गायत्री श्​क्तिपीठ तैयार करेगा सुपर 100 युवाओं का समूह, समाज के रचनात्मक कार्यों में निभाएंगे भूमिका

  • last year
गायत्री श्​क्तिपीठ तैयार करेगा सुपर 100 युवाओं का समूह, समाज के रचनात्मक कार्यों में निभाएंगे भूमिका
00:00 And you can make it wear very expensive gold. I believe that if the whole of Madhya Pradesh is filled with gold, then 5000 diamonds can be stolen from Madhya Pradesh.
00:14 5000 diamonds can be stolen from Madhya Pradesh, and can be thrown in a garland and can be worn around our neck.
00:28 Friends, there is very less time. So, I will finish my talk in a very short time.
00:36 The first thing is that we are sitting at the door of the New Year's Day of 2024.
00:44 10-20 days are left.
00:47 We have to make 2024 as the year of Youth Union and the year of collective progress.
00:53 We have to make a youth union in every corner of the district.
00:59 We should not delay making a super 100 group in our district level.
01:06 We should fix a target, a time line that we should complete it in 2 months, 15 months, 4 months, 6 months or 8 months.
01:16 We should make a super 100 group of 1 woman, 1 group of 1 woman.
01:23 We should have 100 girls from every district.
01:27 If we go to the whole district and if there are 6 development centres in the state,
01:33 there are 333 development centres in one district.
01:36 There are 6-7 development centres in one district.
01:39 We have to reach every development centre.
01:42 And by this time, our youth union will be ready.
01:47 This super 100 group is also a youth union.
01:51 Gurudev has written that the union starts with 5 people.
01:55 There are two types of things found in Guruji's scriptures.
01:59 One is that when he was making the union, he said something.
02:02 He said that 1-10, 1-10.
02:06 Every person's duty is to have 10 people in front of him.
