hell are we supposed to get up there?
00:14:29 - We'd better get going.
00:14:31 - Well, you're both on your own.
00:14:32 I don't do teams.
00:14:34 - That's fine with me.
00:14:35 Any team you're part of is bound to lose anyway.
00:14:39 - Well, I'll remember that when I'm collecting the $10 million.
00:14:43 (dramatic music)
00:14:46 - Okay, here goes.
00:14:47 Race ya.
00:14:50 (dramatic music)
00:14:53 (dramatic music)
00:14:55 (dramatic music)
00:14:58 (dramatic music)
00:15:01 (dramatic music)
00:15:04 (dramatic music)
00:15:07 (dramatic music)
00:15:35 - If we're going to make it, we need to work together.
00:15:40 (dramatic music)
00:15:44 - Hey.
00:16:04 (dramatic music)
00:16:06 Ow, sorry.
00:16:07 (screaming)
00:16:20 (dramatic music)
00:16:23 - Oh God.
00:16:29 What are you doing down there?
00:16:32 Jesus, hurry up.
00:16:34 We gotta go.
00:16:40 - Thanks guys.
00:16:43 - Hey, what took you guys so long?
00:16:52 - Who the hell is that?
00:16:54 - Trust me, you don't want to know.
00:17:01 - Welcome to DOA.
00:17:03 Glad you made it.
00:17:05 (dramatic music)
00:17:08 I'm afraid you guys were the last to arrive.
00:17:17 Now if you'll all follow me,
00:17:18 I will conduct you to the others.
00:17:30 - [Announcer] DOA Combats.
00:17:32 Your host, Dr. Victor Donovan.
00:17:35 - Welcome to you all.
00:17:41 Dead or Alive was created by the late, great,
00:17:47 Fame Douglas, Helena's father and my very good friend.
00:17:52 Fame's will decreed this tournament
00:17:56 and as of this year, marking her 21st birthday,
00:17:59 I will be the first to announce
00:18:01 the winner of the Helena's participation.
00:18:04 My assistants will escort you to the lab
00:18:07 where you will now undergo a complete physical.
00:18:11 Once you pass your physicals, DOA begins.
00:18:15 - This thing kind of reminds me of a disco.
00:18:21 - Zack. - Yeah.
00:18:26 - May I please remind you the importance of this procedure?
00:18:29 - I would hope to contain him a little bit.
00:18:33 - What do you got there?
00:18:39 Some modern ministry chair.
00:18:41 I'm sorry, sweetheart, am I?
00:18:45 (upbeat music)
00:18:48 - Weatherby, have you got those diagnostic reports
00:19:09 I requested?
00:19:10 Thank you.
00:19:12 And how do our contestants look?
00:19:15 - We got a strong group, sir.
00:19:17 They look really good.
00:19:19 - Bring up Tina Armstrong.
00:19:21 I was impressed with her musculature.
00:19:24 - Oh, God, this is gonna hurt.
00:19:31 - Standard procedure, Miss Armstrong.
00:19:33 Everyone's going through this.
00:19:35 (explosion)
00:19:37 - Other nanobots broadcasting.
00:19:43 - Perfectly.
00:19:45 The contestants are online.
00:19:46 All metabolic functions and muscle movements
00:19:48 are being broadcast and ready to download to computer.
00:19:50 - Good.
00:19:51 Start the contestant database.
00:19:54 - We are up and recording.
00:19:59 (explosion)
00:20:06 (dramatic music)
00:20:09 (dramatic music)
00:20:12 (dramatic music)
00:20:14 (dramatic music)
00:20:17 (dramatic music)
00:20:20 (dramatic music)
00:20:22 (dramatic music)
00:20:34 (dramatic music)
00:20:37 (dramatic music)
00:20:40 - This is Donovan to all combatants.
00:21:06 Welcome to DOA.
00:21:07 Fights can happen any time, any place, against anyone.
00:21:13 I select matchups based on computer analysis
00:21:16 of the most competitive scenarios.
00:21:19 The computer will broadcast your opponent's image
00:21:23 to your ID bracelet.
00:21:24 No weapons are allowed in a DOA fight
00:21:29 except the human weapon.
00:21:31 - Get ready, fight!
00:21:33 (dramatic music)
00:21:36 - To win, you must knock out your opponent.
00:21:45 Losers will be sent home.
00:21:47 (dramatic music)
00:21:49 (dramatic music)
00:21:52 (dramatic music)
00:21:55 (dramatic music)
00:21:58 (dramatic music)
00:22:00 (dramatic music)
00:22:04 (dramatic music)
00:22:07 (dramatic music)
00:22:12 - Bayman wins.
00:22:23 (dramatic music)
00:22:26 K.O.
00:22:29 Christy wins.
00:22:32 (dramatic music)
00:22:35 - Hey, Elena.
00:22:43 - K.O.
00:22:46 Elena wins.
