Hot Tub Time Machine (2010)

  • last year
Hot Tub Time Machine is a 2010 American science-fiction comedy film directed by Steve Pink and starring John Cusack, Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson, Clark Duke, Crispin Glover, Lizzy Caplan, and Chevy Chase. The film was released on March 26, 2010. It follows four men who travel back in time to 1986 via a hot tub, and must find a way to return to 2010. A sequel, Hot Tub Time Machine 2, was released on February 20, 2015.
00:00:00 [Silence]
00:00:05 [Tiger growling]
00:00:13 [Music]
00:00:16 [Music]
00:00:20 [Tiger growling]
00:00:24 [Tire screeching]
00:00:28 [Music]
00:00:31 [Music]
00:00:36 [Music]
00:00:41 [Music]
00:00:46 [Music]
00:00:51 [Music]
00:00:54 [Music]
00:00:59 [Music]
00:01:04 Come on, Bootsy, three minutes left. You can do this.
00:01:07 You came to me, remember? It's not about losing weight, it's about a lifestyle change.
00:01:12 [Dog barking]
00:01:14 [Music]
00:01:18 Nick, you have a customer?
00:01:21 Like we practiced?
00:01:23 No way, Terry.
00:01:28 'Sup, dog?
00:01:31 Oh, funny. It's the name of the store.
00:01:34 What can I do for you, man?
00:01:35 Bono has been doing this for three days.
00:01:39 It's fucking disgusting.
00:01:41 Bring him up here.
00:01:42 Bono, Bono, come. Bono, up!
00:01:44 Don't yell at him like that.
00:01:46 Oh, okay. Okay, cool. You're gonna-- I might just look.
00:01:50 [Dog barking]
00:01:57 Do I know you?
00:01:58 I know you. You're the singer from Chocolate Lipstick.
00:02:02 You guys used to play at the Jam Shack on Friday nights.
00:02:04 Damn.
00:02:05 You were so good.
00:02:06 You remember that?
00:02:07 Yeah. Oh my God, you still singing?
00:02:08 Nah, nah, that was a long time ago.
00:02:10 Oh, wow. What are you doing now?
00:02:14 You get shit out of dogs' asses.
00:02:16 Hmm, that's-- that's great.
00:02:19 You know M.W.?
00:02:21 Yeah, can you tell?
00:02:25 [Gagging]
00:02:27 Good boy.
00:02:29 Adam, it's Lou. Don't hang up, okay?
00:02:31 It's not about money. It's about making money.
00:02:33 You and me, buddy.
00:02:35 Hi, it's me.
00:02:36 So I did everything according to your stupid fucking plan.
00:02:39 I took everything with the yellow stickers
00:02:41 and I left you everything with the red stickers.
00:02:44 Oh, um, there was some stuff in your closet with no stickers,
00:02:47 so I threw that in a pile and burned it in the backyard.
00:02:50 Seemed like the right thing to do.
00:02:52 Oh, and thank you for calling me in that empty plastic bottle.
00:02:55 I was prepared to fight you on that one.
00:02:58 Anyway, I left you something on the counter.
00:03:01 It's, uh, from the heart.
00:03:06 Oh, and, uh, one last thing.
00:03:08 Um, the TV had a red sticker on it,
00:03:11 but I took it anyway.
00:03:14 Bye.
00:03:16 Just keeping my head down.
00:03:21 Not getting shivved today.
00:03:23 Let's knock these reps out.
00:03:25 [Grunting]
00:03:30 Turn on the light, Jake. Open a window.
00:03:33 Go outdoors. Jesus Christ.
00:03:36 Why don't you get out of the house this weekend, huh?
00:03:38 What should I do out of the house, Uncle Adam?
00:03:41 I don't know, anything that corresponds to reality,
00:03:43 life or job, maybe try to go to college.
00:03:45 I don't know. That all sounds kind of overrated.
00:03:47 You don't like it. You can move back in with your mom.
00:03:49 No, I can't, actually.
00:03:50 She moved in with her new boyfriend.
00:03:51 I will not be anywhere near that.
00:03:53 She moved in with him?
00:03:54 Yeah, the taxidermist.
00:03:56 The taxidermist is stuffing my mother.
00:03:58 Oh, Kelly.
00:04:00 Yeah, she's your sister.
00:04:01 You should call her once in a while, check in.
00:04:03 Well, maybe she should check in with me.
00:04:04 You ever think of that?
00:04:05 Yeah, that's interesting.
00:04:06 Listen, I got a big court date in a few minutes.
00:04:08 If I miss it, I'm kind of sorry.
00:04:09 Why do you waste your time with that second-life bullshit?
00:04:11 Look at you. You're still in jail.
00:04:12 You were in jail last week.
00:04:13 Yeah, I'm a prisoner. It's called doing hard time.
00:04:15 Can't you be like a warrior or a shaman or an orc or some shit like that?
00:04:18 No, no. In life, you make choices.
00:04:20 And if you screw up, you have to pay for those choices.
00:04:22 You're 20 years old. You haven't made an important choice in your life.
00:04:24 What are you mad about? What is this?
00:04:26 I don't know if you noticed, but Lily moved out.
00:04:30 Is that what all the shuffling was?
00:04:32 Uh-huh.
00:04:33 What'd you do?
00:04:36 I didn't do anything.
00:04:39 [music]
00:04:41 No fucking way!
00:05:05 [music]
00:05:07 [growling]
00:05:25 [roaring]
00:05:32 [roaring]
00:05:34 Even among the gentle prairie squirrels,
00:05:52 the mateless male is subjected to a humiliating ritual.
00:05:56 A gauntlet of young alpha holes spray the victim with a mud-like substance.
00:06:00 Leaving the hapless soul drenched in a viscous, foul-smelling excretion,
00:06:04 marking him in ostracized exile.
00:06:07 Hey.
00:06:12 What's happening, man?
00:06:14 Hey.
00:06:16 Wow. Hi, Courtney.
00:06:18 Hey, how you doing?
00:06:20 Nice to see you.
00:06:21 You too. Well, yeah.
00:06:23 Long time.
00:06:25 Yeah. You know, work's been crazy.
00:06:29 Crazy?
00:06:30 I know. I called a couple of times.
00:06:32 Yeah, yeah.
00:06:33 Very, very busy.
00:06:35 You think this is a real situation, or just one of those bullshit episodes?
00:06:40 I don't know.
00:06:42 You'll never know, Will Lou.
00:06:44 Well, hey, Adam. How's your girlfriend?
