• 2 years ago


00:00 - This is the new season.
00:01 I think the fans are loving it.
00:02 How are you enjoying just watching it back
00:04 and reliving this experience?
00:07 - I watch these things back and I'm always like,
00:10 did I say that?
00:10 I don't even remember any of that.
00:12 I'm so it's like, you know, a whole new, you know,
00:15 discovery for me when I watch, 'cause I remember nothing.
00:18 I leave, I come home and I forget all about it
00:20 and I just wipe it out of my brain.
00:23 - Do you feel like the cast is gelling
00:25 kind of better than ever now that you guys
00:26 are three seasons into the same group of ladies?
00:30 - Yeah, yeah.
00:30 It's easier when you know the people that you're working with
00:35 like I understand everybody's personality now.
00:37 I know what they're capable of,
00:40 how far they're gonna go, how to push their buttons,
00:42 how to make them laugh.
00:43 You know, you understand that of course you gel better
00:46 when you understand the personalities around you.
00:48 - Right, well, you're not really gelling that well
00:50 with Adriana, fair to say.
00:52 - No, she's not gelling with me.
00:54 I'm always just like, cool.
00:56 - Okay.
00:58 Where do you feel like the turning point
00:59 of your relationship was?
01:00 'Cause I know you guys didn't really stay super close
01:02 before season four and then things have gotten
01:05 kind of worse than ever.
01:06 What do you think is the turning point?
01:07 - Well, we weren't super close before that.
01:10 She was always very mysterious, traveled a lot.
01:14 Alexi and I were super close.
01:15 We've been friends since 2001.
01:18 And then we would see Lisa here and there.
01:20 We were a little closer with Lisa than Adriana.
01:24 I don't know, she just decided she just didn't wanna
01:26 be friends with me anymore.
01:28 I don't understand why.
01:31 You need to ask her that question.
01:33 I'm usually just on the other end of being blindsided
01:35 by some kind of crazy comment or anger she has towards me.
01:40 - Right, well, it seems like her side of the story,
01:42 obviously, you know, two sides to every story,
01:44 but her side seems that you guys didn't stay friends
01:46 with her when she was going through the divorce and stuff.
01:48 What's your response to her saying that?
01:50 - I mean, so nobody even knows when she got divorced
01:53 because in 2016, I was, oh, sorry, I lost you.
01:58 Hold on.
01:59 I went to, where are you?
02:01 Oh, are you there?
02:04 Okay. - Yes, I'm here.
02:05 - I was, I saw her, and I would say to Alexi,
02:09 this is way before COVID.
02:10 I just saw in the last episode,
02:12 she said she got divorced during COVID.
02:15 In 2015 and '16, she was traveling the world single.
02:18 No one ever saw Frederic again.
02:20 And I remember going to London with my then boyfriend
02:23 who apparently, she said all those things
02:25 that she said about.
02:26 I told her to come meet us out.
02:29 We met out in London.
02:31 She was alone and single.
02:32 She hadn't been with Frederic for years.
02:34 So I don't know what she's talking about
02:35 when she said she had this horrible divorce.
02:37 She was living her own life for many years before that.
02:41 I never saw him again after season three.
02:44 - Right, and it seems like the timeline
02:45 of that whole relationship is a little confusing
02:47 'cause didn't they maybe get married before
02:49 they got married officially?
02:51 - I mean, it's all very messy translation
02:55 and nothing matches up.
02:56 So I'm a good friend.
03:00 I've been here having my friendship with Alexia
03:03 and Lisa comes and goes and we never heard from her.
03:06 And that's her story now that we abandoned her.
03:08 So ridiculous.
03:09 - Start of the season, you also had a rocky beginning
03:13 with Julia and she kind of picked a fight with you
03:16 at Alexia's party.
03:17 How blindsided were you by that?
03:21 - Well, so in the moment I was kind of laughing
03:24 on the inside, but she just kept going and going
03:28 and going until I snapped.
03:30 But you kind of only see like a short engagement.
03:33 There was a lot of, and I'm like laughing at her
03:36 and laughing in her face and then finally I snap.
03:38 But Adriana was pretty much sitting on her lap
03:43 like a parrot going, "psst, psst, psst, psst."
03:46 I mean, I knew that she, it was so obvious to me,
03:48 "Okay, you're gonna behave tonight.
03:50 "So you're gonna have Julia do your dirty work."
03:53 And so that's why I was laughing.