00:22:48 K.O.
00:22:54 Hayabusa wins.
00:22:56 (dramatic music)
00:23:01 (screaming)
00:23:03 K.O.
00:23:06 Jentu wins.
00:23:08 (thunder rumbling)
00:23:22 (grunting)
00:23:29 (thunder rumbling)
00:23:32 (speaking foreign language)
00:23:36 (speaking foreign language)
00:23:39 (dramatic music)
00:23:42 (thunder rumbling)
00:23:45 (dramatic music)
00:23:49 (grunting)
00:23:51 (dramatic music)
00:23:54 (grunting)
00:23:56 (dramatic music)
00:23:59 (grunting)
00:24:02 (dramatic music)
00:24:05 (grunting)
00:24:07 (dramatic music)
00:24:10 (grunting)
00:24:12 - Princess Kasumi.
00:24:36 Sister of Ayate.
00:24:39 It is an honor to meet you.
00:24:41 - I came to find my brother.
00:24:45 I have been told he died last year at DOA.
00:24:48 I want to know what happened.
00:24:51 - Your brother was a great and noble fighter.
00:24:53 He met his end with dignity.
00:24:56 Ayate was matched against Leon.
00:24:59 (dramatic music)
00:25:07 Ayate fell from this very balcony.
00:25:10 We never found his body.
00:25:12 I hope you would choose to stay with us at the tournament
00:25:15 and fight in the same spirit that made your brother so great.
00:25:19 - You will win, DOA.
00:25:26 You're the best in the world.
00:25:30 - Thank you, little sister.
00:25:32 When I leave, I will be a shinobi,
00:25:35 and I must accept this challenge.
00:25:38 - I wish I could go with you.
00:25:39 - No.
00:25:40 You have to stay and lead the clan.
00:25:43 Farewell, Kasumi.
00:25:47 Hayabusa will protect you.
00:25:49 - Hayabusa.
00:26:04 - Why do you invade my privacy this way?
00:26:08 - She is here.
00:26:09 - I know.
00:26:11 I have seen her.
00:26:12 - I beg you once again, princess.
00:26:16 Go home.
00:26:17 Ask for forgiveness.
00:26:20 You have a responsibility to your people.
00:26:22 - But I also have a responsibility to my brother.
00:26:26 Donovan is lying.
00:26:29 He says Leon killed Hayate above the Buddha head.
00:26:33 - Why would he lie?
00:26:35 - I am convinced he is hiding the truth.
00:26:39 - What do you propose to do?
00:26:42 - Find my brother.
00:26:44 - Then I will help you.
00:26:48 Hayate was like a brother to me, too.
00:27:02 - Be careful, Kasumi.
00:27:04 - I knew you'd miss me.
00:27:22 - That's presumptuous.
00:27:23 - No, it's Periegeu et Belopoc 88.
00:27:26 - So how did you survive the first round?
00:27:32 - I feigned an injury, so Zack went through.
00:27:35 You know I set you up in Hong Kong on purpose.
00:27:40 You'd never have come here if you'd gone away
00:27:41 with all that money, and you wouldn't have been invited
00:27:43 to DOA without demolishing the pride of the Hong Kong police.
00:27:48 - Don't tell me you want me to help you steal
00:27:49 the $10 million prize money.
00:27:52 - Try 100 million.
00:27:54 Just waiting for us in a vault on the island.
00:28:01 - What do we have to catch?
00:28:03 - We have to find the vault and we have to crack the code.
00:28:07 The usual.
00:28:08 Shall I tell you more?
00:28:12 - Later.
00:28:14 Right now, I'd prefer you do something else with your mouth.
00:28:19 - Well, well, well.
00:28:26 Don't you just love this place?
00:28:29 - Mm?
00:28:30 Mm, mm, mm.
00:28:31 You know what I especially love?
00:28:38 The view.
00:28:40 Want some?
00:28:46 - I'll pass.
00:28:47 - Oh, it's been quite a day, sir.
00:28:52 I want to see Kasumi in action.
00:28:56 - Your data is stronger than I expected.
00:28:59 Let's match her against Leon.
00:29:01 - Leon?
00:29:01 That's harsh.
00:29:04 - Now that she's decided to stay,
00:29:06 let's see how she compares to her brother.
00:29:08 - Mm.
00:29:09 (electronic beeping)
00:29:14 (dramatic music)
00:29:19 (footsteps)
00:29:22 (electronic beeping)
00:29:29 - Before I take your life,
00:29:43 will you repent for leaving the clan?
00:29:46 My only goal is to find out what happened to my brother.
00:29:50 Leon.
00:29:55 - Rigged service.
00:29:59 You wanna play, little girl?
00:30:14 (grunting)
00:30:16 (yelling)
00:30:30 (yelling)
00:30:41 - So, according to my source, Helena is the key.
00:30:45 - Helena is the key.