00:06:46 Oh, really bad.
00:06:48 Okay.
00:06:50 Happy times.
00:06:53 Hi, folks. I'm Dr. Jeff.
00:06:55 Lou's resting. He's denying that it was a suicide attempt.
00:06:58 Medically, he's stable, so legally we can't keep him here.
00:07:00 But we do think that he should be monitored for a few days.
00:07:03 Does he have any family?
00:07:04 Lou's family all kind of hate him.
00:07:06 Okay. Well, then I guess it's up to you guys.
00:07:08 His friends. You're his friends, right?
00:07:11 It's like that friend who's the asshole, but he's our asshole.
00:07:16 Right.
00:07:18 Yeah.
00:07:26 Lou, why would he do this?
00:07:29 Why? I mean, make a list.
00:07:31 He's an alcoholic. He's divorced.
00:07:33 Wife ran off with that Jamaican guy.
00:07:35 He's failed at every job-ass money hustle he's ever tried.
00:07:38 Yeah, he's in a mountain of debt.
00:07:40 He hates his mother.
00:07:41 He hates himself. He hates everybody.
00:07:43 He has erectile dysfunction.
00:07:44 He's got halitosis.
00:07:45 He's got that rotten ball.
00:07:47 Huh.
00:07:48 One of his balls was like, shredded up.
00:07:50 Oh, yeah.
00:07:51 Like a spoiled grape.
00:07:53 Wasn't it? That cornerback on the Bears?
00:07:55 Had his ball crushed on the field, right?
00:07:58 Yeah.
00:07:59 Yeah. First of life.
00:08:00 '82. Yeah.
00:08:01 Right.
00:08:02 He came back from that and he was strong as ever.
00:08:04 Fuck yeah.
00:08:05 But I don't know about Lou. It's just like...
00:08:07 I know.
00:08:08 It's just like an accumulation of punishment.
00:08:11 Fuck you guys.
00:08:12 Oh, there he is.
00:08:14 Hey.
00:08:15 I can fucking hear everything you're saying, all right?
00:08:18 Look, who's awake?
00:08:19 What's up, man?
00:08:21 Hey.
00:08:22 Hey, man.
00:08:23 What's up?
00:08:24 You look just like my friend Nick.
00:08:27 And you look like my friend Adam,
00:08:29 but you wouldn't be those guys because I've been calling and calling them
00:08:32 and they haven't returned my calls.
00:08:33 So, listen, Violator.
00:08:35 Me and Nick got a little surprise for you.
00:08:38 Something special that the three of us can do.
00:08:41 Come on, you guys.
00:08:42 Are you curious?
00:08:43 No.
00:08:44 I didn't fucking try and kill myself.
00:08:46 If I wanted to kill myself, I'd fucking kill myself.
00:08:49 I'd be awesome at it.
00:08:50 A shotgun to the dick.
00:08:52 I'm glad you didn't do it.
00:08:54 It's good to see you guys anyway.
00:08:56 So, out of curiosity, what's the surprise?
00:09:02 Tell him.
00:09:03 Kodiak.
00:09:07 Valley?
00:09:08 No fucking way.
00:09:09 Yes, sir.
00:09:10 Fucking cave owls?
00:09:11 Yes, sir.
00:09:12 Holy shit, man.
00:09:14 We fucking ski, right?
00:09:16 We fucking rage.
00:09:17 Chimney point at the end of the night with a bottle of scotch to wash it all down.
00:09:20 Oh, and you guys are paying for the whole thing?
00:09:24 Sure.
00:09:25 Yep.
00:09:26 Let's go tonight.
00:09:27 We can go tomorrow.
00:09:28 No, let's go now.
00:09:29 Let's go now.
00:09:30 I just got to get rid of this thing.
00:09:31 It's really uncomfortable.
00:09:32 No, you should wait for the nurses.
00:09:33 No, I got it.
00:09:34 I got it.
00:09:35 No, wait, hold on.
00:09:36 I got it.
00:09:49 Oh, shit.
00:09:50 Did I get that on you?
00:09:51 Damn it.
00:09:52 Jesus.
00:09:53 It's only pee.
00:09:54 Relax.
00:09:55 It's only pee.
00:09:56 There's Luke.
00:09:57 Oh, good.
00:09:58 He's drinking already.
00:09:59 Look at this shit.
00:10:00 Do you remember when I was 12 and he tried to bite me?
00:10:01 Yeah, but he got that cock.
00:10:02 Hey, Violator.
00:10:03 No.
00:10:04 What the fuck is he doing here?
00:10:05 It's nice to see you too, Luke.
00:10:06 Nice to see you too, Luke.
00:10:07 Fuck you, Jacob.
00:10:08 You suck and you know it.
00:10:09 You just ruined my fucking weekend.
00:10:10 Hey, Willie will come back.
00:10:11 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:12 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:13 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:14 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:15 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:16 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:17 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:18 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:19 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:20 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:21 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:22 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:23 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:24 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:25 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:26 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:27 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:28 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:29 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:30 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:31 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:32 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:33 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:34 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:35 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:36 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:37 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:38 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:39 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:40 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:41 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:42 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:43 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:44 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:45 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:46 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:47 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:48 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:49 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:50 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:51 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:52 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:53 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:54 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:55 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:56 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:57 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:58 He's got a lot of money.
00:10:59 He's got a lot of money.
00:11:00 He's got a lot of money.
00:11:01 He's got a lot of money.
00:11:02 He's got a lot of money.
00:11:03 He's got a lot of money.
00:11:04 He's got a lot of money.
00:11:05 He's got a lot of money.
00:11:06 He's got a lot of money.
00:11:07 He's got a lot of money.
00:11:08 He's got a lot of money.
00:11:10 Hey, hey, hey, check this out.
00:11:11 I brought a regulation bar for tubbin' tonight.
00:11:14 Nice!
00:11:15 Yeah.
00:11:16 I got vodka, fuckin' tequilas O'Neil's.
00:11:17 Oh, oh, oh, oh!
00:11:18 You guys are gonna love this.
00:11:20 Check this out.
00:11:21 Chernobyl-y.
00:11:22 It's like the Russian Red Bull.
00:11:24 It's got shit in it.
00:11:25 It's not even legal here.
00:11:26 What shit?
00:11:27 How the fuck am I supposed to know, dude?
00:11:29 But it's illegal.
00:11:30 Hey, why didn't we just go to Pinnacle?
00:11:32 It would've taken like half the time.
00:11:33 You wanna go to Kodiak Valley, trust me, you're at the right age for it.
