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(Adnkronos) - Spazio Europa a Roma ha fatto da cornice alla seconda edizione del premio ‘Energie per Roma 2025’, un importante riconoscimento organizzato dal Centro Europeo di Studi Culturali per celebrare l’impegno e il talento dei singoli cittadini, delle attività imprenditoriali e delle associazioni che si sono distinti nel campo artistico-culturale, sociale, imprenditoriale e del volontariato a Roma.


00:05Recognizing and valuing the commitment and talent of single citizens,
00:09enterprises and realities of the third sector,
00:12who have distinguished themselves in the artistic, cultural, social, entrepreneurial and volunteering fields,
00:17contributing to making Rome a more dynamic and solidary city.
00:22Based on these foundations, the prestigious Energie per Roma award,
00:26designed by journalists and university professors Fabio Pompei and Alessandro Alonji,
00:30organized by the European Center for Cultural Studies.
00:33Energie per Roma is that force that gives dynamism to society.
00:40They are often activities that take place in the dark, in silence,
00:45but what is brighter than those who work to give glory to their city,
00:49than those who work to make their city more and more in step with the future.
00:54It is an honor for me to be here.
00:56The 2025 edition of the award is sponsored by the European Parliament
01:01and by the Lazio region, the Italian Confederation of Union of Intellectual Professions,
01:06presented at the CNEL, and the CESE of Bruxelles,
01:09the italiani.it Foundation and the I-Campus University.
01:13I think that the Energie per Roma was born from a particular fact.
01:19Those who are born and live in Rome are immersed in a cultural and artistic heritage
01:24that inevitably is imprinted in their very being.
01:28So we have the principle of harmony, of beauty, of proportions,
01:32of amazement, of innovation and also of the conservation of what has been
01:38in our cultural genome of Roman citizens,
01:41who are somehow also citizens of the world,
01:44because here, for Rome, everything has really happened.
01:48I think it is a collection of the most genuine and positive experiences for the city of Rome,
01:54which perhaps do not have, let's say, important scenarios,
01:58but which, like little ants, tearfully contribute to the life of the city.
02:03Among the institutions, the City of Rome is also present.
02:06It is a beautiful manifestation.
02:09Our city is interested this year in an extraordinary event
02:13which is the Jubilee of 2025, the Jubilee of Hope,
02:17as the Holy Father has renamed it.
02:20And there are so many energies that are in our city every day,
02:25under the social profile of volunteering, business and many other aspects
02:32that make our city more beautiful, strong and welcoming.
02:36Among the awards, Francesco Vaia, former director of the Spallanzani Hospital of Rome,
02:40and Elker Di Laid Faria, from the Keith Clinic in Tirana.
02:44It is the recognition, a great job done by my colleagues,
02:49led by me at the time of the Spallanzani,
02:52to get the country out of the pandemic.
02:55It was a great contribution, but we obviously needed the courage,
02:59the passion, the dedication of the Italians,
03:01who all fought together and we defeated the virus.
03:05So, in my opinion, energies are the future of humanity,
03:08the future of this city, the future of all of us,
03:11especially when these energies are represented by the initiatives of young people.
03:16This is a very important award for me,
03:19and it is very important not only for my career,
03:23but also for our everyday activity.