00:30:48 (laughing)
00:30:51 Felt the earth move.
00:30:52 - That's the desired effect.
00:30:54 - No, really, I felt the earth move.
00:30:55 (yelling)
00:30:58 (grunting)
00:31:02 (electricity crackling)
00:31:08 (grunting)
00:31:10 (grunting)
00:31:12 - Come on, loosen up.
00:31:14 You were way too beautiful to be this tense.
00:31:17 Maybe a little quality time with Zack will loosen you up.
00:31:19 Hmm?
00:31:20 (grunting)
00:31:23 (grunting)
00:31:28 (grunting)
00:31:39 (grunting)
00:31:41 - You couldn't have killed my brother.
00:31:53 Close your eyes.
00:31:58 Keep 'em closed.
00:32:02 - Okay.
00:32:03 - You're wearing way too much clothing.
00:32:05 - Hey now.
00:32:08 - I'm talking to Daddy, lady, follow me.
00:32:11 (grunting)
00:32:17 - Oh, shit!
00:32:19 - Tina!
00:32:23 - Quite a fight.
00:32:27 Consuming us up to her brother's reputation.
00:32:31 One quarter final spot left.
00:32:33 Looks like a father-daughter grudge match.
00:32:36 - Yeah.
00:32:38 - So, they're gonna sleep here.
00:32:39 My room is an absolute wreck.
00:32:42 (gunshot)
00:32:43 - Tina, it's showtime.
00:32:45 - Dad, not now, I'm in my underwear.
00:32:50 - Which I hate.
00:32:51 - Well, you can't just sleep in the nude like me.
00:32:53 I'll never know.
00:32:54 - Oh, my God.
00:32:57 - No, Dad, she's just another fighter.
00:32:59 We're just sleeping together.
00:33:00 - Yeah, I can see that.
00:33:01 - No, no, I mean, we're not sleeping together.
00:33:05 We're just sleeping.
00:33:07 - Seems to be like my baby girl's
00:33:08 found herself a special friend.
00:33:11 We'll settle up tomorrow, sweetie.
00:33:13 Nice to meet you, miss.
00:33:14 - Oh, it's Christie.
00:33:16 - Tina's real name's Christina.
00:33:18 - Dad!
00:33:19 - Go on.
00:33:23 - Thanks a lot, bitch.
00:33:25 - Save your strength, sweetheart.
00:33:27 Big day tomorrow fighting Daddy.
00:33:30 - Dr. Donovan, you should take a look at this.
00:33:35 Have you seen this Max character?
00:33:37 A DOA fighter.
00:33:38 Yeah, right, this guy's a total fake.
00:33:41 We should kick him off the island.
00:33:43 - You're just worried this phony
00:33:45 is making the moves on your dream girl.
00:33:48 I can't have him removed from DOA Island,
00:33:51 or I can have some fun.
00:33:53 Punch up, Bayman.
00:33:54 - Good call, sir.
00:33:56 (gunshot)
00:33:58 - Yeah!
00:33:59 Hey, buddy, you're fired up!
00:34:02 (screaming)
00:34:05 (thud)
00:34:07 - You know, that was an accident.
00:34:11 Mine wasn't.
00:34:12 (grunting)
00:34:16 - Wow.
00:34:24 I had the worst sleep ever last night.
00:34:33 Christy kept stealing all the blankets.
00:34:36 You know, are you sure this is such a good idea?
00:34:38 Because those things look really sharp.
00:34:41 - Acupuncture has many medicinal qualities,
00:34:46 but in a ninja's hands, it can be lethal.
00:34:50 - Ow!
00:34:51 - Huh.
00:34:55 That actually feels better.
00:34:57 - Enough!
00:35:02 (splashing)
00:35:04 - Careful, baby.
00:35:06 - Sweetie, I'm coming to bad time again, haven't I?
00:35:10 Does Christy know about you two?
00:35:12 - Dad!
00:35:13 You know what?
00:35:15 Let's just go ahead and get this over with.
00:35:16 My raft, my rules.
00:35:18 Whoever falls in the water first, loses.
00:35:21 - Fair enough, Tina.
00:35:22 (upbeat music)
00:35:30 (grunting)
00:35:32 - No!
00:35:39 Dad, you bit me!
00:35:41 - Sorry, old rusted reflex.
00:35:43 - Dad, you have to understand.
00:35:45 I'm here to prove that I'm not a fake.
00:35:48 Even if that means I have to hurt you.
00:35:51 (grunting)
00:35:55 - You're mine!
00:36:00 - Nice try, sweetie.
00:36:02 (grunting)
00:36:04 - Dad, you're not taking this seriously.
00:36:20 (grunting)
00:36:23 (splashing)
00:36:25 (grunting)
00:36:27 - Yes!
00:36:33 Ha!
00:36:34 (grunting)
00:36:38 (laughing)
00:36:40 (upbeat music)
00:36:43 (laughing)
00:36:46 - Seriously, give me that.