00:11:37 Really?
00:11:38 Yeah.
00:11:39 Nobody gets caught, and everybody gets laid.
00:11:41 Cave out, cave out, cave out, cave out, cave out, cave out, cave out, cave out, cave out!
00:11:47 Oh shit, cave out!
00:11:49 This, this is the coolest town ever?
00:11:55 Oh fuck, there used to be Papa Enzo's.
00:11:58 I broke up with Jenny Steadmire there.
00:12:02 What made you break up with her again?
00:12:04 I don't know.
00:12:05 We swapped virginities junior year, and all we did was listen to records and have sex,
00:12:07 and she was epic.
00:12:08 I mean, she was, she was epic.
00:12:10 Yeah, man, she was hot.
00:12:11 And then when I broke up with her, she was so mad, she practically stabbed me in the eye with a fork.
00:12:15 Actually, she did stab me in the eye with a fork.
00:12:17 She was a one-percenter, man.
00:12:19 Yeah.
00:12:20 All downhill from there.
00:12:21 That was a big one.
00:12:23 First love.
00:12:24 The one that got away.
00:12:25 The great white buffalo.
00:12:27 Yeah.
00:12:29 The great what?
00:12:30 Great white buffalo.
00:12:32 Why are you guys whispering?
00:12:34 Great white buffalo.
00:12:37 That was really helpful, you guys.
00:12:38 Thank you.
00:12:39 Look at this place.
00:12:48 I'm gonna make a prediction right now.
00:12:50 One of us is gonna start writing a novel, and then we all get snowed in,
00:12:53 and then Lou's gonna ax murder all of us.
00:12:56 Motherfuck.
00:13:02 What's that smell?
00:13:04 Fucking cats.
00:13:05 Kind of a lot of cats.
00:13:07 This sucks.
00:13:09 Hi.
00:13:10 Hi.
00:13:11 Got a reservation for Weber Agnew.
00:13:13 Sorry? What was that name again?
00:13:15 Weber Agnew.
00:13:17 I got a Nick Weber Agnew.
00:13:20 Yeah.
00:13:21 I'm sorry, excuse me, what?
00:13:22 What did you just say?
00:13:23 Weber Agnew.
00:13:24 Weber fucking Agnew?
00:13:26 You took your wife's last name, you're a fucking hyphenate?
00:13:29 A lot of dudes are doing it, it's progressive.
00:13:31 No, no dudes are doing it.
00:13:33 You look like a progressive guy, is that progressive? Would you do that?
00:13:36 No.
00:13:37 No, and he has a goatee.
00:13:39 Does this guy seem a little unbalanced to you?
00:13:45 Come right there, shut up.
00:13:47 Oh, I can give you a hand with that.
00:13:50 Hey!
00:13:51 I am not going to tell you again!
00:13:55 You can handle it.
00:13:59 This guy's a fucking dick.
00:14:01 Shit, he's disabled.
00:14:03 So what? He's exempt from common fucking courtesy because he can't start a round of applause?
00:14:08 He's going to jerk off one-handed?
00:14:10 I mean, I certainly don't take my hands and put them together and oil them up.
00:14:14 Hey, 420, our old room, check it out.
00:14:17 That's okay, man.
00:14:19 Those are mine, I'll just get those.
00:14:28 This is the part where you tip the guy that helped you out?
00:14:33 I'm not the guy. Nick, pay the man some respect.
00:14:37 I got it, I got it.
00:14:38 This place looks like shit.
00:14:39 What happened to that guy?
00:14:41 Check this shit out, it's still here.
00:14:43 What?
00:14:44 Look, Adam sucks cocks, mmm, dicks.
00:14:47 It's your best work.
00:14:49 He fucking burned you. Burned!
00:14:52 Hey guys, come take a look at this. We got a hot tub.
00:14:57 Jesus, poor little fella.
00:14:59 I mean, this is obviously unacceptable, right?
00:15:01 I mean, call downstairs, get somebody to fix this.
00:15:04 Is anybody else hungry?
00:15:06 A little school spirit this time, huh?
00:15:10 Just play it like you fucking need it, like that.
00:15:13 Yeah.
00:15:14 Um, yes, I would like to get a hooker to fuck me and my friends.
00:15:19 What?
00:15:20 Okay, whatever, semantics.
00:15:23 I want an escort to escort our penises into her vagina.
00:15:27 Yeah, I want the girl in the picture too.
00:15:30 No tomfoolery.
00:15:32 Well, wake her up, I don't care.
00:15:33 Are you listening to him?
00:15:34 Uh, does she do four?
00:15:35 What about three?
00:15:37 Okay, Jacob, you're out.
00:15:38 Okay, good.
00:15:39 I need $3,000.
00:15:40 Oh, I'm on you.
00:15:41 Adam, I need $2,000, me and you, buddy.
00:15:44 Come on.
00:15:45 I'm out there, violator.
00:15:46 Can I call you back, sir?
00:15:47 Okay, thank you.
00:15:48 Sir?
00:15:49 Bye.
00:15:50 I mean, let's do something fun, let's create a memory, huh?
00:15:52 Let's get some cocaine and break into a school or steal a cop car or some shit, huh?
00:15:57 Do you have Ritalin?
00:15:58 No.
00:15:59 Don't fucking lie to me.
00:16:01 Every one of you people have Ritalin.
00:16:03 No, I don't.
00:16:04 I'm sorry, you probably do have Ritalin.
00:16:05 I have some Ativan, but it's different.
00:16:07 Well, let's stick it up our asses.
00:16:09 It's not a suppository.
00:16:10 It doesn't matter, you crush it up, you put it in a warm paper towel, run it under some warm water, and you stick it right up your ass.
00:16:15 That works.
00:16:16 You put the paper towel up your ass too?
00:16:17 You crush up the ass.
00:16:18 I got an idea, why don't we just play quarters?
00:16:20 What? I don't know what the fuck I'm going to do, I'm getting really sad.
00:16:23 You know what I'm talking about?
00:16:25 I'm going to get in the bathroom, I'm going to be alone with my own thoughts, who knows what's going to happen up there.
00:16:29 Who knows what's going to happen, you better plan something fun.
00:16:31 Jesus!
00:16:35 Pussies.
00:16:36 I'm going dancing.
00:16:37 I don't know, man, maybe coming here was a bad idea.
00:16:39 Yeah.
00:16:40 If he kills himself, can we go home?
00:16:42 Hard to believe this is the very room we had some of the best weekends of our lives.
00:16:47 Really? In this room right here?
