Le mafie nell'era digitale. Nuove metodologie per sconfiggere l'invisibilità nel web.

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - A Palermo una giornata di incontri tra esperti, giornalisti, avvocati e magistrati per lo studio di nuovi procedimenti contro le mafie ormai sempre più tecnologiche. I ritardi nel varare leggi adeguate creano sempre più difficoltà nelle investigazioni da parte degli inquirenti. Criptovalute e Bit-coin rendono sempre più difficile intercettare le ricchezze accumulate dalle organizzazioni criminali.


00:00 Palermo is facing the topic of the evolution in the digital era of organized crime
00:05 in an agreement organized by the Magna Grecia Foundation.
00:08 A day dedicated to the topic of the evolution of mafias,
00:11 now expert in the widespread and capillary use of digital tools that favor criminal activities.
00:18 The mafias are now gentling violence,
00:21 they are now able to combine both analog and digital reality.
00:30 Today they are able to invest on illegal trading platforms,
00:36 they use cryptocurrencies,
00:38 they have hackers, computer pirates,
00:42 who manage to steal money through activities that were previously inconceivable, such as phishing.
00:50 New currency and monetary means are widely used to increase profit.
00:55 For example, in the use of mining, phishing,
00:59 all things that are strange names, I realize,
01:02 but they are accumulators of energy that produce, for example, bitcoin,
01:07 because everyone knows bitcoin but they don't know where they come from.
01:10 Cryptocurrencies with which very often you negotiate with other countries in exchange for quantities.
01:17 What role can artificial intelligence play?
01:20 Everything we are talking about is artificial intelligence,
01:22 because with algorithms, with these systems,
01:25 in real life, for example, you negotiate a game of drugs by paying in cryptocurrencies,
01:31 there is no bank or financial passage,
01:34 because it is all in the letter, this artificial intelligence.
01:38 The event took place in two moments.
01:40 In the morning, Fabrizio Frullani, deputy director of DG2,
01:43 moderated the interventions on the subject of the presence of organized crime on the web,
01:48 with attorneys, lawyers and magistrates.
01:50 The historical approach of living or considering the mafias only from an analogical or digital point of view
02:01 is a limited approach, because organized crime has both sides.
02:07 The general of the armed forces, Pasquale Angelo Santo,
02:10 already commander of the forces of the Cabinieri, in video link,
02:13 focused the investigative difficulties to be faced in the action of contrast
02:18 to violate cybernetic invisibility in the world of transactions and the recycling of illicit money.
02:24 And how to stay in the clutches?
02:26 The infiltration of the clutches was needed to control and serves to control the territory,
02:30 the infiltration on the web is the new model of territory control.
02:34 In the afternoon session, moderated by the journalist Elvira Terranova,
02:38 chief of the DN Cronos agency,
02:41 the subject of the related and risky aspects that the presence of the mafias in the digital era involves was addressed,
02:47 considering the current legislative vacuum in the matter.
02:50 All this phenomenon seems to be excluded from the national legislation, not only from the national legislation.
02:58 So there is a need for a comparison, to open a debate,
03:02 to give the legislator the appropriate points so that this can intervene with punctuality.
03:09 Also Artur Gaiarsa is a guest, judge of the Federal American Court of Appeal,
03:14 who has urged the urgency to unify the specific laws between the states
03:18 to better understand the investigative strategies,
03:21 helping the legislators to work with punctuality on new and unexplored worlds,
03:27 which have increasingly dangerous and strong mafias.
03:30 I hate insect feed.