00:36:47 - Stop it.
00:36:48 - Personally.
00:36:49 ♪ Stroke light ♪
00:36:50 ♪ Somebody tell me where the party at ♪
00:36:51 ♪ When the place is live and the hot girls are at ♪
00:36:53 ♪ When it's dark and find yourself a kitty cat ♪
00:36:55 ♪ When we can lose our minds ♪
00:36:56 ♪ Like we don't know how to act ♪
00:36:57 ♪ Let me know when you see it ♪
00:36:58 ♪ Let me know if you close the door ♪
00:37:00 - I have a question.
00:37:01 Do you do squat?
00:37:05 - Sorry.
00:37:06 Just let me have my hands.
00:37:08 - We're playing volleyball, you want in?
00:37:11 - Yeah, let's play.
00:37:12 - If you must know, I was working.
00:37:17 - No, working it.
00:37:19 Seemed a better description.
00:37:22 (upbeat music)
00:37:24 - Elena and I take on all comers.
00:37:28 - Hey Kasumi, come on, let's go kick some ass.
00:37:31 (laughing)
00:37:34 - I just hope you're better at volleyball
00:37:37 than you are at seduction.
00:37:39 (laughing)
00:37:41 50, says Latina, gets her little ass stomped.
00:37:45 You know, I second thought,
00:37:48 why don't we just go ahead and make it a whole dump?
00:37:50 (upbeat music)
00:37:53 - Oh.
00:38:02 - Hi Obusa, are you all right?
00:38:06 - Yeah.
00:38:08 Do you think you can manage to keep him occupied?
00:38:15 I'd like to explore his lab, search for signs of hiati.
00:38:19 - I can try.
00:38:20 Hey Kasumi, come on.
00:38:25 - Oh, party people, gather round.
00:38:27 I hope you're enjoying the fun in the sun
00:38:30 before the day is done.
00:38:31 We got some hot action.
00:38:33 Now without further ado, let's get this game started
00:38:44 for all of you, DOA style.
00:38:47 Bring it on.
00:38:49 (upbeat music)
00:38:51 (grunting)
00:38:54 (upbeat music)
00:38:56 (grunting)
00:38:59 (upbeat music)
00:39:01 - First to five wins, both teams.
00:39:04 (upbeat music)
00:39:15 (grunting)
00:39:23 (upbeat music)
00:39:26 - Oh, this action is hot.
00:39:42 (upbeat music)
00:39:44 (upbeat music)
00:39:47 (upbeat music)
00:39:49 (upbeat music)
00:39:52 - Oh, Christie with the monster smash.
00:40:18 - You go girl.
00:40:20 (upbeat music)
00:40:22 - Yes, Kasumi and Tina making a comeback with that shot.
00:40:39 (upbeat music)
00:40:43 (grunting)
00:40:45 (upbeat music)
00:40:47 - I must go.
00:41:14 (chattering)
00:41:16 (beeping)
00:41:32 Ayane, I don't want to fight you.
00:41:42 (chattering)
00:41:45 (screaming)
00:41:48 (upbeat music)
00:41:50 (upbeat music)
00:41:53 (grunting)
00:41:56 (grunting)
00:41:58 (upbeat music)
00:42:01 (grunting)
00:42:03 - You are a shinobi.
00:42:29 - I was Hayate when he came here.
00:42:31 - Yet you did not pursue him.
00:42:33 - Hayate was different.
00:42:35 - Because you loved him?
00:42:39 (grunting)
00:42:41 Hayate is in both our hearts.
00:42:52 Help me find out what happened to him.
00:42:55 - He's dead.
00:42:56 Prepare to join him.
00:43:00 (grunting)
00:43:02 (grunting)
00:43:05 (grunting)
00:43:08 (grunting)
00:43:11 (dramatic music)
00:43:14 (grunting)
00:43:17 (screaming)
00:43:19 (grunting)
00:43:29 - Sumi!
00:43:38 Sumi!
00:43:41 (grunting)
00:43:43 - The tattoo she has is on her lower back, right?
00:43:54 Well, I've just deciphered it, and it means Helena.
00:43:58 Get it?
00:44:00 Helena is the key.
00:44:02 Helena must be the code.
00:44:03 - Max, it's brilliant.
00:44:04 Except she had it done last year in Paris.
00:44:08 She's been showing it off to us.
00:44:10 (dramatic music)
00:44:13 (siren blaring)
00:44:16 (dramatic music)
00:44:19 (siren blaring)
00:44:21 (upbeat music)
00:44:39 (siren blaring)
00:44:41 - I'm Weatherby.
00:44:50 - What are you doing?
00:44:53 - I work in the lab.
00:44:57 I'm Weatherby.
00:44:58 - Helena.
00:45:02 - I know.
00:45:04 (upbeat music)
00:45:06 - Would you like another drink?