00:16:50 How?
00:16:52 We were young, we had momentum, we were winning.
00:16:56 We were best friends.
00:16:58 What do you mean, were best friends?
00:17:00 You know what I mean, man, everybody seemed to care more, everything seemed to matter more back then.
00:17:05 Whatever.
00:17:08 [Door slams]
00:17:09 Check it out, he must have fixed it.
00:17:20 Come on!
00:17:22 I'll pull out and buy you later.
00:17:24 Oh man, you guys got to get in here, it's going to fucking change you.
00:17:28 Wait, why are you naked?
00:17:29 What?
00:17:30 You're all getting naked?
00:17:31 Yep.
00:17:32 You don't think it's a little weird, a bunch of guys just piling up in a big bathtub together naked?
00:17:36 Are you afraid that some of these people might see you?
00:17:39 I'm sorry, if I'm being honest, I'm not totally comfortable being around a bunch of other naked dudes.
00:17:43 It's called male bonding, okay? Haven't you even seen Wild Hogs?
00:17:46 Fine, get us some snacks.
00:17:48 You know what? Fuck it.
00:17:50 I'm leaving my underwear on.
00:17:52 Yeah, yeah, man, shut up.
00:17:54 [Cheering]
00:17:57 Damn, it's good to be here with y'all again, man. It's good to be back here with you guys.
00:18:01 Yep.
00:18:02 I want to toast to the good time and you two, young blood, come on in.
00:18:05 [Music]
00:18:27 No violence!
00:18:28 No violence!
00:18:29 I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.
00:18:32 [Music]
00:18:55 [Screaming]
00:19:06 [Music]
00:19:24 Hey, little buddy.
00:19:25 [Music]
00:19:31 [Screaming]
00:19:33 [Splashing]
00:19:35 Dude!
00:19:36 [Splashing]
00:19:38 Where's the squirrel, though?
00:19:40 [Music]
00:19:42 Yeah, yeah!
00:19:44 This is a black diamond? That's all you got?
00:19:47 I don't remember this.
00:19:48 What do you think, boys?
00:19:49 Tips down. Tips fucking down right away.
00:19:52 Let's ride.
00:19:54 [Music]
00:19:55 [Screaming]
00:19:59 [Music]
00:20:01 Yeah!
00:20:02 [Music]
00:20:06 W-19 again!
00:20:08 [Music]
00:20:12 What is that?
00:20:13 [Music]
00:20:14 Stop it, Lou. Stop it, Lou.
00:20:16 [Music]
00:20:18 [Screaming]
00:20:20 [Music]
00:20:44 [Screaming]
00:20:49 [Music]
00:20:51 [Screaming]
00:20:52 [Music]
00:20:54 Oh, fuck.
00:20:57 [Music]
00:21:00 Oh, we did it.
00:21:01 Are you guys alive?
00:21:02 Holy fuck.
00:21:03 [Coughing]
00:21:05 My locality should be pretty fucked up right now, but I...
00:21:09 I kind of feel great.
00:21:10 I feel crazy right now.
00:21:12 I feel fantastic!
00:21:13 I want to fuck something!
00:21:18 [Cheering]
00:21:20 There they are.
00:21:21 Yeah, I see it, Chaz. Thanks.
00:21:24 What is that one plank thing that guy's got?
00:21:26 I don't care. It's going up his ass.
00:21:29 [Screaming]
00:21:31 Got him!
00:21:32 Way to go, rookie!
00:21:34 Wow, nice.
00:21:36 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
00:21:39 Those are the kind of ski shenanigans I don't allow on my mountain.
00:21:42 Yeah, come on, guys.
00:21:45 What are you looking at, Nancy?
00:21:47 Huh?
00:21:48 I mean...
00:21:49 Hey, look, it's the douchebag from "Karate Kid 3."
00:21:52 [Grunts]
00:21:53 [Screaming]
00:21:57 I know that guy.
00:21:59 [Music]
00:22:09 [Music]
00:22:21 Hey, guys.
00:22:22 Is there some kind of weird retro thing going on this weekend?
00:22:25 They're getting a divorce.
00:22:26 Marty!
00:22:27 Yeah, it's Chuck.
00:22:28 You're never going to believe where I'm calling you from, man.
00:22:31 I'm on a mountain on my phone.
00:22:33 Yeah.
00:22:35 Yeah, well, bet's a bet.
00:22:36 I want my $2.
00:22:39 [Music]
00:22:43 I'm telling you, something weird's going on.
00:22:45 Demand your MTV.
00:22:48 I want my MTV.
00:22:50 Whoa!
00:22:52 [Music]
00:22:58 Why?
00:22:59 [Music]
00:23:05 Ooh, I love your hair.
00:23:09 Yo, I have a question.
00:23:12 Excuse me, but that's proof.
00:23:14 Put the facts in the evidence.
00:23:16 Tell me.
00:23:17 [Music]
00:23:27 Dude is rocking cassette player.
00:23:29 Just relax.
00:23:30 I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for all this shit.
00:23:32 Don't tell me the reasons.
00:23:33 I said relax.
00:23:34 Hey, Mama's, Jamboree Crew, where's the beef?
00:23:38 Excuse me, miss.
00:23:40 What color's Michael Jackson?
00:23:42 Black.
00:23:43 Shit!
00:23:44 [Music]
00:23:49 Nick!
00:23:50 Sorry, excuse me, sorry.
00:23:51 [Music]
00:23:52 Nick, come on, man.
00:23:53 That's it.
00:23:54 Nick!
00:23:55 Nick!
00:23:56 Who the fuck is that?
00:23:57 That's probably Ashton Kolchak right now telling us we've been punked or whatever.
00:23:59 Okay.
00:24:00 [Music]
00:24:05 Hey, hey, guys.
00:24:06 I've got your luggage.
00:24:08 He's got both arms.
00:24:09 Get him!
00:24:10 [Screaming]
00:24:12 Hey, hey, hey!
00:24:13 [Grunting]
00:24:14 What?
00:24:15 Come on.
00:24:16 Check his arms.
00:24:17 Get him!
00:24:18 Are you raping?
00:24:19 Wait, hold on.
00:24:20 Are we raping him?
00:24:21 Nobody's raping anybody.
00:24:22 Where's your missing arm, motherfucker?
00:24:23 Hey!
00:24:24 That's my arm!
00:24:25 It's fake.
00:24:26 It's real!
00:24:27 It's got freckles on it and shit!
00:24:28 [Music]
00:24:37 Do I really gotta be the asshole that says we got in this thing and went back in time?