03:55 I'm like, "This is so obvious.
03:56 "I'm watching this, right?
03:57 "You guys are horrible actresses, by the way."
04:00 - Yeah, you felt like that was kind of a coordinated attack
04:02 on both of them against you?
04:04 - Of course, of course.
04:06 That's her bestie in the group.
04:08 And she comes out of nowhere also.
04:11 They have that tactic of coming out of nowhere
04:13 and picking a fight for no reason.
04:14 - Yeah.
04:15 Did it hurt you that your bestie Alexia
04:18 kind of didn't stand up for you publicly in that moment
04:20 and she took a back seat?
04:22 - Well, so what I was observing that night,
04:26 she was talking to all of us
04:27 and her back was to the front door
04:29 and she kept turning around.
04:30 Like every time someone walks through the door,
04:32 she would turn around.
04:32 I think that she kept thinking
04:34 Todd was gonna walk through the door.
04:36 She was very distracted that night because he wasn't there.
04:39 And I understood that because I know her so well.
04:42 I could read her eyes.
04:43 She was physically there, but mentally she was not there.
04:47 So she would, no, I didn't get upset about it.
04:51 - Have you gotten the full story
04:52 of why Todd was absent from that party?
04:54 Because she says one thing, Todd says something,
04:56 but then Adriana says that he told her
04:59 that she's not the problem.
05:00 And Lisa kind of reiterated that.
05:02 - Right, well, I only know what he said.
05:05 And he said he didn't want to be in the same room with her
05:08 and he didn't want her under his roof
05:10 'cause she had made comments about Frankie
05:13 and he's just not a fan.
05:15 - Yeah, understandable considering that incident last year.
05:19 What has your reaction been just about this whole
05:22 Gertie and Larsa situation?
05:24 Gertie's very upset with Larsa.
05:27 Larsa feels like she came from a good place
05:28 when she told you and some of the other women
05:30 about Gertie's diagnosis.
05:32 What's your reaction just how all of this has developed?
05:35 - I mean, I didn't know it was gonna blow up this bad.
05:40 I really didn't.
05:41 And Gertie's been really upset about it.
05:46 When I heard the information,
05:47 I didn't think it was coming from a place of gossip.
05:49 I thought that she just was kind of,
05:52 she said to us, look, she doesn't want me to say anything,
05:55 but I guess she couldn't.
05:57 It was becoming too much for her to hold in.
05:59 So she shared it with us.
06:00 And I didn't think that she mentioned it in a mean way
06:05 against Gertie, but it blew up in a horrific way.
06:08 I really didn't expect this to blow up this way.
06:12 - Yeah.
06:13 What do you make of Gertie saying
06:14 that she was testing Larsa with that information?
06:17 - That's wild.
06:20 I mean, I'm guessing that Gertie knew
06:24 that Larsa was gonna repeat it.
06:26 So she set her up to repeat it, basically, right?
06:30 - Yeah.
06:31 - So then essentially I asked myself,
06:33 well, if you know she's gonna repeat it,
06:34 then why are you so angry that she repeated it?
06:36 'Cause you knew that she was gonna do it.
06:38 - Yeah.
06:39 - So much so that you tested her on it.
06:42 The whole thing's been like crazy.
06:44 It's crazy.
06:45 - It is.
06:46 And why do you feel like Gertie told us,
06:48 some of the women at that point,
06:50 then told Larsa, then waited for some of you,
06:51 like, how do you feel about how she went
06:53 about spreading the information?
06:55 - She told the people she felt most comfortable with.
06:58 I mean, I'm not that close to Gertie at that time.
07:01 And I mean, there was Alexia,
07:02 and I don't know what her relationship was with Lisa.
07:05 So, and I thought her and Larsa,
07:08 I know that her and Larsa were more friendly
07:10 than Alexia and I were with her.
07:14 So I don't know, I guess she just did it
07:17 however it felt best for her.
07:19 - Yeah.
07:21 Who of the newbies do you think you've gotten closest with
07:23 of Gertie, Paul, Julia, and Kiki?
07:26 - Well, since the first season,
07:31 and the last three seasons, it's been Kiki.
07:35 Kiki the most.
07:36 And you'll have to watch to see what develops
07:40 with other new girls.
07:41 - It's been fun seeing Kiki have a bigger role this year.
07:44 - Yeah, yeah.
07:47 She kind of was always a little down
07:50 'cause they didn't use her that much.
