Czech Senator Meets With Taiwan's Legislative Head

  • last year
Czech Senator Pavel Fischer has met with Taiwan's legislative speaker You Si-kun, part of a three-day visit to the country. Fischer, who also heads up the Czech parliament's foreign affairs committee, was awarded a Friendship Medal of Diplomacy by Taiwan's foreign minister, Joseph Wu.
00:00 Czech Senator Pavel Fischer has met with the head of Taiwan's legislature, Yoshi Kuhn.
00:06 Fischer is the head of the Czech Republic's Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee.
00:10 He's in Taiwan for a three-day visit.
00:12 Fischer earlier met with Foreign Minister Joseph Wu,
00:15 who awarded him with a Friendship Medal of Diplomacy.
00:18 Wu cited Fischer's help with arranging the Czech Senate president's trip to Taiwan in 2020,
00:23 the first of its kind in decades.