00:45:11 I'll get you another drink.
00:45:12 I'll get you another drink.
00:45:13 - Thanks, Wellington.
00:45:15 - Actually, it's Weatherby.
00:45:16 It's a pretty funny story.
00:45:18 - Shay, Shay.
00:45:18 - My grandfather came over with his horse.
00:45:21 - Hey, Wallaby.
00:45:24 - Yes?
00:45:25 - What are you doing?
00:45:26 - My grandfather came over.
00:45:32 - Hey, baby, come on, loosen up.
00:45:34 It's a party.
00:45:36 Come on, you know you wanna dance with me.
00:45:40 - Well, see, I'd love to,
00:45:42 but I don't know how good you're gonna be
00:45:44 on the dance floor with two broken legs.
00:45:46 - Hmm?
00:45:47 (grunting)
00:45:53 So what, you just gonna ruin this party for everybody?
00:45:59 (wind blowing)
00:46:01 - Fine.
00:46:04 Sunrise tomorrow morning.
00:46:07 - Forbidden square?
00:46:09 - Fine.
00:46:11 (dramatic music)
00:46:15 (dramatic music)
00:46:21 (dramatic music)
00:46:24 (dramatic music)
00:46:27 (dramatic music)
00:46:46 (grunting)
00:46:48 (grunting)
00:46:51 (grunting)
00:46:55 (grunting)
00:46:57 (grunting)
00:47:05 (grunting)
00:47:11 (grunting)
00:47:16 (thudding)
00:47:22 (thudding)
00:47:24 (grunting)
00:47:28 (grunting)
00:47:39 - Wanna play?
00:47:44 (screaming)
00:47:47 (grunting)
00:47:51 (dramatic music)
00:47:54 (grunting)
00:47:59 (dramatic music)
00:48:05 (thudding)
00:48:10 (grunting)
00:48:14 (thudding)
00:48:18 (thudding)
00:48:21 (thudding)
00:48:28 - Why am I sorry I messed with you so much?
00:48:45 - Oh, from now on, I'll tell you my money is on you to win.
00:48:49 - I appreciate that.
00:48:57 - Our nanobots were working overtime on that fight,
00:49:02 but you were right about Tina.
00:49:05 I have to say I did not see it coming.
00:49:07 That leaves a showdown between Helena and Christie.
00:49:12 And it was your favorite to win, Mr. Weatherby.
00:49:15 - My money's on Helena.
00:49:16 She rocks.
00:49:17 (phone ringing)
00:49:21 - You were right.
00:49:25 She does have another tattoo.
00:49:27 Mm-mm.
00:49:31 First, I want a deal.
00:49:33 - Okay.
00:49:35 - I want half.
00:49:36 And if I win, I get to keep the prize money.
00:49:40 - Of course.
00:49:43 (dramatic music)
00:49:47 (water dripping)
00:49:49 (dramatic music)
00:49:57 (dramatic music)
00:50:11 (dramatic music)
00:50:14 (grunting)
00:50:21 (grunting)
00:50:27 (dramatic music)
00:50:37 (dramatic music)
00:50:39 (grunting)
00:50:44 (dramatic music)
00:50:46 (dramatic music)
00:50:57 (dramatic music)
00:51:04 (dramatic music)
00:51:07 (grunting)
00:51:10 (dramatic music)
00:51:13 (grunting)
00:51:19 (dramatic music)
00:51:27 (grunting)
00:51:33 (dramatic music)
00:51:36 (grunting)
00:51:47 (dramatic music)
00:51:50 (dramatic music)
00:51:53 - Let me show you something.
00:52:19 - Huh.
00:52:20 Very smart.
00:52:21 The vault's in the Buddha head.
00:52:27 - So now we just need to find a way in.
00:52:29 So it's down to the four of us.
00:52:37 But where's Hayabusa?
00:52:38 I haven't seen him since yesterday.
00:52:41 - Well, let's go find him.
00:52:44 - No, I'd go alone.
00:52:47 - Well, I'm gonna come too.
00:52:48 - I said no.
00:52:49 He means nothing to you.
00:52:51 - Well, now that's not dire, is it?
00:52:53 You know, he and I, you mean?
00:52:56 - Just once.
00:52:59 He was obsessed with you.
00:53:01 (laughing)
00:53:03 I'm just kidding.
00:53:05 Come on, Christy.
00:53:07 Second floor, follow me.
00:53:14 - Weatherby, take the rest of the day off.
00:53:18 I've got some unfinished business to attend to.
00:53:20 - Holy shit!
00:53:32 See, when I win the money,
00:53:34 this is exactly the kind of office I'm gonna build.
00:53:37 I know you, but why are you facing that way?
00:53:45 (clock ticking)
00:53:48 - Well done.
00:53:57 - Yeah, what did you say your day job was?
00:53:59 - Oh!