07:51 And so I felt like we all, like Alexia and Larsa,
07:54 and I kind of took her in and gave her a lot of advice
07:57 and told her how to be and not be afraid
08:01 and be a little more assertive.
08:02 And now we've created a monster.
08:04 - Right.
08:05 - As you can see.
08:06 - Kiki's coming hot and hot next week, it looks like.
08:08 - Yeah, totally.
08:10 - What do you feel about Lisa?
08:14 Certainly repeats Lennie's name a lot around Jodi.
08:18 How do you feel just as her friend
08:19 about her doing that a lot?
08:21 'Cause it seems like some of the women
08:22 have had it up to here maybe with that.
08:24 - Well, I just, you know, Lisa's in a very,
08:29 you know, in an optimal situation,
08:32 if that's the word to use,
08:33 that she actually found somebody so quickly
08:36 and who's really caring and loving.
08:39 A lot of women have to go through that alone.
08:41 It's really hard.
08:43 And so she's got this great guy and he's very supportive
08:45 and I want her to preserve that.
08:47 I think we're all coming from that place of, you know,
08:51 Gerty and I both told her,
08:53 you know what, why don't you talk to a therapist
08:55 and unload everything on the therapist
08:58 or call us, unload on all of us.
09:00 And so then maybe when you go home,
09:01 you don't feel like you have to say and explain
09:04 and share everything with Jodi,
09:05 'cause you want, we want you to do, you know,
09:08 preserve this relationship.
09:10 And we want it to have longevity
09:11 because we want, you know, what's best and healthy for you.
09:15 And he seems like a really good, great guy,
09:17 but like I said before, you don't wanna tire someone out.
09:21 You know, he's gonna want things to be about him
09:24 because it needs to be about him.
09:26 He needs to feel loved also and nurtured.
09:31 So I think I'm trying to give her good advice.
09:36 I'm trying.
09:37 - Yeah, no, I think you're making sense.
09:40 I think it's always a telltale sign
09:41 when someone has to keep talking about something,
09:43 it's clear that they're not over it.
09:45 They haven't processed it.
09:46 And it is a traumatic situation for Lisa.
09:48 So I do think her talking to a professional is probably-
09:53 - Well, yeah, like if you just wanna vent
09:55 and get it off your chest,
09:56 do it with anybody and everybody but your partner.
09:59 And maybe only share certain things with him.
10:02 Maybe ask him for his opinion on how should I handle this
10:05 and make him feel like he's needed
10:08 more than a sounding board.
10:09 I don't know, just, you know, talking out loud here with you.
10:13 - I agree.
10:14 You gotta relay this message to her
10:16 because I actually think it's some wise advice from you.
10:19 - I did, I did.
10:21 But she was like, "I don't wanna talk about it."
10:23 - Yeah.
10:24 Yeah, how are you enjoying having Marcus Jordan on the show
10:28 and just being around him and Larsa?
10:30 - Marcus?
10:32 Oh my God, he's so nice.
10:35 He's the best.
10:36 Have you met him?
10:37 - No, I-
10:38 - Have you done an interview with him?
10:40 - No, at BravoCon,
10:41 but I didn't have a chance to talk to them together.
10:43 - He is just so lovely and cool and chill and nice.
10:48 We're the same Zodiac sign, me and him.
10:50 So every time I see him, I'm like, "What's up, Cappy?"
10:52 And they're like really good together.
10:54 He looks like he's madly in love with her
10:56 and she's just floating around in the heavens
11:01 like he's her God.
11:03 They're just really good together.
11:04 - Well, this means your birthday's coming up now.
11:06 - Yeah, yeah.
11:07 I'm the ninth and I think he's New Year's Eve, I think.
11:10 I don't remember.
11:11 - Happy early birthday, Marisol.
11:13 How are you celebrating?
11:15 - I'm gonna be in Switzerland.
11:16 We're leaving for three weeks,
11:17 so I'll be there with my husband.
11:19 - Oh, beautiful.
11:21 I've been to Switzerland.
11:22 Where are you going?
11:23 - We're going to Zurich and St. Moritz.
11:26 - Okay, awesome, awesome.
11:27 - My husband's mother's Swiss.
11:31 - Oh, amazing.
11:33 It's exciting.
11:34 - Yeah, I've never been to Switzerland.
11:36 - Yeah, I've only done Interlochen,
11:38 but it's beautiful there.
11:39 Very, very pretty.