00:24:41 It must be some kind of hot tub time machine.
00:24:45 [Music]
00:24:48 Wow.
00:24:49 Look at this shit, man.
00:24:50 Oh, shit.
00:24:51 You have a bomb?
00:24:52 I did.
00:24:53 Eddie lives.
00:24:54 This shirt got me so much fucking pussy.
00:24:55 You wanna see what got a lot of pussy?
00:24:57 I gotta take a piss.
00:24:58 Holy fuck!
00:24:59 Were you Hunter S. Thompson?
00:25:00 Thought I was.
00:25:01 Is that coke?
00:25:02 What the fuck do you think it is, baby powder?
00:25:03 Wait, how is this happening?
00:25:04 Can we talk about this for a minute?
00:25:05 [Music]
00:25:11 Holy fuck, Winterfest '86.
00:25:13 We were here, man.
00:25:14 I mean, we are here.
00:25:16 What if we run into ourselves?
00:25:17 Guys!
00:25:18 We see ourselves and we blow up or explode or some shit.
00:25:21 Get in here!
00:25:22 Didn't y'all fucking see Tom Cot?
00:25:23 No.
00:25:24 We saw some shit.
00:25:25 Get in here!
00:25:26 Didn't y'all fucking see Tom Cot?
00:25:27 God damn it!
00:25:28 Get the fuck in here right now!
00:25:29 Nobody wants to see your giant shit, Lou.
00:25:31 What, man?
00:25:32 [Music]
00:25:44 Yeah, we're not gonna run into ourselves.
00:25:46 We are ourselves.
00:25:48 Why are we in our young bodies and you in your regular bodies?
00:25:50 I don't know.
00:25:51 Yeah.
00:25:52 Are you invisible or swimming around some guy's ball sack?
00:25:54 I know.
00:25:55 Because you guys exist here and I don't.
00:25:57 I know.
00:25:58 Hey, why are you flickering?
00:26:00 What?
00:26:01 What?
00:26:02 What?
00:26:03 Who flickered?
00:26:04 He did.
00:26:05 He's flickering.
00:26:06 I need you to touch my arm or something to see if I'm still real, okay?
00:26:07 Just see if you can, like, put your hand through me.
00:26:09 [Snap]
00:26:10 Ah!
00:26:11 Okay.
00:26:12 That's good.
00:26:13 I'm physically still here.
00:26:14 That's good, I think.
00:26:15 You look like kid in play.
00:26:16 It's actually two people.
00:26:17 I knew this trip was a bad idea.
00:26:18 Every time I hang out with you, man, it's some kind of shit storm.
00:26:19 I got guilted into coming on this trip and now I'm back in the fucking '80s and I hate
00:26:20 this decade.
00:26:21 Maybe it's your fucking fault, huh?
00:26:22 You're a fucking insurance salesman.
00:26:23 You're practically the devil.
00:26:24 Guys!
00:26:25 This is scientifically possible.
00:26:26 Oh, my God.
00:26:27 Okay, Professor Hawking, tell me in your robot voice how you're gonna get to the end of
00:26:28 this.
00:26:29 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:26:30 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:26:31 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:26:32 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:26:33 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:26:34 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:26:35 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:27:03 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:27:04 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:27:05 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:27:06 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:27:07 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:27:08 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:27:09 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:27:10 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:27:11 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:27:12 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
00:27:13 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
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01:11:12 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
01:11:13 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
01:11:14 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
01:11:15 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
01:11:16 I'm gonna get to the end of this.
01:11:43 I missed it again.
01:11:46 Where do you think he went?
01:11:49 Same place as last time.
01:11:52 Keeps me together at the seams.
01:11:56 I'm on my way.
01:12:02 I'm on my way.
01:12:08 Hey, John Lennon gets shot.
01:12:10 Wait, that already happened?
01:12:14 Lou!
01:12:16 Whoo!
01:12:18 They made it, everybody!
01:12:20 Whoo!
01:12:21 Best friends in the world.
01:12:23 Almost just in time.
01:12:26 My buddies.
01:12:27 Fucking chimney point, right?
01:12:29 Here we are.
01:12:31 Bottle of scotch, end of the night.
01:12:34 Where were you?
01:12:36 We were just-- we came--
01:12:38 No, not tonight.
01:12:40 Every fucking night.
01:12:41 Huh?
01:12:42 What happened?
01:12:43 We were gonna do shit together, man.
01:12:44 We were gonna conquer the fucking world.
01:12:46 Me and you.
01:12:47 And then you cut me off.
01:12:49 What was I gonna do, man?
01:12:50 I was gonna let you drag me down into your bullshit, Lou?
01:12:53 Yeah, yes, because that's what friends do.
01:12:55 No, they don't, man.
01:12:56 Because then there's just two people stuck in the bullshit
01:12:58 instead of your sorry ass.
01:13:00 Well, you gotta stick by your friends.
01:13:02 They're thick and thin.
01:13:07 Okay, great, great.
01:13:08 I got two things to say to you.
01:13:10 Okay.
01:13:11 Okay?
01:13:12 Number one, I hate you.
01:13:15 Got it.
01:13:16 Our friendship means nothing.
01:13:19 Is that the first thing or the second thing?
01:13:21 No, clearly that's still part of the first thing.
01:13:23 I mean, am I the asshole?
01:13:24 Did you get that?
01:13:25 No, I didn't get it.
01:13:26 He didn't get it.
01:13:27 He said, "Hey, I--"
01:13:28 Let's agree to disagree about the first thing.
01:13:30 Lou, where is the Chernobyl-y?
01:13:32 We need it to get back.
01:13:34 Where's the Chernobyl-y at, Lou?
01:13:36 That's all you ever fucking care about.
01:13:38 It's the first time you mention it.
01:13:40 Yeah, and even if we had mentioned it before,
01:13:41 it's kind of a fucking big deal, okay?
01:13:43 I want to go home.
01:13:44 Come on, Lou, let's talk about this inside.
01:13:46 I got a pair of shoes on.
01:13:47 It's cold out.
01:13:48 Who took my fucking shoe?
01:13:49 Blaine apparently beat your shoe off of you,
01:13:51 which I don't even know how that could fucking happen.
01:13:53 Okay, fuck it!
01:13:54 Fuck you, fuck you, and fuck you!
01:13:57 [glass shattering]
01:13:58 [all screaming]
01:14:00 Shit!
01:14:01 [all screaming]
01:14:04 Got you! Got you!
01:14:06 Oh, my God!
