Marquette's Win Over Texas: Key Takeaways, Chase Ross Impact

  • last year
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:03 - And last night in Milwaukee,
00:05 Marquette standing tall for the Big East.
00:08 A 21 point victory in a top 12 tilt over number 12 Texas.
00:13 Number eight Marquette wins by 21, 86-65,
00:18 easily cruising to a cover
00:20 as an eight and a half point home favorite.
00:22 John, what was your main takeaway
00:24 from the Golden Eagles victory last night
00:26 over the Longhorns?
00:27 - Well, I expected Marquette to bounce back
00:29 after losing at Wisconsin on Saturday.
00:32 And we saw Tyler Kolick in vintage form.
00:34 He looked like obviously what he is.
00:36 That's the first team all American,
00:37 but we also saw a big game in reserve
00:41 from Chase Ross for Marquette.
00:43 And I was texting back and forth with the Marquette staff
00:46 before I got on with you this morning.
00:48 It's interesting when you look at Chase Ross' potential role
00:51 for the Golden Eagles during his career, Ben,
00:54 when Chase Ross scores in double figures,
00:57 Marquette is a whopping 12 and 0.
00:59 And to me, a big part of the evolution
01:02 of this basketball team is his progression,
01:05 because I think that Chase Ross this year
01:08 could have the same type of role for the Golden Eagles
01:11 that we saw David Joplin have for Marquette last year.
01:15 David Joplin, obviously now in the starting lineup.
01:17 And for Texas, let's be honest right now,
01:19 this is an incomplete product.
01:21 The Longhorns are still playing without Dylan Desue,
01:25 who would obviously piece nicely next to Caden Shedrick
01:28 up front.
01:29 I'm hearing he's going to be targeting
01:30 at the return in late December,
01:32 but we all remember Dylan Desue last year
01:34 in the NCAA tournament.
01:35 In the first two games that he played before injury,
01:38 averaged over 22 points and 10 rebounds per outing.
01:42 I don't think there's any doubt
01:43 that if Dylan Desue was healthy,
01:45 Texas probably would have been in the final four.
01:47 So you can't judge Texas without Dylan Desue.
01:51 But right now, when you look at that resume,
01:53 the best win is over Louisville at the buzzer,
01:56 thanks to Max Aisman sitting a game winner at the Garden.
01:59 (upbeat music)
02:02 (bells chiming)