11:40 What else can you tease about what's coming up
11:42 for this season?
11:43 What fans are gonna witness?
11:45 - A lot of crazy arguments.
11:51 I felt like every time I walked into a scene,
11:53 everybody was screaming about something.
11:56 There was always something chaotic happening.
11:58 I came home with a migraine every day.
12:00 Every time I got together with the group,
12:03 I would come home and my husband would come home.
12:05 He's like, "Why are you laying in the dark?"
12:06 I'm like, "Don't turn any lights on.
12:08 "I have a blistering migraine."
12:10 Everybody was screaming today.
12:12 There's a lot of chaos and disagreements.
12:16 And then there's a lot of fun too.
12:18 - Yeah, that's the mix of Miami
12:20 that I think the fans love,
12:21 is there is fun and there is drama.
12:23 And you women are all genuinely friends for the most part.
12:26 That's what-
12:27 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
12:30 - How are you enjoying just being a third season
12:32 and as a friend?
12:33 Do you mind the role?
12:33 I mean, you're a friend of,
12:35 but you're a main character, I feel like.
12:38 - Yeah.
12:40 I don't even think of myself as I'm this role or that role.
12:43 I just, I do it.
12:46 I show up.
12:46 I have a lot of fun doing it.
12:47 I really enjoy what I do.
12:49 And I don't think about what I'm not.
12:52 I'm just living in the moment,
12:54 trying to have a good time.
12:55 - Yeah.
12:56 - And I feel very blessed that I get to do this
12:58 'cause I really do enjoy doing it.
13:00 - Yeah, and it's a lot of fun to watch.
13:02 My last question, how was your experience at BravoCon?
13:04 Who did you bond with?
13:06 Who did you meet that you had never met before
13:07 that you enjoyed?
13:09 - Oh, right.
13:10 I had a great time.
13:12 You know, two people that I had not met before
13:17 that I really liked a lot were Krystal Minkoff.
13:19 She was very sweet, very lovely.
13:22 And Heather Dubrow.
13:24 - Yeah, Heather's great.
13:26 - Cool, yeah.
13:27 We got to watch Capricorn too, I think.
13:29 - You and Heather would throw a great combined party
13:32 'cause I've been to a Heather Dubrow party in New York City
13:34 and she's a great friend.
13:36 So I think you guys throw a good party together.
13:38 - Yeah, yeah.
13:39 Well, I used to throw parties for a living.
13:40 I love doing parties.
13:41 I do like over the top stuff, not my gay brunch.
13:45 I'm gonna polish that up.
13:46 It's gonna be better next year.
13:48 - That's fine.
13:48 Except half the shows didn't get an invite, no?
13:51 - No, well, I mean, two nights before Julia's arguing
13:55 with me, she was supposed to come to gay brunch.
13:57 That's obvious, right?
13:58 But I thought, well, that's not gonna work.
14:00 And I don't want Adriana there.
14:02 So that kind of, you know, cut it in half.
14:06 - Oh, and then also, 'cause I'm just remembering,
14:09 have you spoken to Nicole since her dad passed?
14:11 That was shocking.
14:12 I can't believe it.
14:13 - Yeah, I know.
14:14 That was sudden and unexpected.
14:18 I texted with her.
14:19 Yeah, I texted with her.
14:20 And, you know, obviously said, listen,
14:23 my mom had a stroke and was incapacitated
14:28 for a very, very, very, very, very long time.
14:31 Anyway, I said, you know what?
14:32 She's up there waiting for him.
14:34 She's gonna take care of him
14:36 because she loved crazy people
14:37 and they're gonna have cocktails together.
14:38 Trust me.
14:39 We had a nice exchange, yeah.
14:41 - Good, yeah.
14:42 I know your mom's definitely up there
14:43 having some cockies watching all of the craziness
14:46 in Miami unfold.
14:47 - Oh, she comes with me to film all the time.
14:50 And she was with me at BravoCon.
14:52 People were coming up to me saying,
14:53 I feel your mother here.
14:54 People were dressed like my mother.
14:56 I was just telling someone else that in the morning,
15:00 I would have my makeup done every morning
15:03 with the same team as Dorinda.
15:05 Dorinda one morning said to me,
15:06 I jumped with your mother last night.
15:08 And I said, she's gotta be here.
15:09 Everyone keeps talking to me about her.
15:11 She must be here.
15:12 You know she's not gonna miss
15:13 any kind of celebrity gathering.