00:54:10 That's a lot of steps.
00:54:14 - Well, my legs are on fire.
00:54:16 I guess you had a pretty rough day.
00:54:23 - You could say that.
00:54:26 I lost to Christy.
00:54:31 - Yeah, I saw that.
00:54:34 But it was a close fight.
00:54:36 You almost made it to the semifinals of DOA, Helena.
00:54:43 I would have been very proud.
00:54:45 - Thanks, Weatherby.
00:54:48 - It's Weatherby, but you know...
00:54:50 (laughing)
00:54:54 - Wow.
00:55:00 Huh.
00:55:04 This looks homey.
00:55:06 Look at this.
00:55:10 They've been monitoring everything we do.
00:55:12 It's a bunch of pervs.
00:55:14 Hayabusa.
00:55:33 Hayabusa, what happened?
00:55:42 (gasping)
00:55:43 Perfect.
00:55:50 I mean, it was amazing.
00:55:53 Your father could have been straight out of college.
00:55:56 - I had no idea.
00:55:58 - That's great.
00:55:59 - Your father was a great man.
00:56:01 Helena, there's something I should tell you.
00:56:09 Donovan wanted to take my research
00:56:11 into a different direction.
00:56:13 - It's never gonna happen, I can guarantee you.
00:56:15 I did not set up DOA for this purpose.
00:56:17 I want to know what happened to--
00:56:19 - He and your father got into this big argument about it.
00:56:22 - I'm not gonna get away with this, Donovan.
00:56:24 - Your father was so against this,
00:56:25 he decided to shut down the whole thing.
00:56:27 - So I didn't, he--
00:56:30 - He never got a chance to.
00:56:32 He died that night.
00:56:37 (eerie music)
00:56:39 - This is Donovan to all units.
00:56:51 Proceed immediately to the Gray Steps
00:56:54 and eliminate Weatherby and Helena.
00:56:57 No one is to enter the lab complex the rest of the day.
00:57:01 And I mean no one.
00:57:03 No one.
00:57:04 - What are you gonna do?
00:57:08 - I'm gonna go see Donovan.
00:57:10 Father didn't want him to get away with it,
00:57:12 so neither can I.
00:57:13 Come on.
00:57:14 - What do you want me to do?
00:57:15 - Protect me.
00:57:16 - Oh, that's funny.
00:57:17 I was just about to make the same suggestion.
00:57:19 (eerie music)
00:57:32 - Hey.
00:57:33 What?
00:57:36 What the?
00:57:37 - I've got your back, Helena!
00:57:51 Ow!
00:57:53 (grunting)
00:57:55 (grunting)
00:58:11 (grunting)
00:58:13 (grunting)
00:58:35 (grunting)
00:58:37 (screaming)
00:58:47 (grunting)
00:58:52 (grunting)
00:59:00 (grunting)
00:59:02 (grunting)
00:59:12 - Ow!
00:59:14 - That hurt.
00:59:16 That didn't feel good.
00:59:18 Whoa!
00:59:19 Okay, well, I'm never gonna mess with you.
00:59:23 - Never?
00:59:24 - Well, maybe in a controlled environment.
00:59:28 - There's gotta be another way into the lab.
00:59:30 - Well, that's where I come in.
00:59:31 Come on.
00:59:32 - Princess!
00:59:50 (grunting)
00:59:52 - Now that I have your attention,
01:00:08 let me introduce you to the future.
01:00:13 (dramatic music)
01:00:15 - This is amazing.
01:00:38 I can't believe my father never told me about this.
01:00:40 - Well, I'm afraid that's not the only thing you don't know.
01:00:42 Donovan has taken my concept and used it for his own ends.
01:00:45 - So stupid, I should have done something earlier.
01:00:48 - Now it's time to harvest.
01:00:52 - Okay, now what?
01:01:00 - Oh, Donovan has become the download.
01:01:01 We gotta go.
01:01:02 - Do you think it'll really work?
01:01:04 - Of course.
01:01:05 I created it.
01:01:07 (dramatic music)
01:01:10 (siren blaring)
01:01:12 (lasers blasting)
01:01:24 (dramatic music)
01:01:27 (grunting)
01:01:29 (grunting)
01:01:44 (dramatic music)
01:01:53 (grunting)
01:01:55 - Look.
01:02:15 Help him.
01:02:18 - I'm on it, I'm on it.
01:02:19 Come on, come on.
01:02:21 - I've gotta bypass four security protocols to free them.
01:02:24 Not easy.
01:02:25 (dramatic music)
01:02:27 - Now for the ultimate test.
01:02:37 The moment I've had to wait a year for.
01:02:39 I've kept him in superb fighting condition.
01:02:43 Send him in.
01:02:46 (dramatic music)
01:02:50 (dramatic music)
01:02:52 (dramatic music)
01:02:59 - I had to.
01:03:02 My brother.
