2024年1月1日起落实 海外网购低价商品征10%销售税

  • last year
新闻报报看 | 经常网购海外商品的朋友,要特别留意这则新闻了。关税局今天发文告宣布,从明年1月1日开始,从国外网购价格低于500令吉的商品,将被征收百分之10%的销售税。(主播: 庄文杰、黄宇恒)


00:00 The "will come" will come, everyone.
00:02 Those who often buy overseas goods online,
00:04 please pay special attention to the following news.
00:06 The Tax Administration issued an ad today to announce that
00:08 from January 1st next year,
00:10 goods that are bought from overseas for less than 500 RMB
00:14 will be charged a 10% sales tax.
00:17 As for why it said "the will come" at the beginning,
00:20 it's because this tax-charging measure
00:22 was originally intended to be implemented in April this year.
00:25 But later, the Tax Administration announced that they would be "declaring",
00:28 and it is now very certain that it will officially open on the first day of 2024.
00:32 According to the report,
00:33 the low-value goods defined by the Tax Administration
00:37 refers to goods from overseas.
00:39 If goods are sold at a price of less than 500 RMB on an overseas online shopping platform,
00:44 and are brought to China by air, sea, or land transport,
00:50 or if local e-commerce companies import low-priced goods from overseas and ship them back to China,
00:54 they will have to pay a 10% sales tax.
00:57 But it does not include cigarettes, tobacco, alcohol, and e-cigarettes,
01:01 because these products have been charged other types of taxes.
01:05 Okay, let's use a simple example of online shopping to explain it to you.
01:09 Starting from January 1st next year,
01:11 if you buy a watch worth 200 RMB from overseas through an online shopping platform,
01:17 then this watch will be charged an additional 10% sales tax.
01:21 In other words, you have to pay the cost of a watch worth 200 RMB
01:26 and a 20% sales tax.
01:28 If the shipping cost is 10 RMB,
01:30 then you have to pay a total of 230 RMB.
01:33 Some of you may have this question.
01:36 If I dare to buy it before 2024,
01:40 but my goods are shipped to Denmark only next year,
01:43 will I also be charged a 10% sales tax?
01:47 The answer is no.
01:49 As long as it is a low-priced overseas goods purchased before January 1st next year,
01:54 it will not be charged a tax.
01:55 Anyway,
01:56 please don't think that the government only locks low-priced goods to charge a tax.
02:02 This is for the small citizens.
02:04 In fact, if you buy overseas goods worth more than 500 RMB,
02:07 the government has already charged a tax.
02:09 The tax may be sales tax, service tax, or import tax, etc.
02:13 In general, this measure allows the government to expand the range of tax on goods.
02:19 In addition,
02:20 the officials of the Tax Administration have already explained that
02:22 the purpose of charging a tax on low-priced goods purchased overseas
02:26 is to allow local merchants to compete fairly with overseas online shopping platforms.
02:33 Otherwise, overseas online shopping products do not need to pay a tax.
02:36 The price is of course relatively low.
02:38 The goods sold by local merchants also contain taxes.
02:41 So the product price of local merchants
02:44 will naturally lose competitiveness compared to foreign ones.
02:48 [Music]