01:14:07 We did it!
01:14:08 Oh, shit!
01:14:09 Oh, there he is.
01:14:10 Oh, fuck!
01:14:11 I can't hold on!
01:14:12 Yes, you can!
01:14:13 Yes, you can! Hang on!
01:14:14 I'm slipping!
01:14:15 No, hold on!
01:14:16 I'm slipping!
01:14:17 Hold on!
01:14:18 Hey!
01:14:19 [all screaming]
01:14:20 [glass shattering]
01:14:21 Fuck!
01:14:22 [all grunting]
01:14:24 Oh, fuck!
01:14:26 We're dead, this is how it happens?
01:14:28 This is how he loses it?
01:14:29 Fuck it!
01:14:30 Fuck it, we're dead, man!
01:14:32 Let me go!
01:14:33 Luke, be positive!
01:14:34 [all grunting]
01:14:37 The roof is scrambling like nuts!
01:14:39 Damn, you're strong.
01:14:40 [all grunting]
01:14:46 You're all right?
01:14:47 I'm glad you guys are all right.
01:14:50 My fault.
01:14:52 Why are you doing shit like that?
01:14:53 Sorry, sorry!
01:14:55 Jesus.
01:14:56 I'm glad you're okay, man.
01:14:57 All right, here's the second fucking thing, okay?
01:14:59 Blaine's got the Chernobyl.
01:15:01 Let's just get it from him so we can get back to the present
01:15:03 so I can start never seeing you bitches again.
01:15:08 Hey, hey, hey, hey!
01:15:09 Hey.
01:15:10 How's it looking for you?
01:15:11 Where'd you go?
01:15:12 Oh, I had to go--my friend got in trouble, but I had to--
01:15:14 I'm leaving right now.
01:15:15 You're leaving right now?
01:15:16 Yeah.
01:15:17 That's not good.
01:15:18 I told you, I had two hours.
01:15:19 I gotta go.
01:15:20 Oh.
01:15:21 Uncle Adam, come on!
01:15:22 Who the fuck is that chick?
01:15:24 Hey, do you want to come with me?
01:15:25 Get her fax number and let's go.
01:15:26 I can't.
01:15:27 Yes, you can.
01:15:28 You can do whatever you want, man.
01:15:29 It's your life.
01:15:30 Well, I want to.
01:15:31 Good, then come on.
01:15:32 But I can't because my friend's named me
01:15:34 and I gotta show up for him, so I really--I can't.
01:15:38 Okay.
01:15:39 Uh, so what are we--I mean, to be--what happens?
01:15:44 I don't know.
01:15:45 I don't--I'm not really making any plans.
01:15:47 I'm just sort of letting the universe surprise me, right?
01:15:49 I like that.
01:15:50 I like that a lot.
01:15:51 That's the sign of a happy man.
01:15:52 Hey, bro, let's go!
01:15:53 Shit.
01:15:54 Um...
01:15:55 Why are you--
01:15:57 Maybe the universe will bring us together again.
01:16:00 I hope.
01:16:01 Casanova, let's do this!
01:16:11 Just, uh, turn it around and keep it running, okay?
01:16:22 Yeah, sure thing.
01:16:24 Okay, you go this way, I'll go this way.
01:16:26 No, I'm gonna do the opposite of everything you say.
01:16:28 Great.
01:16:29 I know which one is the plane.
01:16:32 Housekeeping?
01:16:37 Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.
01:16:47 ♪ There's no such thing as a good day ♪
01:16:50 ♪ There's a part of you that's in it ♪
01:16:53 ♪ Just a way that it goes ♪
01:16:55 ♪ And it's what nobody knows ♪
01:16:58 ♪ For every turn my child goes ♪
01:17:00 Where is it? Where is it?
01:17:02 Come on!
01:17:03 Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on!
01:17:06 Come on!
01:17:07 Panties, panties, panties!
01:17:10 What the fuck are you doing?
01:17:13 Why don't you shut your slut mouth and mind your own fucking business?
01:17:17 You disgust me.
01:17:18 ♪ Every time I see you falling ♪
01:17:22 ♪ I can't get my legs to stay ♪
01:17:25 I love how much you hate you.
01:17:26 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:17:30 I can't--
01:17:31 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:17:33 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:17:36 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:17:38 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:17:40 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:17:42 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:17:44 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:17:46 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:17:48 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:17:50 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:17:52 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:17:54 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:17:56 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:17:58 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:00 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:02 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:04 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:06 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:08 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:10 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:12 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:14 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:16 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:18 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:20 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:22 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:24 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:26 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:28 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:30 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:32 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:34 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:36 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:38 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:40 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:42 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:44 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:46 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:48 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:50 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:52 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:54 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:56 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:18:58 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:00 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:02 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:04 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:06 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:08 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:10 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:12 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:14 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:16 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:18 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:20 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:22 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:24 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:26 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:28 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:30 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:32 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:34 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:36 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:38 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:40 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:42 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:44 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:46 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:48 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:50 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:52 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:54 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:56 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:19:58 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:00 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:02 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:04 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:06 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:08 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:10 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:12 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:14 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:16 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:18 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:20 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:22 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:24 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:26 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:28 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:30 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:32 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:34 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:36 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:38 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:40 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:42 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:44 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:46 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:48 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:50 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:52 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:54 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:56 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:20:58 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:00 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:02 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:04 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:06 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:08 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:10 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:12 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:14 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:16 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:18 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:20 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:22 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:24 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:26 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:28 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:30 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:32 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:34 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:36 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:38 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:40 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:42 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:44 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:46 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:48 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:50 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:52 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:54 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:56 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:21:58 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:22:00 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:22:02 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:22:04 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:22:06 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:22:08 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:22:10 ♪ I wait so far, I try no more ♪
01:22:12 ♪ I can be your hero, baby ♪
01:22:14 ♪ I can be your hero, baby ♪
01:22:16 ♪ I can kiss away the pain ♪
01:22:20 ♪ I can kiss away the pain ♪
01:22:22 ♪ I will stand by you forever ♪
01:22:26 ♪ I will stand by you forever ♪
01:22:28 ♪ You can take my breath away ♪
01:22:32 ♪ You can take my breath away ♪
01:22:34 - Oh, God damn it!
01:22:38 None of what you said worked at all!
01:22:40 - Hey, let's kick these guys' asses
01:22:42 and get the shit and go home.
01:22:44 - Done. - No.
01:22:46 - No! - No!
01:22:48 [rock music]
01:22:51 ♪ ♪
01:22:53 - [screaming]
01:22:55 - That's not good!