01:03:03 (guns firing)
01:03:07 (grunting)
01:03:10 (dramatic music)
01:03:18 (dramatic music)
01:03:20 - I had to.
01:03:21 - Kasumi.
01:03:22 Kasumi!
01:03:25 (knocking)
01:03:27 Kasumi, I was afraid you would come looking for me.
01:03:33 Ayabusa.
01:03:37 How could you let this happen?
01:03:43 Your sister has the same strong will as you.
01:03:46 Yes, she does.
01:03:48 But she lacks that perfect blend of skills,
01:03:51 timing, and strength
01:03:54 that set you apart as the world's greatest warrior.
01:03:57 - You have me.
01:03:59 Let them go.
01:04:01 - First things first.
01:04:06 I challenge you to a fight.
01:04:08 You win, they all go free.
01:04:15 If you refuse my simple request,
01:04:17 they die.
01:04:20 Your choice.
01:04:22 (dramatic music)
01:04:28 - So be it.
01:04:36 (roaring)
01:04:43 (dramatic music)
01:04:45 (grunting)
01:05:11 (crickets chirping)
01:05:13 (dramatic music)
01:05:15 (grunting)
01:05:26 (grunting)
01:05:35 (dramatic music)
01:05:38 (grunting)
01:05:40 - Hey, Ate.
01:05:51 (grunting)
01:05:57 (dramatic music)
01:05:59 (grunting)
01:06:02 (roaring)
01:06:06 (dramatic music)
01:06:08 (grunting)
01:06:11 (dramatic music)
01:06:16 (roaring)
01:06:31 (dramatic music)
01:06:34 (grunting)
01:06:36 (roaring)
01:06:39 - No!
01:06:41 - No, Ate!
01:06:42 (dramatic music)
01:06:45 (grunting)
01:06:48 (grunting)
01:06:52 - Ayane.
01:07:01 I thought you were dead.
01:07:03 I will never leave your side.
01:07:08 (dramatic music)
01:07:14 (crunching)
01:07:24 (dramatic music)
01:07:27 (crunching)
01:07:29 (dramatic music)
01:07:31 (roaring)
01:07:49 (dramatic music)
01:07:52 (roaring)
01:07:54 - Come on. - Almost there.
01:08:03 - Buyers from around the world,
01:08:16 I hope you've enjoyed this live demonstration
01:08:19 of the sheer power of this new technology.
01:08:22 Thank you for your down payments.
01:08:25 Transmission to you of the download program
01:08:28 will begin immediately.
01:08:30 (dramatic music)
01:08:32 - What's going on?
01:08:42 - Oh no, this is not good.
01:08:44 - What's not good?
01:08:45 - Donovan's transmitting the program
01:08:47 to buyers across the world.
01:08:49 I have to stop.
01:08:54 (dramatic music)
01:08:56 (beeping)
01:09:16 - What?
01:09:18 - That was close.
01:09:20 Okay, time to call the cavalry.
01:09:22 Donovan needs to know this is over.
01:09:25 (dramatic music)
01:09:27 (beeping)
01:09:31 - What now?
01:09:37 - Bayman, grab the money from the vault,
01:09:41 meet me outside the lab.
01:09:44 - Look.
01:09:46 - He's headed this way.
01:09:48 - I need more time to free the others.
01:09:51 (dramatic music)
01:10:13 - Show me the money.
01:10:15 - Oh no, no, listen, I can explain.
01:10:23 Look, just--
01:10:24 (grunting)
01:10:26 - You are not gonna get away with this, Donovan.
01:10:35 - That's exactly what your father said
01:10:37 right before I had him killed.
01:10:41 (grunting)
01:10:43 - What a shame.
01:11:10 You didn't download my moves.
01:11:12 - I think I underestimated you, Helena.
01:11:14 (grunting)
01:11:17 You believe the CIA will stop me?
01:11:25 I don't think so.
01:11:27 I'll take this.
01:11:30 All your hard work right here.
01:11:37 By the time they get here, this place will be dust.
01:11:40 - Warning, self-destruct activated.
01:11:47 - Enjoy your life with a new girlfriend.
01:11:49 All three minutes of it.
01:11:51 - Warning, self-destruct activated.
01:11:54 Please evacuate immediately.
01:11:57 - Follow me.
01:11:58 - Warning, self-destruct activated.
01:12:01 Please evacuate immediately.
01:12:04 (groaning)
01:12:06 (dramatic music)
01:12:09 (beeping)
01:12:11 - Warning, self-destruct activated.
01:12:19 Please evacuate immediately.
01:12:22 (grunting)
01:12:24 - Take care of this.
01:12:27 (grunting)
01:12:35 - Warning, self-destruct activated.
01:12:37 - Follow me.
01:12:38 Donovan's getting away.
01:12:39 - He's not.
01:12:40 (grunting)
01:12:42 (dramatic music)
01:12:45 (grunting)
01:12:47 - Go, I'll handle him.
