“I Prep for Christmas Four Months Early – I Preserve Vegetables Ready for the Day and It Doesn’t Cost Me a Penny”

  • last year
Credit: SWNS / GubbaTV TV

Meet the woman who lives outside 24/7 and eats ROADKILL so animals don't "die in vain".

Manders Barnett, 32, has been living in a tent for the last four years and has always felt her "heart and soul belongs to nature".

She left her job as a wildlife technician behind when she met a man living a nomadic lifestyle and felt a pull to join him.

They travelled 500 miles from Idaho to Oregon, in the US, living off-grid together – but she has since separated from her friend and is living alone.
00:00 Everybody's happy, including the chickies and myself.
00:03 I absolutely love this applesauce.
00:04 That time of the year to make some
00:07 homemade canned cranberry juice.
00:09 First thing I'm gonna do is wash them
00:11 to get them ready for canning.
00:13 I will be using wide mouth pint jars.
00:16 I am simmering the lids here for sterilization.
00:18 I'm also gonna simmer my cranberries in water.
00:21 I just feel like this makes the juice taste better,
00:22 but this isn't a necessary step.
00:25 You don't have to do this,
00:26 but I'm gonna use 3/4 cup cranberries per pint jar.
00:31 So I'm just gonna fill up the jar like that
00:33 and then add an 1/8 cup of sugar
00:35 and then fill up the water to a 1/2 inch head space
00:39 and then use a rag with white vinegar to clean the rim
00:43 so it doesn't impede the seal with the lid.
00:46 Put the lids on, put the jars in the canner, get it boiling,
00:50 and then I'm gonna put the lid on
00:51 and can these for 25 minutes.
00:55 After they're done, I'm gonna take them out
00:56 and let them sit on the counter for 24 hours.
00:58 Then after four to six weeks,
01:00 when they're this dark and beautiful color,
01:01 they are able to enjoy.
01:02 Come and make some homemade applesauce with me.
01:05 So I had all these farm apples just hanging out
01:08 and I was like, why not make some applesauce?
01:10 Yum.
01:11 I used ground allspice, cinnamon, and clove
01:14 to spice up my applesauce.
01:15 The first thing I did was wash my apples,
01:18 but then I was like, I'm peeling my apples,
01:20 so why the heck do I need to wash them?
01:22 So I think that was the only apple batch that I washed.
01:25 You can also use bruised apples like this.
01:27 I did because these bruised apples,
01:29 even though they're damaged, they're perfect to me.
01:31 And then you chop up the apples like I did here
01:35 and you're gonna put all of your apples into a pot
01:38 and then take that pot, put it on the oven,
01:40 put some water in there to keep your apples from scorching.
01:43 And then for about 20 minutes,
01:44 you cook the apples till they're soft.
01:46 And then you take a masher and you mash them up
01:49 to the consistency you like.
01:50 And I don't know about you, I like chunky applesauce.
01:53 I added all of my spices right here.
01:55 I almost lost the lid to the cloves.
01:57 That would have been so bad.
01:59 But clove, so stinking yummy.
02:01 I love clove, 100% would recommend
02:03 adding it to your applesauce.
02:05 And then here's me posing with it.
02:05 It was so yummy.
02:06 The best part is all these apple peels
02:08 get to go to my chickies.
02:11 They are so spoiled.
02:12 I put some other greens on there.
02:13 Like, I don't really eat greens, so they get my greens.
02:16 Here comes the chickies.
02:17 I think everybody's happy, including the chickies and myself.
02:21 And I absolutely love this applesauce.
02:23 Okay, bye.
02:24 (upbeat music)
02:26 (upbeat music)
02:29 (upbeat music)
02:32 you