01:22:57 - Get your number.
01:22:59 - [screaming]
01:23:01 ♪ ♪
01:23:03 - [screaming]
01:23:05 - [speaking Spanish]
01:23:07 - Did you just-- - [speaking Spanish]
01:23:09 - [speaking Spanish]
01:23:11 - [speaking Spanish]
01:23:13 - That's right, we are Russian spies!
01:23:15 - Yeah, 'cause I was just thinking Russian.
01:23:17 - He pulls that top, and this whole fucking place blows.
01:23:19 You guys count backwards from 50,
01:23:21 and then pull up the carpet and jump around.
01:23:23 - Oh, fuck you up.
01:23:25 - [screams]
01:23:27 - [grunts]
01:23:29 - Hi, Phil. Can we go back to the, uh, hotel?
01:23:32 - Yeah, sure. - Thank you so much.
01:23:34 - Five, four, three, two, one.
01:23:38 - Five, four, three, two, one.
01:23:40 - Play three, stop counting.
01:23:42 - Two, Chaz, this is an eight-corn-five situation.
01:23:45 If we stop counting, they're gonna blow us sky-high.
01:23:48 - Look, if it is a bomb, they've got it with them, all right?
01:23:51 If anyone's gonna blow up, it's them.
01:23:53 - Chaz, stop!
01:23:55 How long did our talking just take?
01:23:57 - I don't know. I wasn't keeping track.
01:23:59 - Fuck it! Let's risk it.
01:24:01 Move out!
01:24:03 - You're with me. You got a lot of risk in your hands.
01:24:05 - Get the fuck out of here.
01:24:07 - Let's go. Come on, Kelly. Let's talk about it later.
01:24:09 - All right, guys. You guys are all right?
01:24:11 - Hey, thank you, Phil. Enjoyed it.
01:24:13 - Rest of your vacation.
01:24:15 - Yeah. - We'd love to have you come back here
01:24:17 at the Silver Peaks Lodge. - Thanks. Bye.
01:24:19 - Thanks. Bye-bye. - See ya.
01:24:21 - All right, guys. Be careful. - Hey, watch out!
01:24:23 - [screams]
01:24:25 - Oh, God!
01:24:27 You guys see that? - Come on, man.
01:24:30 - Why would you fucking take that from me?
01:24:32 - I didn't take it from you. I didn't--
01:24:34 - What the fuck? - You guys see that?
01:24:36 - Oh, my God! - [screaming]
01:24:38 - It happened! - Oh, my God!
01:24:40 - It happened! - [screaming]
01:24:42 - Damn! - [screaming]
01:24:44 - Wait a minute. - [screaming]
01:24:46 - Ow!
01:24:48 - [engine revving]
01:24:50 - Come on! - Man down! Man down! Code 11!
01:24:52 - All right, everybody, grab your gear.
01:24:54 We gotta move.
01:24:56 - Later, Kelly.
01:24:58 - Bye, Mom. Love you.
01:25:00 Don't do drugs, okay?
01:25:02 - Bye.
01:25:04 - Aren't you coming to my room today?
01:25:06 - No, I gotta take my clothes off and get in a hot tub with these guys.
01:25:08 - Then I'm totally over you.
01:25:10 - Kelly, listen, it's been an interesting trip.
01:25:12 You're my sister, and I love you.
01:25:14 - I love you, too.
01:25:16 - Oh, and don't steal that caboodle makeup thing
01:25:18 from JCPenney, and you won't do any hard time.
01:25:20 I'll see you in 20 years.
01:25:22 - Uh, you're giving me a ride in the morning, right?
01:25:25 [upbeat music]
01:25:27 - Hallelujah!
01:25:29 Cannonball!
01:25:31 [explosion]
01:25:33 [water splashing]
01:25:35 - Oh, yeah! Let's get this party started!
01:25:38 - Yeah, bro.
01:25:40 [water splashing]
01:25:42 [explosion]
01:25:43 - Ah, holy shit! - Hey, look, it's happening!
01:25:46 Here it comes!
01:25:48 [explosion]
01:25:50 - Hurry up! I can see the 90s!
01:25:52 - Okay, look, why are you taking off your clothes?
01:25:54 - I don't know, man. It just feels right, you know?
01:25:57 Look at it.
01:25:59 Adam! Adam!
01:26:01 - I'm not gonna go! - What?
01:26:03 - I'm gonna stay!
01:26:05 - Don't fuck around. Let's go!
01:26:07 - I'm good here, man!
01:26:09 I had a good day!
01:26:11 I beat the shit out of that guy, finally!
01:26:13 I fucked your sister!
01:26:15 I can be a good dad!
01:26:17 I love you, Jacob!
01:26:19 - Fuck you!
01:26:21 - Little scamp.
01:26:23 They say the damnedest things, man.
01:26:25 - Come on, Lou, let's go! We'll talk about it when we get home.
01:26:28 - I was trying to kill myself!
01:26:30 [explosion]
01:26:32 - Well, I know, man. That's why we came here.
01:26:35 - If I go back,
01:26:37 I'm just gonna kill myself all over again, man!
01:26:40 I can't! - You're gonna stay?
01:26:42 - Guys, let's go!
01:26:44 - All right, well, if you're gonna stay, I'm gonna stay.
01:26:46 - You really do that for me? - We're best friends.
01:26:48 If you're staying, I'm staying.
01:26:50 Your bullshit's my bullshit, right?
01:26:52 - I'm your best friend?
01:26:54 - You are one of my best friends.
01:26:56 - I'll take that! - All right, well, you go, I'll be!
01:26:58 - Help me! - Thank you!
01:26:59 Oh, my God!
01:27:01 All right. Come on.
01:27:03 [screaming]
01:27:06 [screaming]
01:27:08 [screaming]
01:27:11 [screaming]
01:27:16 [screaming]
01:27:19 [screaming]
01:27:22 [screaming]
01:27:24 Holy shit.
01:27:48 This better be the last time Myers travels through time.
01:27:51 [grunting]
01:27:53 It's so good to see you.
01:28:16 Are we rolling?
01:28:20 Welcome back, bitches!
01:28:23 - Yes, sir. - Hello.
01:28:24 What took you so long?
01:28:26 All right, zoom out.
01:28:27 Yeah, that's a weird hair choice.
01:28:28 Uh-oh, look what Daddy did.
01:28:31 He looks like a lion.
01:28:33 Oh, hi. Didn't see you there.
01:28:36 Here's a question.
