• last year
A fuming householder claims the Royal Mail is refusing to deliver his post - because his dog is 'too loud.'

Neil Leaks, 62, says he has only had three letters in six months since moving into a new flat after his postman complained about ten-year-old Buddy's barking.

Mr Leaks, from Ipswich, Suffolk said he's missed doctors appointments and health documents due to this, and had to collect his Ipswich Town Season Ticket in person.


00:00Hiya, I'm Neil Leakes. I moved in here six months ago with my dog Buddy. A couple of
00:12days after moving in, Buddy was walking around the flats. He'd just moved in and the postman
00:19came in and Buddy barked at him loudly and since then the postman said that he's scared
00:27of dogs. He shouted at me abusively and said that he was scared of dogs. People said they're
00:32scared of him. I understand that. They won't come because he barks. He doesn't bite, he
00:37barks loud. But all dogs bark. I've had no post since then. I've missed appointments
00:45because of them. I've had to pay extra for my ticket for the Liverpool game, for my season
00:50ticket because they've lost everything. Not only me, my neighbours, they've lost post
00:56as well. One of them has gone across the road to get their post delivered there because
01:02he won't deliver. And when we've asked him, he says, I'll never deliver. He's never attacked
01:06him. He's never ever chased him like he said he has. So I just don't understand what's
01:13wrong. He's a 10 year old. We don't know what it is. We call him Heinz 57. He is so cuddly
01:20as unreal. He likes to play. He doesn't like walking out much, as you can see. We can play
01:26games. We can fight each other, don't we? We stick together. If I leave the house or
01:31flat or whatever, he'll bark. He'll follow me to the door. So yeah, he's absolutely loving.
01:40He's like a five year old, to be honest, sometimes. Like the kids, they'll shout, Buddy, Buddy,
01:47woof, woof, and he goes out. So I'll let him walk in to the garden or whatever. Because
01:52at the end of the day, I'm paying the rent. So why can't he walk around? Everyone say
01:58on comments and whatever that I shouldn't let him out walking. He's a dog. So I built
02:04a gate up and since then, the post haven't been delivered. It's, well, tell a lie, sorry.
02:09It's delivered a couple of times, but only when they want to. Only when I complain, I
02:14have to phone them up. I've phoned them up so many times. I've had a phone call this
02:17morning from them. I missed it because I'm dealing with other problems. I'm looking after
02:21him all the time. But he saved my life a couple of times, literally. I had some rice
02:27stuck down my throat and he barked so loud that my neighbor come and save me. We ended
02:32up getting to the hospital and I was in hospital in intensive care and everything. That was
02:37really scary, but he saved my life. And he's done it this morning as well because I have
02:42fits and that, and he barks and barks until I come awake. But how can someone be scared?
02:50And they're not delivering my post at all. I've tried and tried everything, contacted
02:54everybody I can. The council, the labor council, they've, they've contacted them. Management
02:59came out and said, he's fine. There's nothing wrong with him. He's okay. But the postman
03:04just won't deliver. I just don't understand why he won't deliver.