01:12:52 (dramatic music)
01:12:55 (grunting)
01:12:57 (dramatic music)
01:13:00 (grunting)
01:13:02 (grunting)
01:13:04 (dramatic music)
01:13:07 (grunting)
01:13:09 (dramatic music)
01:13:12 (grunting)
01:13:14 (dramatic music)
01:13:17 (dramatic music)
01:13:20 (grunting)
01:13:22 (dramatic music)
01:13:25 (grunting)
01:13:27 (dramatic music)
01:13:30 - One.
01:13:33 Two.
01:13:34 (grunting)
01:13:36 (dramatic music)
01:13:39 (grunting)
01:13:41 (dramatic music)
01:13:44 (grunting)
01:13:46 (dramatic music)
01:13:49 (grunting)
01:13:51 (dramatic music)
01:13:54 (beeping)
01:13:56 (dramatic music)
01:13:59 - Oh no.
01:14:00 (beeping)
01:14:02 (dramatic music)
01:14:04 (grunting)
01:14:06 (dramatic music)
01:14:09 (grunting)
01:14:11 (dramatic music)
01:14:16 (grunting)
01:14:18 (dramatic music)
01:14:21 (grunting)
01:14:23 (dramatic music)
01:14:28 (whooshing)
01:14:30 (dramatic music)
01:14:33 (grunting)
01:14:35 (dramatic music)
01:14:38 (grunting)
01:14:40 (dramatic music)
01:14:43 (grunting)
01:14:45 (dramatic music)
01:14:48 - Hey no.
01:14:49 (grunting)
01:14:50 - Save me.
01:14:51 (dramatic music)
01:14:54 (dramatic music)
01:14:57 (grunting)
01:14:58 - One.
01:14:59 Two.
01:15:00 (dramatic music)
01:15:01 (grunting)
01:15:03 (dramatic music)
01:15:06 (grunting)
01:15:09 (dramatic music)
01:15:12 (grunting)
01:15:14 (dramatic music)
01:15:17 (grunting)
01:15:20 - Come on, we gotta get out of here.
01:15:22 (dramatic music)
01:15:26 (grunting)
01:15:28 (dramatic music)
01:15:31 - Oh no.
01:15:32 (dramatic music)
01:15:37 - What?
01:15:38 - Oh, something.
01:15:40 - You are.
01:15:41 - The lava's gonna explode.
01:15:42 - We'll get the money.
01:15:43 - No, no.
01:15:44 - We gotta go now.
01:15:45 - Ah, no.
01:15:47 (dramatic music)
01:15:52 (dramatic music)
01:15:57 (dramatic music)
01:15:59 (grunting)
01:16:01 (dramatic music)
01:16:06 (dramatic music)
01:16:09 (dramatic music)
01:16:14 (dramatic music)
01:16:19 (dramatic music)
01:16:22 - 10 seconds.
01:16:23 - Oh no.
01:16:24 - Oh my God, Max.
01:16:26 - Whether we, the money.
01:16:28 - Get out of here.
01:16:29 - Get them all.
01:16:30 (dramatic music)
01:16:34 - Come on, there's another way out.
01:16:35 We gotta go now.
01:16:36 - The money.
01:16:37 - Get in, it leads to the ocean.
01:16:38 - Waterbee, the money.
01:16:39 - The money.
01:16:40 - The place is gonna explode.
01:16:41 - Go, go.
01:16:42 - Waterbee, get the money.
01:16:43 - I don't squeeze.
01:16:45 - Go, go.
01:16:46 (dramatic music)
01:16:51 (dramatic music)
01:16:54 (explosion)
01:16:57 (explosion)
01:17:02 (explosion)
01:17:07 (explosion)
01:17:12 (explosion)
01:17:17 (explosion)
01:17:22 (explosion)
01:17:27 (explosion)
01:17:32 (explosion)
01:17:37 (explosion)
01:17:42 (speaking in foreign language)
01:17:47 (laughing)
01:17:52 (laughing)
01:17:57 (thud)
01:17:59 (dramatic music)
01:18:04 (dramatic music)
01:18:07 (laughing)
01:18:12 (dramatic music)
01:18:16 - What about the money?
01:18:18 - Well, it was either me or the money.
01:18:22 And Wallaby chose me.
01:18:23 My name is Weatherbee.
01:18:26 Weatherbee.
01:18:27 (laughing)
01:18:29 (dramatic music)
01:18:33 - Oh, for God's sake, get a room.
01:18:36 (dramatic music)
01:18:41 (dramatic music)
01:18:46 (dramatic music)
01:18:51 (dramatic music)
01:18:56 (dramatic music)
01:19:01 (dramatic music)
01:19:06 (dramatic music)
01:19:11 (dramatic music)
01:19:16 (dramatic music)
01:19:21 (dramatic music)
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