01:28:37 Was it morally wrong for me to exploit my knowledge of the future
01:28:41 for personal financial gain?
01:28:43 Perhaps.
01:28:44 Here's another question.
01:28:45 Do I give a fuck?
01:28:47 That's my father.
01:28:48 Hey, check out my girl.
01:28:50 You burned the fucking crab cakes again.
01:28:52 No, I didn't burn them because I like them that way!
01:28:56 I fucking hate you, Lewis.
01:28:58 I hate you too, baby.
01:29:00 I love that woman, man.
01:29:02 Those are my parents.
01:29:03 But seriously, a lot has changed,
01:29:05 so whatever happens, stay the fuck calm.
01:29:10 It'll all make sense soon.
01:29:12 [grunting]
01:29:15 [grunting]
01:29:17 Good morning.
01:29:23 Holy shit, Phil, you got both your arms!
01:29:25 Oh, yeah, I do.
01:29:27 That's incredible.
01:29:28 Yeah, what happened was a snowplow came along,
01:29:32 and it took my arm right off.
01:29:34 But the ski patrol came along, and they put it on ice.
01:29:37 Blaine and Chaz, Blaine and Chaz saved his arm.
01:29:39 We got 15 minutes before the thing dies, all right?
01:29:41 We're gonna put that back on you!
01:29:43 I'm pretty happy.
01:29:44 Looks great.
01:29:45 Anyhow, I have instructions on how to get home.
01:29:48 We know how to get home.
01:29:50 I know.
01:29:51 Mr. Dorchen anticipated that you might say that,
01:29:54 so I took the liberty of printing up some Google Maps for you.
01:29:57 You mean Google?
01:29:58 Google Maps.
01:29:59 What's the matter with you guys?
01:30:01 [laughing]
01:30:03 Fuck me.
01:30:05 So, Phil, if you want to find, like, a, you know,
01:30:08 like, porno or a restaurant review or anything like that,
01:30:10 you use Google?
01:30:12 I bet he's on the Statue of Liberty and shit, too.
01:30:15 [phone ringing]
01:30:18 You want me to go in there?
01:30:21 That's what it says on the map.
01:30:23 Call me later.
01:30:27 Hello?
01:30:31 [music playing]
01:30:35 Welcome back, Mr. Webber.
01:30:37 How was your time away?
01:30:38 Uh...
01:30:41 Hey.
01:30:42 How was the trip?
01:30:44 I think I'm...
01:30:48 good.
01:30:50 [music playing]
01:30:54 What the fuck?
01:31:10 [door opening]
01:31:11 Nick?
01:31:12 Baby, how was your weekend?
01:31:14 I wasn't expecting you today.
01:31:16 Hmm.
01:31:17 Baby, baby, baby.
01:31:19 Guess I'm gonna tell you.
01:31:21 I know about what you did with a guy named Steve.
01:31:24 Steve?
01:31:26 Our receptionist?
01:31:28 That Tyrese-looking motherfucker out there?
01:31:30 Baby, baby, wait a minute.
01:31:31 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:31:32 What are you talking about?
01:31:33 You think I'm fooling around?
01:31:35 First of all, I would never screw around.
01:31:38 And you remember I told you about that crazy wrong number I got when I was nine?
01:31:42 That man was so--
01:31:43 I love you, Courtney.
01:31:44 I love you so much.
01:31:45 I love you too, Nick Webber.
01:31:48 Nick Webber?
01:31:50 That's your name.
01:31:52 Yeah, it is my name.
01:31:54 Yeah.
01:31:56 You know my name.
01:31:57 Say it again.
01:31:58 Nick Webber.
01:32:01 Yeah.
01:32:02 [music playing]
01:32:04 Hey, Mom.
01:32:06 I made you a drink.
01:32:07 Is there alcohol in that?
01:32:08 Yeah, I believe there's still alcohol in scotch.
01:32:10 Talk about your lost weekend, huh?
01:32:14 I know, right?
01:32:15 Man.
01:32:16 Hey, family.
01:32:18 What are you faggots talking about?
01:32:21 Two handsome men.
01:32:23 Let me get you another drink, Dad.
01:32:25 Daddy's little buddy.
01:32:27 You know what I can't believe?
01:32:31 I can't believe we are here.
01:32:33 I can't believe we all made it.
01:32:35 Made it together.
01:32:36 A toast.
01:32:37 A toast.
01:32:38 Approximately three days ago, or 20 years,
01:32:40 depending on your understanding of the time-space continuum, Jacob.
01:32:43 Sitting here with you guys would have been my worst nightmare.
01:32:46 It's true.
01:32:48 But I can honestly say right now,
01:32:50 I'm very happy to be right here in this moment
01:32:53 with you, my best friends.
01:32:55 You're here.
01:32:56 Friends.
01:32:57 And family.
01:32:58 Yeah.
01:32:59 All right, cheers, cheers.
01:33:00 Past, present, and future.
01:33:01 Cheers.
01:33:02 Cheers.
01:33:03 It's illegal, huh?
01:33:04 Yeah.
01:33:05 Illegal.
01:33:06 Just this multi-billion dollar thing I did for a while.
01:33:09 My real passion's music, though.
01:33:11 So pissed the band broke up.
01:33:13 Band?
01:33:14 What band were you ever in?
01:33:16 [MUSIC - THE BATS, "TREEMAN"]
01:33:18 You know I'm a treemer, but my heart's of gold.
01:33:34 I had to run away high so I wouldn't come home low.
01:33:40 Just when things went right, doesn't mean they were always wrong.
01:33:46 Just take this song and you'll never be left all alone.
01:33:53 Take me to your heart, feel me in your bones.
01:33:59 Just one more night and I'm coming on this long and winding road.
01:34:07 I'm on my way, I'm on my way, home sweet home.
01:34:19 Tonight, tonight, I'm on my way, I'm on my way,
01:34:27 home sweet home.
01:34:30 You know that I've seen too many romantic dreams.
01:34:40 Open lights falling off the silver screen.
01:34:46 My heart's like an open book for the whole world to read.
01:34:53 Sometime nothing keeps me together at the seams.
01:34:59 I'm on my way, I'm on my way, home sweet home.
01:35:09 Yeah, I'm on my way, just set me free, home sweet home.
01:35:23 [instrumental]
01:35:31 [instrumental]
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01:36:07 [instrumental]
01:36:13 [instrumental]
01:36:19 [instrumental]
01:36:25 [instrumental]
01:36:31 [instrumental]
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01:37:09 [instrumental]
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